More vids Comic-Con 2009

Big thanks to the fabulous Laura for the tips!


Rominiwi said...

Poor thing. He looks really tired.

Anonymous said...

....there's always one dickhead in the bunch that has to break the rules and try to make something out of nothing...WHY ask Kristen and Rob about a supposed personal life together? I mean serioulsy "people" stop beating that dead rotten horse!

Anonymous said...

Good old Rob - he's so intuitive isn't he? He just tries to answer the questions as intelligently as he can always with a well thought out 'take' on everything. He's just lovely but he's obviously very tired poor thing. I just adore him.

Anonymous said...

LOVE rob's sense of humor. One of his best traits. :)

~Tr@cey~ said...

can anyone hear what he's saying at 2:13?

Unknown said...

I dont think they`re dating...:(
She`s acting like she doesn`t know him...

Unknown said...

I agree with you!!!
When they asked about oss screen quemistry, she answered "Are you kidding me? My cent are that Summit don't want the answering personal question coz as long the gossips keep coming, New Moon gets free promotion with that!!!

Unknown said...

edit: off screen

peeling a fig said...

His answer 'what's it like to kiss Taylor Lautner' is so Rob. Total deadpan. Is that Rob's laugh in the background when Kristen answers her question?

~Tr@cey~ said...

peeling-a-fig, thanks.. No wonder I didn't get it, I was expecting a serious answer.. Haha.. Thats so Rob.. Wish he could have used the chance to strike-off at least one annoying question tho..

Mommamary said...

Is anyone able to see these videos? I only see big white squares on the page, no video and I usually don't have any problems viewing any pics or videos on here.

Babs said...

Can't they come up with something that hasn't been asked before? Rob already said that he read Midnight Sun before Twilight...
Come on you got one question and you waste it like that??
Can't blame KStew for looking so pissed...

Krissy said...

Thank you, Kate! ☺

You've made my day and you're going to make my Dearest Sister a VERY Happy Lady as well!

RPnKSaddict said...

Thanks every one for transelating I was wondering what some of their comments were. Both Kristen and Rob have a tendency to mutter under their breath.LOL.
Love them both.

Mommamary said...

Oh, I am so disappointed. I can't see the videos at all on here. I miss his sweet voice. :(

AnnaD said...

Love him to death. Even as tired as he is/looks, he can still come up with really random stuff to say.

And does anybody else think Taylor is starting to look like Matt Damon's little brother?? It's kinda freaking me out.

peeling a fig said...

Anyone think those are new trousers for Rob?

RPnKSaddict said...

Is it just me or does Rob look pretty hunky in that shirt? His shoulders and arms look pretty beefed up to me.mmmmm muscles in the right amounts.

RPnKSaddict said...

Mommamary can you go directley to youtube? If so then just type in New Moon Comicon 2009 and it will bring up all the videos that are out so far.
Hope that helps.

Anna said...

I am relieved he won't be doing any music for NM (as well as swooning at his smile when he says "no"...). He doesn't need his music to be tied up to the franchise, good for him!

Re: the dating thing - how crass of that reporter... and I love how KStew's reaction could totally be interpreted either way. She's a spunky one :)

Anna said...

oh, forgot the obvious - Rob looks pretty hunky indeed, and so adorable :)))

peeling a fig said...

RT @colliderfrosty edward from twilight just walked by me. he had 8 security people with him. probably not enough.

From someone's twitter. Not nearly enough !! Be safe Rob!

anna F said...

Hiyaaa LB!

Rob looks awsome, espcially when you know he hasn't had any time off in a while, he must be exhaursted... I want to know his secret!
and yeah, the shirt fits him nicely~
and he looks awkward but "happy to be here" in a way, don't you think?

Taylor looks like he enjoys himself too, good for him. I always knoew he was good at public event anyway.

Kristen's hair color is too dark for her. She looks tired, but that could be the pale + dark hair underlining it.
I have a love/hate relationship with her: she rocks at times, and annoys me at others.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

He's beautiful as ever...and still has the fucking sexy accent that we have all missed for so long!!!

Mechevpao said...

Great vids!!!
Rob looks amazing, mature but still humble and with his witty sense of humor.
YAY for hearing him speaking again in some kind of interview, I missed it so much.
I´m sad there won´t be music of him in the NM soundtrack, but I guess it is good for him, he didn´t want to look like he was taking profit out of SM´s work, I just hope there will be another chance to hear more of his music somewhere.

Mommamary said...

Thanks, I will try that.

Tenneil said...

Such a doll... Kristen rolling her eyes after the dumbass in the crowd...was priceless.. Rob is dazzling as usual!!!

Taylor who? LOL

Anna said...

hellooo anna! Same here with KStew - she has her own personality, which I appreciate, but I think she still needs to mature a bit so she doesn't come off as a brat. Not with you on Taycob though - he tries way to hard, imo. Although he does look like a nice kid.

Mechev - don't worry, Rob said a while back he was composing for another movie! Hopefully that's still on :)

Biel said...

RPaddict: Robert looks insanely HOT in plaids... he could only look better in WET plaids!!!

PS: I agreed, he looks really tired!! :((

anna F said...

I understand what everyone means about Taylor's answers sounding rehearsed because I agree, the media training took well with him. It makes him a lot less charming than Rob.
But I don't want to "bash" a 17 years old boy who seems nice and enthousiastic.

Anna said...

true enough anna, and I do agree.

although the issue at hand really is Rob's ever-increasing hotness and charm. I'm so relieved he's still his old dorky, witty (and gorgeous) self!!

Mechevpao said...

OMG at

It is said: The cast, minus Pattison, will also be on hand at the massive panel. Keep your browser pointed to IGN for more New Moon news and interviews from San Diego Comic-Con.

Minus Pattinson??.. ups, that would get crazy.. I wonder if he only went to SD to sit some minutes for press conference.

LB; I hope it is true he is composing for another movie, that would be good ;)

Anonymous said...

Don’t know how GOOD IT IS….but according to Twitter’s somebody or other…there’s LIVE BLOGGING HERE from the LATEST BIG PUBLIC PANEL with our man.

No live feeds as far as I can find.

Anonymous said...
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anna F said...

Mech, if the panel is minus Rob: WTF!!!

Do they want a riot?

enjoykim said...


Thnax babe ,this blog is quiet funny...

"The crowd is screaming like it's the Beatles in 1964."

enjoykim said...

@ annaF

Rob´s attending...

anna F said...

LOL, good, we'll have nice footages on the net~ *_*

heather said...

Thanks debbo! They said they were no live video feeds of the panel so I guess we will have to wait till after. Man I'm going to be on youtube all day! ROB IS HOT!

enjoykim said...

aaahh,they´re showing a clip RIGHT NOW!!!

Wanna see it!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Hope IGN is wrong. It wouldn't make much sense for him to come from across the country just for a 15 min press conference.
I'm greedy I want to hear his sexy vioce and dry sense of humor.

That and I love his thought filled answers. He's trying so hard and the poor guy's got to be exhausted.

I get a kick out of Kristen, she just can't hide her feelings, her expressions are comical.

Taylor he's a cutie but sometimes I think he tries to hard.

Celtibera said...

Well, they all behaved very nicely, considering the crappy questions. People should come up with more interesting subjects, considering they're journalists and that's their job...

Rob is the best at interviews. He is confident, down-to-earth and always has a joke up his sleeve. And of course, a smile. I like that about him. A lot ;)

God, why would anyone go and ask Taylor to growl out of the blue? Man, that freaked me out a bit...

OH and I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the vids and pics and all the info. Awesome Rob-fix for all of us!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Live blog: Fan ? For Rob..Are you going to do any comedy in the future?
I'm not that funny. I can look like an idiot, but don't know if I can be witty.

Yes you are Rob!!!

enjoykim said...

Fan: What part of you did you have to being out to portray you characters?
Pattinson: "I look a bit like him."

Oh I love this guy... ;-)

RPnKSaddict said...

Love all of the tidbits you all are sharing.Thanks so much.It's great to be spending the day with the Robsessed gang!

heather said...

Fan: What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming films? Kristen: I'm excited about this intense fight scene we're supposed to have.Taylor Lautner: The sleeping bag scene.

Ooooh Taylor wouldn't have expected that one!

enjoykim said...

rpgirl27 said...

this is kind of random but I like that he can use 'juxtaposition' and 'superlative' correctly in a sentence....yeah that got me hot!LOL

maha said...
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maha said...

He looks so tired .I love his answer for the question you don't want to answer again he said"Whats it like kissing Taylor Lautner." funny Rob .

When Rob and Kristen have been asked the rude question about their relationship Rob answered
( no we are not dating ) or something like that am not sure and then he laughed.

Recluta cachopo said...

is kristen ill?don´t you think like she has a cold or something?

Anonymous said...

omg i can't believe that guy asked her about Robsten relationship. i mean we all know and they know we know. she was like....are you kidding me? hahahah. i would have yelled at him but she kept her cool =]

Unknown said...

what does robert said when the guy asked about their "romance??kristen laughs

annabella said...

Instead...I continue to think that tthere is something going on!. They were always trying to not cross eyesighs and to look like they don't care but still there are moments, seconds, when they find themselves looking at each other....Ican't explain... and WHY?... if you have nothing to hide then it is not a big deal...but is a big deal to them be in the same place and ignore each other presence... I can feel something and I am pretti sure is not my imagination>>>

annabella said...

Instead...I continue to think that tthere is something going on!. They were always trying to not cross eyesighs and to look like they don't care but still there are moments, seconds, when they find themselves looking at each other....Ican't explain... and WHY?... if you have nothing to hide then it is not a big deal...but is a big deal to them be in the same place and ignore each other presence... I can feel something and I am pretti sure is not my imagination>>>

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