New/Old Fanpics

Well it's my first post and I'm expecting lots of pics and vids from Comic-Con from tomorrow on but just to keep us going and stop us having withdrawl symptoms for today here are some cute old fan pics from the "Twilight" days ! Isn't it really easy to tell the difference between "Twilight" Edward and "New Moon" Edward??

And there's that smile

Source: RobPattinsonSource


Anonymous said...

You can totally hear the SQUEEEEEE from the first pic!! AWESOME!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh thanks Kate...I am having panic attacks already...

These are awesome-the one girl actually got a hug-

don't think he's hugging too many fans these days-a little too scary for him now..

Thanks for feeding my obsession!

Little Red said...

So looking forward to new vamp make-up for NM!

Haystackhair said...

Wow, that girl in the first pic is giving him a pretty tight squeeze. LOL. Can't blame her, I would too!

Mommamary said...

Yes, sadly, the Twilight Rob looked less aware and open. Now he looks much more wary and super cautious, with reason. *sigh*

lovindashow said...

Welcome, Kate! Thanks for joining the team. It's going to be a rough (awesome) week!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm clearing my schedule as much as I can for the next two days so I can be close to Robsessed for Comiccon.
I want to hear Rob speak. I hope they make the crowd behave themselves.

Kate said...

Sorry if I gave anyone panic attacks, I didn't forget, just that I didn't finish class until now. Actually got out a bit early today so tomorrow it'll be around this time again till I get to post but don't worry I haven't forgotten! I don't know bout you but I'm so gonna miss the daily pics and vids from the set! And after comic con I wonder will he hide out for a bit? Part if me wants him to and the selfish part of me doesn't! But I think after all he's gone through the last while he def deserves a break!

RPnKSaddict said...

Thanks Dani and Kate for covring the event.Hugs!

Alexandra said...

Hi Kate! You'll definitely have your hands full from tomorrow onwards! I can't go to Comic-con (I'm not even in the US) so I'll definitely be relying on the internet to tell me what went on :D Can't wait *squeee*

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

No worries, you didn't give me panic attacks...just missing HIM..and hope he's getting some down time...

heav85 said...

Had a weird dream last night guys. I was in a topless photoshoot with RPatz. Don't ask. And the dream ended at my grandma's house with me trying to do the moonwalk in front of Michael Jackson and I fell down. Weird!

keely said...

Thanks foe keeping us update, Kate and Dani :-)

Mommamary said...

Thank you Kate and Dani for being here for us. I appreciate you guys. Have you seen this video? It is pretty funny:

phosphorus said...

@ heav85: Must have been something in the air last night. For the first time I dreamt of him as well. Thank God there wasn't a topless photoshooting, let alone Michael Jackson. It was just Rob and me ... and the rest has to be kept secret. ;-)

@ mommamary: Have a look.

heav85 said...

yea it was weird, but MJ wasn't at the photoshoot. I keep remembering things as the day goes on. Like rob kept telling me it was ok, he was the only one that was going to see me. I DUNNO. And I was like I always imagined you would take me out to dinner before you seen me naked. haha. Trying to remember what he said!!!!! Maybe later I will.

annabella said...

I am in Italy now . How am I to follow comic .com from here? . Can someone helpme?.

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