Entertainment Weekly Outtakes

Thanks to everyone that emailed me about the untagged versions ;)

Courtesy of Lion and Lamb.org:

I LOVE this one:

Nice arms :)

Thanks to our awesome affiliate Robert Pattinson Unlimited for the below photos.
Check 'em out for more :)


Kate said...

Ooh they're gorgeous Goz!! Love the one you picked out and also the third one!
Oh Heck I love them all!!!

Dahlia said...

Wow, I haven't seen some of them before! They're gorgeous!!

Ok... I really should drag myself away from the computer at this moment

phosphorus said...

Hate to say it but most of Reidel's photos are hideous. Blame it on the wardrobe, the make-up and the setting. Those pics just look pretentious. The only ones that look OK to me are the three b&w pics of Rob on his own.

Jewels64 said...


Holy Hale! The way he grips her hair in that one pic!!! That's the stuff fantasies are truly made of!

Thanks Goz!!!

anna F said...

I don't find those pictures that great either phosphorus. I find his current candids, or the black and white fan pics underneath much more attractive~
These pictures are too posed, there is really nothing natural about them.

But I have to agree: why the giant tag in the middle? How can the people who like those pic enjoy them to their fullest with these horribly annoying tags right on their faces? O_O

xoRobxo said...

Yeah I agree Goz~makeup is really bad. EW had the most beautiful canvas ever- and dropped the ball. Edward having dirty hands?? WTF

I do however love the ones where Rob is carrying Kristen and the ones with Rachelle and Taylor

Here's a video where Rob mentions the EW cover(I'm guessing there was some sort of a backlash because of how EW made him look~I was just learning of Rob and Twilight then)he also mentions BD and the infamous "pubes" comment~I totally love, love him in this interview~the sexiness~the face-the voice-GAWD


meryma said...

I never saw the whole set but I must be sincere some of them are pretty creepy... But Rob is Rob and every pic is great because of him!

Suz said...

These photos are magnificent.

Thank you Goz for our morning fix!

I love the mood of these photos and am sad that it will probably be impossible to re-create a similar mood with these actors ever again...

So much has changed in such a short period of time.

Anna said...

wow xoRobxo, I'd never seen that interview! He's gorgeous and hilarious (suprise...), but he also looks more hyper than usual, almost like he's high (on adrenaline, I'll presume - we know how much he loves the red carpet ;)

Pet73 said...

I never understood Robwards "dirty" hands in these pics. This is supposed to be an Edward and Bella shoot. Edward never would have so dirty hands, and - as we all know - he also doesn't have a dirty character, if these hands should be a symbol for it ("the virgin beauty touched by the dirty beast, or something like that).

Oh, and I think Goz is right - she picked the best photo.

Definitely there are a lot better results of Rob photo shootings out there :) .

Anonymous said...

I love the one where he is laughing! So glad you found these. I hope someone can de-tag them.

margot said...

PH my dear Neighbour :))))))) I am patient so do not worry, take your time
Hope everything is going to be perfectly well and soon you'll be visiting Dad at home

margot said...

I have always found those photos weird and didn't like them

Haystackhair said...

Ohhhh, I like #8 and #9!! they look so comfortable together. Sigh. Lucky girl...

phosphorus said...

Looks like it's mostly the Europeans who don't like those pictures, then. :-)

@ margot: Thanks for your patience. I am days behind my schedule, it's hopeless.

xoRobxo said...

LittleBear~Yeah he is alittle hyper~probably nerves~being that all the hype was starting. But soo adorable and sweet, funny~can never get enough of that smile and laugh. Did you notice in the very first 1-2 seconds you see TomStu behind him.

phosphorus said...

@ Anna F: Yeah, the posing is just too much. Those pictures just scream kitsch at me.

Tess said...

I've always loved the Brando-esque photo's of Robward carrying Kristella.. and am I the only one who looked at these and thought Kstew was visited by the padded bra fairy?

What the God didn't give her on top, he more than made up for in the leg department.

spunkinator said...



Anna said...

@ xoRobxo

thanks for pointing that out, I'd missed it! I so heart TomStu and his hobo look :)))

Nikola Six said...

If you all recall, this was the VERY first photo shoot for a major magazine. Twilight had just EXPLODED at Comic Con and the media had yet to figure out the size of the phenomenon and it's (enthusiastic, over the top, rabid, psychotic...pick one) fan base that it had on it's hands. So...

They went with a very "stylized" photo shoot. One in which the participants did not resemble their onscreen counterparts nor themselves. They were trying to make him look like a blood sucking vampire and her a romance novel damsel in distress. Edward and Bella were neither. Ergo...the fan base screamed to high heaven. So much so that there was indeed a backlash and since this photo shoot, I do not recall another in which another "stylized" attempt was made. Although maybe there was and I just missed it.

Did this look like Edward and Bella? No. Did this look like Rob and Kristen? No. Did this look like a blood sucking vampire and a romance novel damsel in distress? Yes. So for what ET was going for (however misguided that was), I'd say, they hit a homerun.


anna F said...

interesting point of view Nikolas, I guess you might be right.

But I still find the pictures not that great.
Kristen looks good though. But Rob looks really weird to me ;_; and like I said, those poses bug me a great deal~
I only like the pics of Rob in black and white sitting.

Pet73 said...

As Nik said - these are early pics.

Haven't these pics showing Robs bare chest been the reason for the outcry among teens because of the chest hair (just remembering Robs "early pubes" comment on MTV Awards 2008 :p )?

Pet73 said...

Oh, just saw, that xoRobxo already posted the "early pubes" vid earlier :).

Anonymous said...

He looks like a zombie.
But I do love the pic where
he smiles. :D
I love his smiles. In this,
it's pure Patty. FTW!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

it is what it is, the whole 'good v evil' thing...
i think its what they were going for, and in that respect they hit the mark.
its just one perspective, not a popular one obviously.
but to be honest, its closer to ROBS vision of EDWARD than ours...
ROB always said, he sees EDWARD as a troubled, conflicted monster, rather than the impossibly beautiful super being.

Dazzle said...

He is so gorgeous in everything...my heart is "aflutter".
Btw, does anyone know where he is this weekend? Did he go to L.A.?

Melissa said...
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Melissa said...
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Yvonne said...

Nik, very interesting POV, I never thought of it that way, but yeah, I can see that...

I like the pictures a lot. They don't really look like Edward and Bella, but more "fairy tale-ish"....Of course, I like the outtakes better than the pictures that made it into the mag., seems like that's aleays the case.

margot said...

agree Nikola6
not only there were first attempts to picture the phenomena but also the author wasn't wise enough to read/watch Twilight and didn't understand (even know) anything out of it, so unprofessional ! grrrr

but there is more, from the very beginning (even now sometimes) media didn't understand how much Rob's different fom a typical Hollywood celebrity, from young film stars (the same as to KStew) - they can't talk and have nothing to say plus do not read, are not witty and are so career and self-centred... do you remember - the moment they found out "there is market for Pattinson, we have to write about him" they started their typical articles like "drinking, partying, womanizer, spending money, datind and sexying around, likes sports, " and more... so disgusting that they didn't even listen to his words.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I have mixed feelings about these pics. Love Rob as always. I like where he's nearly exposed behind Bella.

Can anyone do me a favor and email me the "Remember Me" script? I'd really appreciate it: LuckyPeach4@yahoo.com

Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I know it's been said over and over, but damn, that boy is gorgeous and has the capacity to heat me up even thought he was styled hideously.

Somehow I like these pictures, it evokes a specific kind of vibe, he looks darker and more mysterious

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

chicago girl-Just sent script-enjoy!

These photos are awesome-some I've seen before, others I haven't..

Rob looks so much better than he does in these photos though-

I never really cared for this photo shoot-but any Rob is good Rob, so not complaining.

I can't wait to see the ones that he recently did in NY.

Thanks Goz!

Anonymous said...

Check your inboc CG

maha said...

all of them are so wonderful

I love them all

thanks for the pictures Goz

Tedracat said...

The pics are fun and kind of silly - they remind me of stereotypical romance book cover shots, which is what I think they were after - kind of tongue-in-cheek, which is pretty funny. But of course, the natural beauty of all involved is preferable to the staged stuff, which is good fun in an Halloween-esque kind of way! Oh, can someone e-mail me Remember Me too? Pretty, pretty please?? I'm at stephanybabson@yahoo.ca. Thanks!!!!! ;-)

Cindeeloo said...

Tedracat..check your inbox. e-mail me at cclyn@yahoo.com if you didn't receive.

anna F said...

interesting article about Rob's upcoming projects at the movie fanatic:


they are quite positive about Rob's future work, it's a nice nice change from gossip ^_~

phosphorus said...

@ Nikola: Sounds logical. The actors weren't to blame for it, rather the stylists, the photographer and the editor.

Kathy#1 said...

Thanks Goz for putting up the pics. I absolutely LOVE the one of Rob in the rain holding Kristen and laughing. Can't help but love him even more when he smiles..and he's always smiling and laughing. I bet he could hardly contain laughing throughout this cuz that's just the way he is! I thought it was the worse makeup job I've ever seen and their cover was ridiculous..He is so 100% better looking than what they used. Who decides these things?

Diane said...

Yes, I believe the photographers were successful in getting exactly what they were going for. Archetypal, fairy-tale, B-movie. Indications were that Twi would be a successful cult film, made on a small budget, with a cast of mostly unknowns, appealing to young girls.

But the movie didn't define the audience; the audience defined the movie, which turned out to be far more mainstream than predicted. While it scored big and fell off after the first weekend, unlike other examples, the film, its characters and cast, kept slowly building in popularity until the DVD sales were a blowout.

It was a big audience that made it clear what they did and didn't like, and the folks who tried to interpret it prior to the release didn't have the benefit of those opinions. (Hey, Nik, did you get my answer to your email?)

margot said...

I'm gonna post it again 'cuz I like it

RKelly "Sex Me" - Ode to Rob (another one)


margot said...

only if you can stand sad BB


Chris said...

CAN anyone mail me the script too, please.


margot said...

sent :)))

Chris said...

@ Margot
mmmmmmmmmmm...sex me..OMG.
I Hope he is sexing the chosen one this weekend:)) LUCKY GIRL!!!!!!

margot said...

or two? or ... three ?!
only kidding, he def looks one woman long term man
and it is another plus to the heap

Chris said...

One woman man...snap! I can go for that:))

margot said...

we would all snap! like a bunch of crocodiles ... poor Rob in pieces

Chris said...

hehehehehe, just another endangered species.

zlove said...

I love how all the pics are "oh Edward" until the laughing one that's totally Rob

Anonymous said...

Never cared for Rob's make up in these photos. Kristen looks GORGEOUS and love Rachelle's sex kitten pants!

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