From People Magazine:
She may not know anything about losing Rachelle Lefevre as a Twilight castmate, but Nikki Reed has a pretty good idea why fans swoon for costar Robert Pattinson.
With news still fresh on Lefevre being replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard in Eclipse, the third film of the popular series, Reed, who plays vampire Rosalie Hale, tells PEOPLE she hasn't "talked to [Lefevere] yet." "I don't know anything about it other than a schedule conflict," said Reed at the Express TXT L8TR Campaign party at Nobu in West Hollywood Wednesday night – the same day the news broke of the switch.
Summit Entertainment defended the decision Thursday to use Howard as the villainous vampire Victoria due to Lefevre's commitment to the Dustin Hoffman film Barney's Version, which is slated to film at the same time as Eclipse.
But one thing is for sure: No one will be replacing Pattinson as Edward Cullen, as fans are absolutely dedicated to the actor. Why does Reed think he's got such a following? "Rob is sort of feminine looking and I think young girls like boys that look like women," she said. (Gozde: Oh Nikki....I am not even bothering to refute that but since I like you (and think there "usually" is no base for people to not like you) here is a suggestion: you don't want to anger fans more than they already are. You claim you know nothing about the Rachelle situation? You might want to check the comments on the Rachelle news and see who they want replaced instead of her. I'm just sayin'...)
Thanks to Kim and Leann for the link :))
Does she seriously think that comment is going to go over well? All I have to say is "Some people just don't think before they speak".
Love the "Mouth Diarrhea" heading.
Yeah, Gozde, don't all your girlfriends look like THIS?
rob looks like a bearded lady. it's my biggest turn on.
Haha! I shouldn't have been sipping a drink while I read her comment, I just about choked to death! :D
She didn't say it very well, but I get the point. Boys look a little more feminine as preteens, so that's what preteen girls like. Rob's face is gorgeous, but I don't think he resembles a woman. At all. Lol!
I love Nikki, even if she can't express herself well. And I'm sure the actors will be keeping their Rachelle opinions to themselves once they get fully clued in. Scummit.. or um... that one pooey film studio... is chewing everyone out right now.
Does Nikki have her head up her ass, how could she not know about Rachelle! Then to add fuel to the fire does she think she is just being cute and bitchy at the same time by throwing out a comment like that about Rob.
There are some crazy fans out there and wouldn't want to be in her shoes now.
But I guess this could just be sour grapes as well. All this summer everyone else in the cast has been, working or promoting New Moon, and Nikki has been in Greece with Paris Hilton's leftovers, really classy.
I'm not a little girl but an "old" woman of 46 and Rob is not feminine. He's not ruggedly handsome either. He has a powerful masculine jaw and soulful eyes. And appears to be a REAL nice guy. That's why we all love him, at least me anyway ;).
I JUST read this on a Twi comm over at LJ, and could NOT believe she said that. Just because he's a "beautiful" man, doesn't mean he's feminine.
Yeah, no, not feminine looking. Maybe the jaw pictures need to be posted again!
Yes, the jaw photos would be nice.
Nikki can't be serious, can she? I think what definitely separates Rob from "the little boys" is his manly looks. (for example compare with the baby faces of the Jonas bros)
Btw, I can't think of any other actor of that age who had such a massive fan base of mature women (and I definitely would not go for "little boys", I already feel bad for thinking 17 year old Taylor has a sexy body).
Maybe Nikki should try to use her brains before talking (about Rob)?
Goz, I am dying her on your tags-too funny..
Sorry, I don't dislike Niki, she's just not my fav...
However; this makes her sound like a complete horses ass....
I am not a young girl either, and this man melts my butter more than any other man, anywhere, any time has EVER...
I think she answered the question about Rachelle just like she should have. What's she supposed to say? Summit is a bunch of a**holes and I hate Bryce Dallas Howard? In situations like this it seems better to claim ignorance or make no comment at all. It sounds like the recasting is a done deal - I'm not happy at all about it either - but if the cast starts dishing out their opinion on it, it's not going to help.
And as for the comment about Rob, I really doubt she was serious. She's probably sick of being asked to give her opinion on everything Rob because they are friends and was trying to be funny. That's my impression anyway. Trust me, Rob's not going to be offended and neither should we.
As Goz indicated, I won't mind exchanging Nikki if it enables to keep Rachelle. Just sayin.
This is just wrong.... Nikki... I have no words for you... that was just plain wrong...*facepalms*
I agree, Nikki's comment about Rachelle is what we'll hear from every member of the cast. She answered as she should.
Um after People Magazine's last cover...I do NOT trust them, is this interview legit or some sort of fabrication? Just sayin...
If it is an actual comment, then Oh Nikki, bitter much? You need to think before shooting your mouth know nothing about Rob's fanbase lol. Still like Nikki though, but comments like this I can understand why she isn't everyone's fave...
They're all between a rock and a hard place. I'm sure they want to publicly support their friend, but they can't talk shit about their employers.
We can assume that they're stepping up to support her in private.
And yes, some jaw porn would be quite nice.
ummm...uh, whaat? HUH. Well....I don't really even have words for that comment. Rob is feminine looking?
drsaka and victoria, I agree! Ooooo, jaw pictures, PLEASE!!!!
I didn't take this seriously because this is people after all. and LMAO @ the pics with this!
Rob is very manly!
Hey Yvonne!!! *Waves*
Off topic but still: Does anyone have Unbound Captivities-script?
@ kchambers77 yep I have my doubts too about the article, I do not trust People mag anymore either.
As for her comment about Rachelle, again if true, I am not surprised, they won't say much more. Not sure if it would help Rachelle's case either if they went out in public and bitched about how Rachelle was treated. That could put Rachelle and themselves in a sticky situation too...image wise they wold come off as unprofessional and bitch maybe with some media outlets and they'd probably get a shitload of problem from Summit. I wouldn't be surprised they HAVE shown Rachelle their support privately though. Just my speculation of course.
Jeez, she is such a fucktard for saying that. She should have stayed in Greece a little longer if this is the crapola she is going to spew. I actually have no opinion of her and think she did well as Rosalie, but saying something so arbitrary as he looks like a girl...jesus that is hitting below the belt.
Go back into hiding Nikki please, we don't want you around right now!
No, but I'd love to read it too-if you find it, let me know.
I searched online, but haven't found it yet.
I looked for that script yesterday and can't find it either... but I'd love to have it...
I found it....leave your email and I will send to you....
What a Biatch!!!! haha Jealousy speaking?? Come on! That was wait out of line!! Like that's going to change my love for him hahaha
Me too: "love you R.P."!
(I'm female, 30, from Europe)
would you mind sending it to me?
@RPattzgirl can you send it to me too please:
That'd be really great, thanks!!!
she was not saying it to be mean. she was just saying it. rob himself has said that he has feminine hands and that is why he is such a good piano player cuz he has long slender hands and fingers like a woman and it makes it easier to go through the keys. =]
@georgie, captain
it's sent....
Hope it's good.
Can you hook me up again please with a copy?
Forever in your debt! I think I sent you an email request too, not sure if it went through.
Thanks sweetie!
check your inbox!
Thank you so much RPattzgirl!
You're all welcome...
my email's clogged-so gotta delete stuff now.
Happy reading.
Ha ha they'll have to change the script: I snuck a peak already and Phineas is a boy of about 10!
This is why the executives at Summit are wise. They don't want emotional entanglement between stars because when one gets hurt somehow or felt slighted, they turn against each other. Now, that does not sound like Nikki -- Robert's friend of sometime ago. You can only judge it as an emotional statement, someone got hurt! for sure. But you have to remember that this cast are YOUNG.
The executives again has to do some damage control here. These actors need to acts and feel professionals. Nikki's comment is unfair to young people's intelligence . . . we really don't know why they swoon over Robert. There are as much non-teen-agers who swoon over Robert. Do we also identify our swooning as we are attracted because he looks feminine (which I highly object to).
Wow ladies, I'm actually very surprised at the reactions. Since when is "femininity" negative for a man? I've always thought Rob had a great deal of what we tend to call feminine characteristics: hands, gestures, gait, sensitivity, pucker, empathy, soulfulness... I wasn't surprised to hear him call himself a pussy at Comic Con, using the term to mean exceedingly sensitive. On a purely physical level, he has something ethereal and angelic about him, despite the heavy beard and sharp jaw. I see a softness there I'd call "feminine" and I think it's a big turn on... combined of course with his other oh so manly features!
I know what Nikki was trying to say, but it really didn't come out well! She basically said "Rob looks like a woman," which is ridiculous. He has beautiful features, lovely long eyelashes and such; but a very masuline jaw and bone structure, not to mention his ability to grow copious amounts of hair in a matter of hours. And I've seen some pics of him that would scare a lot of pre-pubescents, most certainly! (RomeRob springs to mind) Not to mention the fact that Rob has quite a few, ahem, mature fans. ;)
As for Rachelle, yeah, I wouldn't expect her to say's not her place.
"If Rob is feminine I might be a lesbian"
just saw that tag. me too.
Nikki Reed needs to GO AWAY
S T A T!
She brings NOTHING to the Table.
but thats just me...
NIK is a sharp cookie, and streetwise as she has said herself. she doesnt say anything by mistake, she's caluculating.
as for her comments on RACHELLE, i agree the only ones that can say anything publicly, would be us i'm quite sure. dont know any employer who doesnt have the whole 'bad mouth' clause in the contract...
At this point, I think Rachelle should stay and Nikki should will not be missed Nikki!
oh and SUZ,
so succinct! love your way with words....
Nikki didnt say Rob was sensitive, she said he looks like a woman... uh hate much nikki?
i know you dont know me, so i hate to ask, but if you arent busy sometime, maybe you could also send me a copy... but only if you have some time on your hands, otherwise dont worry... thx
Does that mean you'll finally go out with me Goz??!?!?!? You know my obsession with you is second only to my obsession with Rob.
Yep, Rob is feminine and Nikkie Reed is the perfect Rosalie - she looks exactly like a supermodel.
Nikki is an embarrassment to herself and to the 'Twilight' franchise. She has no clue as to self-promotion, or making nice with fans, or .... much of anything. Sad. Sad. Sad.
From now on, I'm just going to not read/comment on Nikki posts, anywhere.
It's no big deal, I know.
Alice's Aunt
That pic Gozde picked of Nikki is THE BEST. The girl is clueless (I'm being kind with that word) :)
I gotta say, if you've looked up the pic of his mom. You can see a striking resemblance. You can see her pic in the leaked baby pics and on Ellen:
But oddly enough, he's so masculine.
Like srsly. =D'''',,,,
rpattzgirl!!! Wow, marry me! Or wait, I guess you want all ways open for Rob. Send me the script instead!
RPforD: perhaps it's just me, but I do think Robward often looked rather "womanly." He makes CH look almost butch here (uh oh... neg. stereotypes again), but maybe it's just the lipstick and over-styled hair!
Now if Nikki's trying to call his manhood into question, that's a whole different matter. We all know the real Rob's loaded on that score!
rpattzgirl - I would like a copy of UC also -
LMAO Goz, I must be a lesbian too!!! oh and rpattz, me too?
RP for dummies- You are my SHERO tonight.*applause*
Thank you Nikki for opening up your big mouth. You just keep on digging your own grave.
We know good and well Rob does not look womanly. And majority of his fans are not little girls.How insulting to us(fans) and demeaning to him.
What I think is that she is bitter. Like the old saying goes don't s*** where you eat or f*** where you work.
*scrolls back up to look at new banner*
umm...I think not!
ooops...I think he just impregnated me with his stare again...shit
Ok so I do like Nikki so I am going to give her the benefit of doubting that these comments are even true about what she is SUPPOSED to have said about Rob. Even if half true I do not think she would be trying to be nasty about him. (maybe just fed up with being asked about him ALL THE TIME.
How come when we read negative stuff about Rob in these rags we immediately dismiss it as not true. Yet we are willing to believe that a gossip mag is repeating Nikki's words verbatim?????????
I am with Loisada about the femininity thing. He is gorgeous and manly in ways, but as he said himself, he is a pussy.
I DO NOT MEAN THAT IN A DEROGATORY WAY ROBBIE...just saying... you are a pussycat.
I think most of you are foaming @ the mouth over nothing. As if she would say this in a mean way behind his back when she has to go work with him in 3 weeks.....sheesh.
Whatevs...I like Nikki.
*waits for Fembot meltdown*.
Actually, she’s incorrect about the femininity. It’s the feline shape of his eyes that gives Rob Pattinson that sensual look. It’s unusual in a Caucasian male for the inside point of the eye to dip down. I’ve been teaching art and drawing portraits for 25 years, and the only other Caucasian I’ve noticed with the inside corner of the eye slanting down is Kate Hudson. (I’m sure there are others.) Look at a photo of a cougar and you’ll see what I mean. Mr. Pattinson’s jawline, nose, and brow are too strong for him to look feminine.
Rob does not want to be put on a pedestal, that is for sure. He put forth all his effort to dress down all the time, not talk smoothly, not to move suavely, to remain scruffy . . . it's like either you like me or you don't. That is why it is hard to criticize him. He is very aware of fleeting success, and perhaps afraid of unstable teen-age puppy loves, so he is being very careful on crafting a good career. I love Twilight series, but I am glad for him for upcoming movies like Unbound Captives and Bel Ami. I don't know about Remember Me, though.
I really don't think Robert has much in the way of feminine qualities. I guess you could call the hand mannerisms feminine but I think of it as more awkward than feminine. Or maybe Nikki thinks he's girly because he has a good complexion?
That's it. She must be jealous that he's got great skin. ;)
@ rpgirl27
I was thinking about commenting on the most recent banner & was wondering if I'm the only one that thinks this:
If I had a reason to claim that Rob looked like a girl, it would be because of pictures like these. He looks great in them, don't get me wrong. But I think these pictures look the least like him. Not quite as fetching if you as me :) Neither do most of the Twilight movie posters/covers. They all just seem too perfect & manicured to me.. I'm wondering if I'm the only one that thinks this?
Even though I don't like Nikki, she must be fed up with answering questions about Rob. Sometimes keeping your mouth shut is the best option :)
If they replaced her instead of Rachelle, I'd be a lot happier.
Oh come on, people in this site should have pretty good idea on how "reliable" People is, no?
Also EOneline Party Girl states in her column hat Nikki Reed and Kellan Lutz efused to give any interviews on this TXT L8R campaign party. Which is most reasonable thing to do right now, so I take that story with huge spoonful of salt. t
@ Babs
as usual I agree with u,I'm a bit sick of this Nikki Reed talking about Rob even if u are asked about and u are tired of it:keep your mouth shut once and for all...
if she meant to be funny with this answer, she failed!!!
Rob doesnt look like a woman, yes he has some feminine sides( that I really love), but especially when he was younger, cause I think that now he's becoming really "man" more and more..
If she was dumped by Rob in the past and this is her way to show all her disappointment..well I'm sorry for her..I would be very sorry too if I had the chance to be with him and lost it :))
I'm sorry, but I think Nikki is a snob! Rob, feminine? Pfffffft! He is the sexiest man on this planet! She would be so lucky if he gave her a second look! I'm also sick of the young girl thing~what about us?
I think that this was all taken out of context, if she did even say it in the first place. I agree with Loisada. I think maybe what she meant to say is that Rob is a pretty guy and girls and women go for that kind of guy a lot. I happen to think that he does look and act feminine sometimes. I guess that says a lot about me because I think he's absolutley wonderful. I don't think she menat it in a bad way. I really like Nikki and if she where asked about Rob and she didn't say anything than people would take that to mean something as well. She can never say the right thing when it comes to him weather she speaks or doesn't. Poor girl. Also on the Rachelle thing, this is what all the cast members will be saying I'm sure. Summit will not let them say anything other then that. They will all be instructed to say the same thing. Just wait and see..
@haystack & ripley,
sent script
No, it was a subtle smart, sly has its implied undertone. I'm not saying Nikki is a bad person, but just think when you have a falling off with a friend, you coumoflage your bitterness with nice, subtle biting words, because at the same time you want to show you hurt, you don't really want to totally alienate your friend whom you have a falling off, just want to hurt them a little.
If it's not too much trouble would you be able to please send it to
Young girls go at a certain age for the androgynous looking guy. Just think of, cough, Tokio Hotel, their singer has a huge (and also screaming) fan crowd of young girls all over the world (I doubt it's because of his voice or singing abilities). Young girls like this androgynous looking guys because they don't feel "threatened" by their masculinity. Still, they are male.
Suppose, this is what Nikki tried to explain but didn't find the right words for. By the way, the quote says: "Rob is sort of feminine" - not he is feminine.
And now remember how those very young fans of Rob reacted when they saw his chest hair. They were more or less disgusted - because that is a sign of masculinity. Whereas Edward Cullen doesn't even have any scruff.
phosphorous again the voice of reason, VERY good points indeed. :-)
Could you send it to me, too? Pretty please?? I know it's been a few days ago, and I hope you see this.
My email is
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