Marie scanned the Italian "BIG" Magazine for us and translated the fan encounter.
Thanks Marie! :)

Thanks Marie! :)
Arrival at 11 am in Montepulciano with Enza, the heat kills us, but we remain at the fort all day, then the turning point.
I hear that the actors are in a neighboring village and decide to go. We have almost lost hope, but here are the two main characters in a small restaurant, we can't belive the luck. In the end we decide to sit down and order something. We sit at the table with other girls, then I decided with my friend that this is an unique opportunity and we must do something ... and that's the idea:
give them a bottle of prosecco (spumante wine)!
The waiter brings the bottle at their table and I raised my hand to Robert, to let them know that this is out present and he smiles. After a few minutes two of the boys of the crew who were with them bring us some glasses with our wine, and all their table raise the glasses to us, including Rob and Kristen. After dinner, Robert gets up and comes towards us, and as a true gentleman says "We want to take a picture together?"; How do you say no to such a marvel? They are very kind, Rob is so shy, they are fantastic, I don't have words. Thanks Robert & Kristen.
Jessica & Enza
That made me go "awww!" just watch everyone buying wine for Rob...lmao
But man that is so cool!! I love these lovely fan encounters, NO harrassment, just plain good fun!
That is so cool! Actually my gf and I were talking about this very thing a few weeks ago when he started shooting RM, we said if we ever end up at a restaurant or bar with him, we would send him a bottle of wine (depending on the place) or beer. So cool that someone actually got to do it. I guess I will just have to ask for a light on a smoking terrace : )
Is it possible to love him even MORE???!! polite and sweet! And you know it must get tiresome for him but he is still so generous.
His parents sure did a nice job!
I to am glad to hear of the fans who do not harrass Rob and just want to do something nice for him.
Aawwwww that was so sweet. I like those fans and it just goes to show they do appreciate nice fans!
That was such a GREAT idea to buy them a bottle of wine. :) How sweet of them. Sweet to hear how shy rob is. But lordy.....that only makes him more beautiful. sigh......... If I went to the set.....YOU KNOW what I'd bring him? NEW T-SHIRTS and Heineken!
I bet they'd take THAT. :))))))) He he he. Don't you just want to buy him some clothes and dress him? sigh....I'll take the pants. Anybody want the shirt?
I love him. Have I mentioned that? LOL
oh YEAH....>GOZDE...your banners at the top of your home page are just SO BEAUTIFUL. I always look forward to what you are going to put up next. BEAUTIFUL work. You sure do work hard for us. THANK YOU.
That was a lovely thing to do... :)
Damn...what a great story! Our own Lizalou is in Rob's stomping grounds in NYC right now...I'm sending her the lucky vibes that the same thing happens to her!
Hey Goz/Dani - I have scans of a trashy Australian magazine "Famous" with an article and alleged pictures of an angry confrontation between Nikki Reed and Rob "last week outside a Hollywood nightclub" (the usual crap). I bought the mag because of the Rob centrefold poster. What would be the best way to get these to you?
Oh I remember that fan pic. It's nice to know the story behind it. That was so sweet of them.
Robsten fans have officialy gone insane,they think that Rob has his finger/s on Kristen's cleavage in this pic roftlmao god save us
OMG Monika...that's hilarious. A) Kristen has no cleavage. B) Who can tell from that pic, with her hair and the person in front of her in the way? I have all of those pics saved from way back, and while I personally think it shows they are quite close, it doesn't show them groping each other. LOL
Slow Rob news day? :p
I don't know if this is old news but I found pube-pics from Little Ashes on PinkistheNewBlog:p
Classy way to let Rob and Kristen know your a fan. I love respectful fan encounters. I live vicariously through them since I doubt I'll ever have the chance to meet either of them.
Lovis, I haven't seen those shots before! Just the one. Thanks for the link!
I have GOT to get that's out in the UK tomorrow! It'll play on my computer even if it won't play on my DVD player, right?
Leann, yeah I think that's right, I know that I can watch movies from USA in my computer but not on the DVD. So I think it's the other way around in US:)
You're welcome!
His lips......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It'll go bigger too.
Wow Love4Rob, that is a lucious lips photo of Rob!
Which of you IT-savvy ladies can advise how I can get a scan of a mag article (trashy though it is) on this blog? It shows a pic of Rob with that blue plaid shirt supposedly having a carpark argument with Nikki Reed - just another example of tabloid crap but out there nonetheless.
In case anyone is here, the Reelz channel is having some New Moon stuff on at 10 p.m. ( east coast time).... :)
Love this fan encounter! Smart girls!
Remember the fan who tried to send drinks to the table where Rob was at with his manager? Back in March maybe in LA? She got to talk to him, saying she tried to buy him a drink, and he was like "it was a fail!" or something like that? I don't remember the whole story, but it was cute too.
I agree with Treasure that it's great to see Rob's fans do something FOR him :-)
Yeah Debbo, I saved that pic yesterday when I found it...yum!
Yvonnne, I don't get Reelz channel...*pouts*
Lovis, you'd think they'd make region-free DVD players just like they do computers...oy!
I just wanted to point this out. When I google Rob I read so much garbage it's extremely disturbing.
However, when I come to this one site I always find possitive comments which never mentions the standard gossip you read everywhere else..I just thought I'd share the latest article I read here..
I wish they were all like this..
@ Georgie: Send an e-mail to Gözde or Dani with the scan attached.
OGM That shows what everybody says about him..that he is sooo polite and nice.
Ummm ... hate to be doubtful, but that picture doesn't look like Rob at all. Maybe it is just a bad photo, now I have to go back and look at the photos from Italy ... but, I know he is really great to his fans so I hope it is real
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