OK! Magazine published some quotes of Robert Pattinson from an interview they claim to have conducted:
The actor, who plays Edward in the film adaptations, tells OK! Magazine he feels the character isn’t as nice as his fans think.
He told us: “It’s weird, but girls always seem like that. Being a guy, you always just look at girls and think, ‘why are you with that guy?’
“With virtually anyone the nice guys always seem to come last. You always get weirdos like Edward who seem to attract women for some reason.
“If Edward wasn’t a fictional character and you met him in reality he is like one of those guys who would probably be an axe murderer or something.”
Sound familiar? Well it did to me and as I was doing a search on the blog our friend TwiCrackAddict tweeted where it was from! It's from an interview dose.ca conducted with Rob back in November! (check out 2:08 for the exact quote).
I guess publishing plain lies isn't the lowest for OK! Magazine.
UGH ok magazine is utter CRAP!
I noted this too Gozde.
More proof that the majority of these types of magazines assume their readers are idiots.
Back away from the mags at the check out stands... it's all a bunch of crap.
knew that sounded too familiar. wish someone could get that into stephanie's hands.
I hadn't seen that interview before. Probably because it was just before my Rob-cherry was popped.
Comments like that though, about nice guys finishing last, make me believe more and more that he actually is a truly nice guy. Dickheads and players don't say things like that. They just don't think about it.
OK magazine sucks.
I didnt expect anything different from such a crap magazine...
poor Rob!!
I just keep repeating myself. How is that even legal???
I thought it sounded familiar too.
That's desperate and lazy as hell.
Just another attempt at getting the mighty dollar.Tsk Tsk
Ok mag is crap.Thanks for posting the true interview. It's one of my favs.
Don't understand how they can get away so blatently with using someone else's material.
The only good thing about this, is that I got to watch the interview again.....he is truly adorable. And so articulate, I could listen to him talk for hours, he's so interesting. Oh, and hot.
Oh Rob!
This is one of my favourite interviews with him. So articulate; so insightful,so honest. He is a National Treaure! I really wish he would do another interview like this. Refute all the nonsense that has been bandied about the last few months...just be himself. He is still there ......somewhere...
can't the interviewer sue ok magazine to put their bold asses back in place. i mean freedom of the press yes but atleast be original instead of recycling an old interview. they have been doing this a lot and it's getting worse.
This happens to be one of my favorite interviews, so I realized what OK was doing right away. You would think that would be illegal wouldn't you?
BS or not, I don't care... I don't read them anyway. I hardly have time to check on this site now...
Love this interview. Rob voice (sigh) and movements are so fun to watch. He's so adorable. He really doesn't understand that he has that dazzle look that makes me melt.
I am a little pissed though, ladies, that Rob would say these things about Edward. It's almost like, he's biting the hands who gave him food. I mean, Edward is fictional, but isn't that one of the reasons why we love him? I mean c'mon, he should have a better sense than that. It's almost like a disrespect to Stephenie's babies.
Not trying to step on anyone. I love Rob and I'm obsessed but hearing these comments made me question him.
seriously, he signed up to act in four movies to the best of his abilities, not to lie about how he feels. TELL ME WHAT YOU REALLY THINK ROB!!! thats what most people love the most about him. he is genuine, not a pimped out sycophant, that's completely fake...
kristen, forgive me for asking, but how old are you? Don't get me wrong, no offense meant. I just wondered why we see this interview so differently and thought perhaps it's the age. But then again, I'm not such a Twi-fan. I found Rob's view on Edward very up to the point.
tht's just common with those magazines... frankly, with any magazines!!!
Cover says exclusive interview, inside just and only some recycled, tiny bit rewritten answers... but always the same. Always!
Recognized that long time ago, not with Rob, but with another actor and you just get tired of it, really... but trust me, this might be the first but it defintely wasn't the last time a magazine will do this! That's just the way with journalism of today's society!
Well, is it journalism? Or rather some kind of entertainment?
Surely there is some kind of code of conduct for journalists in the US that rules out plagiarism and faked interviews and makes it very clear that the source has to be named if quotes are taken from other interviews or articles (e.g. Mr Pattinson told Dose.ca ...).
However, his fans should know by now that Rob does not talk to the Yellow Press. So, whenever they come up with an "exclusive interview" it's got to be faked. The Yellows might get accreditations to official press conferences but he does not give them any exlusive interviews. That's part of his media strategy.
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