but if you're a true fan you have already read the damn books and don't give a crap you're just excited to read something new. Please enjoy at your own risk.

Clip 1
Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) and Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) are bent over an antique light blue motorcycle. Jacob wears jeans, a brown t-shirt, and his hair is long. As Bella sits on the motorcycle, Jacob guides her hands (touching!) over the handles. "Brake. Clutch. Gas," he reminds her. Bella revs the engine. "Slowly release the clutch," says Jacob.

Suddenly, Bella sees the translucent apparition of Edward, a concerned look on his face, standing in front of her. We can see him, but also see through him. Bella takes off on the bike.
As she zooms down the road, Bella gains speed. She zooms by another apparition of Edward, standing in her path. She speeds by another. Losing focus, Bella swerves and falls from the bike, hitting her head on a rock.
Jacob speeds over to Bella on his own bike, coming to a stop with a flourish. He hops off the bike and rushes to Bella's side. She is bewildered, and blood gushes from a gash on her forehead.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Jacob asks. Bella apologizes for the blood, but it doesn't bother Jacob.
He takes a step back, the camera following his every move. Jacob strips off his shirt, revealing a six-pack, and bends down to dab Bella's wound with it. Their faces come very close.
"You're so beautiful," she tells him. Emotion flashes across his face.

Unveiled at the close of the panel, Chris Weitz introduced the pivotal Volterra scene:
Clip 2
Alice and Bella are winding through the streets of Volterra, slowed by massive crowds of townspeople in red robes, celebrating the festival. Bella jumps out of the car.
"You're the only one he can't see. He'll be under the clock tower. Go!" says Alice.
Bella races through the crowded city. We see her at times in slow motion.
She fights her way through the crowd, stopping at the fountain in the middle of the square. In slow motion, she looks up to see Edward, slowly unbuttoning his shirt just moments away from revealing himself in the sunlight. He opens his shirt to expose his pale chest. (And his abs. Very nice abs.)

Unveiled at the close of the panel, Chris Weitz introduced the pivotal Volterra scene:
Bella screams out to Edward. "Stop! Stop! No Edward, don't!"
He takes a step forward.
Source- RottenTomatoes.com
Thanks to Rocio for sending me the link.
Dani you forget that this is Robsessed. You don't need an excuse to post a pic of shirtless Rob! Lol!
Woohoo for the shirtless pic!! Now I wanna see the clips!!
I found this on youtube...
i'm hoping sometime they put up the scenes...
OHHHHHHH ROB ....ow ow owwwwwwww
I know, I shouldn't howl, but he's so sexy.
He sure worked hard to get his abs in shape.
Bet he's dying for an IN AND OUT burger though, huh? lol I'd buy him one!
I want video!!!!!!!
I was there. Team Jacob lost it at the first clip and then I and and all 6,500 people lost their SHIT at the second clip. Pandemonium! I have never screamed so long or so hard in my entire life. I kept babbling "OH MY GOD" in my sister's shoulder for the next seven minutes.
November is so far away!
did u record it? the clips i mean?
Sharon you are a brave woman....
are you deaf now? :)
I'd love to see Rob in person....you went to a lot of trouble, but I bet it was great seeing him.
So jealous. GLAD YOU HAD FUN. Tell us more...
CAMERA PHONE !!!!!!!!!
thanks for thinking about your sisters here just, all alone, with no ROB in our lives...
so twi-fans has this picture of
'NEW MOON PARTY SUPPLIES'. cups and plates and napkins.
I saw those party things, funny as and there is a Edward Valentine card that plays clare de lune.
Hey, Tempatation - other Melb/Aussie robobsessors, I'm working on a booking for gold class at the Jam Factory if your interested. And perhaps we should have these plates and stuff:)
It sounds like we may be able to book a theatre to ourselves for $30 a head, during the day if we have 10 people or more. I have about 3-4 so far:)
Anyone who was at comic-con - does he glow, did you feel that gravitational force a journo was talking about a few days ago?
How are those intense eyes in person? Atre you concious of real - blueness?
Does he look real lanky and tall?
Hi to the Aussie Robsessors (while the others should be asleep by now)...I got home from work early and just feasted for the past 2 hours on all the videos and other links and it is oh so fantastic to see and hear Rob in this sort of environment, especially the press and backstage interviews.
I thought Kristen was nervous but the passion for her acting came through strongly. Taylor is very articulate (others call it rehearsed) and Rob is as adorable and disarming as he ever was, but his intelligence and maturity comes through in leaps and bounds.
I see heaps of Robsten chemistry but won't upset others by speculating...I suppose my views are a bit clouded by a Robsten ff I'm reading at the moment which is quite plausable (Beyond Twilight).
Kespax, I'd love to come to Melbourne to see NM if I get a chance...give me a date and I'll keep an eye out for some good airfares.
So they showed Taylor's and Rob's abs to make both team Jacob and team Edward happy, I think it was a smart move from Summit LOL
Dani when it comes to Rob's six pack, don't worry about spoilers! :)
Plus if you go into the history of this blog, there are plenty of pics of the Volturri scene being filmed in May and Rob's lovely abs!
i don't know if you're allowed to post the youtube links of the clips, but they are on youtube now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_EUZWb9CZw&feature=channel
Hi Georgie:)
OMG It's killing me suffering at work waiting to check out all the goodies from today, can't check clips till I get home.
I got a email back from village cinemas telling me we need at least 32-48 people to book out a gold class theatre - due to MASSIVE INTEREST in this film. Interesting, sounds like people are hounding them to pre-book tickets already. I'm on a list they will send me details of release night etc.
Found New Moon Comic Con on youtube.
new moon clip # one shown at comic con:
new moon clip2
Kespax, sounds great! But a group booking might be good enough coz it's a big ask to try and get numbers to book out a whole cinema. At least everyone will be over 18 and if those Youtube clips of the previews are anything to go by (a HUGE thanks btw to Cami for the links), there's a lot of screaming. I never saw Twilight on the big screen, in fact I've never seen Rob on a big screen such is my deprivation!
Oh my goodness - I'm lucky we have a retro art deco theatre near work that screens Twilight every few months or so.
They are trying to get How to Be and Little Ashes - no luck so far, I love this theatre.
can someone please tell me if they had added the "sparkly" effects to the italy scene?
Somehow, having only the text and no visuals, made this seem 10x more exciting!!! I'm so looking forward to seeing New Moon!!
@ Kespax, I promised my daughters a shopping weekend to Melbourne so it'll be on the proviso that they have to sit with me through Twilight on the big screen, ha ha (they'd seen it at the movies and weren't too impressed after reading the books, not even with Rob!)
Lori, the quality of the Youtube clip isn't good enough to see the sparkly effects; I've just tried to get onto the NM official website but get a black screen -hopefully they're uploading it as we speak!
Georgie count me in, maybe put me in for 2 I will drag the 16 year old with me who is obsessed like me. If you need numbers she goes to a snooty private school and I can get those numbers for you no trouble, and I promise they wont scream or screech. I also wanted the script for RM how do i send you my email??? I have been laying off tonight to be honest I love the clips and Rob is so sexy and intelligent it is breathtaking. All the Robsten speculation gives me the SHITS, I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but they are analysing their every move "are they aren't" it is a little annoying. To me they look like actors having fun and are passionate about the movie they have made together.
SORRY Kespax I meant it to be for you and not Georgie, this is so hard to keep pace with, escpecially after a bottle of champagne with my girlfriend. Typing not so good.
OMG Lucerne THanks!!!This movie is going to kill me!!! I can't wait!!!!!!
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