First Vid from Comic-Con

Big thanks to enjoykim and Laura for the tip!


Haystackhair said...

CRAP! can't see from work. dammit!!! is it youtube?

Robluver631 said...

At least we get something from you Kate. Not like those other sites. But Rob is looking good!!!!

enjoykim said...

@ Kate

You´re sooo welcome babe,you´re doing a fucktastic job!!!I´m sure you need a drink later...;-)

Rominiwi said...

Why did he stay behind?

Kate, ty bb!

Driguerra said...

OMG thank you thank you

Anonymous said...

I'm sure many people have already said this, but I HATE Kristen's "Joan Jett" haircut.

Alexandra said...

WOAH how can they see anything after all those flashes?

Anonymous said...

Wow! My eyes hurt from the flashes!

heather said...

Thank you Kate! I think I'm going to refresh this page like every 2 seconds, I can't get enough!! Rob is delicious as usual, loving his hair! And yes why did he stay behind? I think he doesn't know what to do..and very tired.

Recluta cachopo said...

me too i don´t like at all Kristen hair...and by the way...what are they going to do with that for eclipse?because is going to start shooting next month and kristen hair will still like that...i hope don´t put her a wig is going to be very artificial...

Anonymous said...

TONS of photos!!

noisefaidaus said...

Robert ever the gentleman, see him hold back initially then Kristen leans into him during the pictures and away from Taylor just slightly and then Rob puts his arm around her back and, and finally he lets Kristen go first when they go to sit down.
Love Rob!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Recluta cachopo ... in Twilight she had a wig, too. I don't know if it was a "complete" wig or only for the back hair but she definitively had one.

Robluver631 said...

He is such a gentleman!!! That's why we all love him.

Marna said...

Boy, that looked like such not fun for them. I bet this is going to be a reallllly long day.

Anonymous said...

one good smile out of rob....

Anna said...

ha ha, Rob looks so awkward in the beginning... and yet so hot...:)

Julie said...

Love how people see what they want to see. Uhhh, he had his hands in his pocket the whole time.

Gemgirl65 said...

LOL Julie, I think he did have his hand in his back pocket the whole time. But Kristen definitely leans into him. I think they are emotionally very close regardless of whether or not they're "together."

enjoykim said...
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enjoykim said...

New VID!!

Cindeeloo said...

@Leann...I couldn't have said it better myself. She definately leans into him as soon as he stood next her. Maybe she feels a lil more protected when he's around. And sometimes vice-versa..(awwww)

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