Thanks to Darja for sending us all these scans :))
Jolie Deutschland July 2001
The next 2 pages are not Rob but OH HOT DAMN! :)
Sexy multi-talent
You know him... as Edward Cullen in Twilight. In Little Ashes (release date still unknown) he portraits painter Dali, nude scene included!
That's what he has to offer: superstar status! While auditioning for Harry Potter, the passive sportsman (23) still had to fib about loving soccer to get the role. By now, movie makers adore him (because he can convey tragic and depths to his characters), and so do the women (i.e. costar Nikki Reed and it-girl Paris Hilton). What makes him that extremely attractive? Fellow actor Ashley Greene puts it in a nutshell: "His shy demeanour is incredibly cute!"
Coolness factor: 10, because he could become the next Johnny Depp
Wild border crosser
You know him... as Emmett Cullen in Twilight and from the TV show 90210.
That's what he has to offer: an ideal body! "I like to push the envelope and I'm training very hard every day, because while shooting I want to do my own stunts", says the 24-year-old single (who can speak Spanish fluently). Not so much to the delight of the producers, who had to intervene several times during the shooting of Twilight to prevent the former student of engineering to break all his bones.
Coolness factor: 8, because he's an exciting dare-devil.
Liebling der Woche (Darling of the week):
When Robert Pattinson, 23, wanted to get into his car after a day of shooting Remember Me, he was quite surprised: fans had pinned little love letters to the doorknob. They surely are auto-graphs!
Thanks to Annik0r for the above translation ;))
OK Deutshcland June 25th 2009
LIEBLING DER WOCHE - so cute! + love notes!

Obrazi Slovenia

"Vampire" making new movie
One of the most popular young actors at the moment, Twilight star Robert Pattinson is shooting new movie Remember Me in New York. "Lost" beauty Emilie de Ravin is costarring, one of the roles will be played by Pierce Brosnan. Unfortunately female fans of sexy Robert will have to wait until 2010 for the premiere.
Obrazi = Faces

Red carpet
MTV MA is always a special kind of awards show, funnier than others and still prestigious. This year, all big movie industry's names were present, the winner was the Twilight movie crew, they won 5 awards, including the best movie ( in this category, they beat even Slumdog Millionaire) and best kiss between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (see photo)
Grazia UK:

Sexy multi-talent
You know him... as Edward Cullen in Twilight. In Little Ashes (release date still unknown) he portraits painter Dali, nude scene included!
That's what he has to offer: superstar status! While auditioning for Harry Potter, the passive sportsman (23) still had to fib about loving soccer to get the role. By now, movie makers adore him (because he can convey tragic and depths to his characters), and so do the women (i.e. costar Nikki Reed and it-girl Paris Hilton). What makes him that extremely attractive? Fellow actor Ashley Greene puts it in a nutshell: "His shy demeanour is incredibly cute!"
Coolness factor: 10, because he could become the next Johnny Depp
Wild border crosser
You know him... as Emmett Cullen in Twilight and from the TV show 90210.
That's what he has to offer: an ideal body! "I like to push the envelope and I'm training very hard every day, because while shooting I want to do my own stunts", says the 24-year-old single (who can speak Spanish fluently). Not so much to the delight of the producers, who had to intervene several times during the shooting of Twilight to prevent the former student of engineering to break all his bones.
Coolness factor: 8, because he's an exciting dare-devil.
Liebling der Woche (Darling of the week):
When Robert Pattinson, 23, wanted to get into his car after a day of shooting Remember Me, he was quite surprised: fans had pinned little love letters to the doorknob. They surely are auto-graphs!
Thanks to Annik0r for the above translation ;))
OK Deutshcland June 25th 2009
LIEBLING DER WOCHE - so cute! + love notes!
Obrazi Slovenia
"Vampire" making new movie
One of the most popular young actors at the moment, Twilight star Robert Pattinson is shooting new movie Remember Me in New York. "Lost" beauty Emilie de Ravin is costarring, one of the roles will be played by Pierce Brosnan. Unfortunately female fans of sexy Robert will have to wait until 2010 for the premiere.
Obrazi = Faces
Red carpet
MTV MA is always a special kind of awards show, funnier than others and still prestigious. This year, all big movie industry's names were present, the winner was the Twilight movie crew, they won 5 awards, including the best movie ( in this category, they beat even Slumdog Millionaire) and best kiss between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (see photo)
Grazia UK:
Wow what a surprise to see a scan from a Slovenian Magazine here on Robsessed :D
We in Slovenia definitely love Rob very very much :D
anyone who thinks the mtv awards are funny must have an IQ of a potato. except when kristen dropped the award. that was funny. anyway, nice scans and love
hey girl how are you doing? :)
Apparently I have the IQ of a potato. Hmm.
Yes, Taylor Kitsch is definitely my number 2! :)
Yvonne - me too. Oh well.
My fav pic of the day lol what is it with him and grey underwear? :P
Read in another blog:
The Haunted Airman will be available in the US market in Sept.. Will be distributed by E1 Entertainment...DVD =$24.95.
I for one will be a good customer!... so, it's great that Summit is jumping on the wagon to market Rob's earlier movies.
Just a little vid...short...but I've watched Rob in shorter videos and still been entertained...I do, after all, have the IQ of a potato :)
Alex...LOL ;)
hahahahha i'm also from Slovenia!:D and it was definitely a shock seeing our magazine on your site, since we're so small noone knows where slovenia is:)
hey sorry ladies. didn't mean to offend anyone. i just think their skits were vulgar just for the sake of being vulgar.
pic from yesterday, more chest :)
labcat.... Not offended :) I couldn't resist responding :) It's cool, we all have different tastes, except for our love of Rob, of course! That's why we love it here ;)
BTW, I totally agree with you on some of those the gyrating popcorn dude....I fast-forwarded through it....ick.
I love that we can all like different things but we are bonded by all things Rob.
Ick the girating popcorn guy
I'm joining in that ick about the popcorn guy and also adding an ewwww :)
On the other hand that link Yvonne posted... yummm
RPaddict....absolutely :) LOL you guys crack me up about popcorn guy :))) But Bruno's ass was looking hot! hahahahahaah JK!
She was in "Lost"? I´ve never watched it -- it looks too weird...
It is interesting... whenever ROBsessed shows a scan from a mag. from a different country, people from that country show up here... like from nowhere...
I guess they are always checking in here... HEY, YOU people from whatever country! Come out of the closet!
@Sophia Z.86
you're right, we are here all the time, I just don't have to say much usually :) heh
lepo videt še kako slovenko tu :D
Slow Rob day. I'm sadly already having withdrawls. Definitely ICK with the popcorn guy. Yvonne, great vid, yummy. I wish they got when purple shirt was removed and hoodie put on. YUM on the low zipper pic too! Sigh. I'm so pathetic.
mtv awards were very funny IMO, except for popcorn guy & Bruno-
loved Andy's version of New Moon!!
Slow day, no new Rob.. I'm pouting because I got spoiled all this week...
Moychy! You very welcome! Show up more frequently, please!
BTW, I am from Brazil...
Hey! New Set photos from Today!!
You are so right! We all got spoiled in those last days.
I gotta have some work done... bye!
Hi Sophia! I get what you mean... Ok, have to admit I'm from Germany and somehow I actually wanted to comment on the german "Jolie" Scan... ;-) I guess it's kind of a reflex reaction when you see something from your own country on an international (or rather: American)site. Seems to be kind of fascinating to us... Stupid but true! Maby because european things normally don't tend to be interesting at all for Americans... we're the much smaller countries!;-) But nevertheless I'm actually here and reading the blog almost every day... Guess it's the same for a lot of other people from foreign countries. We all love reading the blog and understanding the language is no problem at all - but maby we hesitate to actually WRITE comments because we're not native speakers and afraid our english spelling and grammar might be not good enough or even embarassing ;-/
Ok, gotta stop rambling now!
Alexandra - I suspect it's less a preference for gray underwear and more the result of flinging the whites into the same wash as his dark wardrobe. Ha! I used the word "wardrobe" in reference to his Hoboliciousness.
This site's quite international! Speaks for it's quality, since many countries have their own page for lovely Rob! But robsessed is THE BEST, I check in every day ... many times way too often for my eyes, mind, heart and my only human soul. So thank you for ruining me ;-)
@ mohnmarzipan, Moychy and Blazka - Hallo & Srečno.
mohnmarzipan1, welcome :)
I wanted to say, that for me, I love the fact that everyone here is from somewhere else...I'm in America (which, to me is boring :)) and I LOVE hearing from people in other countries, I think that is one of the coolest things about this blog! Also, I am really impressed with how well everyone speaks (writes) English! Even if there are small errors, NO ONE cares, it's actually kind of cute :) Please ,DON'T be embarassed, join in the conversation....I will totally be telling my friends later about how I was on this blog, chatting to a girl in Germany :) So cool:)
Diane, LOL
I love hoboliscious Rob. All winkled and worn....yum.
oops *wrinkled, not WINKLED hehe
btw , I'm from Poland and there are more of us :)))))
Thanks for the unzipped picture, Yvonne! Agree with the wrinkled and torn - like they just came off my bedroom floor and he put them back on cuz he had to go to work. Yep.
Top Ten Pickup Lines :
10. I have a private island. Wanna see it?
9. “Pardon me Miss. I…uhh..hello? Dang it! She fainted again. Why can’t I
stop dazzling people?”
8. Cullen. Edward Cullen.
7. Hi, I’m Edward. I can be the super hero or the bad guy.
6. I play the field. And it looks like I just hit a home run with you.
5. “I’m an addict. Will you be my heroin?”
4. “Have you been drinking? Or do I intoxicate you?”
3. Hi. The voices in my head just told me to come talk to you.
2. “My sister can see the future. Let me give you a clue, it’s Me + You.”
1. Am I dead? Because I think I just met an angel.*
@ Yvonne: Thank you, that's really sweet. I appreciate it a lot! It's kind of comforting to know that you think my (or our) mistakes are just little and "cute" ones... ;-) But if you should recognize me writing or formulating something really wrong, please don't hesitate to tell me! I'd really like to improve my english! Although in Germany (and surely most of the other european countries aswell)we learn english in school it will obviously never be the same as if you learn a language in its native country... Mostly because there's a huge lack of common (american/english)speech, so I guess when I formulate a sentence it's often not sounding very "natural" but rather funny to you ;o) But I think as long as we can understand each other we're totally fine! You're right, to me it's really cool to be chatting to a girl from America aswell!! Of course we have a lot of our own (german) fan-sites but I clearly prefer the international ones... and Robsessed is just the best!! So where do the rest of you come from?
It's just great that there seem to be people from all over the worl here but everyone's got the same interest... and everybody loves Rob, of course! :-)
Hey Goz,
oh and i thought MTV AWARDS, were too fun, loved all the play on twilight! loved to see Rob laughing and enjoying himself, but hated bruno, the guy is whack!
MARZI (marzipan1)
your writing or manor of speaking, would not come off cute or funny. im sure we could all figure out what each other is saying... dont stress about it girl.
english is only one of many languages the world has to offer...
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