so i live in brooklyn and they were filming a few blocks away; I wanted to go over there but my dad and grandma think i'm fucking crazy (like no joke, they want me committed to which i respond, hello! i just graduated college with magna cum laude! holy shit you think I'd catch a break?!) so I called up my mom (who lives in CT) and she was like, you will never get over it if you don't go--you must go to the set, and take pictures! [YAY Mom!] So i go super-early the next morning and they weren't there until later in the day. I go back at 8pm and wait with a bunch of other girls, some fucking annoying 12 yr olds were running up and down the block trying to get his photo, they were kicked off set luckily - people like that just ruin everything for the respectful (and somewhat less crazy) people like me :) anyway, so the crowd dwindles down to around 10 people around 1:30 am, and we had been shivering and standing in heels for hours... the crew wouldn't give us any food (jerks - and not the good Jerkface kind lol). Rob finally came out with his bodyguards (all of the PA's and guards have nicknames on twitter from fans btw like "the regulator," "dr. phil" [note from STY - I know EXACTLY which dude this is 'cause I thought the same thing!] (Gozde: Hey!!! I came up with that name!) "evil taye diggs" - the list goes on) and they made us form a line and i was 2nd in line and i was shaking because i was fucking IN HEAVEN!! and cold too and i smiled at him and he he was laughing at something and he put his arm around my waist and i put mine around his and he smelled like a man i would want to do dirty nasty things to me (don't tell me boyfriend although he already knows) and beer, lots of beer (heinken bottles were all over the inside of his trailer--you'd think he'd have better-quality beer these days).(Gozde: Heineken is damn good beer. *Shakes head* Americans don't appreciate good beer :)) then we took the photo and i was in shock, and i forgot to do the one thing my mom made me promise, so i got in line again, and when it was my turn I whispered to him "so my mom said she would never forgive me if I didn't ask you out for a drink" and rob--laughing in his melodic voice--says "what? with your mom?" and i said "no with me hahahaa" and he replied "hahaha i don't drink" and i blurt out "hahaha yeah right!" and then the guards whisked him away very swiftly and i got a very strong need to wear blue and red plaid all of a sudden - it's like he sleeps in that shirt. he was just so gorgeous i honestly can't find the right words for it and yet so humble and nice to us...c'est tres magnifique!
Robert Pattinson Fan Encounter and Heineken Appreciation ;)
Thanks to Twitarded we have a new fan picture and story:

so i live in brooklyn and they were filming a few blocks away; I wanted to go over there but my dad and grandma think i'm fucking crazy (like no joke, they want me committed to which i respond, hello! i just graduated college with magna cum laude! holy shit you think I'd catch a break?!) so I called up my mom (who lives in CT) and she was like, you will never get over it if you don't go--you must go to the set, and take pictures! [YAY Mom!] So i go super-early the next morning and they weren't there until later in the day. I go back at 8pm and wait with a bunch of other girls, some fucking annoying 12 yr olds were running up and down the block trying to get his photo, they were kicked off set luckily - people like that just ruin everything for the respectful (and somewhat less crazy) people like me :) anyway, so the crowd dwindles down to around 10 people around 1:30 am, and we had been shivering and standing in heels for hours... the crew wouldn't give us any food (jerks - and not the good Jerkface kind lol). Rob finally came out with his bodyguards (all of the PA's and guards have nicknames on twitter from fans btw like "the regulator," "dr. phil" [note from STY - I know EXACTLY which dude this is 'cause I thought the same thing!] (Gozde: Hey!!! I came up with that name!) "evil taye diggs" - the list goes on) and they made us form a line and i was 2nd in line and i was shaking because i was fucking IN HEAVEN!! and cold too and i smiled at him and he he was laughing at something and he put his arm around my waist and i put mine around his and he smelled like a man i would want to do dirty nasty things to me (don't tell me boyfriend although he already knows) and beer, lots of beer (heinken bottles were all over the inside of his trailer--you'd think he'd have better-quality beer these days).(Gozde: Heineken is damn good beer. *Shakes head* Americans don't appreciate good beer :)) then we took the photo and i was in shock, and i forgot to do the one thing my mom made me promise, so i got in line again, and when it was my turn I whispered to him "so my mom said she would never forgive me if I didn't ask you out for a drink" and rob--laughing in his melodic voice--says "what? with your mom?" and i said "no with me hahahaa" and he replied "hahaha i don't drink" and i blurt out "hahaha yeah right!" and then the guards whisked him away very swiftly and i got a very strong need to wear blue and red plaid all of a sudden - it's like he sleeps in that shirt. he was just so gorgeous i honestly can't find the right words for it and yet so humble and nice to us...c'est tres magnifique!
so i live in brooklyn and they were filming a few blocks away; I wanted to go over there but my dad and grandma think i'm fucking crazy (like no joke, they want me committed to which i respond, hello! i just graduated college with magna cum laude! holy shit you think I'd catch a break?!) so I called up my mom (who lives in CT) and she was like, you will never get over it if you don't go--you must go to the set, and take pictures! [YAY Mom!] So i go super-early the next morning and they weren't there until later in the day. I go back at 8pm and wait with a bunch of other girls, some fucking annoying 12 yr olds were running up and down the block trying to get his photo, they were kicked off set luckily - people like that just ruin everything for the respectful (and somewhat less crazy) people like me :) anyway, so the crowd dwindles down to around 10 people around 1:30 am, and we had been shivering and standing in heels for hours... the crew wouldn't give us any food (jerks - and not the good Jerkface kind lol). Rob finally came out with his bodyguards (all of the PA's and guards have nicknames on twitter from fans btw like "the regulator," "dr. phil" [note from STY - I know EXACTLY which dude this is 'cause I thought the same thing!] (Gozde: Hey!!! I came up with that name!) "evil taye diggs" - the list goes on) and they made us form a line and i was 2nd in line and i was shaking because i was fucking IN HEAVEN!! and cold too and i smiled at him and he he was laughing at something and he put his arm around my waist and i put mine around his and he smelled like a man i would want to do dirty nasty things to me (don't tell me boyfriend although he already knows) and beer, lots of beer (heinken bottles were all over the inside of his trailer--you'd think he'd have better-quality beer these days).(Gozde: Heineken is damn good beer. *Shakes head* Americans don't appreciate good beer :)) then we took the photo and i was in shock, and i forgot to do the one thing my mom made me promise, so i got in line again, and when it was my turn I whispered to him "so my mom said she would never forgive me if I didn't ask you out for a drink" and rob--laughing in his melodic voice--says "what? with your mom?" and i said "no with me hahahaa" and he replied "hahaha i don't drink" and i blurt out "hahaha yeah right!" and then the guards whisked him away very swiftly and i got a very strong need to wear blue and red plaid all of a sudden - it's like he sleeps in that shirt. he was just so gorgeous i honestly can't find the right words for it and yet so humble and nice to us...c'est tres magnifique!
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Gozde the banner is beautiful!
I love fan encounters like this. LOL at the loud 12 yr olds getting kicked off the set.
Wish I could've been there.
Love it! Why would you expect them to give you food?
Does anyone know if he's done with RM?
I notice imd updated the cast list to include a few more characters-friends, truck driver, Michael...
Seriously...the frayed collar and is that another hole in his shirt where his button came off and then was sewn back on? Check out the button that is fastened and zoom in on the hole next to it.... are such a fantasy to me....
Oh yeah...
P.S. I'm with you Goz! I love Heineken!
I'd love to have some of Rob's Heine!!!! TEE HEE!!!
ahhaa, I was just about to link you to this.
I loveeee it.
As if you expect us to believe that line bb. We see you dodging dates. hahaaa.
Maybe she should have said she only looks 12, but just graduated college.
awhhh she was lucky ta meet him =]
omg them 12 yrs old kids would annoy me so much haha glad they got kicked off lol
He don't drink!? Ha, he looks slightly intoxicated in the pic! Heinekin sucks, it takes and smells like skunk.
WHAT??? Ye seriously don't like Heinekin??? LOL
GOZ they don't know what's good for them! LOL
This is such a cute story.Thanks for that it made me smile! It's great to see nice fans who don't lose their head when they meet him!!
I love this girl!thanks sweetie for sharing this cute story!happy for you :))
she's funny and cute!! haha
Hi Gozde thanks for linking back to us!
I know we're not an "All Rob" site but I kinda think we're on the same wavelength otherwise - lol...
: )
So.... anyone know where Rob is now? Hopefully in England getting a well earned vacation, if he can get one without the papz.
Cute pic for 1:30am! Heard Rob is still in L.A. and will be back on set in NYC Monday. Funny no one has spotted him anywhere??
That was my thought too! No one has said anything new about him for 2 days. I thought he was done with RM. That boy sure needs a vacation.
I would imagine he's hanging out with friends in LA for the weekend, especially since he hasn't seen them all for a while, nor has he been home since beginning of June..
Hope he's getting rest & having fun where ever he is.
Guess we'll have to wait till Mon or Tues to find out if he's back in NY.
His mother probably would freak out if she saw him wearing this shirt and threaten him she'd buy him new clothes if he doesn't.
I've been wondering what his Mom thinks of him wearing clothes with holes in them all the time. He said one time that she was freaking out when it was being said that he never washed his hair or bathed, so I can't imagine what she thinks of him wearing the same clothes all the time, too.
why would they give you food???? And where I grew up, Heineken IS the good beer. LOL
Love this story :) And I have to give her so much props for asking him out for a drink - balls!!! But - what do you have to lose, right? Hey - I would have probably just been like, I don't really want a picture - can we make out instead? :)
Goz- Just had to laugh about your comment regarding Americans not appreciating good beer: Some time ago a collegue at work was with (business)guests from the States and they were talking about beer. One of them seriously asked my collegue if we also do have Bud(weiser) in Europe. I think that's really funny, since Budweiser is an European beer (from a city called Budweis :p)!
@ AnnaD: Didn't he once say, "she thinks I'm an idiot"?
good god this girl has a serious potty-mouth.
phosphorus- I think so?? I just know she reads fan sites, so she has to be noticing how he's dressing...maybe THAT'S why he sewed up his Stoli shirt!!! Momma P's been calling and telling him to quit wearing holey clothes.
Awww, really cute girl! Good for you bb!! This is prob the kind of girl Rob coulda hung out with in a bar before he became famous....
I like Heineken :)
I bet Rob smells delicious.....
about your post....that is soooo funny! I always thought Bud was an American beer... LOL It's always marketed here as this "all American" beer, like it's traditional to drink...I dunno, weird! That's another reason I love this site, I learn something new all the time, so many people from all over. It's really cool :)
well that explains why he looks drunk in this photo...
The beer issue is driving me nuts!
Srsly people...I'm Belgian..we KNOW beer. It's in our genes.
Heineken sucks... so does most popular beers. No offense. Please come visit me once, I can let you taste the real stuff. Heineken will taste like gutter water when I'm finished with you. And that's a promise! ;)
Don't they look like boyfriend and girlfriend sorta??? They match!!! Robert, look no further! :) LOL. She is super cute and magna cum laude too!
Is that Jimi Hendrix on her tee? Nice, I like her. Great fan encounter. That's probably similar to how my encounter with Rob would go. If I was to be so lucky.
That whole thing is just hilarious!
There is no way I'd wait in line twice! Once and I'd be gone! Too embarrassing otherwise! :P
is it weird that I just want to know what he smells like? lol
@ Jill Suzanne: I cannot lie.. I too wished she (the fan) went into more detail about what he smells like! I mean, is it some cologne or a man smell?!! I apologize for thinking out loud.
@ Alice: I agree. I'm more familiar with Bavarian/German beer myself but I think the Heinekin fans here don't know what they're missing!! :)
Good morning girls!
I think it's really funny that we are having a beer discussion!
Yvonne- Of course, Bud is an American beer (I checked on Wikipedia, there even was a court case because of the name), but the original beer is from Budweis in Czech Republic (Czech its "Budvar", but it's called Budweiser since one of the original breweries was owned by German speaking citizens).
Alice- I'm with you. There is a huge variety of good beers in Europe, and it definitely it's not all about Heineken. (Even here in small Austria, we do have a lot of good beers. Many people were afronted during the European Football Championchip, as FIFA forced Austria to sell awful, I mean really awful, Carlsberg as official beer :p).
BTW, Heineken has at least the coolest TV spots :p!
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