Robert Pattinson Has an Accomplice

As I said Rob is trying kill me and he has an accomplice. The damn photographers!

Here I present you some more from the glorious day that was June 30th 2009.

Check out Robert Pattinson Source for 746 pictures from yesterday :))


Haystackhair said...

Thanks Goz, that worked, and it has pushed me closer to death. I must be suicidal, because I know he is going to be the death of me, but i keep looking and looking and looking. GAH! THUD

Luh said...

I don't know what to do anymore!!!! I'm going too fast, too crazy!!! Can't stop thinking of him... aaaaaaah!!! so far... just a drem...

lostinphilly said...

No, only kidding...please don't stop, this just keeps getting better and better. Thanks for the pics!!!!!
You're the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!

Tedracat said...

Wow, our boy is such a study in contrasts! One minute he looks skinny, the next broad where he should be broad and narrow where he should be narrow. One minute he looks like a young boy and the next, a smoldering sex god. One minute, he's there looking feminine with a straw and a purple flashdance tee, and the next, he's giving the fuck me eyes while dangling a ciggie. Sigh!

Georgie said...

Thanks Goz for a reprieve from Zygote Rob...not that there weren't plenty of other distractions on this blog - I could look at those other pics over and over and still get heart palpitations.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

oh man, thank you Goz!! Thank you annoying pappz for the photos of this beautiful creature....

LMOA Stephanyb-
fuck me eyes!!!

Anonymous said...

I am going insane, I have never been like this to any celebrity, I used to find it lame to crush over an actor and preferred athletes.

But there's something about Rob that defies rationality. I know it is not productive and actually destructive to look at his pics all day but I keep doing it like a helpless idiot. My life took a 180 degrees turn ever since this obsession started...ooohhh i would not confess to all the things I've done, I'd get a beating and rightly so!

Rob..pls stop being so mesmerizing, I need to earn my degree and with you there distracting me I am bound to failure

monika said...

Rob with the guitar,new pics

Alexandra said...

That smile will be the death of me

Dreaming of RPrattz said...

This is the best way to came back of lunch. That really kill me. I'm in heaven!

Suz said...

I hate the Paps

I love the Paps.

Love the Pretty

S W A Y !

zo said...

waiting to see if anyone suggests an affair with the little girl...

maha said...

he looks so so so cute in picture number 5 and so sexy while he is smoking

thanks for the pictures

maha said...

thanks Monica for the link he is so attractive with the guitar

Dahlia said...

How is anyone meant to refrain from smoking when he makes it look so damn good!

Rob you are God!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gozde. You always have the eye for great pics of all the pics.
Srsly now I can't sleep. and it's 3 am.

Wow, our boy is such a study in contrasts! One minute he looks skinny, the next broad where he should be broad and narrow where he should be narrow. One minute he looks like a young boy and the next, a smoldering sex god. One minute, he's there looking feminine with a straw and a purple flashdance tee, and the next, he's giving the fuck me eyes while dangling a ciggie. Sigh!

@stephanybabson : you said it :)

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet, my, my!

Babs said...

I won't say best pictures ever anymore, because he's gonna contradict me just the next day.
I just shake my head in disbelief and say mmhhhh...

Unknown said...

it's like he has a sexy dial which he can just turn up whenever he choses
it goes from "cute" to "hot" to "sexy" to "damn sexy"
but today he put it up full notch to "drop dead ladies"
ha ha

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