Well it's my first post and I'm expecting lots of pics and vids from Comic-Con from tomorrow on but just to keep us going and stop us having withdrawl symptoms for today here are some cute old fan pics from the "Twilight" days ! Isn't it really easy to tell the difference between "Twilight" Edward and "New Moon" Edward??

And there's that smile

You can totally hear the SQUEEEEEE from the first pic!! AWESOME!
Oh thanks Kate...I am having panic attacks already...
These are awesome-the one girl actually got a hug-
don't think he's hugging too many fans these days-a little too scary for him now..
Thanks for feeding my obsession!
So looking forward to new vamp make-up for NM!
Wow, that girl in the first pic is giving him a pretty tight squeeze. LOL. Can't blame her, I would too!
Yes, sadly, the Twilight Rob looked less aware and open. Now he looks much more wary and super cautious, with reason. *sigh*
Welcome, Kate! Thanks for joining the team. It's going to be a rough (awesome) week!!!
I'm clearing my schedule as much as I can for the next two days so I can be close to Robsessed for Comiccon.
I want to hear Rob speak. I hope they make the crowd behave themselves.
Sorry if I gave anyone panic attacks, I didn't forget, just that I didn't finish class until now. Actually got out a bit early today so tomorrow it'll be around this time again till I get to post but don't worry I haven't forgotten! I don't know bout you but I'm so gonna miss the daily pics and vids from the set! And after comic con I wonder will he hide out for a bit? Part if me wants him to and the selfish part of me doesn't! But I think after all he's gone through the last while he def deserves a break!
Thanks Dani and Kate for covring the event.Hugs!
Hi Kate! You'll definitely have your hands full from tomorrow onwards! I can't go to Comic-con (I'm not even in the US) so I'll definitely be relying on the internet to tell me what went on :D Can't wait *squeee*
No worries, you didn't give me panic attacks...just missing HIM..and hope he's getting some down time...
Had a weird dream last night guys. I was in a topless photoshoot with RPatz. Don't ask. And the dream ended at my grandma's house with me trying to do the moonwalk in front of Michael Jackson and I fell down. Weird!
Thanks foe keeping us update, Kate and Dani :-)
Thank you Kate and Dani for being here for us. I appreciate you guys. Have you seen this video? It is pretty funny:
@ heav85: Must have been something in the air last night. For the first time I dreamt of him as well. Thank God there wasn't a topless photoshooting, let alone Michael Jackson. It was just Rob and me ... and the rest has to be kept secret. ;-)
@ mommamary: Have a look.
yea it was weird, but MJ wasn't at the photoshoot. I keep remembering things as the day goes on. Like rob kept telling me it was ok, he was the only one that was going to see me. I DUNNO. And I was like I always imagined you would take me out to dinner before you seen me naked. haha. Trying to remember what he said!!!!! Maybe later I will.
I am in Italy now . How am I to follow comic .com from here? . Can someone helpme?.
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