Remember Cedric

So here are some pictures from a Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire photoshoot.
I am not sure what the deal with the scar on his nose is.
The pictures look like they haven't been airbrushed properly.
They look like my highschool graduation pictures :)

Ooooh Cedbert is mad!

HP & The Goblet of Fire Spoiler:

"Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory." (GF37)


Check out RP Source for UHQ versions of these pics. You can literally see the veins in his eyes, I was going to post one but I really don't need to see THAT much of him...Freaky! :)


showme said...

it's amazing how much men change from 19 to 23! Thank GOD! LOL

(is it wrong of me to say i see peen in the last one. YES YES IT IS!)


Alexandra said...

Wow he's filled out a lot since then :)

Me and my mother have a tradition of always going to see the HP movies together so tonight we rewatched the last one to remind ourselves of the plot since the next one is coming out soon. When Cedric was in Harry's nightmare near the beginning I randomly screamed "ROOOB!" and nearly gave my poor mother a heart attack :D I thought it was pretty funny lol

Anonymous said...

he looks so young and it wasn't even that many years ago!

Niki said...

It kinda looks like the Cedric ones are raw and there was no editing of the photos involved. He may have that scar but a lot less noticeable now with all the scar creams out there.

SeamusDuncan said...

I think that is a scratch, not a scar on his nose and above his right eye. Could have been from filming. I watched this movie last night in anticipation of The Half Blood Prince, and he was really roughed up.

He thinks he looks the same as he always did, but this looks like a child and Robert definitely does not look like that now. He has really filled out and matured. Oh, his 30's are going to be difficult for us. Can't wait!

showme said...

Seamus, his 30's, as well as his mid 20's and late 20's and 40's and....


i'll be really old then. damnit.

Anonymous said...

SHO the peen spotter...OMG! tell me it ain't!

now i feel like i gotta go to therapy, thanks Gozde!

gah he has grateful for it too...i'll have plenty to tell my future therapist...

margot said...

showme .... come on ... I am so much older NOW and have to survive :D
and NO ! it isn't wrong, bb. He is 23 nand was 19 then, an adult. Dot. If you were a man you'd be ogling everything female around not asking for the actual age, tese are cultural restraints on women not to admit interest in men :P

as to 19yo Rob .... it is still a PROJECT of a man, a project of abeautiful 23yo man. And we are lucky it is now. Finally. An only will be better. A-men.

aimary said...

lol..I love Gozde labels!!!
yes, he looks so young!!
beautiful, of course...

Yvonne said...

These pictures are too cute, such a sweet looking boy, but still with those eyes...I wonder if he had any body hair at all back then :)))

I just said it a couple of days ago, that he is aging so well, can you imagine another 10 years?!!He'll be like Sean Connery and be freaking hot when he's 70!

veronica said...

Robert is looking better & better. Like a fine wine. He was adorable as Cedric but he is getting even better looking. I was thinking the same - cannot imagine him any more handsome. It's going to be a beautiful ride seeing him age.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

He is beautiful at any age-he even has those red Edward lips..totally kissable & lickable!!

I agree, he gets better with age, and when he hits about 28, 35 & 44 omg...there won't be enough words to describe..

And I'm old now, so I'll be in assisted living by then, but will still be carting around my Rob photos (and my oxygen) and drooling as much as I do now...

God, help us all!

Treasure_7 said...

Yep Rob does just get better and better.

Christy P said...


Suz said...

Hey Rob...



; )

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

showme, I think there is some "peen' in that last one..glad you spotted it, I went back & looked again.

god I'm a dirty girl when it comes to Rob..

For those of us lucky enough to have seen Little Ashes, there was no peen, but there was pubes, and bare legs & feet..pretty hot.

Rominiwi said...

I agree that Cedbert is worse than Robler... xD

maha said...

He looks young but handsome.

Thanks for the pictures never see them before

WinWin said...

Gozde, Thanks for always making me laugh with your comments. ITA, can't find Cedric sexy, it makes me feel wrong. But he is beautiful in an adorable , handsome kinda way. In the last few years he just keeps getting hotter by the day. By 30 the whole female population should be under his spell. lol

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


you are certainly inventive, and what a sense of humor....

WaitingForRob said...

I wonder if he had known then what his future had in store for him (bodyguards!paps photographing his every move! adoring, screaming fans of all ages!) if he would have made some of the same choices. I know. I know. Stop analyzing and just enjoy the pics. These definitely show signs of what was to come!

Dazzle said...

I think in about 10 years or so...he's going to be the perfect James Bond...better than all the ones before him. Pierce Brosnan was pretty awesome, no doubt there. And Sean Connery will always be the legendary Bond. But Rob as Bond?? Omg....get out the oxygen tanks!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Show, I don't know...Rob is just so heart-stopping cute here! I think the hand-in-hair/green tee/black coat is avatar-worthy!

ALSO THANKS TO MARGOT & TWO OTHERS (can't tell from email who)--YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE--for forwarding the "Remember Me" script!!!!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Just checked: thanks to CuteCandy and RPattzgirl!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Thanks for posting these. He really caught my eye in "Goblet of Fire" and I just knew we'd be seeing so much more of him in the future, Rob is so classic, he looks like a Michelangelo statue that's sprung to life. Totally 'Unique' as if he's walked out of a dream.

Marna said...

Has anyone else noticed the teeny, tiny Rob in the bottom left hand corner of all these pics? What's up with that? LOL

zlove said...
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zlove said...

He's aged like two decades in four years...thanks God or I'd feel like a real perve

Babs said...

You can definitely see potential in these pics. He turned out to be a very handsome man and he's only 23.
I don't like the oversize baggy pants. Rob should only wear tight, very tight jeans :)

Georgie said...

LMAO reading all your comments. Showme - I went back and looked at that peen pic in blown-up size, figuring he was over the age of consent.
Yes he is definitely improving with age but I don't want to wish an extra 10 years into the future and catapult myself well into post-menopausal era.
Goz - how about "Robric" instead of Cedbert?

anna F said...

Good morning ladies,

I really like the pics with the coat at the end...

Is it that a T-shirt and a large coat look sexy or that anything he wears looks sexy?

19 years old Cebert was legal, but I prefer 23 years old Robert~

And Tybert/Robler, in all his plaid, glory looks so much like Robert... I can't wait for february~

Anonymous said...

Oh Cedrick!! Sweet, sweet, beautiful Cedrick!

Tess said...

Oh the 3rd picture is killing me!!

Photographer: Come on Rob... look at me, Love the camera.. give me something special.. Look badass.. erm.. with that, uh... wand


Little Red said...

Ha ha! School photographs are always bad, nice to know Hogwarts is no different!

Dahlia said...

Aww :D He was good looking then, he's just growing into his potential!

Anonymous said...

I love me some CedBert. His smile never change.
Twilight, Hollywood and 4 years really done a lot to Rob

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or do his pupils seem a bit large?

Steph said...

I cant help but try to imagine this younger Rob as Edward... and the younger Rob just doesn't do it for me! I think his fan base would have been completely different if he were the 19 year old playing Edward. I really think that this fan phenomenon is the result of a perfect storm. A year earlier, he may have seemed too young... a year later, he would have looked too old and not even have gotten the part...

Bea said...

You were complaining about the lack of airbrushing...

I think it's good that these pictures were natural. They fit the character of Cedric and the series in general.

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