Robert Pattinson in a Suit on Remember Me Set 07/08/2009

Lips! Would you look at the lips?

Sources: The fabulous check 'em out for more and larger versions :)

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News Online | Splash News Online | WENN
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Anonymous said...

lol at the cup in his pocket

Unknown said...

@cutecandy27 - I know, he's so adorkable.

I cannot say anything else but Wow... f'n wow...

WinWin said...

I'm going to be so sad when they are done with this film. We've been so spoiled everyday with his Royal Hotness. I love him in a suit, wrinkle and all.

Maryann said...

"Why so gorgeous Rob?" LOL well Gozde, I got one suggestion to that question: good genes? LOL. OR maybe Mr and Mrs Pattinson had a REALLY good time May 13th 23 years ago... :-D

Maryann said...
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Lisa Serrano said...

Goz- you should put the one in of the little Granny putting on a clown nose behind him when he's crossing the street. LMAO I couldn't figure that out!

Scandinavian_girl said...

His lips are SO kissable in these pix!

Oh well, his lips are always kissable but still!!

Anna said...

"Why so gorgeous?"

Because he's obviously decided to become my own personal hell. I mean, heaven.

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm on my way to work and now I have some lovely images to day- dream about.

He's so beautiful...Yeah the LIPS!!

Anonymous said...

wonder if the security team would have thrown grandma to the ground had she given Robbie's buns a little slap 'n squeeze......

Anonymous said...

Rob looks like he's getting ready to break into the Electric Slide in photo # 2......teeheehee

showme said...

omg deep breaths deep breaths

omg ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh omg

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Come to mama honeypie...

JennB said...

My heart literally jumped into my throat at that first shot. Oh my god. It made me feel like I was going to be sick, he is so beautiful.

nextstopsf said...

love the lips and the intense eyes...sigh...

Victoria said...

The last two look like he is SO tired. It looks like they didn't iron that Tux before giving it to him. No matter - he looks fine in anything or nothing :).

phosphorus said...

Yes, yes, yes. And at the red T, peeking out under his white shirt, the eyes, the gumby legs, the shoelace etc. etc.

@ Maryann: Rather in August 1985. :-)

Loisada said...

No Gozde, no! I will not dwell on the lips, because I have to be semi-functional today and not walk around like a damn goldfish obsessively puckering up!

When I see that second pic I expect him to bust out and start singing Blue Suede Shoes. How is it that the pigeon toe looks dorkasexy on him?!

Cindeeloo said...

Cute video I stumbled across last night!!

Anonymous said...

I know the scene and he's supposed to look messed up, no tie and suit un-ironed lol

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

I love it when he slips that long luscious body into a suit or tux, cause thats how i roll, thats what i love...
(well except a naked one)

Cuccicella said...

Oh.. ha ha ha... Rob got his suit wrinkle.. Somebody help iron his suit please... :)

Alexandra said...


Still doesn't top Oscar Rob though :P

Gemgirl65 said...

I must have more lives than a cat 'cause I've already died like 20 times today, and it's all Rob's fault. Rob and Goz, the Dealer. (I say this like it's a bad thing!)

Where's AJ? She'll be scooping up that Gumby Rob pic quicker than Life & Style can make up more crap about Rob's love life.

LovetheLips said...

Goz - Did you say Lips????

I have loved those lips from the kissable...

Rob in a wrinkly suit...too funny, but still so hawt!!!!

Laura said...

Did anyone else go to the website where the pictures were from and notice the one picture where he was walking and there was an old lady like 2 steps behind him (LUCKYYY!) and she is totally trying to put her sunglasses on upside down.. it must be because of his presence that is making her confused.. there's like 3 pix of her trying to put the damn glasses on

Laura said...
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Mrs. Robinsane said...

Is that his Superman costume, beneath the spiffy white shirt?


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