Los 40 Principales Scans and Translation

Some of the interview info is new, some is a bit dated but still all sortsa Rob goodness.
He interviews like no one else. Another reason we adore him so much.

Thanks to Twilight Poison for the information below and the translation of the scans.

"Los 40 Principales magazine, in their edition for Spain, interviewed Rob on the month of February. We finally got a hold of this edition of the magazine. The interview is completely new and it has never been posted online.
Here’s the complete translation of the interview, which, as usual, features tons of fun Rob quotes"

“A year ago I couldn’t get a date. Now the world has gone backwards. I can have any 14 year old that I want.” says the British actor Robert Pattinson, who has become overnight, the new It Boy thanks to his character Edward Cullen.

Move over Zac efron… Have you met the High School Musical star?
We met at an awards show. He’s the new face of success. But he’s all the opposite of what I thought he would be. He’s so honest and down to earth. You’d think he’s so prepared for the press, but he’s not.

What do fans say about you when they meet you in person?
They are increadibly opinionated. They have very clear ideas as to how I should live my life. Who knew 15 years old could be so moralistic?

Is it true that you did castings for vampire characters before?
Yes, I did an audition for True Blood, but that didn’t work out. I didn’t think I would get the role of Edward Cullen either, because the character is very enigmatic. I didn’t want to play the biggest vampire stereotype, so I tried to humanize him.

When you got the role a lot of fans were very angry….
They didn’t want me. They sent me hate messages and the Internet was full of comments. They said I looked like a bum.

Do you understand why Edward appeals so much to young girls?
No, I don’t get why people like this character in such an obsessive level. The fact that he’s so polite and opens doors for girls, all that. I don’t get why teenagers like this stuff.

Did you get along with Kristen Stewart?
In the beginning I thought: “She’s so serious, so I have to be very serious too”. And I went on without talking to her for like two weeks. She must have thought I was stuck up. I only spoke to her about the movie, other movies, books, serious stuff. But I felt like an idiot. I dropped the act and we got along great.

It’s been said on numerous occasions that you’re in love with her and that you proposed to her on the set of the movie…
I don’t remember that happening, but if that’s what she said, then it’s true.

How did your career being?
I started as a model when I was 12. I was the youngest one in the agency. I was so skinny, I looked like a girl, and back then the whole androgenous look was in. Then I did some amateur theater and then I began to go to castings.

And you were chosen for Reese Witherspoon’s movie Vanity Fair…
Yes, but my part was cut from the movie. That’s how I got Harry Potter, the casting director felt guilty.

Why didn’t you get more roles after Harry Potter?
I went on several auditions but they kept telling me I was scary….

And your agent sent you to LA to do more castings and you got the role of Edward. Weren’t you sent to media training after you were chosen for the role?
Yes. My agent kept getting messages like “he’s resisting the training!” (laughs), I just didn’t want to answer like I was a robot. Not even little children like to hear the same answers, it’s boring!

What have you been up to since you finished Twilight?
I’ve been living in LA. I learned how to drive and I’ve been exploring the city. It’s a very different culture from London. There isn’t many pubs and people here don’t get how normal it is in London to just go out for a beer. They think it’s bizarre.

Do you have a car yet?
A 1989 BMW convertible. The convertible top is broken, the dashboard caught on fire when I was driving and the back seats look like a dumpster with all my old trash. And I just hope the red button that just turned on isn’t something I should worry about. (laughs).

Have you made any new friends in Hollywood?
A couple. Most of them are from the industry. I go out with club promoters and PR people. I always get my picture taken coming out of the dodgiest places. It’s embarrasing. I went out everyday for like a week until I realized that people must think I was some sort of drunk.

What do you do on your spare time?
I’m a musician. I know all actors say they’re musicians, but I’ve been doing it for years. I play the piano since I was four and classical guitar since I was five. I just started playing blues and similar stuff. I’m not a virtuoso, but I’m not that bad either.

You used to be seen playing in little bars,
I did it a couple of times, until some people filmed me and put me up on youtube. They ruined the experience. Now it would be impossible to play again like that.

Who’s your favorite musician?
Van Morrison. I own all his albums.

Your sister is in the music business as well, isn’t she?
Lizzy had a very successful song with her band Aurora. My other sister works in advertising. I’m the youngest.

They treated you like their own doll, didn’t they?
They dressed me up like a girl, yes! (laughs). But it all changed when I turned 12.

You play Salvador Dali in you next movie, how was the experience?
It’s marked a before and an after. I got obsessed with Dali, read everything I could about him. It’s the first role in which I could reflect about it more seriously. He was the weirdest bloke, but I feel I understood him. He was very, very shy.

It looks like you have a bright future a head of you….
It’s funny how things change. After being unemployed for so long, you start thinking “I’m not gonna mess this up again”. So now, I’ll only think about how I’m going to play a role. My only concern is to not mess this up. I don’t want to be an idiot and that’s a real possibility.


ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...
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ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


oh and where the hell is the delete button?

Unknown said...

whoa rob auditioned for true blood?!?!
i had do re-read that part of the interview

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

i found it.... :)

oh i really loved the comment about getting all the 14year olds he wants... such a humorous fellow

zlove said...

I love him he is so damn funny. I miss the interviews. I'm looking forward to when he has to do press for New Moon. Dang I wish he got true blood. seeing him weekly... I wonder if he would have ended up with anne panquin like the other dude did

Lynn said...

Well, of course, Rob is the perfect Edward, but, could anyone imagine him as Bill from True Blood?

I would love to hear him say "Sookie is mine" in a Cajun accent...le sigh.

keely said...

I just try to imagine Edward arguing with Eric...nope, doesnt work. For me, it has alaways been difficult to picture someone else in a roll, when I got used to a person playing it (and when I read a book before watching a movie, it all feels wrong for a little while) . But in that case, the true ages of the actors just fit to their rolls and there are some differences in that characters, that are very dependent to that, so I´m fine with Bill JMHO
@Lynn: Also I would like to hear that cajun acccent out of Robs mouth, too ;-)

keely said...
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keely said...

P.S.: Thanks for the interview, Dani :-)

Georgie said...

Keely - Rob sings with a sort-of cajun accent :)

keely said...

@Georgie: Never relized that, but next time I´ll try to listen better :-)

Babs said...

I always enjoy his wit and sense of humor :)

Tess said...

It was so nice to read a relatively new interview.

My favourite part: "It’s funny how things change. After being unemployed for so long, you start thinking “I’m not gonna mess this up again”. So now, I’ll only think about how I’m going to play a role. My only concern is to not mess this up. I don’t want to be an idiot and that’s a real possibility."

ahhhh... so this explains why he's decided to work himself to death for the next year.

maha said...
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maha said...

((I don’t remember that happening, but if that’s what she said, then it’s true.))
What an answer Rob ^_* .

I love to read his interviews

Haystackhair said...

Oh nice to read some new stuff. I miss the interviews too. It's been a while. Good stuff. He's so funny.

marya said...

his dashboard caught on fire??? HAHA that must have been something to watch...what did he do? put out his cigarette or something? lol oh i love rob...

keely said...

Marya, I think, he told that, too, when he was at the Ellen Degeneres Show. It was a cute interview, you can watch it here:

Treasure_7 said...

I miss seeing Rob interview, he is so cute and just so clueless to that fact. Rob could have more than 14 year olds that is for sure!!

Anonymous said...

I absolutley love Rob and love to read his interviews! He's fresh and open and soooo charming!!


I really hate that he was mobbed in NYC.....it's like assaulting a little boy scout and taking his badge shash away....robbed him of his innocence..... =o(

spellbound said...

Thanks for posting this, I really enjoyed it! I love reading his interviews, in some ways even more than watching them. I get so distracted by him when I'm watching an interview that I end up missing half of his answers so when I read them I don't get distracted and actually "listen" to what he's saying. There are several things here I've never heard before like the True Blood audition, the media training. God, I'm so glad the training didn't "take". I'm sure Rob knows by now he could have just about anyone he wants of ANY age, 14...24...34...44...ok I'll stop there, lol...

wanabRPsmom said...

Rob's interviews are always very entertaining. Never a DULL moment..even for the interviewer.:)

He is easy to fall in love with. He is that person that lights up a room when he walks in. The LIFE of the party in a good sense.

Yvonne said...

I don't think he needs to worry about "messing things up" this time :) I'm preeetty sure the world has caught on this time, Rob....no need to work so hard. Take a little vacation, there will still me more offers than you will know what to do with!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

He's such a sweetheart...

I am glad he did not get True Blood because we would be missing out on so much of his other talents..

I miss his interviews too-I'll be glad when he's able to do them again..

Gozde & Dani:
There are new photos of Rob from this morning...all bloody again..

He looks awesome, and has on a new shirt!


wanabRPsmom said...

ha ha rpattz..you beat me to it.
here's some from radaronline
Rob looks good in that new shirt!


Anna said...

did I ever mention that I f***ing LOVE Robert Pattinson?

marya said...

that new shirt is killing me...

domisgone said...

I am surprised Rob auditioned for True Blood, but I see the similarities between the two, so I ca totally feel it.

And I feel bad that I've watched those youtube video's of Rob performing. I feel like I contributed to him now not playing in bars any more (but really, he can't... or he'd get mobbed by TwiMoms and preteen fangirls).

Rob, don't stop playing music. Come perform for me... privately... In my house :P

domisgone said...

And buy performing... I mean... with a guitar!

Not... you know.... performing... intimately?

Yvonne said...

Yeah, I think you may have mentioned that, once or twice! LOL

By the way, I've got it bad, too :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

More bloody Rob & sister on set:


Elena said...

Haha. I love the car comment.
He is hilarious. I love him.
I just wish they were video interviews. I love watching his expressions when he is talking.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Here's a smile!


Anna said...

alright then Yvonne, as long as we're all in it together ;)

the new pics on socialite life are amazing! Rob smiling and laughing in some!

(Rob smiles, and my whole day brightens up... :)))

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know, new shirt-some nips, it's all good...

Tenneil said...

Robert.. such a charmer... he's so adorkable truly, madly, deeply...

do we honestly need anymore reasons to love this man???

Dahlia said...

It's nice to read a "new" interview... he's so funny and light hearted. His brilliant British sense of humour comes across in every interview :D

I feel bad about watching the video on youtube of him performing... keep playing your music! It's just one of the reasons we love you :)

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