According to Elle Magazine Rob is the next Brad Pitt.
They used a different picture but I thought you'd appreciate this one more ;)

They used a different picture but I thought you'd appreciate this one more ;)

The similarly hunky actors each attained the rarefied distinction of having made blood-sucking look sexy—Pattinson in Twilight and Pitt in Interview With the Vampire.
pfff I despise all such comparisons.
Rob is not the new Brad Pitt or the new James Dean or the new whoever, he is the new Robert F***ing Pattinson.
I hate when they compare Rob to "other" stars-especially ones who played Vampires, as is that's the only way to describe Rob...
Anyway, I like Brad, but there's no comparison in my mind-athough that is a hunky photo of him...
Great minds think alike...
rpattzgirl - yeah they do!
also agree about Brad. Yes he's yummy (or used to be), but so are thousands of guys. Rob just has a special something, and it's not all in his looks.
Brad wishes.
@Littlebear and rpattzgirl
Another great mind right here in sync with yours! It won't be long before "they" start using the correct barometer...Rob. He is an original and has MUCH more IT than Brad or anyone else.
An interview with Brad Pitt, Leonardo et al is a good excuse for a nap - welcome to Dullsville.
An interview with RP on the other hand...
Totally agree ladies. Although Brad is hot, Robhotness cannot be duplicated. There is just something extra about him that causes instant ovulation and Robgasm. Can't be explained or compared to anything.
oops, forgot to say, Goz, LMAO as usual at your tags. :)
Seriously, has Brad ever worn a century-old T-shirt that he mended badly himself? I think not! Has Brad's hair ever been famous? I think not! Does Brad sing, play piano or guitar? I don't think so.
I could go on and on with the NON-comparisons. But I won't. We the truly Robsessed, know that he is one in a million. And we heart our Rob!
I love Brad Pitt...but Rob is Much more in the Talent and accessible to fans.
I think it's Rob's attitude that sets him apart from everyone else.
And if you're going to compare him with anyone (which I wouldn't since like others have said, he's an original) compare him to Leonardo De Caprio. I was still pretty young when Titanic came out but I remember him being everywhere like Rob is now, and I think he handled it pretty similarly. Although, I never found the appeal of Leo...but I sure do love me some Robert Freakin Pattinson.
I've said it allllll along...Rob is talented enough and totally good looking enough to be the "next Brad Pitt" and THAT is one HELL of a compliment!!!
Ashley Greene is well on the road to being a fashion icon like the great, GORGEOUS Audrey Hepburn....
some comparissons are NOT bad!! =o)
Here, Here, Littlebear and Rpatzgirl.
He's one in the Robsessed much.
He's not the new something...he's ROBERT PATTINSON with all his talent, his beautiful face, his wonderful smile, his shy eye sight..all this is Robert Pattinson and no one else and I dont like this comparisons with other actors....
love u Rob!!
I like Brad Pitt, but I think Rob is at another level well above him.
Rob is so different from anyone he has been compared to he is multi-talented, and does not rely just on his astounding good looks to get him through a picture.
Rob man is today's Renaissance man!!! I think he will prove any critics wrong in the long run. He will continue to choose his own path and whether he achieves critical acclaim or not I doubt he will care much, just as long he is happy with what he is doing.
To be fair
I love Brad , He is handsome but in my opinion Brad is not talented as Rob.
but Rob is differ than all the stars , he is very handsome, smart and has a great personality ,humble , funny, and you enjoy watching his movies and his interviews and never get bored.
.He is so talented and has a very beautiful face , so attractive
and I love him so much.
I too think Brat is hot BUT, Rob is x1000 hotter!
Rob is not only gorgeous and talented; the way he behaves shows he is a lot more smarter and humble than Brad and many others.
I admit it: I like a little "Brad" myself. Why not? the man in hot!
But Rob suits me better...
He is not the new whatever... he is just our Rob, for short, and oh yeah: Mr. Robert Pattinson. Or Mr. Roblicious F** Pattinson..., for long.
I agree with everyone's comment...let me just add: ROB got the sexiest accent that Brad would never have. Just to hear Rob talks, makes me melt like an ice cream! Rob does not please people, Brad does. Rob is multi-talented. Brad doesn't play like Rob does. Rob can fart in our faces and it would still make him sexy, and we'll swoon!
I do love Brad, but Brad will never make me wanna change my plans to go see him so i can just catch a glimpse of him, even for a nanosecond (and make my day). No one but Robert Pattinson has had or will ever have this effect on me. I wish i could explain why and how, but I can't, and to me this is why Robert Pattinson is the new nothing, he's just the one and only Robert effin Pattinson!
Brad is a nice looking guy, for sure & he seems like a very kind person, I love all the charity work he does...having said that, I've never been attracted to him in the slightest. I'm still not sure what it is about Rob that makes us all go so crazy for him. I mean, we could list all his qualities but even when you add all those up together it still doesn't equal how attractive & sexy he is. He has something extra, something very special that I've never seen in any man before & I doubt I ever see it's that rare.
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