Robert Pattinson Goes Back to Work 07/06/2009

Updated the post with untagged pictures above :))


Lovely(Ness) said...

rough weekend? haha

margot said...

hands (with tags) off Rob ... whatta hell ....

Carys said...

yummy =)

Melinda said...

poor rob...looks so tired and weary

lostinphilly57 said...

Yeah, must have been a rough weekend. But he still looks hot! Also in some pics he looks like he wants to kill somebody; sending death-glares to the paps taking the photos.

wanabRPsmom said...

looks like he got some sun?
did he party hardy by the BEACH this weekend?

Thank you for a Monday Rob fix :)))

Dahlia said...

He looks gorgeous as always!! But also like he could do with some sleep... I have a bed available for you Rob :D

Pet73 said...

Again, here we can see a "directly out of the shower Rob" :).

No wonder, we get this stupid "Kristen is pregnant and Rob is the father" stuff :( ! Now that there is prove that Rob does shower and washes his hair regularly these damn mags need some new bullsh... to write about :(.

Isn't that the shirt he wore in Montepulciano?

Babs said...

wet hair again? Gozde you always know how to make me feel better :)

Mezzie said...

I wish people would just leave him alone before he has a mental breakdown.. The fans in Canada were a hell of a lot more reserved than his US fans... People need to respect him more than they think they are.

Kate said...

Yes out of the shower Rob with new clothes!! LOL

Alexandra said...

I'm loving that blue t-shirt. Looks like he had a major wardrobe revamp recently (no pun intended) :P

RobinHoodie said...

Oooooh .. yep, these pics are definitely doing it for me.

I agree Goz, the clothes seem to be new .... but it looks like he slept in the shirt. We're all used to Rob's style (or lack of it) and it just wouldn't be him if it was pressed. Or is the creased look in fashion right now?

I'm pretty handy with an iron .... shame I'm too far away to lend a hand. Perhaps the bodyguard could help - his shirts always look well pressed Hah Hah

Haystackhair said...

Freshly showered Rob. Yum. Hey, did he cut the sex hair?

maha said...

He looks tired or not happy. I don't blame him being
tired of the rumors

Thanks for the pictures

Anonymous said...

He does not look happy at all. Just read a new report saying he can't wait to get out of New York, the fans are terrifying him. Some people are being nasty in their responses like he has no right to be upset, but seriously, have you ever seen this type of insanity when they've been shooting a film before? He says he wants to go back to London, he's terrified of New York woman.

Amy said...

I have RAD (Rob Affective Disorder)
It is similar to SAD-Seasonal Affective Disorder. When Rob is down, I am down. I think I need to go find me some smiley pictures pronto!

Stacy said...

I would take most of that report with a grain of salt, like all of them with sources. Of course he misses London. He's said that before.

I also think that he is getting in character mode - they are filming more of the heavier scenes.

I'm still shocked he is (supposedly) confirmed for Comic Con.

Georgie said...

Poor Rob, my heart goes out to him; evidently from that article his cast members are concerned about him looking skinny and stressed. I hope london lives up to his expectations and is a bit of a refuge for him when he eventually gets back home. Thanks for the new pics though goz; nice to see him in tighter jeans again!

Pet73 said...

Stacy- How do you know about ComicCon? And do you know when it will take place? Is it usually in San Diego?

Allyson said...

Ok, I did not see a single picture of him looking even halfway happy.

I am thinking our boy may be nearing the end of his rope with the paps and fans constantly hounding him. He looks unhappy, tired and just plain sick of it.

wanabRPsmom said...

(((Poor Robert))).

Hope those RM outside scenes be over soon. Can't believe some FANS feel entitled to touching and harassing him.

Wonder if production can be closed set from now on. The pappzs and fans have done enough damaged already.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby looks so terrified =(
But in some pics he looks like
he came out of the shower.
His hair looks good :D

Rpattz death-glares are the jizz.

Thank you Papa P and Mama P for your making your son God's gift to future Robsessing women everywhere. Peace. XX

Stacy said...

Spunk Ransom has confirmed Comic Con and Teen Choice Awards. Comic Con dates are 23-26, don't know what date the cast is supposed to be there. I assume it's still in SD, but I don't know for sure.

Anonymous said...

He needs to get laid....

All those lovlies and no one to spank.....

Anonymous said...

This Robsession is sooo bad for me.
Back in April when I had exams, I almost didn't pass coz I spent so much time on Twicrack, Robsessed and Rpattz news instead of studying. I was too cowardly not to mention creeped out by the idea of actually stalking any of the cast members while they were in Vancouver yet I playfully joke around with idea during conversations with my co-twilighters.

It's July now. Totally free. Rob continues to be smokin' hot (somewhat literally-- with that cigarettes I wish that I am) and doesn't seem to stop being so damn good-looking, attractive and enigmatic. While there aren't any brand-new interviews of him, I constantly listen to the twilight commentary on my computer just to hear him talk. Just to hear him and see him, I watch the youtube clips of his past interviews and endure the same mundane questions he gets asked but gleefully take joy in his fresh responses. Even though they're over 5 months old.

I am so Robsessed and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. I have never ever felt this way about anyone before -- celebrity or non-famous. Robert Thomas Pattinson is just someone I would like to get to know because he is such a curiosity but I wouldn't harass him into getting into bed with me. Well... unless he wants me to then...~_^

Robert, you will be the death of me. You'll never know it. But it's true.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

That is the same shirt he wore in Italy-the day they were filming the "shirtless" scene!

Pet73 said...

rpattzgirl- Sad but true, we know all of his shirts, all his trousers, his sunglasses and sneakers, even some of his underpants :), and we even know, when and where he wore each piece!

Hande said...

This guy made me look forward to Mondays!

Still, it's nice that they don't get to shoot photos of him on weekends.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Very true-I mean, we could even shop for him because we know what he likes..

Hmm, sizes?? They seem to be getting smaller..but I bet we could figure it out.

Juli87 said...
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Juli87 said...

Yeah, normally we know every piece of his clothes...;o) But if they're not just belonging to his "Remember me" wardrobe, Rob seems to actually have (at least) two new hoodies (this grey one and the blue one he wore when they were shooting on that Alice-in-wonderland statue), two new t-shirts and a pair of new jeans...:-b Looks a little bit like Abercrombie. Anyway, I think it suits him really well, - especially the blue things... love that color on him!!

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