Smile Watch 2009: Rob on set 07/14/2009

I feel like a mom watching if her baby took his first dump :)

Thanks to the always fabulous and best gossip site for the pix :) Check 'em out for all your gossip needs :P

Photo Credit: Splash News Online



Unknown said...

lol I nearly wet myself at your heading

margot said...

speechless ...

Haystackhair said...

sigh. what am i going to do with myself when this movie is done filming? I may actually have to work. LMAO at the heading Goz!

Anonymous said... sweet! I bet Rob would find the comparison hilarious!

ESPECIALLY since he totally doesn't get why we find him so sexalicious!

Dahlia said...

Open a few more buttons for us Rob! ♥

Alison4828 said...

LMFAO!! So visual...

enjoykim said...

@ han-x-walker

Yeah,wanna see more of his hairy chest..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok, we can be happy again...for now...

margot said...

is it me or the body guards are also NOT immune to Rob's charms ?
Do they actally hug and touch every celebrity so often (= all the time) and with visible pleasure ??
Ha ????

Alexandra said...

LOL at the heading! I nearly spit my water on the keyboard :D

margot said...

off the topic ....

I'm watching the banner (beautiful as always) and I think the Rob's photo on the left, my new fav, is the face of Edward from Wide Awake IMO
what do you think ?

Haystackhair said...

OHHHH yes margot!!! BTW, is WA ever going to be finished? :( I'm dying for an update, unless I've missed it somehow.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could smile after partying with my "boys" the night before. Rob's a real hard working trouper. He is trying SO HARD to not fuck up. GAWD I wish he could just go off and get smashed for a week with his friends. IT WOULD BE SO GOOD FOR HIM to relax and chill for a little while. He's trying SO HARD to do his gig. I am in awe of his patience. I'd have gone ballistic on the papz asses by now and my fist would be seen on the camera lens and I'm NOT a violent person. But you can only push a person SO FAR....... Rob has been so "COOL". I couldn't do it.
I hope all his friends hug the shit out of him....

Loisada said...

He's up for sale ladies! Let's pool our resources and get him for Gozde! (I'll bet she'll share!)

"How much is that Robbie in the window?
The one with the waggely tail?
How much is that Robbie in the window?
I sure hope that Robbie's for sale!

sj said...

@ Haystackhair - Did you not see the teaser for WA chapter 50 that Angst Goddess released? She's promised it would be done sometime in the next week or so. I'm with you - I can't WAIT for more!!

Loisada said...

Latchkey & Haystack: Either of you ladies know if Angst Goddess ever went past chapter 2 with Geminis and Gypsies? Have a hard time finding her updates after the problems she had getting her Web page hacked.

Cindeeloo said... I havn't read any fan-fic and you ladies have me sooo curious??? Can someone plez give me the link to WO (sounds interesting!!) pretty please.

Cindeeloo said...

Ohhh.. my bad I guess it's WA.

Anonymous said...

Yup, I'm just getting into the FAN FIC too. LOVE IT! Works for ME!
AMEN to great writers with dirty minds and great imaginations!

I have found my peeps.....I belong with you all....
LOVE you guys!

heather said...

OMG! Check out Rob in NEW underwear shot!

Hi I'm new. I love Rob.

Anna said...

cindeloo - here's the link to the author's page.

I'm not a fanfic addict, but WA really is pretty good :)

sj said...

@ Cindeeloo: Go to Twitarded or my blog (click on my name) for links to the smutty fan fiction goods! I usually post links on Fridays.

Anonymous said...

thanks be to thee.....of Robbeth underwear watch.

GORGEOUS. Lip and finger porn AND the tummy and undewear all in one shot.

GRASPS HEART..........cough cough sputter sputter...
H E L P M E ....

Cindeeloo said...

Thank You LB....xo

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
heather said...

Oh my pleasure! You ladies make me laugh every night. I'm peeking out of the closet, with my hidden obsession that is Rob. Ahhh if I only I were ten years younger.

Anonymous said...

errr underwear....wrong spelling.

I don't know my name after pictures like THAT.

Can you say "CTRL" key and "C" key to save? I knew that you could.....

He gets more beautiful every hard drive just sighed again. THANKS ROB.

Cindeeloo said...

@ Thank You Latchkey....I will definately do that.....xoxo

Is Twitarded your blog? If it is I absolutely love it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

heather.....welcome to Rob cougar obsession anonymous. COME OUT OF THE CLOSET.
We know you are in there.....put DOWN the Rob pics in US magazine and come into the daylight with the rest of us cougars. :)

Isn't it GREAT? ahhhhhh

anna F said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anna said...

heather, your link does not work for me... needless to say, it is HIGHLY frustrating... ;)

anna F said...

Lovely picture, thank you Heather!

(in case you missed it: *_*)

the underwear showing is a nice touch, but I also think the overall pic is a perfect example of great Rob candid!

See how perfect his frame is shown, tall and thin. and sexy hips! (I never know if one can say that about a guy, but he is the perfect example -especially here).

Whenever he wears costumes, and we can see his waistline thanks to the shirt tucked inside, it also makes my heart flutter~

And welcome to public robsession! it's much more fun than lurking (and even lurking is fun, we all went through that~)

anna F said...

*hug for LB*

somebody with a pic account needs to help her out~ ;_;

Cindeeloo said...

I was in the closet for such a LONG time....Feels sooo good to be OUT!!!!

So Thank God for this blog (@ Goz,Dani of course!!)

Now I'm officially LATE for work!! (one of the down-sides)lol

Bye Ladies

Anonymous said...

We are EXPERTS in our field of Rob picture summation. :) I have a degree in Rob-ology.

Anna said...

*hugs anna back*

niiiice pic... way to help a robsessed sister :)

heather said...

why yes...YES IT IS! :D
First I want to unbutton those pants....

enjoykim said...

LOL @ Rob-ology

margot said...

@ haystackhair

I wanted to answer but I can see everything is clear :))))
I am also waiting patiently ....
watching the Edward on the banner, the one to the left :)))

"Of Gemini and Gypsies " has never progressed further than chapter 2 , I hope for it now ....

RPnKSaddict said...

I don't think he knows just what he does to us by leaving that first button undone...... the blue on him.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh god, more underwear shot and finger/oral porn...

Lovely! god I want this man!

Anonymous said...

Ah the button fly pants.....the BEST. lawd have self. GAHHH GAHHHH COUGH.

Anonymous said...

AND I DO SO LOVE THIS pair of Ray Bans like these better because you can see his eyes from the side!
The heavier Ray Bans hide him better. I love to see his eyes and eyelashes beneath his glasses from a profile shot.

Do you concur ladies?

anna F said...

well, since we are sharing pictures: look at that one (got it from imdb):

*new clothes alert*

Anonymous said...

BESIDES...I just love Rob in "retro" looking glasses. He is such a retro man...I love that about his music and other areas too. He is way beyond his years.....I can't think of him as 23. I just can't....He seems older. His literature taste is more mature also.

heather said...

I have been trying to contain myself the past few days...first the suit and then this glorious capture of that lickable belly...there is no hope!

enjoykim said...

Nah,like the other Ray Bans better.

His boxers seemed to be fruit of the loom...

anna F said...

Debbo, it's true that you can see his *I'm jealous I want the same* eyelashes from the side.

I remeber the 1st time I saw those old rayban models, I was like: where did he find those? His father's?
But I'm now so used to them, I could hardly picture him with sleeker more modern glasses now. Well, he is oldschool and so 90ies in his clothing style anyway LOL.

Anonymous said...




ahhhhhh robb.....come here and let me cut the tag off of ya sweety. HEHEHEHEHHE

Maybe he's 23 after all. :)


Anonymous said...

Anna.....those glasses go as far back as the 50's. James Dean wore Ray Bans. Many of them did. They are NEVER out of style and are timeless.

I have a knockoff tortoise shell pair of Ray Ban look-a-likes. I've always worn them. They look good on EVERYONE. But he just makes them, mind blowing.
ahhhhh I love his retro lean....

Anonymous said...

I agree the OTHER ray bans are sexier, but these allow more Rob eye peaks.

He wears Hanes too and designer brands I've seen on him in photo shoots.

anna F said...

His clothes remind me of the 90ties (plaid shirt + holes in jeans... and sometimes dock martin's (or look alikes).
But I didn't know that the glasses' model were this old for sure!

heather said...

@ Anna I saw that too! Hmm...maybe he was so preoccupied he forgot it was there? HA! Don't blame him...

Thanks to Goz for this wonderful blog!

Anonymous said...

Ok...dinner time, I'm talking too much. He's just so adorable....sigh. The button fly jeans, ray bans, belly showing and tag left on jacket is too much for me.....he's just ABSOLUTELY LOVABLE!
We love you Rob.

sj said...

@ Cindeeloo - No Twitarded is not mine, but I love them too!

Sam said...

ok- so i am at Panera Bread trying to log on to the socialitelife-(whatever that site is called that the rob pics come from) website and it is blocked- it is considered "PORNOGRAPHY" hahahahaha

Sam said...

well... apparently, so is splashnews! hahaha

anna F said...

@ Sam:
your parental control filter knows its stuff: Rob is always dangerously stimulating... too much to handle for underaged beings.

Sam said...

hahahah i guess so! he is pretty damn hot!

anna F said...

Joke aside, I hope that you'll be able to fix this glich soon.
It must be annoying.

that's why I have never activated mine here, I wouldn't know how to override it when I want to... Besides not having chlidren in the house~

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO on the tags on his back-god he need someone to take care of him!

I'd be happy too-wash, iron, dry clean, sponge bath, clip toenails, beat down pappz, whatever he needs I'm there!

maha said...

he looks amazing as usual with this beautiful smile

thanks GOZDE for the pictures

thanks Heather for the hot pictures of Rob

he is really yummy

Shani said...

OMG. Goz you did not go there.Oh shit...pun intended. ROTFLMAO

Unknown said...

whoa ladies the banner and the underwear pics just gave

u are so right margot the banner pic is how i visualize Wide Awake edward

Haystackhair said...

@Latchkey Wife and Loisada-ACK!!! No i didn't see chapter 50 teaser, or that it will be coming. SQUEEEEE! and I don't believe Geminis and Gypsies went beyond Chapter 2 that I have seen, tho I wish it would, she is amazing as a writer. If you guys see either of these, PLEASE clue me in!!! Can't look at that banner now without thinking of WA Edward margot!!!!

Sam said...

anna- thanks for letting me know- so i could have still used their site even if i don't register?

Haystackhair said...

And forgot to mention that little patch of belly and happy trail has killed me for the thousandth time....I AM ROBDIED.....

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Have to admit, I'm missing hearing/seeing interviews...what is Rob thinking anyway? How is he really doing? I MISS YOU, ROB!

rpgirl27 said...

If you follow the link to her livejournal acct the teaser is on pg 47 of the comments for chap49 pt2
she said she would have chap 50 and epilogue posted before Comicon
don't know about G&G but I hope she continues that one too

kespax said...

Oh yeah that banner sure is WA Edward.
Did you hear Angstgodess is going to be at the Comicon thing, with other FF writers?
I can't wait for the Wide Awake final chapters - the absolute best ff I have ever read, she's amazing.

What else have you read or are you reading?

I love Ladders & anything by Marve; Jandco & ooolala stuff.
One Day Out West is really good - moody cowboy Edward is hot, and it has the best Rosalie ever - she's so freakin cool a gunslinging wild woman & I just love her, Jasper is a very cool gunslinger too.
Currently reading the funnies thing - Family Therapy Cullen Style - it's awesome.

Pet73 said...

Good morning all!

It's much nicer to start the (working) day when the first thing you see on your computer screen is a smiling Rob ;).

He always makes me smile, too!

Oh, and I think, the Cannes Ray Bans are back again :p!

phosphorus said...

I can't see the pictures, guess my browser just fainted, probably due to Rob's beauty. Stupid software.

Anonymous said...

Loved Rob in the blue shirt that was blown up to show his sweet happy trail. :) Nice picture to look at before going to sleep. He looks so good in blue.

Kick the papz ass rob baby.....don't take any shit.

night all/morning all.

anna F said...

Good morning ladies!

@ Sam:

the websites sociallife and splashnews seem to work perfectly fine for me, and I am not registered there ^^

(sorry for the late reply, I went to bed...)

Diane said...

There is something seriously wrong with the world when I'm not nestled in that chest hair.

Treasure_7 said...

Rob looks great as always in these pics.

Melanie said...

I've really tried to be a good girl and not drool over every picture that is posted. I've failed miserably.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


I gotta get me some of that...
I would love to taste those luscious lips.... hmmm hmmm... dream on right?

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