Robward's make up is SO much better this time around. I am still campaigning for Eclipse to hire Remember Me Make Up team 'cause
bloody, bruised Robler looks heart breakingly real!

You can order the bookmark for $3.98 from
tvmerch.comThanks to
CarinaOlsen for the tip :)
yep, the make up is definitely much better here :)
The New Moon Make up is better.
I agree tho, NM's makeup is far better this time around... But whoever is doing RM is phenomenal!
he didn't look 17 at Twilight to me either
he looks a man (that he actually is) not a boy
makeup is very good this time
even if I do not consider neither Twilight saga and SMeyer's writing nor Twilight the Movie - very good .... they still have mysteriously magical influence on me, bad makeup (or bad whatever) or not
Isi ... nice to see your avatar, I've always liked Dalis craziness ... have you ever seen his photo similar to your avatar but instead of flowers he had ... a dead fly ? gross and great :)))
To margot,
I'm from germany. I don't understand everthing here. Sory!
But i'm a huge Dali- an Frida Kahlo-Fan!!
I love his Art, and i really want to see Little Ashes.
Nobody can call that man a boy!
@ Isi :)))
I know you are my neighbour - I'm from Poland
your Englisg is well
I have always loved Dali and Frida
I saw Little Ashes and it is a really good film
Your avatar = Dali with flowers on his moustache but there is another photo = Dali with a dead fly on his moustache, funny
You are my life now.
Could you hold my place in this here book about karma sutra
yea. that's it.. that's it..
thanks, kitten.
cutecandy27: You said it,that man is definitely NOT a boy anymore!! The last time I think he looked boyish was when he was Cedric in HP. Now he is growing into a hot,sexy MAN!!!!!
Much better makeup this time around; and the Remember Me makeup artist, I agree with you ladies, is phenomanal (sorry, can't spell).
The makeup is much better, but I think it helps that his hair is not so ridiculously high this time. The boufant (to use Rob's word) has been downsized. Thank God!
I like the make up much better,and the hair isn't so sculpted,I'm sure Rob's happy about less Boufant.
Hmmm....looks like I'm going to be getting a new bookmark...
Makeup and hair do look much better, although I'll miss the "boufant" LOL
i'll miss the boufant too ♥
btw: i think that photo had appeared but with the Cullen Family first
Margot: I immediately thought the exact same thing. 17 is so far gone at this point. The schnexy Rob featured in Twi is no manchild. If they'd let his adorkable side show now and then, the boy might shine through. But the Rob here is all virile male. At least Edward's animal/monster side is coming across now! I have a hunch he's going to look breathtakingly frightening this time! Rrrrrrrr......
I'd say makeup-costumes--DIRECTOR-the whole look of the film is BETTER- (going by the trailor)
Thank you Jesus, because ...well I won't go into the extreme disapoint I felt walking out of the theater the first time I (we all)saw Twilight
Yes no boufant! At the prom scene-Edward walks into the prom with his hair not that high... when they dance in the gazebo its gained like 3 inches of height! Don't hair and makeup people keep track of what the actor looked like between scenes? Like take pictures.. for continuity... geeze.
he looks in pain! I WISH he was 17.
thats would help me a lot more.
OMG!!I love this bookmark Edward/Rob looks so dangerous, dark and sexy. Love this man!!!
Hmmm, new bookmark in my future. Yum. And honestly, I hardly think of Edward as 17 anyway...
everything is better in new moon I think cause there's more money involved..but I'm with u GOZ RM's make up is much better
and he definily not look 17 anymore..i think he looks more young on RM than in NM coud be because of the clothes???that's my opinnion
I kinda liked the boufant :( plus his haire was so short when they're filming NM
i would really like a generic one of Robward and Kribella..just made that up =], so i could use it for all my books. not one that says twilight or anything. just one that has a pic of them. maybe when BD comes out they will have a good one of the wedding scene or something.
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