Man in Black - Robert Pattinson

Thanks to Corrina for these beautiful pictures :))



Cami said...

is it weird that i started singing ACDC?? :)

mmmmm i love a man in a suit. well, a Rob in a suit.

Suz said...

Not if you are singing..

T . N . T.

Cause he's



eff me.. just eff me (please)

Shani said...

*in a sultry voice* Well...hello there stranger. Hows about you come up and see me sometime big boy.*wink*

Scandinavian_girl said...

Back in black ;)

Yvonne said...

Is he cute, or what? I can not wait to see this movie...February....sigh....

enjoykim said...

To be honest,I think he had a dazzle-training.I mean,in every picture,interview, whatever-he`s just georgeous.He must know that!!How can you be the cute pouty-lips schoolboy in a wrong-buttoned plaid on the one hand and the f***ing hot smoking man in suits and Ray Bans on the other hand?!
God,please send me a 100 % copy to my country!!I swear I`ll treat him good...every night...

Emily said...


He is unbelieveable. He looks like he just stepped off the pages of GQ and all he's doing is walking around. Being sexy is effortless for him.

VeilsofLight said...

Bond. James Bond.

How big is the gun you're packin' Robames? I'd like mine shakin' AND stirred.

If he is an assassin, I am already dead.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Black & white, color Rob is all good..


after this man

Krissy said...

What is that Country Song by Jace Everett?!

Oh yes...I remember now.

I want to do Bad Things to him.

Over & Over again.

VeilsofLight said...

There's a certain Nine Inch Nails song that comes to mind, but I'll keep this rated PG-13.

God damn boy, you. slay. me.

Goin. to. NYC. next week. period.

His ass better not end up at Comic-Con. I'd rather have it within my field of vision.

showme said...

LOL Goz at the kidnapping babies tag. hahahahaaha

Haystackhair said...

My ovaries have exploded. L U S T enducing. Period. Poof.

VeilsofLight said...

Haystackhair...I hear ya. My ovaries have actually MULTIPLIED.

True story.

aimary said...

I can't handle it, I can't handle's too much. *sighs*

VeilsofLight said...

Ok, seriously, IMAGINE walking into one of the nicer hotel bars in NYC for an after-work drink and seeing THAT sitting at the bar, in THAT suit, shooting a quick, shy glance at you as you walk by.

and me....tripping over my heels, falling down the stairs and spilling what's left of my martini all over the hip young 20-somethings next to me.

It was nice while it lastest.

RPnKSaddict said...

Just kill me. I'm a puddle at the moment...soo beautiful..

Suz said...

ok, is it me, or is he asking for trouble in that first photo?

Just asking for TROUBLE!

Krissy said...

If he's asking for Trouble, I think that's what he should receive.

I will sacrifice myself to the greater good to give his Robness all the trembling trouble he could ever need.

No need to Thank Me.

I'm happy to help!

Ecstatic, to tell the truth. ☺

Lorabell said...

Good Gawd that man looks fine *nomnomnom*

erikitty said...

Why does Rob never wear a belt??? Anyone else ever wonder that...

VeilsofLight said... access, perhaps. :)

Oops, did I say that out loud?

Rather, Rob clearly does not conform to the rules of modern 'fashion.' Even when wearing perfection. He IS, after all, Robert Pattinson.

As so aptly quoted on LTR: "Robert Pattinson does not follow fashion trends, they follow him. But then he turns around and kicks their ass."

VeilsofLight said...

and also my personal favorite:

"Weapons of mass destruction weren’t found in Iraq, they were found in Robert Pattinson’s pants."

Anonymous said...

regarding weapons in rob's pants....
That made my night. I'm still laughing.
Rob would laugh at that one too I'm sure of it.
you are funny girl.

VeilsofLight said...

Thanks, Debbo, wish I could take credit for that, but you can enjoy the whole list here at LTR:

I bet he would laugh at that, too. :) It would be funny if it weren't true, he has already managed to wreak massive havoc and destruction across the globe without even taking his pants off (well, not counting LA :) Can you imagine the global meltdown if we were to catch a glimpse?

I could spend all nite chatting about Rob's um...weapon...but quite frankly, I'm tortured enough by him from day to day. I actually had the audacity to be distracted by my life the last month or so, but the obsession is back in full swing.

I know when I started considering heading to the movie set next week, that the addiction has indeed resurfaced.


ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


VeilsofLight said...

When all is said and done: a true, rare, class act.

And that's why we love him.

DearSis said...

I have a movie-making question--who is the dark-haired girl with the walkie talkie that always seems to be retrieving Rob (and Emilie) from their trailers? I mean, what would her job title be?

Stacy said...

DAMN. Why are black and white pics SO hot? And he is amazing in that suit!

VeilsofLight said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tony said...

Arggh. (NO spoilers)Just finished reading the Remember me script. Can't stop crying...this is going to be a hard movie to watch

Treasure_7 said...

He looks great in a suit!

RPnKSaddict said...

Jackie- I know I did the same thing. I can't wait for the movie but I'm afraid of what it's going to do to me. It's a bitter sweet thing.

Spidermonkey said...

"Weapons of mass destruction weren’t found in Iraq, they were found in Robert Pattinson’s pants."

That is the greatest quote I have read in a long time!! Hahahaha- seriously though- how can this be. How can a man look so fantastic from every stinking angle. It's not fair that we all can't have one of him. :(

kespax said...

Oooooooo kill me this is getting more painful every day.

And hell I have avoided the script I want some surprises - even if we kind of get the whole thing in pictures each day, I'm guessing court scenes, the bashing? Or something else re the deceased mother/brother???

Anyway, the posters weeping over the script are torturing me. Should I hold out? Or just read it anyway???

He's too beautiful to be an ordinary human, maybe he's got elven blood?

spellbound said...

@jackie & RPaddict: DITTO!!!

bbonin said...

To the ones who already got the movie in the mail, does it have subtitles? in English? I need the subtitles to watch the movie...(I'm deaf) so I'm not able to hear it. Too bad I can't hear what Rob's voice sounds like at all!

Anyway please let me know so I can order myself the movie too!!

phosphorus said...

Any ghost would fall in love with him straight away and be completely helpless. They are not different to the living.

@ bbonin: I just answered your question in the "Happy Little Ashes Day"-thread, and already talked about it last Friday, when I got my DVD, in another thread but unfortunately I mispelled your name, then.

phosphorus said...

from the living

lostinphilly said...

VeilsofLight: Ditto to everything you've said on here today!!!My thoughts exactly;love your comment about going to a bar for an after-work drink, that's what would definitely happen to me also;I just have that kind of luck!!Although THAT would get Rob's attention, so it would be worth it, right????

erikitty said...

Hahaha... soo true! You guys are all killing me here!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Ladies!
It's 10.37am here and I've got NOTHING done so far ......absolutely NOTHING. Just sat here looking........

Anonymous said...

I hope Rob enjoys his time with his friends. He really needs some "mate" time with people he can trust. God love him....

Anonymous said...

Those pictures of Rob.....he really is such an elegant man. How can a man be that elegant AND adorkable at the same time? Me personally, I love the adorkable Rob with the stain on his shirt, but Lawd have mercy he's beautiful in a suit. SAVE ME....somebody save me. He's such an obsession. WHAT WILL WE DO WHEN REMEMBER ME FINISHES SHOOTING? Well, I don't know about you guys, but I've got a computer full of pictures of Rob. It's like stocking up on smokes before a new tax is added. LOL BACKUP ROB PORN!
JAW PORN, HAND PORN, LIPS PORN...."debbo shakes".....ok ok ok I'm ok. I'm back now.
You know, they had prohibition at one time. If they prohibit Rob pictures we are in TROUBLE. LOL Addicts of Rob... :)

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right. He is an extremely elegant man even when he's scruffed up he just oozes class and when he speaks. He has a true 'Actors' voice rich and mellow. I really hope he keeps on acting and doesn't just decide he's had enough after a couple of years. The thought of not seeing that lovely face or hearing that beautiful voice is just too much to!

Anonymous said...

The night shift is now turning over the ROB LOVE to the day shift ROB LOVERS.

Debbo punches the clock and goes to dream of Rob and oral sex. LOL
Forgive me....I know not what I say around Rob.
thud....zzzzzzzzzzzz rob rob rob zzzzzz
ditto below...

Cristin said...

funny...seeing Rob in a suit caused my panties to spontaneously rip from my body...

Anonymous said...

....mmmmm....cougar purrrrrrr.....

.......jaw and finger porn....

..thank you

cathysue said...

he looks so detectivish. he can interrogate me anyday :)

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