OH HOT DOUBLE DAMN - The Photoshoot That Keeps on Giving - Updated

WHERE have you been hiding those arms Rob?!?

source: US Weekly Thanks to Thinking of Rob:))

The whole photoshoot including Rolling Stone, US Weekly, Dossier and outtakes:


Zanymouse said...

I'm beginning to absolutely LOVE t-shirts with holes.

Lisa said...


My gloomy day has just burst into sunshine and rainbows!!

Well...not really, but I'm smiling now at least :)

Haystackhair said...

4th from bottom, crotchporn, bendyfingerporn...GAH. DIED.

noisefaidaus said...

Crappy magazine, but god those are SEXY photos!!!!! All his body parts are so luscious the hands, the fingers, the lips, the eyes, the jaw, the fly of his jeans (oops!!!sorry).
I now officially laying in the gutter, in total bliss!!!

Anonymous said...

my god.... amazing... like no words

Anonymous said...

aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! THUD

Alexandra said...

GAH! I've been away for a few days and this is what I come back to :D

These should come with a warning: "Large doses of hot Robert Pattinson photos may cause heart failure. Ogle at your own risk."

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


albaville said...


Kate said...

Holy God!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm hyperventilating!!

showme said...

I am completley non functional right now.

i love that photographer so much I'd offer him my first born.

How, why, how is it possible this man is that fuckhawt, that beautiful...

this is almost too much.

Anonymous said...

the hardened nipples, the hands near the you know what! What was the hand doing there? What are you trying to tell us ROB? Whaaaatttttt?????

Suz said...

Suz Fucking Wants


lovindashow said...

Dear God, woman! Trying to kill me today?!?!?

I love you for every bit of it. Thanks!!!!!!!! Best Rob Blog ever!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


The cause of my death

Lisa said...

Holy Happy Crap!!

There are even MORE over at Usmagazine.com!!

...having impure thoughts at work...must...resist....eh, the hell with it...GIMME SOME OF THAT SUGAR!!!!

Anonymous said...

wet fucking rob makes me thirsty. the end.

Anonymous said...

These are fantastic! Well done Godze for getting these up so quickly. I'll only just finished ogling the whole set on the US Weekly site! My favourite is the full length photo with his leg slightly in front of the other and he looks like he's trying to pull his jacket over his head LOL! God he's so slim....yummy just....yummy!

Suz said...

Dear Santa Goz,

I've been a very good girl (but I lie just a little)

Please Santie Goz..

HQ and Untagged.

Pretty Please With Wet Rob On Top!

peeling a fig said...

Oh oh oh...

Hannah said...

Wet Rob = Wet Hannah
He's rocking that plaid as usual..

Pics 3 and 4 own me right now though.

Suz, I concur.
HQ and Untagged would be my undoing.

Unknown said...

Great shots!!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Oh holy Rob!!

Oh my God is all I can say right now.

Thanks Gozde!

ebbyface said...

oh so died. dead. deader.

Anonymous said...

uhhh suz... i'll do what i can with the tags if you're offering up a wet rob on top

Unknown said...

Oh for the love of all things holy STOP DOING THAT TO ME while I am at work!!! Ok wait - don't EVER stop - but effing wowsers I need to go home now and get contol of myself. After I scroll through these pics a few dozen more times... s-l-o-w-l-y...

Seriously now I completely understand what Bella means and how she feels when she gets dazzled by Edward. 'nuf said.

NY DEAL GAL said...

God Bless You GOZ!!! You have made my day!!! Love you!

Anonymous said...
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Krissy said...

My Pool of Drool is overflowing.

Color me one Content Cougar.

Uh Huh.

Big Time! ☺

BTW...Anyone else think we should make Goz the Princess of the Universe?!

lane said...

can't breathe. can't breathe. can't breathe. holy. effing. shizz.

Rhonda said...

Oh My Word. I cannot believe how hot these are. I am quite distacted after viewing these. Very hard to concentrate. Holy pantyhose he is beautiful!

pat said...

AAAAAHHH!!!!!! Holy crap!!! Rob is gonna give me a heart attack one of these days! ..... Uhm, I'll die happy!!

Melanie said...


Haystackhair said...

Princess Goz, you have just caused my death by Robgasm. DIED 7/21/2009. RIP (Rob Incrediblydelicous Pattinson)

tracyvanhorne said...


Miss Vanity said...

ok if anything could bring me out of lurkdom it would be this. sweet baby jesus......*THUD*

Loisada said...

Loisada bows down in praise of the photographer who took these shots ((> My heart thanks you, my tingly toes thank you, my oonie thanks you....endlessly!

RPnKSaddict said...

Between the hands,the wet, and the way those jeans look on him....my heart is beating out of my chest.I am dead.

"Death,that hath sucked the honey of thy breath,hath had no power yet upon thy beauty."

Anonymous said...

I wonder what he's "packing" in those jeans......AND I wonder how many people will either begin or switch to Marboro Lights because Rob smokes them....?

Kelly said...

Goz, have I mentioned how much I love you lately?... cause I do.. *SIGH* you are an angel in the middle of the mundane bringing forth happiness and light in the form of one Mr. Robert Pattinson and his photos. Thanks for my smile today.. as with all days.. you are.. beyond words.. and usually only he leave me speechless : )





Rayodeluna said...

Ufff soooo yummy!!! I just got back from my lunch and this is my dessert! God he's sooooo beautiful, sexy, amazing, the perfect guy!!! Uff Why I can't have something like that at home???? Thank you for this amazing day!!! hahaha

RobinHoodie said...

I have some grey/brown cotton for the t-shirt with the eagle on it if Rob would like to have a go at sewing this one too. But, oh dear ... somehow I suspect that it might prove to be too big a challenge even for Rob's amazing sewing skills, lol. Absolutely great pics, by the way.

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

Okay, the picture biting the thumbnail...ah, I no longer believe this man doesn't know what he does to us. He may not understand it, but oh, he SO knows...

Yes, he knows...


kimberlesk said...




lovindashow said...

Days like today really make me appreciate my 26in. HD screen. :P~~

~KY~ said...

i am so f*cking dead right now.

btw...hell has rob pics...so it'd be f*cking hotttt regardless...im good.

Mommamary said...

Oh, I am absolutely worthless at work today after that! I might as well go home where I can just stare at these until my eyeballs dry up! You are right, Goz, HOT DAMN doesn't come even remotely close to covering it! WOW

lostinphilly57 said...

Holy mother of sweet baby jesus!
Jesus Christ and a half!
How do I love Thee? Let me count the sexy photos of you???
Jizzed in my pants!!
Holy Holey Shirts, Batman!!

OMG, I gotta stop this...
When you first look at these pix this is what you type:*&^$SJKJT)(%HMM
Very Incoherent.

Hold on tight spider monkey, the Robgasms are a coming!!!


España said...
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Brit Nic said...

WOW - whoever thought of throwing water over him is a genius and deserves a medal - although I am sure it would have occured to any of us had we been there - had we been there oh just imagine !! I too love the full length shot with his feet crossed over he looks sooooo tall and scrummy.

lostinphilly57 said...


Victoria said...

I LOVE how those jeans mold to his body....YUM!

España said...





Unknown said...

I don't know what to say.
I had a heart attack!!!! OMG!!

Pandora said...

Im not oposed to body hair at all but....he should really trim that jungle under his armpits. :P

Not shaving it off but at least make it look less like it could be a perfect movie set for jumanji XD

Sophia Z.86 said...

I love my man wet! He is totally Roblicious!
"Hey, Rob, wet gorgeous lover, wanna join me in my tub? First, let me take those wet clothes out... yummie... WOW! Those jeans came out easier than I thought... YUMMM to the magic package... and it is ALL MINE! wet and mine"...

well, well, I girl can dream...

spunkinator said...

i just died in my pants. :D
This man is going to be the death of us.

Anna said...

so... this is what it feels like for men, when they watch porn...

I get it now!!!

Tiffany said...

I will tell you where those arms have been hiding ... In the land of good camera angles. Some of those shots are not flattering at all he looks manerxic in a few of them but the good ones far out weigh the bad ones. He is a stone cold fox.... Yes I just said that

Sophia Z.86 said...


I am obsessed with his body hair! And I love all his hair, just as they are. Please, even the armpit!
Now... the chest hair is adorable, the hairy arms too, the happy trail needs no comments, and (my favorite ones) the PUBIC HAIR!! OH, man!... And his legs? Love his legs and feet and ALL!
Oh, and there is the hair in his head... girl, I forgot that! I like to mess with his hair! No, no need to trim anything!
Unless he wants his own private Sophia (MEMEME!) to do it...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Conversation with boss:
Boss: Have you finished your mid-months?

Me:Uh, well, hmm, see, I'm having heart palpatations, and uh, see, there are these photos from uhm US magazine..

Boss: photos?

Me:Uhm, yea, well, sorry, yes, I'll get right to them..

Boss: ok, by this afternoon..

Me: Sure thing! Goes back to staring at photos...

Gozde said...

And I love you all right back :)) Sorry for not commenting much. I am so overwhelmed with the blog and real life (people want me to other stuff than ogle at Rob, I have no idea what their problem is :))

Kortnii said...

holy shit godamn I need a cold shower....best post. ever.

I cant breathe....

srsly, why does he have to be THAT sexy in nasty clothes? its not fair. the jeans? pure sex.


España said...

Vote for Rob for Teen Choice Awards

Vote for Rob for Teen Choice Awards for Best: Actor Drama, Liplock & Rumble. Age restrictions. TCA will air


Gozde said...
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Anonymous said...

These have made me come out of lurking!
He looks really good here. Especially the leather jacket pictures...
Just wanna say hi to everyone! Love the comments, you basically say everything I want to say but much better.

Unknown said...

o my fucking god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly said...

Just went in for another look... the white mesh-tee had me with the ciggy photo... but now he's looking at me while wearing it.. those eyes, the lips, the arms.. perfection...

Well played Mr. Pattinson.. well played indeed...

I adore you... but right now.. all I can think about is sin... you are worth confession.. but I don't think my priest is really up to it, my thoughts on these photos may just have solidified my place in hell...

How is all of that contained in one body.. seriously... how do you pass a mirror and not just stop and think "HOT DAMN".. how do you pass a mirror?

I am just done.. for the day.. had me some good rpatzphotoluvin and I'm spent..

deep breaths.....



There are no REAL words that will suit my reaction... none

JennB said...

Sign ME up for the gun show.... please please please!!! Amen to what EVERYONE said, above. Am wet and dead in the office. Making a spectacle.

Hey, who wants to join the SaneRobPosse? (Anyone 30+ should get this...) basically we're the non-screamy, scary fans who want to take care of Rob's EVERY whim.

I think his gray shirt needs some blue thread. I'll get right on that.

Kelly said...

@ JennB - I'm up for the Posse :)

Display Name said...

I'm in the middle of getting ready to go out and I literally stopped in my tracks with that post! you're right, hot damn doesn't even begin to cover it! holy shit! I didn't stop until I had all of them saved in they're own little dossier folder in my rob folder! hahahaha

Gemgirl65 said...

HOLY FUCKING HELL. Show warned me about these pics but I still ruined another perfectly good pair of panties.

WHY are the "outtakes" so much better than the "intakes" (which were completely awesome in and of themselves.) WHY has US been sitting on these pics for months and months??? WHY haven't they just published a whole mag of RobPorn, make a zillion dollars off it and call it a day??? I need to have a talk with their marketing people.

And kiss the photographer. Right after I get done with Rob, that is. Hot damn hot damn HOT EFFING DAMN!

*will quietly pass out in computer chair now*

Unknown said...

You are HEROES in my eyes, you know that? Bloody HEROES.

And now...no work will be done. For the rest. Of the day.

Anonymous said...

Good lord. And im done......

showme said...

Told u u should have asked your boss for her comp leann....

don't doubt me. LOL

"Okay, the picture biting the thumbnail...ah, I no longer believe this man doesn't know what he does to us. He may not understand it, but oh, he SO knows...

Yes, he knows...



daydreambeliever said...

I would like to give praise and thanks to Godze for these pics. Now, I would like to ask "why God why did you only make one?" Imagine twins or triplets! To hell with this I completely support cloning and I am saving up all my pennies for a Rob clone. In the mean time:
Dear Rob,
Can I please be part of your harem?
I am really good at sharing and following directions. Your wish is my command and I will be your humble servant, my lord. Rob is the king of my heart and anything else of mine he wants. You own me baby!!! Come and get it!!!

daydreambeliever said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marna said...

If he looks this good wet with clothes on, naked & wet would probably make my brain explode.

maha said...

Can't say anything this is sooooo amazing beautiful and wonderful pictures of Rob

Thank you Thank you so much

Babs said...

I'm effin dead. I can't even decide what my fave pic is because my brain isn't working anymore.
Hot doesn't even cover it for sure!

Tenneil said...


He is so beautiful... there is only sooooo much Robporn one can handle in a day... CANT BREATHE!!!I just might implode...

Gozde... you have fulfilled many unicorn wishes...thank you!!!

HEY TS... SUZ...MB... :P

enjoykim said...


This is heaven...I´m dead...nuff said...

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

Oh, fuck, I'm in an orgasmic coma thanks to these shots. HO SHIT!

Sara said...

Pandora, thank you!
The impossible has been reached; I have found something I don't like about Rob.
That jungle under his arm.

Krissy said...

Who suggested we form a Rob Posse?!

It seems there's one here today & everyday!

Two words that always belong together...

Rob & Posse.


Sure hope I spelled that right!

hot4pattz said...

holy hair, leather, eyes and legs that go on for days. He gets me everywhere from scruffy to hands mMMMMMMMMMM. I dont think there is a man in the world who can wear a ripped shirt and be f***ing sexy like MY ROB. Damn look at those fingers!

Shani said...

Oh yeah, turn this way...turn that way...wait for it....*splash*...now lay down.

That was good for me. Was it good for you?!!


Georgie said...

What more can I say ...you ladies have said it all...OMG the bent fingers in the fourth-last photo! We pay humble homage to you Gozde for feeding our delicious ROBsession!

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SWEET MYSTERY OF LIFE AT LAST I FOUND YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! (OLD 30's female singing from that old mounty movie)....



HOW DID ANYBODY CHOOSE THE BEST OUT OF ALL THESE????? I think I would have just put an entire issue out of JUST ROB PICS. Think of how it would sell!!!!!!

Rob "I can't quit you". LOL
Honey, you are gonna be raped at comic con.

Gozde you may have endangered his life at comic con with THESE PICS. LOL Just kidding...

I bet he doesn't show. I wouldn't if I were him. :)
hehehhehehhehehheh Bait and switch baby.
Let Taylor get the grief. Rob you come pose for us.
loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to all Rob addicts.
I LOVE YOU GUYS.....everybody thinks we're mad!

THEY ARE COMING TO TAKE US AWAY HA HA HO HO HE HE......so be it. We're mad for Rob.
He's so gorgeous.....the eyes just melt me.

I just want his eyes and his lips and his.....uh huh huh huh huh. OH SHUT UP. LOL

Anonymous said...

I say we all just pay Rob to do PRO photoshoots for us. No fan pics.....JUST PROFESSIONAL PHOTO SHOOTS.

We could hire the best photographers.....annie liebowitz.....rolling stone photogs.....all of em. Just pay them all with our weekly paychecks and just have Rob orgasms. SIGH.....

It doesn't get any better than this ladies.
He knows how to be sexy...fucking aaaaaaaaaaa.

Shirlee said...

These pictures are so beautiful I can't believe it ... I had a really bad day at work and you really turned it into a good one! Crazy thing is that the thing that keeps drawing me in is his fingers - just the way he holds his hands ... fingers are always bent in some sexy way - makes me think about what they could be doing right now!

Anonymous said...

My favorite finger one is the one of him sitting on the wall in the leather jacket in the jeans with his fingers splayed out on the wall. THAT IS SO ARTISTIC AND BEAUTIFUL. IT'S MY FAVORITE OF ALL OF THEM.
You are right....his fingers are just GORGEOUS.
PS....I have literally saved EVERY PHOTO.
I've lost my mind.

Gemgirl65 said...

Shirlee, amen about the fingers, we all fantasize about the fingerporn!

Debbo, you kill me, I love your posts! I would contribute to that cause...more professional photo shoots for Rob! The camera loves him ALMOST as much as we do!

I am so effing died right now. Rob needs to wear those boots every day. Imagine these shots with the shiteous Nikes instead...shows ya how much the shoes make the man! LOL

Anonymous said...

I have to say that seeing these pics first thing this morning certainly made my day at work very very pleasant!

Hot Double Damn doesn't even cover it.


aimary said...

You want to kill us?? OMG!!!!!
Goz!!! pleaseeeeeeeeee it's too much!!
just breath, just breath..."hyperventilating"
I'm only on click, save, click, save,click ,save....
I'm died...R.I.P.

Yvonne said...

He has got to be a photographer's dream. Every single picture is absolutely stunning. Even the outtakes. I mean, do ya think he is TRYING to be sexy? Probably not. From everything he has said, he doesn't "get it", why we all think he is God's gift to us. SO, unless he is COMPLETELY lying (whichIdon'tthinkheis), then these pictures are just a FLUKE??!! He just SITS there, and THIS is what happens???!!!! GAH! This man is truly a gift from above. And I am grateful.

Unknown said...

the only thing I don't find sexy in Rob: big hair in armpits,he could give it a little trim here and there

Ms. Bonderson said...

God, he's gorgeous!

This is the best ending to this day... hoping for some sweet dreams!

Thais Bessa said...
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Thais Bessa said...

that's all I can say.

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