Robert Pattinson Hot-Adorable-Sexy in NYC 07/13/2009

How can someone be so sexy and so adorable at the same time?

Thanks to TwiFans and BauerGriffinOnline :)



anna F said...

Rob! *_*

With the crowd in the backgroud, one could almost believe that he is again in Cannes...

rpattzdude said...

he is so damn hot in that suit grrr

Suz said...

I have a new addiction....


Where is the off switch?

Bellanieve said...


Haystackhair said...

ROOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR. GAH. Cougarness out of control. I need to get my claws and my paws on him.

Treasure_7 said...

He does look so hot in a suit! Rob can just pull off any look. Dress up or Dress down or casual. He is just so gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Damn. There's another list to add
to the robporn: LEG PORN!!
I'm telling ya, he is God's gift to women!!
Now excuse me while I drool some more
and die robsession style!

Thanks Goz!!

@anna F:
You're right it is like he 's in Cannes
again. Minus the BGs. THOSE guys really
know how to do their job guarding Rob.
Although, I wouldn't mind doing it for free.
I'll pay my own air-fare, food, accomodation, and
the whole enchilada. ~_^

Anonymous said...

A.) Rob.....nuff said *sigh)

B.) crappy cheap suit...eww..

C.) what's the guy w/the green back pack carrying in there...a stun gun....policman pepper spray?

Just Jamie said...

He looks like my husband in that suit... Hey, I just got the best idea I'll probably have all week. Since he looks like my husband, and I look like Kristen Stewart, we should do an exchange. Grown-up exchange students! Why haven't I thought of this before!

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