We never post NON-Robert Pattinson stuff but I'm making an exception because I'm truly very disheartened by the unfair replacement of Rachelle Lefevre. HERE is a petition if you'd like to get involved.

Rachelle Lefevre ‘Stunned’ Over ‘Eclipse’ Recasting
Rachelle Lefevre: “I am greatly saddened that I will not get to complete my portrayal of Victoria for the ‘Twilight’ audience. This is a story, a theatrical journey and a character that I truly love and about which I am very passionate. I will be forever grateful to the fan support and loyalty I’ve received since being cast for this role, and I am hurt deeply by Summit’s surprising decision to move on without me. I wish the cast and crew of ‘Eclipse’ only the very best,”
You can read the rest of Rachelle's press release on Access Hollywood .You can find Summit Entertainment's Press release #1 HERE and their response after Rachelle's press release HERE.

Wow...so they really did oust her! It seemed a bit unclear before, but this is pretty straight-forward. And it sucks! What the hell is Summit thinking? I can't even wrap my mind around it.
I'm off to sign the petition before I head to bed! I <3 Rachelle and I think they are making a huge mistake getting rid of her!!!
I agree, Kate. They are making a big mistake. I bet that petition gets a ton of names on it. I love Rachelle as Victoria and I'm so sad they did this. Not only is she great in that role, nothing ruins a movie for me faster than a sequel or franchise with different actors in it. Bad move, Summit.
here's an UPDATE:
Twilight Drama: What Happened to Victoria?
Today 3:40 PM PDT by Marc Malkin
Bryce Dallas Howard, Rachelle Lefevre Dominique Charriau/ Getty images, Summit Entertainment
UPDATE: We just received this exclusive statement from Lefevre:
See, I knew it wouldn't be long before the truth came out. That was fast...
That is a really shitty thing to do, RL has had tons of fan support, she has always been so enthusiastic about the Twi saga...I guess the bottom line is that this isn't an "Indie" show anymore, now that it's making big money. Makes you wonder if little Bryce's daddy had anything to do with it. I'm sure she's a fine actress, but still...
wanab, it says the page is not available... :(
I've signed both petitions. This is madness on Summit's part, Rachelle is extremely popular; she's certainly my favourite female vampire actress in Twilight and plays Victoria so well. I hope the other cast kick up about it as well.
UPDATE: We just received this exclusive statement from Lefevre:
"I was stunned by Summit's decision to recast the role of Victoria for Eclipse. I was fully committed to the Twilight saga, and to the portrayal of Victoria. I turned down several other film opportunities and, in accordance with my contractual rights, accepted only roles that would involve very short shooting schedules.
"My commitment to Barney's Version is only 10 days. Summit picked up my option for Eclipse. Although the production schedule for Eclipse is over three months long, Summit said they had a conflict during those 10 days and would not accommodate me. Given the length of filming for Eclipse, never did I fathom I would lose the role over a 10-day overlap. I was happy with my contract with Summit and was fully prepared to continue to honor it. Summit chose simply to recast the part.
"I am greatly saddened that I will not get to complete my portrayal of Victoria for the Twilight audience. This is a story, a theatrical journey and a character that I truly love and about which I am very passionate. I will be forever grateful to the fan support and loyalty I've received since being cast for this role, and I am hurt deeply by Summit's surprising decision to move on without me. I wish the cast and crew of Eclipse only the very best."
wannaB, did you read my post? I have that update posted. I'm so mad man! Rachelle just tweeted:
@RachelleLefevre Thank you for all your support!! I love you guys. My full statement is available for viewing at www.accesshollywood.com
The problem is, Summit knows that it doesn't even matter, Eclipse will make millions with, or without Rachelle. Sad but true.
hope you don't mind this time. yvonne could not open the copied page. thought it's easier for your bloggers to connect :))
I already signed the petition this morning!
This really annoys me. It is a huge mistake, one that, no doubt, us fans will remember vividly when eclipse is released next year, i will anyway.
I can't help but wonder if they thought getting a big name would help them. But part of the twilight phenomonon that i loved was that i barely knew the actors so i wasnt comparing them to or seeing part of their old characters.... sign the petition...
And don't forget to twitter @David_A_Slade to let him know how he and summit have FAILED all the fans.
i am actually angry, never thought that would happen over a film!!! =S
Summit are idiots who let the fame go to their head. Maybe they'll have some cop on and ask her back, though i doubt they're that smart. **feels good to get that rant out... i'm off to bed now to plan revenge on summit!!!=D**
Is Summit the stupidist company in Hollywood? Did they really think this wouldn't be a problem?
completely agree!!Really sad,but true...Summit knows they´ll make millions with Rob,Taylor and Kristen...
It's complete bullshit what Summit did. Victoria is a main character. You shouldn't replace main characters. It ruins the flow of the movie. Rachelle plays a great Victoria not Bryce. Ugh!
It would be nice for the other cast to show their support for Rachelle even though it is unlikely because they are stuck between a rock and a hard place that is Summit.
i can't believe they just pushed her out! i thought that she was just not able to do it, not that they moved her out. that is ridiculous!
Jessm, funny, I said almost the exact same words you did about loving Twi actors b/c they are NOT really famous....
wanab, thanks for posting that :)
BringRachelleBack is a trending topic on twitter now :)
Seems like Summit did not discuss further with Rachelle's 10 day schedule with her other movie commitment. Summit JUST went ahead and replaced her!!
How MUCH cheaper could BryceHoward be? It has to be HW politics!
Hope millions of FANS will sign the PETITION. Enough of BACKSTABBING and PLAYING DIRTY in HW!!
Thank you for posting contact info! I've been looking and you are the first to come through.
This is what fans need to do. Make our voices heard. In a polite way, of course.
Don't write crude things and give them an excuse to just not count a mail.
Alice's Aunt
Oh, fuckit! Here comes the backstory. This may be an "argumentative" shoot all round.
I sense another's hand in this but it was up to Summit ultimately. I doubt they'll change their minds unless Howard reneges. :(((
This has been done before in other movies and other actors, but it never makes it any easier...
Summit knows that they will get some bad feedback, BUT will that really prevent the majority of people from seeing this movie?
It shows they are about the $$$$ and not about loyalty not only to their stars under contract, but also the fans that keep them in business.
Rachelle was one of the Best ones out there for the past 1.5 yrs promoting this franchise, and this is just a big old FUCK YOU.
Really saddens me when people mean so little.
I'm really shocked by this news, it'll spoil the sequels for me. Rachelle has been so enthusiasic about Twilight. All her interviews have been full of energy and vibrance.
She seemsed so genuinely enthused about the movies, Summit really screwed her.
This just leaves a bad taste in my mouth for the whole series.
I was really looking forward to Rachelle's role in Eclipse. I'm sure BDH will be fine, but that's not the point.
I have such respect for Rachelle and the way she conducts herself. She is a class act all the way.
I didn't believe all the rumors about Summit being the bad guys before but clearly I was naive. What a cut-throat and despicable business this is.
Rob - make your millions and GET OUT!
Bastards, she's my fave after Rob and Ashley, I adore her she's just fabulous and has been such fun in interviews.
And regarding her part - well that sad victoria at the end of Twilight is just haunting, she was fantastic how she did that.
Yuck I don't like the new choice she's made crap movies & looks weak in everything, not wild and wonderful.
That just sucks. There will probably be backlash against the new actress, but hopefully summit gets an earful. How could they do that. If I hear Ron Howard had anything to do with it I will be so pissed. Watch there will be backlash against him too. LOL. Hell hath no fury like a Twilighter scorned!! Watch out summit!!
eclipse is nothing without rachelle. i'm not going to even bother watching it. bryce is cool and all and she is great in the roles she plays but she is NO victoria. i can't see anyone else playing victoria but rachelle.
i will boycott eclipse and rally a new orleans posse to boycott unless they change their mind. probably won't even make a dent but maybe a little.
I will still see & support this movie because I love the series and the other actors, specifically Rob of course...
But, that doesn't mean I'm not pissed. I can't NOT see this movie though, it would kill me.
I am really horrified by how dirty Summit played this game. And like one of you said, she was my fave person cast after Rob and Ashley. What sucks is she was THE MOST enthusiastic of ALL the cast in promoting these films. They made special accomadations in the scheduling in Twilight for CAM G. they could have done the same for Rachelle.
What sucks is they know their meal ticket is Rob. They know that it is isn't us the over age 18 fans that will make them the money, it is those teen boppers who are screaming their little heads off at the signings that will make them the money. The exact grouping Rob was hoping to not be stigmatized to. They are the ones that will go 10, 12, 20 times to the movies because of Rob. So they don't care about the petitions. I will sign then and hope they do have a heart and reconsider, although I highly doubt it.
Goz, I'm grateful that you are doing this. We were all trying to figure out how to go about starting a petition. Now we can just move forward.
I wonder what is up with Summit..they get one good franchise and start treating people like crap. They must have forgotten already how passionate the fans are.
What has happened to Rachelle is so wrong on so many levels, as already stated she showed so much enthusiasm and commitment to the saga, every interview she did you could see how much it meant to her and to be treated so callously by a company who she has worked so hard for, is just wrong, in fact, plain mean (I don't want to swear).
This is my thoughts with regards to BDH, when you think of how many known actors have expressed an interest in the saga, why not BDH? Maybe she has shown an interest, Summit has seen numerous dollar signs and thought, why not?
I have nothing against BDH but I feel like so many others that 'Eclipse' will not be the same without Rachelle, she made the character of Victoria her own and I doubt that Summit or BDH will ever take that away from her.
I am so so sad and dissappointed @ Summit's inaccurate decision of going on without Rachelle.THAT IS JUST NOT RIGHT! Isn't there anything the fans can do about it, after all we make all those movies great, shouldn't we have a say?Rachelle is perfect as Victoria,she's been in the other 2 movies...she has to be in Eclipse,it doesn't make sense to change her...... c'mon Summit u really thought it wouldn't matter
I agree with you 100%! I think BDH expressed an interest in the franchise and they felt, Hmmmmm known name, why not replace RACHELLE. Perfect out. Her schedule isn't Convenient for us.
What a load of total bullcrap.
I wonder if Summit will have to release another statement now that Rachelle has come out with her side of things.
let's fax them, call'em till they can't stand it anymore...we want Rahcelle back!
Administrative Contact :
Tseng, Mimi
SANTA MONICA, CA 90404-2916
Phone: 310-315-6047
Fax: 310-828-4132
WHY DID SUMMIT DO THIS?? Do you know? That is ridiculous, 'cause Rachelle is perfect as Victoria! Why don't they "blow" that awful Nikki??
Summit is pathetic. First they fail to provide adequate security for Rob in New York and now this. Rachelle was the perfect Victoria, gorgeous, sexy and deliciously scary.
I tried to email them at summitent@EARTHLINK.NET, but the email got kicked back to me.
Now I love speculation like the rest of you so I am going to suggest something. Do you recall in one of the questions Rob answered something like "He was passionate about the books and even with Eclipse he is already getting into arguments about the changes to the script".???????? What do you think guys, perhaps Rob knew before Rachelle. The trouble with Summit is they are now making a lot of money from the movie and will continue to do so, so to them it doesn't matter. I wonder who is directing Breaking Dawn????
This is the error message I got
Due to extended inactivity new mail is not currently being accepted for this mailbox
So I don't think we have the correct email for Summit
Susan I totally agree with you!
I wonder what Rob will say about this, I don't think that Summit can shut him up about his opinion right?
Temptation, I wonder about that too (Rob knowing something.) I also wondered if he was arguing with some of David Slade's ideas...that dude scares me. Eclipse is one of the most romantic books in the series and to have a guy like Slade at the helm makes me VERY nervous. I guess I am not surprised at this latest news about Rachelle. I'm getting a queasy feeling about Eclipse and how the filming is going to go down.
IA that Rachelle has been a class act all the way and I can't see anyone else as Victoria. Eclipse would have been her moment to shine. And now we have to watch a "noob" duke it out with Robward at the climax of the film? Disappointing doesn't even begin to cover it.
*off to sign petitions now*
BUT, can you find out ms. HOWARDS AND HER FATHERS email adresses?
i intend to write and tell them that i am not supporting this move, and will make sure to post how underhanded it is everywhere i can.
I'm just sick. Just to get Ron Howard or caving to him..depends how you look at it...bad decision. this will impact the Saga in a way they can't or didn't even imagine. Rachelle needs to come back now...friggin morons.
I would like to see a good actress like Bryce to play the character of Tanya in BD; but it is unfair what Summit is doing to Rachelle, she does a great work as Victoria, and the truth is that to not reschedule her for 10 days filming and just recast, knowing how each of the actors have become so adored by the fans of the saga is not smart move at all. I hope Summit will think over their mistaque.
Hi All,
First post here, I've been lurking for a while and thought defending Rachelle's cause would be a good start :).
I just wanted to say that what happened to Rachelle is awful, unfair, and unjustified. Rachelle IS Victoria, she has proven to be perfect for the role and I can't see anyone else playing her.
I am certainly planning to write to Summit and boycott Eclipse, if she is not re-instated. Nothing against Bryce Dallas Howard, I like her, but it's a matter of principle, it's the injustice in itself that drives me screaming up the wall. The way Summit behaved is despicable and disgusting. They have shown themselves for the backstabbing, money-hounds they are. I just have not enough words to describe how sick to my stomach they make me.
So I think that in order not to miss out (because I do love the Saga and would hate that) there are plenty of ways, not necessarily illegal, to watch the film without Summit getting as much money as they expect. For example, not going to the movies and wait for the DVD, then buy only one copy among a group of, say, 10 people and then watch it all together. It would not be illegal, as far as I know, because no profit would be made from the viewing, and I don't think there's a law against a group of friends watching a film together in the privacy of their home. That would make 9 DVD copies x Number of Groups that are not sold, on top of the plummeting in theatre attendance. I don't think Rob and the rest of the cast would be too damaged, as I expect they would have already been paid, at that point. I would expect they'd understand and support this stand, actually, especially the "minor" characters. As it happened to Rachelle, it could happen to them, too. Taylor himself was at risk, last year, after all.
I guess it's naive of me to think that people would renounce to going to the movies and buy the DVD in mass, probably Eclipse will earn a cartload of money anyway... but that's all I could come up with... I'm so angry!
It's unbelievable...Summit effed her over royally...and right after CC.I wonder did she find out like we all did on the internet
yesterday? Did Summit even have the guts to call her personally? Probably not...Bitches.
They could have worked with her.10 days..that's all it was...10 lousy days.
I know something was brought up about Rachelle maybe not being able to get the money she is possibly owed. I know I would sue Summit ass and get the money owed, plus future earnings.
I feel even if Rachelle doesn't get back her role. She will go on to bigger and better things. She is a talent that will be greatly missed. Her new role may allow her to show greater depth as an actress. Who knows, this may be a blessing in disguise? Maybe her new role will catapult her into greater success as an actress.
Summit have obviously known for a while because they would of held auditions etc. for the role. I know they are looking after Rob at the moment but I think this shows they are not an ethical company and he should get out as soon as he can. It just goes to show EVERYONE IS REPLACEABLE.
Eclipse is not shaping up too well - I know nothing about the director apart from he looks creepy and made snide comments about the franchise.
One of the best achievments of Twilight was the juxtopistion at the end of 2 love stories, the brokenhearted Victoria and the new romance.
Is this director capable of conveying Victoria's heartbreaking revenge?
Or is it going to be just a freaky horror story?
(And the Village was one of the worst things I have ever seen and that's all I have seen newbie do)
I know this is off topic, all Aussie gals THE RITZ in Randwick/Sydney have a Twilight evening, 9.30pm 18th November, Twilight and then 12.01am 19th November NEW MOON. YIPPEEEE. Get the details from the RPAustralia Site, tickets are $25 for both movies and THEY HAVE A BAR, champagne and ROB something to cheer you all up. The Ritz have a no sreaming policy YIPPEEE again.
This is really a big mistake .
I hate when they replace the characters, Rachelle was great as Victoria's character. What they were thinking about to replace her??!!! . It is difficult to accept the other actress even if she is a good actress, because this replacement just makes you confused while watching Eclipse movie .
I am so sad. I love Rachelle! I decided we would be BFFs if I ever met her. This sucks big time.
I KNOW! Let's all make t-shirts and wear them to see Eclipse! I can't decided what will be on them just yet....Rachelle's picture for sure...maybe "The REAL Victoria"???? I can't decide.
I'm writing a personal letter and mailing it to Summit tommorow. Since they are only 40 miles away, I'm sure it will be received Friday.
SUMMIT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This announcement was one of the lead stories on the 11 p.m. news last night.
Rachelle: I'm sure you're checking this and I just want to say we love you...maybe we can turn this around.
I found another email address for them termsofuse@summit-ent.com It's off of their web site. Hopefully the email will go through.
I'm sad for the way Summit handled this entire situation with Rachelle. I feel it was very underhanded.
To be honest I won't boycott for the sake of the rest of the cast and Stephanie Meyer.
I don't fault BDH in anyway either.
I feel that there may be more going on behind the scenes than any of us are aware of.
I signed the petitions with my comment of disappointment of Summits ethics and handling of the situation.
I wish Rachelle the best of luck and will keep my fingers crossed that maybe she'll regain her role as Victoria.
This truely does SUCK!
I am just sick about this. I adore Rachelle and this is bullshit at its finest.
Off to sign the petitions.
What in the wrold is Summit thinking~people are binded with these characters
Too Much Fucking Bullshit.
The End.
I really appreciate your efforts with Rachelle´s cause.
I thinks fans have to do something because it could have happened with Rob or any other member of the cast.
Summit clearly doesn´t respect any of them.
maybe your right. This could be a warning for BD´s negociations. It´s like "don´t ask a lot of money or sign with other projects, cause you´ll be out of the saga"
OMG!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!! I am sooo pissed too and will be signing the petition!!! WTF!?
and you know what- you know Summit knew this when she was at comic con!! FUCKERS!
i added her to my twitter because i thought i had her on my twitter. i added her and summit'd the imposter.
we really need to go zach de la rocha rage against the machine on their asses. no hans blix write a mean letter to them. boycott. the cast will be fine. they will have monies coming in anyway.
catching up: read Summit's response. Even more convinced now they are setting the parameters and sending signals.
I think Rachelle should kick her agency/management in the bum, too. They fucked up somehow. Crux is Summit pissed because of apparent 'last-minute' notification, putting Eclipse second. That should have been handled. Then there would not even be the possibility of an excuse.
S. response is legalese stating grounds for non-fulfilment of her contract. Phrases like "acting in good faith" and denial of dismissal are giveaways. Unless her management can smooth feathers it could go to legal settlement before she has a hope of being back in the film. Shit. Gotta get some sleep now. Shit.
I read Summit's response to her statement & I'm still calling bullshit.
Check out what Summit responded to Rachelle's statement on:
Ooh~ I just read my previous post. i meant to say "bonded with the characters"
@ A:
"S. response is legalese stating grounds for non-fulfilment of her contract."
That's what I was thinking, too!
And if it was all so "last minute" how could they find a replacement so quickly? Did they not conduct auditions? How long ago did they decide to sack her? And why did they wait until after Comic Con? And how did Rachelle get to know she was out? Over the internet, like the rest of us?
However they spin it, they still come out looking like backstabbers.
I still don´t believe in this "scheduling conflicts"´s crap.
Summit wanted to re-cast Victoria so BDH could be a member of the cast and they just found a perfect excuse. Hollywood sucks.
It seems to me that Rachelle, knowing Summit would not be too happy with her taking on another movie (with a great ensemble cast and material, btw)that will take away 10 shooting days from Eclipse, so she withheld the information thinking Summit would give in in the end. i don't think Summit grabbed this opportunity to cast a "bigger" name, cos Bryce Howard is, well, not. it's not like they cast Kate Winslet or something. a lesson for Rachelle, that unless your name is Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart, the concept of "family" in Hollywood doesn't exist, even if it's Twilight.
Im so sad after read this news..but c'mon guys, we have to see this problem clearly and act fair to both of summit and rachelle. i have read summit's statement and i think if the schedule conflict is true than maybe recast her is the wise way. both of the movie will start at the same date, and the barney movie will take place in europe. it's not only about how many days they are overlapped, but dont u think guys that any other actors in eclipse like rob has another schedule to fulfill at the end of this year. if eclipse scheduled to be filming for 3 months then it will be end at middle of november, and as we know rob has another movie to filming in the end of the year and so do kristen and other actors. don't get me wrong, i really like rachelle as victoria, and i know recast her will be weird for the audience when see eclipse where victoria get important rule. But i think we have to be fair and be wise....
i think when Ron Howard speaks everyone jumps... I have a feeling Summit was doing some back scratching, brown nosing, ass kissing... whatever you call it and wanted his daughter in on it for WAY more reasons than what they are saying...They needed an excuse to can her and they found one.
I signed both petitions. Normally I do not hold much faith in this but how Summit treated Rachelle just sucks. I do NOT for one second buy the fact that she was able to HIDE the shooting schedule from Summit while committing for 10 stinkin days to her new project. They were acting like brats. They wanted to save money. I suspect this will get uglier.. I am actually surprised the stuff got out, I thought we never would find out. But cudos to Rachelle to speak up. I bet she is upset and probably furious too.
It is just so sad what they did to her ... I signed the petition and I do hope things could still change...
@ A: I had exactely the same thoughts. It also served as a warning to other cast members.
I'm not sure if they did auditions to find Bryce Dallas Howard. Didn't Jamie Campbell Bower say he got a call from his agent that Summit wanted him for Caius, no audition needed?
The petitions are a good idea but I don't think Summit'll step back and take Rachelle on board again.
This sucks big time! I can't believe they dumped her like that.
I'm going to sign every petition to bring Rachelle back.
This is going to be a huge mistake for Summit, you can't replace an actor/actress in a franchise (it's like a tv show, you grow fond of the characters and cast), this is going to disappoint so many fans, and unhappy fans can mean less money. I'd like to know how the rest of the cast reacted to this news.
Talk about ironic, Tonner announced 3 new Twilight dolls, one of which is Victoria, who looks strangely like Rachelle
so after reading summits response to the response again, i find it even creepier than the first one.
it seems that they are good
'spin doctors', i mean i almost wept at the whole 'betrayal' by rachelle.
who would have thought summit had such tender corporate feelings?
i'm so sympathetic to their plight,
and i completely understand why a big corporation didnt confront one of the pivotal characters in the third movie, and decided to just let her go on her merry way, while they secretly got someone else to sign, seal and deliver the role in just ten days...
forget the fact that the replacements father is some wealthy, hollywood mogul director, cause i know i will. forget it that is...
summit you are to be applauded..
Sad but true Summit has shown that they are very complacent about the Twilight audience.
Rachelle is not really in New Moon and it will be next year before we see Eclipse. I think Summit really does believe that by then no one will care who plays Victoria. WRONG...
Is this also a tool to keep the other actors in check ? Is Summit trying to tell them that any or all are expendable?
Pathetic and calculating that this only comes out after Comic Con.
Maybe they were a little worried that the other actors might not be happy with this decision. Question time at C.C.would have evolved around this instead of the NM movie.
I for one would have no trouble boycotting NM if Rob was not in it. My protest on behalf of Rachelle is that I will only go and see it once instead of the many many times I saw Twilight.
So if you do visit this site and read our comments, please know that I am sorry this has happened to you Rachelle.
I watched you being interviewed when you were in Australia recently and thought that you were a beautiful and well spoken young lady. I will continue to follow your career post Twilight.
While we all find this EXTREMELY disappointing and will miss Rachelle so much, she made her decision about doing another movie during the Eclipse time frame. What's done is done. Bryce looks like she will play a very good Victoria. Think of how Rob felt when all those petitions were signed after he was cast as Edward. I am going to support Bryce!
Okay Stephanie you are entitled to do that but I do not think it is accurate to compare this to what happened to Rob. At that stage he had not played Edward.
In the end that negative press probably helped Rob because he had something to prove to all the dissenters. I believe I did hear him say something like that in an interview.
Rachelle to most Twilight fans IS Victoria because she has played the part.
It just shows that Summit is all about the money and I still think they are a little to sure of themselves with the Twilight fans.
here's another petition i found...i was having trouble with the one posted:
uh yeah stephanie,
bryce is a terrible actress in my opinion. amazing how two people can see things so differently...
summit had a game plan, and they won the round...
people with a heart dont forget shit like that...
They can't replace Rachelle. She is Victoria, and they can't change a character, an important character, in the middle of the Twilight Saga. It's crazy and it makes no sense.
I'm soooo pissed off! Fuck Summit!!! First they hired D. Slade, who I still can't trust and now they fired Rachelle :(. Robert's statement at CoCon about already beeing argumentative about Eclipse scares me to death!
Eclipse is my favourite book and fu...ing Summit obviously is trying their utmost to ruin it completely. I don't have words to express how angry I am!
I wish Rachelle had an agent or lawyers who could have prevented this situation. I'm really fond of her, but signing another contract that would probably cause schedule conflicts without asking for Summit's previous written approval was very irresponsible in my opinion. Nobody forced her to undertake the other film. It's a breach of contract if she's not present at the shooting of either Eclipse or the other film. Maybe she also could have cancelled the latter agreement. She should have been more careful, especially if there were plans to replace her. So sad.
Well this is a proof that some companies aren't meant to be big and successful (at least in long term)... I thought after Rob security fiasco they came to their sense but I guess I'm wrong...
I do not for a second believe Rachelle "chose" the indie movie. Summit's response is one drafted carefully by the lawyers to cover their behinds.
And that's(hopefully) the last thing I'm gonna say about this.
I spent all night posting everywhere, L.A. Times, Toronto Globe and Mail, Vancouver Sun, E! etc..etc...I certainly made my feeling known and used my real name. I really let Summit have it, and no swear words either..I threated to buy all the forthcoming Twilight movies in the pre-viewed DVD bin at Blockbuster and boycott the theatre releases, because they have no repect for their fans and I don't want to line their pockets. Huff Puff...
Anyhow...*cough* some backstory, that 10 day shoot Rachelle is doing is an Indie film based on a story by Mordecai Richler, a revered and cherished Montreal author who's a member of "The Order Of Canada", Rachelle was born and brought up in Montreal as well, and went to McGill University like Richler, this project is most probably very near and dear to her heart. Which doesn't mean she isn't passionate about "Twilight" we all know how much she is. But if you think a minute you can see how turning down that 10 days of shooting the other film would have been very difficult for her. "Ecilpse" is shooting for 3 months, she probably thought she could made it up. If it were another company besides Summit who after all threatened to fire Taylor if he didn't buff up remember? Well they could have made it up...but Summit are bullies and control freaks...'nuff said...
(ok Lynda, why don't you tell the folks how pissed you are...?)
This whole story is freaking me out. I've signed the petition and I'm crossing my fingers here. Rachelle is awesome as Victoria and it will ruin the whole thing if she (or anyone, for that matter) is recasted.
To boycott Eclipse will only hurt the other actors and no I am not for hurting others to make a point. I find signing the petitions Gozde linked to and voice our opinion in public in a classy manner like I am sure Rachelle would do is the best way to go here. We can vent in here lol
I think this whole thing reeks. Summit thinks they are so big now so they can treat their actors like dirt? This WILL backfire on them eventually. Also not bying into Summit's "stunned" reaction. There is no way any professional actress would mess up like they claim Rachelle did. There is NO WAY she'd let this juicy role get lost just by "withholding" filming info, what a ridiculous excuse. They managed to work around Cam's filming schedule (James in Twilight) by having his scenes filmed first. What is so difficult getting around Rachelle's 10 measly days of commitment to her other project? This reeks rotten egs by miles!
I agree there is more to this on Summit's side than what they let out. And regardless the reason why Bryce Dallas Howe was hired, it kinda sucks for her too. Sure can't be easy going into a role you got on the expense of another actress who has huge fan support!
I'd LOVE to know what the other Twilight Saga actors think about this but something tells me they will be cautios in saying too much, they won't hurt Rachelle's cause by blabbering everywhere either. Professionalism comes first. But I bet they are fuming amongst themselves...
Even on twitter the trending comments have been removed, Summit bitching to twitter now to have this removed? They stooped to censorship control now too? That would be major fail by twitter AND Summit IF that is the case. So much for free speech...it goes BOTH ways of course.
I know and you know I am a Rob fan, I wouldn't do anything to hurt him, but I don't think he's going to be hurt. He might be hurting right now because I think he and Rachelle are pretty good friends, they seem to get along together very well. I have a feeling David Slade has something to do with this, but I can't be sure, guess it'll all come out in the dirty wash one day. Rob did say that he finds himself getting pretty emotional over the Eclipse script and argumenative which he says is not usually like him, so I have a feeling something is going on behind the scenes.
Having said that, I feel I am in a unique position over this, being a Montreal girl myself and fiercely loyal by nature, I don't watch Hockey, I only watch Montreal Canadiens hockey..that sort of thing. I've been a fan of Rachelle's since "The River King" a movie I've had for a few years (before Twilight), and I have owned the DVD since before I ever picked up a Stephanie Meyer's book.
I'm going to have to go all out here. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't support my homey 100%.
I am sure that all the actors have it in their contracts that they are NOT to make any negative comments about the twilight franchise.
I hope breaking Rachelle's contract released her from this. Otherwise I can see them coming after her with a big stick for talking about what they did to her.
They would not like the adverse publicity they are getting.
As I said before I think that they would have felt secure that they had plenty of time to convince TwiFans that Ronnie's little girl was a great choice for Victoria.
I could feel sorry for Bryce, if I did not think that nepotism was involved here. I do however feel really sorry for Rachelle.
Unfortunately, I have to say that boycotting the EC movie is no option for me. I like Rachelle but I so much more love Rob and want each of his movies to be a huge success (also at the box office). Of course, I also don't think that I could stand it to not see EC Robward on the big screen (even with D. Slade butchering my favourite book).
So sadly it's a walk-over for Summit: They know that the Rob fans are loyal and will support him in any way :(.
Yeah, our first allegiance is to Rob, no Eclipse boycott.
OK 13 hours later and this thread is still going. I've now signed 3 pro-Rachelle petitions and will look at other forums to comment on. Summit have to be shown that they can't get away with this high handedness and disrespect to the supporters of the Twilight franchise.
@Athena: her reps deal with the studio management, or they should, and would let Rachelle know. It seems there was almost no chat but that is not the whole story.
@Phosphorus: Sadly, I agree. When Rachelle's response, drafted with her reps approval, included a ref to her contract Summit saw it in legal territory. Summit's comeback gave specific dates for the record so think her team must be trying for a good financial resolution.
Other cast members are also bound by contracts. Advised to express regret but not a lot more in the face of Summit's stand. I'd like fans to have the power but when it goes legal nobody has a choice. Well, hope springs eternal. :)
I think the execs at Summit should really take a crash course on public relations and business. I'm suprised they never considered the fans' reaction to this news. The fan base is what has made the Twilight series so successful, and also pulled in so much money for the studio. Rachelle is a beloved actor in the Twilight series. Her protrayal of Victoria was "dead on". I can't believe the studio would handle this situation so academically. I think the incompetent exec at Summit who came up with firing Rachelle should be terminated for this fiasco. My opinion of Summit has dropped drastically. I hope they come to their senses and bring Rachelle back. I feel sorry for the new girl.
Gozde- I have not asked people here or anyone else to boycott, I've written everything with a personal tone. Just expressing how I feel. I don't except anyone else to follow my lead, nor whould I ever ask anyone. But I want Summit to know exactly how I feel about what they did. I adore Rob, but I am fighting for the rest of the cast here, they've threatened Taylor before, replaced the original wolf pack and who's next? I think the dismissle of Rachelle was a warning to other cast members, toe the line or the same is going to happen to you. That's no way to run a railroad.
Lynda, I didn't post it as a reply to you :)) It was a general reply, I swear. Believe me I am PISSED at this, hence the non-Rob post :)
I support Rachelle and I am very sad that Summit made this decision. You would have thought with the Taylor thing that they wouldn't try this again. I won't boycott New Moon, because I love Stephenie Meyer and the whole cast, and I won't Boycott Eclipse or Breaking Dawn (if they actually make it). But I WILL Boycott any other movies made by Summit. I think the fan base for the Twilight Saga is powerful and we can break them.
@ Gozde: I have thought about it, and I think you're right... My loyalty, too, is to Rob first... but dear God, does this injustice burn! :(
I hate hate hate that there seems to be no way to avoid filling Summit's pockets without hurting Rob's career in the process :(. I can't wait until Rob is off Summit's hook :(. There's still Remember Me to go (I think?), and I surely don't want to miss that. But I truly, utterly feel sick to my stomach.
I guess I'll follow suthrngrl's suggestion and boycott all other Rob-less Summit movies... and hope Rob will never work for them again.
@A: yeah, from what Rachelle said, it looks like she was not warned that she might lose her job, by either her reps (sure as hell, they should have seen that coming, if they were any good) or Summit... but I guess we will never know the whole truth...
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