Sanity? What is that?

Thanks to, and Robert PattinsonWho for the pictures :)
Photo Credit: INF Daily,
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News Online | Splash News OnlineWebsite: |
He's not wearing a shirt underneath that ziphoodie. OMG!!!! I wanna crawl in there with him. lol Seriously.
GOD DAMN !!!! a springling of chest hair has just about finished me off today *pant*pant*pant*
thank you !!!!!
hot damn is right. very sexy
Somebody get that man a shirt undeer that Hoodie stat! Good god man do you know what you are going to cause.. a riot I tell you.. we know what's under there.. Remeber New Moon.. Italy... Shirtless... ok now you are just being cruel dude! I mean ... I feel.. can't breath...dizzy...
(co-workers looking in Kelly's cubicle... "should we call 911?")
HOT DAMN, GOD DAMN, HOT DAMN, hoodie with nuthin' under it; Rob, pull that zipper down a little more (no, a LOT more)! Well, so much for not having "gutter-mind" today; this is doing me in...what does everyone think about the blue cargo shorts? wondering...
But why the f-ing half zip? Damn the costume people! Damn their teasing asses to HELL!
Rob and a guitar look like a very natural pair tho
goddamn him, he fucking know what he's doing!
Love the roof top pics, and I actually kind of like the shorts as well.
Oh, god, impure thoughts again...
the chest, the chest hair, the legs, the guitar, the smile....
another great day..
OH.MY.GOD!!!!!! why does he have to tease us like that!!!!???!?!?!?!?!?
GAH...gooo...gurgle....blub blub....DIED
I really do not think I can take one more picture. I'm in a puddle in the floor at work.
it's a good thing i'm on vacation this week or i'd be gettin' fired for surfin' the net and drooling/panting at the monitor...
Rob + guitar = EPIC WIN! WIN!
That's it. I am definitely going to hell (very happily) for my thoughts about this man :D
Dear Mr. Coulter,
Thank you for listening to my suggestion about Tyler playing his brother's guitar on the rooftop..
Thank you also for hammering in the final nail on my coffin.
Say goodnight suz..
the finger is in the hole! i mean his finger in the guitar hole. seriously...i've had it...up to here but i'm not complaining. :/
The word "SANITY" hasn't been in my vocabulary since Edward walked through those cafeteria doors.
"INSANITY" well THAT word I use to describe myself daily.
Rob and his instrument(there are no words!!!!! hehe!)
Nothing sexier than Rob with a guitar.
So is this really an outfit from the movie? Are we sure it's not that Rob has finally run out of dirty-but-wearable shirts for rehearsals? Not that I'm complaining. There is NO ONE else that could pull that look off. I actually love the cargo shorts. I find it hard to see anything wrong with shorts that hang so low on his hips.
So excited, they are actually filming in the building next to my relative. : P
And here I thought I would get my sanity back from yesterday. Here were are with Rob with guitar. THUD!
OMG!'re not helping me here with my work today. Work with me man! Trying to run some reports for the boss involving numbers. Barb can't count anymore after seeing HOT ROB. Taking shoes off..maybe counting on fingers and toes will help. did the paps get these pics. I imagine them hanging out of windows and scaling tall buildings across the street. Isn't this on the roof?
Rob in hoodie - that's my boy always giving to us poor robsessors
Oh SURE, he shows up holding a guitar 3 days AFTER I make my Stray Dog video. Thanks Rob.
No, really...thanks Rob! Am died now. Being dead ought to really help the diet.
Does anyone know if this is the movie he's composing the soundtrack on?...
And in the script is he actually singing and playing the guitar?(I think I need to be prepared...oxygen!)
Anyone know if they are filming Friday or do they have it off?
Looking soooooo, *naughty* *naughty* :)
Why is the bodyguard's hand on Rob's waist? Hands off, yo...
Good eye on the finger in the hole...Holy cow!
I'm sure he does it on purpose! He says he doesn't think he is good looking and that he doesn't come on these sites but I have a firm belief he knows how damn gorgeous he is and he is purposely trying to kill us all!!
*thud* who wants to organise my funeral?
Me wanna humpy humpy Robbie.
Please make him sing in this movie!!
Finger porn on the guitar...
Here we start the journey of losing mind. He really looks so hot with the guitar. I don't want this to stop... more and more hot pictures of him......
thanks for feeding us with Robert's hot pictures
A. *THUD* he's soo gorgeous its painful!
b. i LOVE those shorts!
C. Are they gonna get the boy back to LA already to put a smile on his face?! get him back to Kristen and the SUN! ;p dont get me wrong ,i love NYC but i miss him smilling carelessly and looking goofy! lol
d. Oh My Rob! damn this is not quiteing down,i fall deeper in love with him every day! Lol! :p
*Deep Breath*
Σε έχω ερωτευτεί....
lol Dina! ΚαλωσορισεΣ στο club! ;p
Rob.. guitar... hands...fingers...
Whew!! This is TOO MUCH, TOO MUCH, I say!!!!!! I'm liking the cargo shorts, the way they hang low on his hips; and in those close-up pics with the sunglasses on, those damn fucking long-ass eyelashes are kILLING ME!!!!!!
labcat: "finger in the hole" LOVE IT!!!!!!
and Suz, you've got many more nails coming from Mr. Coulter!!!!
All I can say is, "ROB KNOWS, HE KNOWS!!!!!! Damn it!!!!!
In the words of Incubus: "Pardon me while I burst into flames"......
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