Dani (my partner in crime) says she is having problems accessing our blog. UH OH! Not good :) So this post is for all of you that are having problems. Our provider is blogger and they have a quota for the pictures we post. So about a month ago I switched to photobucket for our pictures. Since then I know some of you have been unable to view the pics on our site.
Here is your chance to let it all out :) Tell me the problems you are having and I'll try to find a solution :) Nobody should suffer from being unable to view Robert Pattinson pictures! Oh the horror!
P.S.: Our blog is best viewed with Mozilla Firefox. IE is so last century :) Switch to firefox and you'll have better internet existence, I promise :P
I've been having trouble too! Then again, I'm using IE.
Goz, Dani, Thank you so much for all your hard work. This is the only site I look at for my Robbie updates. I appreciate you very much. Don't know if I ever said thank you before, so I wanted to be sure to express my gratitude. Your comments totally crack me up all the time! You are the best!
We are feelin' the love, Goz. You take such good care of us. I haven't had any problems, though....I bet you would have heard about it before too long! LOL. Google can't stand between me and my Robcrack.
Thanks for all that you do!
I don't have any issues viewing the pics, but I just wanted to point out that Rob looks good even with a double chin.
LOL @ Little Bear's comment
I can call up pics. I do use IE, and the main problem i have is it usually takes FOREVER to load if it's on the main page. And then sometimes when it looks like it's almost gonna finish loading, it all of the sudden closes with a problem message, and then closes ALL THE OTHER WINDOWS I HAVE OPEN
this happened last night and i had all these vids called up to watch later that people had tweeted and i was very very sad
However, LOVE Y'ALL and still love the blog :)
Thank you guys :)) You know we love you too. It's a Rob love fest here :PP
Thao, babe, use firefox. I promise you'll never look back :)
I already emailed you (possibly twice, that was when I was having a problem) I keep getting error messages that say IE can't open the web page & then it hangs, or closes, or sometimes it just stays there & I can't refresh the page.
(ps I actually use chrome, and in my experience it loads pics faster than firefox)
I'm using mozilla version 3.5 and I've had this problem for the past couple of months on all of my computers (work, home pc and laptop)where I can't hear sound on any of the videos you post.
If I open IE and play the video it works fine.
Additionally, if I try to play videos on your site and get the no sound problem I can't hear sound on any other sites either. But if I start on other sites the sound works fine.
FIREFOX works perfect.
OK, so I downloaded Firefox, & the site did load a lot faster & the pictures look a little crisper, but none of the videos are there, & when I try to download the missing add on, it says it's not there & nothing happens. Also, I got a message about my Norton not being compatible with Firefox, so now I'm worried about whats going to get into my computer. Not sure I'll be using Firefox again.
hey goz. i dont know if it's just me but usually there are 2 youtube videos overlapping pictures in the middle of the site. lol. idk. it's been like that for awhile and i already use firefox.
Himm... Marna I would think the only reason Norton says it's not compatible with Firefox is because they are affiliated with Internet Explorer. The truth is Firefox is a much safer browser.
As for the other problems, I will try to fix them but they are so "unique" problems. I am not sure how to fix 'em :(
Oh I have SAFARI for my MAC.
I can't see some pictures.
But I see MOST :/
I'm using Safari and/or Firefox on a Mac and the site takes forever to load. The video links never work, but that's not anything new. Still, don't want to sound like I'm complaining -- I love the site.
I read your blog at work and photobucket pics are blocked. Can you use tinypic or imageshack? please please please please...I miss my robiliciousness during the day.
geeenah; I've been having the same problem. If I reload the page it goes away. But it just started happening about a week ago. I thought it was just my computer. Hmm
I'm happy so far - only a bit slow loading at home , but i don't have all the bells a whistles.....Love you guys!!!
Hi Goz, I'm sooo glad you posted this. My issue is EMPTY SQUARES!!!! (sigh) When I first enter the website I can see all pics, but as soon as I refresh the're GONE!!!(sniff) I use IE as well and I'm now going to try downliading firefox to see if that works. I hope so cause EMPTY SQUARES = Grumpy and Pouty Robsessor.
Thank you Goz and Dani for acknowledging this and for ALL your HARD WORK....Luv you guys. xo
I'm from Brazil and the website was very slow to start..but today is fast =]
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