Robert Pattinson Arrives in NYC Gets Jumped by Crazy Lady

Post retracted due to video evidence that proved otherwise...


Maryann said...

AMEN to your comments on this crazy chick! Looks like she jumped on him right away. Doesn't seem like she asked for a pic just had whoever took it snap one and she jumped him...or so it seems cos he is NOT looking up on any of these. I guess some ppl are just flat out blind and too selfish for their own good...

I guess she wouldn't mind if a guy did that to her then? lol

Anonymous said...

Oh dear - just as I was beginning to think he was starting to accept or at least get used to the craziness we have another idiot intent on spoiling things for everyone else. His face says it all.
Having said that he looks absolutely gorgeous as usual.....sigh.

...wowie! said...

I just don't like people like that. They kind of ruin for everyone else who are respectful and patient. What the fudge.

Poor baby. Oh but he's still so nice about it all. ::wish::

wanabRPsmom said...

aw? she should just had her picture taken then shook his hand and say THANK YOU ROB!. Rob was at least checking her out..thinking..hmmm CUTE FAN!!

But then she started hugging him so he squirmed and thought..oh NO lady...
Can't do this...or I'll have a panic attack! :) LOL!

New bodyguard...Dr. Phil NEEDS to train him. ;)

Unknown said...

Um.. It reminds me of MYSELF at Tokyo Premiere. I couldn't help but to speak "Rob! You gotta hug me!" He said "oh", and I flung my arms over him. He bent over for me and his cheek felt so nice on mine.......
I wanted to ask for a brief hug in a little different way... so that it sounds more like asking permission for a brief hugging... but sometimes you can't help going crazy.
I can understand this woman.

Aneska said...

Last weekend I was missing Rob, and now I'm missing those days in LA without papz and crazy fans. Poor Rob...Come to me and I'll protect you from all this madness ;P
PS: I'm not sure if I can protect you from myself ;)

Anonymous said...

Where is his &^%$#(* security team?! Hellloooo the nutjobs aren't just in NYC!

albaville said...

She is a woman not a kid, and she should be ashamed of herself for doing something so rude on this poor guy that is too gentle and nice to push her away like he'd have done!!
I'm so sorry that he has to bear all this shit all the time...

Babs said...

She got to meet him and she got a picture with him, that's a lot closer than many real fans will ever get, couldn't she get a hold of herself??
that's so unfair

Alice's Aunt said...

Yuck!!!! She got her 15 seconds of fame, hu? Yuck!!!!!!

Her hand? Maybe stuffing a note with her name/phone number into his back pocket?

Repeat again, Yuck!

And yet, he is so gracious. -le sigh- I'm wondering if he should keep being this gracious? Isn't it just inviting more *fans* to invade his space?

What is he to do????

Have a couple of personal body guards, all the time he travels? Not a bad idea, to me. This *person* wouldn't have gotten to him, if he had 2 burly body guards around him.

Bleahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Being a fan is one thing. Being insulting, is another. And it is insulting, to randomly up & grab someone. Anyone.

Alice's Aunt

Krissy said...

I can't imagine anyone claiming to be a FAN of this Delicious Looking Man & acting in such an incredibly RUDE manner!

Major Boo Hiss to the "lady" in the picture.

Total Thumbs Down to her!

And a major DROOL alert to the pictures of the one & only and forever Studlicious Rob.

Yum. ☺

Suz said...

OK, if this lady didn't get all psycho fan.. I would NOT get all Stacy London on her azzz..


1. Nice CFM shoes, but I bet a tad cumbersome when jumping hot sexy actors in airports, No?

2. Black sweater... needs BLACK bra look great, as always. And as always, tolerant.


P.S. Rob.. you should ALWAYS wear your CFM Docs... yum

Anonymous said...

He's back in NYC and another fan jumps him . . . WTF?! It's like saying "Welcome back to the craziness of the Remember Me set!" People just don't know the boundaries of personal space. Some stranger should do that to her and see how she likes it. Poor Rob, he's back to the madness for a week or so.

marie said...

It doesn't look like to me that he was checking her out. He kinda look like thinking ...How do I push this lady away..Looks like she's gonna land in her butt if i do that because of those heels. Ha! Ha!

No, he is just trying to be gracious as usual.

kchambers77 said...

she's pretty hot she should have just been a reel and gave him some space and been polite but no she had to jump on his nuts. guys don't like that psycho ladies. no matter how bad they have blue balls.

Maryann said...

To whoever said "I can understand this woman" NO I cannot understand behaving that way. Absolutely not. PPL need to get a grip and learn some self restraint! I am not happy for fans who behave like this cos they ruin things for us NORMAL fans who actually DO respect the fact that these are STRANGERS, and you as a fan is nothing but a stranger to them.

Asking for a hug in a polite manner and if you get a yes in return hey cool, HAPPY as hell for that fan when it happens. But this kind of stupidity. I have no sympathy for.

Anonymous said...

Just stop jumping on Rob!! Please respect him !!

Yvonne said...

Another picture of Rob's patience and tolerance....he is truly WAY to gracious.

This chick, what an idiot....if you have ANY clue at ALL, and have listened to ANYTHING that Rob has said....this is so NOT cool.

Give the man a taser.

Barb said...

WTF is wrong with people? I would go "ape shit" on someone if they invaded my 3 feet of personal space! I don't care how good looking they are or think they are. I bet if she had asked for a pic and autograph he would have given it to her. these people practice wrestling moves before trying to see him?

These people really leave no chance for "normal" fans to get to meet him.

Haystackhair said...

LMAO Yvonne. Give the man a taser. AMEN. Pretty girl, she would have gotten a lot better response if she just said hi and asked for a pic. Dopes. She'd call the cops if some guy ran up and hugged her. Poor Rob looks uncomfortable as usual.

phosphorus said...

Imagine you were walking down the street and a bloke would ask you in a very polite way for a hug. What would you think?

Just because Rob is famous now doesn't mean he wants to hug the whole world. So even asking him for a hug is intruding because he can hardly decline. There'd always be someone complaining if he did. If he ever wants to hug a fan I'm sure he'll do it. If not, well, you can always stick out your hand and shake hands. That's polite.

Maryann said...

Phosphorus totally agree, it still would be strange.

WinWin said...

WTF? Was this chick on the same flight? or did she wait at JFK for him? Seriously, I still think I wouldn't have the nerve to even speak to him if I saw him in this situation let alone attack him.
Poor Rob, glad he got to hang with his Twilight family.

WinWin said...

LindaRose, he doesn't only get jump in NY. He got jumped by fans at Twilight premiere as well and in Canada at the bar (Sage's performance).

I'm from NY and we don't all jump him. Sorry, taking NY comments too personal again.

Maryann said...

LOL just thought about the hugs I have gotten from my 95 I was on a fanclub trip with Backstage with Jon Bon Jovi and the ppl on that trip had their pic taken with the group, (pics were taken in groups fo 10 ppl in each group). I sat right behind Richie Sambora and Jon Bon Jovi. As I sat down I congratulated Richie on his then recent wedding with Heather Locklear and I never asked for a hug, I just held my hand out lol. He grabbed my hand smacked my head against him and gave me a bearhug LOL, saying "thanks" lol. Too funny, I got my nose "in the way" so he nearly broke it LMAO.

Barb said...

YES..Phosphorus..AGREE! I'm not a hugger...not even with family. I have claustrophobia and I would definitely go into a panic attack. None of these fans really know Rob...Get some sense people.

Anonymous said...

WinWin, I'm originally from NY too. I didn't mean that New Yorkers jump him, in fact most of those crazy fans on the Remember Me set are out-of-towners. I just meant that he's back in NYC and he get's jumped . . . again.

phosphorus said...

@ Maryann: :-)))

@ Barb: I hug some people but many others not.

RPnKSaddict said...

Phos- What you said is spot on. Even asking is rude. It puts the person on the spot and makes them feel like they should oblige or look rude themselves. It's all about boundries.

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