Okay maybe the roof isn't tin but Rob being on it definitely makes it HOT :)

If someone could get impregnated by a stare, we'd all be knocked up right now :)


Check out EverGlow for more :))
If someone could get impregnated by a stare, we'd all be knocked up right now :)
Check out EverGlow for more :))
he should be shirtless here!! :))) but maybe he was too shy to do that.. as always.. shy rob is wonderful rob though :P
Thanks Gozde ;)
Wow!!! That's the way to get away from the fans. LOL Film on a rooftop. Love the guitar picture. Is he going to sing in RM? Wouldn't that be wonderful?
Thank you Goz Muah!
HaHaHa Goz....
"The Robler Boomers"
Do you think that those working around him are just as much in "AWE" as WE are? I love to see the expressions on faces when the're looking at him!!
When am I going to get ENOUGH of this MAN!!!!
(im hopeless)
Oh. and Goz, Thanks for the help yesterday. I was srsly in a state of panic. I still get some empty square but not ALL!!!
Luv Ya
Now i'm really concern... Should i came to the movies with mi hubby? I don't want to, i want to see this movie alone. Bye the way, yes he should film this part shirtless. Aggghhhh. My boss is really worry about me, he's asking me what happend to me today! So bad. LOL
I was totally fine until I got down to the ones with the guitar...the guitar and the cigarette...I still don't understand how pictures of Rob can have an emotional effect on me...LOL
I was being so good and not looking at the RM pics again, until Monday, when Rob's undies decided to be photographed...oh well
Goz, Did you ever hear back from Regent on that email that I got from Cinemark?
OK, I admit it. The only picture I saved is the one with him bending down & his pants are falling off. I'm pathetic. Is that woman right behind him? Is his backside her view? So glad it's not me, because I would be doing something very, very bad to him right now. With both hands.
Holy Cow! I seriously thought we would not see any pictures since they are shooting rooftop. Guess papz always find a way. I'm torn should I be thankful or what. Such guilty pleasure.
Hot Rob, on a hot rooftop-shirt needs to come off....smoking a cig, strumming a guitar-all we need is a cold beer and it's heaven!
microphones are extremely phalic. i will drag my mind out of the gutter this afternoon i promise...i think.
Marna-no shit!! You know that chick has a good view!
Hi ladies!
Hi WinWin!
While my overriding emotion, when viewing these photos, is gratitude, I cannot help but be a bit concerned about RP's apparent and recent weight loss.
While some of us may first show our weight loss in our faces or tummies, RP's primary area of shrinkage seems to be located firmly within the boundaries of the Grey Underpahnts Zone.
I am speaking, of course, of his dwindling backside.
Ladies, take another look at photos 4 and 6. In that poignant excess of fabric, you will see what I mean—or rather, you will not see what heaven intended to be there....
Dearest RP, please take utmost care of your glorious temple! Or else I may be forced to send you an urgent care package, containing a set of posterior prosthetics (a la the "King of the Hill" episode in which Hank required just such a remedy, while using his riding lawn mower...).
*Mrs. R prepared to personally confirm RP's measurements for said prosthetic device*
Big hug for Mrs. R. I will not be fully functional until September. How are you holding up?
Yes, weight loss to the backside very apparent. Loving the grey undies. : P
ITA, this scene should be shirtless but we do love Shy Rob.
Win - was this next to your SIL's work??
Am knocked up with love for dear Rob. Impregnated with desire.
And I love how tolerant he is. I would hate if I was surrounded and followed like that all the time! Guess that takes me out of the running to be his lady.
Oh for the love of all that is HOLY...someone, PLEASE pants Rob! I mean for heaven's sake his shorts are BARELY hanging onto his sweet delicious saliva inducing ass! I could take a bite like I was digging into a red delicious apple! Mmmm....mmmmm....mmmmmmmm!
JennB, they actually in the building next to where she lives. She saw the fans and papz this morning and pretended to not know what was going on. Just love her to death. She's rushing home soon to see if she catches a glimpse of him by his trailer. : )
I want to unzip that hoodie!!
*bows to the low-rise pants*
Gozde still LMAO
*impregnated* indeed, where do I sign-up :)
I'm glad for all the set-pics, but is this a normal shooting schedule?
Mrs. R, I keep saying that he looks like he's lost so much weight, no one agrees....I'm happy to see that you notice it too. I knew I wasn't going crazy (well, maybe just a teeny bit :)). I am worried as well...I hope he has someone encouraging him to take care of himself....phone calls from mum, etc. Poor boy....I see it in his face, too....
That said, the sweatshirt zipped-down-to-there is H.O.T. Wow....and the guitar...sigh. Yes, I will be going to see this movie alone. Or with another Robsessor, def not the DH.
Also, dear Rob, I love you baby, but the sideburns are getting out of control. They're starting to wrap around your earlobe, time for a little trim. :)))
more grey undies peeking out....pants falling down again...poor guy.
Hi Yvonne!
I might not have noticed his weight loss, if my eyes were not immediately drawn to that particular area of his anatomy. ;P
And Gozde—love the captions!
If Rob's searing stare, alone, were capable of impregnating us (and let me say, for the record, that I would much prefer to reach this blessed state with him in the USUAL way...), I would be rivaling "Octo-Mom" in output, by now....
Been noting this all along. The kid is very skinny. Even called out Mrs. Pattinson to please show up in NY to TLC her baby boy.
After the RM shoot he is to continue to Van for Eclipse...then Unbound Captives in November Where in between can he gain a few pounds?
Two weeks hiatus?...NOT enough!
Lay off the ciggies Robert and eat greasy triple cheese burger daily;)
Mmmmmmm... that the hottest pastiness I've ever seen....
Maybe, pray to God, this is rehearsal and he will be removing the half zipped hoodie? Pleeeeaaaaasseee GOD?
Amazing how many pics we are getting from this movie... Thanks! Hard to stop staring...
Goz, you are a crazy lady. I love it. The stare, the lack of a butt, the cigs, the guitar, the partically unzipped hoodie is all so much to take in. I can't stop looking at him. Really I do have a life *somewhere*
Mrs R. He is really lacking in the booty area, very evident in these photos-or the pants are really 4 times too big...
Hope he's eating & taking care of his lovely body parts...
OK...that pregnant joke was one of the BEST ones YET GOZDE!!
This movie is gonna b great!! He looks so good with a guitar. That always does it 4 me with guys! And it worst cause its rob!! lol
I want his green lawn chair.
I have to agree with those concerned about Rob losing so much weight. I think it started with New Moon and his overriding concern to look good on film in the shirtless scenes. Now I think he is just overworked and not eating right, or smoking too much, or something! He's obviously naturally thin, but wish craft services would show up at his trailer more often. Is it illegal to hogtie an adult and force-feed him? Hmmm...if I had him hogtied, I might not be able to stop there though. ;)
I've always said Rob would have chemistry with a lawn chair. Now there is proof.
Thanks Goz!
Hello RobKats!
I'm recovering from the Roberload. Well enough to post a comment. I say yeah, boy lacks butt. Yet I love him anyway. That can be fixed you know.
As always the ever perceptive Mrs. Robinsane makes the poignant observations. No other way for me to say this except he really needs to eat more. And his family-- they ought to be brought in! He must miss his dog Patty so badly right now. He's in serious need of TLC.
Anybody noticed that Dr. Phil doesn't keep his hands off Rob? He's the only one handling him around the waist. Thoughts?
From the LTR girls, it's the only way to keep him safe:
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