
1. Get over the term “stalker”…..I like to call it “keen observation”
2. You will have to deal with the kiddos….you will want to kill them….resist the urge….they will have to leave because they all have curfews and bed times…..patience grasshopper.
3. Find the cougars….they will always know what the hell is going on…AND they will have the most expensive cameras to take the AMAZING picture of you and Mr. Wonderful should that opportunity arise.
4. Hang toward the back of the crowd….it will ease the pain of the crazy AND the PA’s will respect you and have pity on you at the end of the night when Mr. Dad Jacket gets ready to leave.
5. Be nice to his security team…THEY ARE JUST DOING THEIR JOB…and they have to deal with this shiz everyday. kuddos.
6. When in doubt always Keep It Classy!!!
Read the rest at Letters to Rob :) And what do YOU consider a cougar?
Well, I am a proud cougar..I know and fly my cougar flag daily where he is concerned.
I never was until Rob burst onto the scene-he just brings out that ROAR in me...
I could literally devour this guy-
I will take her tips to heart and hope someday to meet the man of my dreams.
I am a major cougar.....I don't like 'em my age but like 27 and under......well built, not too hairy, intelligence is nice but stupid will work too...I'm only in it for a play thing.....get it, hit it and get the F out...mama likes to sleep in.
Me - Ow
My Dearest Sister and I were discussing all things Rob one day while looking at this WONDERFUL website called ROBsessed ☺ and she stated we're Dirty Old Women.
I kindly & respecyfully corrected her and told her we were Hot Blooded Cougars and not Dirty Old Women.
Of course, when Rob was born, I was 23...so one could say I'm a lifetime older than Rob.
Just because one *could* say that doesn't mean that I encourage anyone TO say that. ;)
I'm one VERY happy & content ROBsessed Cougar & will be able to say the same thing 23 years from now! ☻
Oh yea, but life size stand up Edward & all my posters & photos will be going with me to the "home" when that time comes-
Just try to pry them out of my knotted fingers!
Yup, I guess I'm a cougar! Oh well - isn't "mountain lion" sorta synonymous with "cougar"? And Edward's favorite---
Oh FINE I won't go there - lol! (Is it better or worse to be a dirty-minded cougar???)
I'm a Puma. LOL
I'm a proud cougar too!!
I'm 33 but I really like younger guys cause they are simpler,funnier and thay dont take all too seriously..so Rob here I'm...take me when you want..ok today I'm a bit dizzy...dont mind
Who ever said ATTRACTION had an age limit???? and besides I think everyone would agree that ROB IS and will always BE the exception to every rule!!!!!
This MAN owns me (body,mind,heart and soul)
@PattForever LMAO to your get it, hit it, and get the F out...mama needs to sleep comment. Thats Hilarious! (u bad girl)
Just read this at livejournal:
Brazilian composer Marcelo Zarvos will compose the music for drama Remember Me
I never had a lover that was much older than me. Some were my age, most of them were younger, usually seven to eight years. I think the oldest lover I had so far was 35 - when I hadn't been 35 anymore for quite a while.
@rpattzgirl...Then what movie is Rob composing the soundtrack for?
I HOPE he has at least 1 song in this soundtrack....Pretty,Pretty, Please!!!!! (puts hands together)
@PattForever LMAO too!!! YOu women have all said it right. Rob just brings out the cougar. Hey, we're older, not dead! Well except the tiny deaths Robhotness inflicts on us daily, but that's the good kind. You would have to be dead not to feel your girly bits get stirred up by Rob!! And I too am a lifetime older, but don't encourage anyone to point it out either. RAWR!
Well, Happy cougar day to our lovely Rob-Loving cougars~
it's great to see woman who are not ashamed of themselves.
(I know, it's easier online, even I as a not completely cougar have a hard time saying I really like the boy in real life... But I did twice!)
Im 33 and I dont think Im too old for Rob. You're as old as the man you feel! ;)
@Anna F...I know what you mean. I was in the closet for a good 3 months and would only log into this website when everyone was asleep....It wasn't till after Cannes that I finally said F*ck it! I just couldn't hold it in anymore!!!
My friends have since tried planning an intervention...hehe (I secretly think their the one's with a problem...shhhh)
anna F
Like anything else, the more you do it...the easier it gets.
Admitting to being ROBsessed, I mean. ☺
I have my wall right in front of my computer lined up with Rob photos...many from ROBsessed Land!
I should mention it's extra easy for me to admit I'm ROBsessed as I'm married to a Robert. ☻
I have no idea! I didn't think it would be this one, I mean when in the world would he have time-but I would love to hear some more music from him in the future!
Yes, I am a Cougar, too. I have always been one. I had to wait 4 years for one guy to reach the "age of consent" while I was in my 20's. (We didn't quite make it, btw) Never liked men my own age, too cynical, ordinary.
I was 33 when Rob was born, so I am probably older than his mother. But I must say, I have NEVER IN MY LIFE lusted after any man, boy, or creature of any kind as much as I do Rob. I would gladly trade the rest of my lifetime and everything I own for a week in bed with him. I do love my very young, sweet, sexy husband, but there is no one out there like Rob.
Oh, I will meet him someday. And I will respect him and behave myself. But if the opportunity miraculously presents itself..... I AM DIED!!
Seamus & Duncan's mom
isn't it funny when you are younger you want the older guy and now that you are older the younger ones are what you look at.
i married the old guy :) (ten years older) but i robsess over the younger guy. my husband doesn't mind, he thinks its funny. but then again i dont think that he realizes how much i am really obsessed over Rob, but this is my little secret :)
I'm 37, Always went for older until...ROB.... there's just something that made me loose my senses. Thank God i'm not the only one.
Hugs to all the cougars..and one Puma( shome ).
Thumbs up and a giggle from this cougar!
Iam a proud cougar of 44, never ever in my life have I had any king of obssesion with an actor or a singer or even worse anyone younger than me until now...But since Ihave admited it first to myself and then to you all I am having the time of my life and I will not go back to those black depresing days without him and his angelic smile. I love you all. It's like I am back to school again, you all make me feel like a cougar teenager!!!
These tips are good ones and any proud Cougars should be able to follow these just nicely :-D.
I am almost twice Rob's age, I am now 43, just turned 43 on the 12th of this month...lol. I NEVER EVER HAD a crush on a guy this young, until Rob, they were either older or just a few years younger, 5 years tops. But now here I am drooling over a guy who could be my son, ( and no I do not have kids lol) so this whole cougar thing is brand new to me! Crazy lol. Normally I find guys that age adorable maybe but not worth drooling over. Just never crossed my mind even! Untill this dude came along! WTF did ya do to me Rob? WTF DID YA DO? LOL. Oh wait..maybe there is something much more mature and older in Rob that lured me in along with all that adorkable hotness..yep that gotta be it! lol
I don't feel like a cougar , however, my age places me among cougars... I just feel like a woman :)))))))
Ahh, hugs dina....
I feel like this is my own and you guys are my BFF's.
Am I a cougar?..so be it but ...I am a sexy nurturing cougar!!. ;)
probably as old...er, ..MATURE :) as Rob's own Mother! he he
My family was making Fun of me yesterday. I bought HP dvd w/ Rob in it..so they say ..oh...Mom, so you bought it because of your BOYFRIEND.
Bought the US Twilight special edition mag. too.
Am I a cougar... I guess it depends on your definition of a cougar. But if I am, then I am damn proud to be one! At least I know I am not alone, there are so many other wonderful cougars here.
rpattzgirl - you're right - when i sign on to this blog i always say i gotta talk to my girls. I'm so excited that most of you "fine wine" like me. Aged to perfection, baby. No man has robbed me of my good sense - until now. Glad I'm in good company.
Everyone on set today!!!
More Robalicious!
Well LynnyB, then that makes me 35 (DH's age), lol.
Statistically they say there's at least 100,000 of us married couples in the US where the man is at least 10 years younger than the woman. I think the number is higher and growing every year.
Smart guys like grown-up women. If they like her, they don't care about her age. Unfortunately, it is usually the other women who have a problem (jealousy I call it!).
I like Rob for who he is, especially his mind. TRUE DAT! I've been busy working my way through his reading list and am currently reading "Bel Ami."
I don't think age matters much and have usually preferred younger men. Why? Less sexist and stuck in their habits.
The fact that Rob's costar, Emilie De Raven is five years older proves that things are changing! Anne Bancroft who played Mrs. Robinson in "The Graduate" was only 7 years older than Dustin Hoffman. :(
God bless Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher!
Do 7 years older make me a cougar?
Being 29 felt much happier...
I haven't watched this, so don't know if it's stuff we've already seen...but here's a vid from splash news on Rob..
Just watched the button fly video again. Just for fun :)
I'm sure Rob is flattered to be adored by all his fans, male or female. As for the cougar thing, any man Rob's age would consider himself lucky to share affection with any woman 30+ in years. Knowledge and experience would certainly count for something!
well I'm exactly 8 months and 4 days older than him,guess I don't count:)
@ RPattzGirl thanks for the links - the vid is a good summary of the week+
As for cougars, I voted for the 40+ group and feel all warm and fuzzy that there are so many of you kindred spirits out there sharing my Robsession. I wasn't into the generational age difference thing until Rob came into my life about 4 months ago and he has reactivated all kinds of hormones in my system I didn't know I still had LOL.
I love sharing my "secret life" with y'all! And Gozde and Dani for enabling this! Mmmwwwwwaaaaaaahhhh, and to Rob too of course
Excellent list of cougar rules! All logical.
I'll have to take Rob's advice and "feel like it's dirty. Yeah, feel like it's wrong"...
Oh, I don't comment enough anymore. Mr. Dad jacket is pure win..
Love that.
hahahaha I guess I still don't count but I am 4 years older and used to prefer older guys prior. Rob is the antithesis of my type of guy but he changed my mind real good.
I love you all and feels comforted that I am not alone in my Robsession. I feel sorry for those who have yet seen the light and missing out on his holyhotness
Well I'm not a cougar, I'm...how can I call it...kitten, when I can say, when I saw his child-pics "Oh those pics remind me of my childhood, cause the fashion is the same and the cars and toys...", cause I'm 10 months younger than him LOL! But I must admit I thought he was older when I first saw him! So XOXO to all you lovely ladies!
Well I'm not a cougar, I'm...how can I call it...kitten, when I can say, when I saw his child-pics "Oh those pics remind me of my childhood, cause the fashion is the same and the cars and toys...", cause I'm 10 months younger than him LOL! But I must admit I thought he was older when I first saw him! So XOXO to all you lovely ladies!
Ladies, (and I do mean that in the best way possible) I thank you so much for being here. I thought I was going to have to check myself into the Mental Hospital over Rob. But thanks to all of you, I see that I am just ALIVE and not (well maybe a little) crazy! This is the BEST blog, I have to check it several times a day while at work and can't wait to get home to see what was blocked during the day.
Gozde, Dani, you have saved my life. We are just "finely aged" fans, not old ladies, and I know we could teach him some new things.
I love you all and your wonderful comments. Thanks so much for rescuing me.
Seamus and Duncan's mom (those are cats, btw, no kids)
Ladies, (and I do mean that in the best way possible) I thank you so much for being here. I thought I was going to have to check myself into the Mental Hospital over Rob. But thanks to all of you, I see that I am just ALIVE and not (well maybe a little) crazy! This is the BEST blog, I have to check it several times a day while at work and can't wait to get home to see what was blocked during the day.
Gozde, Dani, you have saved my life. We are just "finely aged" fans, not old ladies, and I know we could teach him some new things.
I love you all and your wonderful comments. Thanks so much for rescuing me.
Seamus and Duncan's mom (those are cats, btw, no kids)
Good on'ya SD; yes this blog is my "therapy", I can't keep away from it and I also check it several times a day although sometimes it's not practical to leave comments while at work or trying to hide this Robsession from my family LOL.
PS SD you'll have to get yourself a sexy Rob avatar!
Well I'm not a cougar I'm 24. But Rob is probably the first guy I've EVER had a crush on that was younger than me, be it a year. I mean, when I was younger it was Zach Morris, the white power ranger, blah blah. The past few years, Johnny Depp, James Dean, Jim Morrison, Leonardo, Russell Brand, Charlie Chaplin. All older. I'm just excited I can crush on someone my actual Age for the first time!
I'm 33 and in no way consider myself a cougar. I think women become cougars at 45ish.
As for the fact that I'm 9yrs and 10mos older than Rob, pfft... age is just a number, and he's an old soul. ;)
Btw, I love that fact that Rob attracts so many fans over 21! I swear that most of the blogs and fansites for him are run by women 35 and over!
Heather, you are so right about that! I get so irritated when Rob is constantly relegated to being merely a teen sensation. Every blog I visit is filled with grown women of ALL ages, many of them technically old enough to be his mother, but definitely young at heart and in spirit. :)
I just turned 44 last month, and though I have had my share of celeb crushes throughout my lifetime (usually musicians,) I never thought I'd be this crazed over someone so much younger than me. I usually date younger guys because most in my age range are married, but even so, 8 years is the biggest age difference I've experienced in real life.
There's something about Rob that is appealing to all ages, on so many different levels. He's a great talent, a great wit and a genuinely good guy...it's hard to find someone like that at any age. But he is definitely an "old soul"...there is something timeless and ageless about his appeal. He is very mature for his age but still a goofy kid sometimes. It's the combination of all those seemingly contrary traits that lures us all in and keeps us hooked in spite of all logic and good sense.
I have given up trying to reason it out or give up the RobCrack. I'm an admittedly fickle person, but I think I will be Fan for Life of this extraordinary man. There's something special about him, and I truly believe that he will be a "star" with not just brilliance, but staying power.
Haven't read all the posts yet, so I'm probably repeating. But Ok- I'll admit to being a cougar- proudly for Rob. But that's because Rob is half my age. You do the math. BUT I just became Robsessed in November, and before that was/is obsessed over James Marsters (Spike on BtVS) and he IS my age. Just because I'm over 40 doesn't make me a cougar, IMO. I think being interested in a man MUCH younger than you, makes you a cougar. But that is IMO.
It just pisses me off since men don't get nearly the grief women do when they go after women much younger than they are.
yay! i mean MIEW!
*raises hand* Another cougar here!!! I'm so glad to have found these posts as now I don't feel like such a perve!! I have never been obsessed with a star like this in my entire life. I had a bit of a crush on Johnny Depp- which is ok because he is a bit older than me, but never have I found a man this much younger so dang fascinating. I've never experienced this level of crush for a star EVER!!!! He's got the whole package, and I want it. ;)
I dunno but I am 36 and I live in the land of the plastics, where one really doesn't become a cougar until after 50. I hate labels so I don't consider myself a cougar.
Well put Lynn, 30 is the new 20 as we are now told.....
I am in my forties.Last year I looked atRob P like a handson boy, but, this last months I have seen him changing, becoming more "man". He growed up. Do you know what I mean ?. He lookslike a beautiful testosteroned sexy man.At that point my I opened my eyes and started to see him in a diferent way....He is 23, he can drive, has all his vaccines and can drink...and...can...
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