Funny Interview Moments with Robert Pattinson ;)

Rob: I want to shut up! No one let's me shut up! :))

You can check out the rest of them HERE.

(Via [info]petalouda8 in [info]pattinsonlife )


Marna said...

The red headed girl who loses it in the first video is hysterically funny poor thing. I wonder if she was some kind of guest reporter (maybe won a contest?) or a real one. I hope she wasn't a real one, she's probably still out of work if she was LOL.

Ellie said...

I could listen to Rob for hours.
No, wait, days.
Um, eternity.

Good evening, ladies!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh Gozde, you made my night with these!
Just to listen to his voice, his laughter...see his he totally downplays everything about himself is so endearing..

I agree Ellie...I will never get tired of listening to him.

How is it possible if Kristen isn't in love with him??

RPnKSaddict said...

Ellie- I second eternity...the voice..the accent..the giggle...the high pitched squeek..and his expressions and gestures...he owns me.

Cuccicella said...

Love it Love it!!

when he laugh, smile, teasing and being silly and funny....

Rob: Oh SHUT UP!
me: I will shut up if you show up!


Kate said...

Goz thank you so much for these but what the heck are you still doing up????? GO TO BED WOMAN!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Lovely fan made video of Rob-the way you look tonight...good lord...

I just melted in my chair.

Rob, please marry me...

Rominiwi said...

Thank you so much Goz...
You made my day (and week, and year, 'cause i'll rewatch these a thousand times xD)

Ellie said...

Wow. It's so quiet here tonight. Everyone must be glued to the videos...

The man's witty as hell!!!

And oh,so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

hi ellie :) true

i'm so glad to see these videos all in one place! i love to watch them on youtube.

Jewels64 said...

Why am I hearing crickets on the blog on a Saturday night? WTF?

Ellie said...

Hey, Jules and Amanda!!!

Everyone' watching their Rob movies...or youtubes ore stuff on here or whatever, Rob-related???

Jewels64 said...

Nope! I've been working on a one shot for the Inkward and Tattella contest....

Anonymous said...

jules :)

haha you writing machine, you!

seriously....where is everyone on a saturday night?

lurkers...come out, come out wherever you are!

Jewels64 said...

Shit TS!!! Don't send the call out to lurkers...we might just see Oregano resurface....LOL!

Ellie said...

This is so weird...

Ellie said...

Oops...hi, TS!!
(hides head in shame...)

Anonymous said...

haha i'm cracking up on ts vs. amanda... you girls know you can call me whatever you like ♥

uh oh..oregano though, you can stay lurking so rose can get another film

Jewels64 said...

Ladies...I am officially toast.

I'm heading out like a baby....I'm gonna act like a tree and leaf....
I'm gonna blow this popsicle stand...It's been a slice...but I'm out....

Night Lovelies! Go read fan fiction!

Ellie said...

Jules, I'll "see" you on Friday, when we get home!

Have a good week, bb!

Text if there's news!

Anonymous said...

geez... this is kinda making me sad :(

night jules! xoxo

i will be reading ff before bed as always.

Anonymous said...

ellie: good night my dear!

enjoy yourself this week!!


Ellie said...

Nite, TS!

Rocio said...

lol that "recently escaped from prison" comment is from his Little Ashes movie...what a goof :) I love him!

Georgie said...

Thank you Kate & Dani for all the Comic Con posts - it's been a Robsessor's dream; I've watched my favourite parts over and over (sigh). Welcome back Gozde and for this "one stop shop" of priceless Rob moments!

Babs said...

Just what I needed to start my day.
And he thinks he's not witty?? gah!

riddleinside said...

Awww, thank you for posting these...exactly what I was needing
love you Rob

Anonymous said...



Twilight Saga: New Moon Clip 2 @ Comic con '09

phosphorus said...

@ Marna: Can't remember her name but she did it on purpose.

Anonymous said...

what did he say to Taylor in third video 3:20 - 3:57 ? please

Unknown said...

I thought I'd seen them all... This was fantastic! Love to hear the man laugh!!

xoRobxo said...

@ Marna~yeah the red head girl~that was on purpose. I believe her brother runs the site she was reporting for~she acted crazy interviewing Jackson, Anna and Mike. It was pretty funny. I love Rob saying something like: "strangly enough Twilight get beter the more times you watch it" Rob thats my thought exactly!

Unknown said...

these are too funny, i miss the Rob that can be interviewed and can be carefree. also funny is this old clip (see first video) where Rob talks about proposing to multiple girls ha, ha if you follow til end he eventually finds what he's looking for to everyone's awe

Sara said...

I am melted.
I am deaded.
I am gone.

Sara said...

If anyone asks why we love Rob, just show them these.
That is reason enough.

AW said...
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AW said...
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