Diane Sawyer (and/or her daughter) Loves Robert Pattinson

According to SassyQarla Diane Sawyer brought her daughter to the "Remember Me" set today to meet Robert Pattinson. She is probably like the rest of the cougars, using the daughter as a cover to get to Rob :) Just kidding, I love Diane, she would out right say so if she did.

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the link :)

And here are some of my favourite pictures from today:

I think my uterus skipped a beat when I looked at this picture

And another beat

And I'm pregnant :)

Thanks to our affiliate Robert Pattinson Unlimited for the pictures. Check 'em out for the HQs :)


KL said...
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AnnaD said...

That little girl is so beautiful! Maybe she's really smart and that's why he likes her. She looks like she would be smart.

lovindashow said...

Congrats on the addition to your fam!!! :)

Ripley said...

Goz, I think I'm pregnant too and I don't have a uterus anymore.
Oh Rob, let me kiss those boo-boos.

margot said...

@ Gözde

if you are pregnant you are not alone ( there would be zillions)

and regarding the other than Rob hemisphere we are on, this actually might be the most spectacular miracle since loaves and fish

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

It's bad enough he has to watch out for crazy stalkers, now Diane Sawyer too???

Kidding-how lucky she is to use her celebrity to get on the set to meet him...god I am seething with jealousy right now!

Pregnant? Oh god-these pics kill me-I'm pregnant & lactating as well..

Rocio said...

goz i love you! I was thinking the exact same thing!!

...wowie! said...

That's funny bc I think I got pregnant too. hahaha LOVE it!

Ash7586 said...

OMG Gozde hilarious. I think we are all pregnant now. How will Rob see all of his children? :)

Suz said...

Oh Shit.. Not only is Goz Preggos

Diane Sawyer just missed her period!


AnnaD said...

Well no wonder everyone I know is pregnant right now. I was wondering how everyone could be pregnant at the exact same time. Shoulda known it was him doing it to everyone.

Georgie said...

Diane Sawyer was born in 1945 so her daughter can't be too young! She's a great looking woman for her age and is probably dazzled like the rest of us....and divinely impregnated!

Yvonne said...

It's The Immaculate Rob-ception Stare. Aaaaand....we're all done for.

And his shoulders do look quite broad in a couple of those purple shirt pictures. Holy hell, he's looking hot today.

Heather said...

Diane Sawyer doesn't have any children. She has three step children who range in age from 45 - 32 yrs old. Maybe it was a neice or family friend?

margot said...

or simply a step granddaughter ...

Anonymous said...

The beat-up Rob: it make me just want to take care of him.
(I guess we're all pregnant today!)

Shani said...

Heather your right, it had to have been a niece or family friend.

Awww...Rob being the older brother for a change...now that's sweet.

Haystackhair said...

Oh Christ. My uterus clenched, and I am pregant as well... and DIED! THUD. I LOVE Diane and all the GMA peeps. They just had my other obsession...I mean fan favorite, Blake Shelton on. He's a hottie too, of a whole other type. Country singer....6'5", blue eyes. THUD again.

TwiHartRK said...

LOL Suz! Oh - is that burning my "uterus" twitching??

Diane said...

Speaking of Rob's baby-making skills, I'm really enjoying seeing his interaction with the kids. Supplies some of what was missing in Breaking Dawn, cause you know he can charm them just as thoroughly as he does females of every other age.

kespax said...

Oooo wonder if she will report back on her visit, I love her she's a gorgeous classy lady - and with our time diff I guess I have missed it anyway.
He sure is looking adorable with that very Alice in Wonderland looking cutie kid.

larajean1 said...

Diane Sawyer has no children. She has 3 step children but they are all in their 30s. Any chance she was filming for "Good Morning America"?

Anonymous said...

That little girl looks like Ruby Jerins. She plays Edie Falco's daughter on "Nurse Jackie".

Diane Sawyer has a young step granddaughter. Saskia.

Looks Through You said...

Every time I see his pictures today, I hear "He's So Fine" by the Chiffons in my head. LOL

*sigh* He's sooooo fine...

xoRobxo said...

PO~ your right the little girl is Ruby.

Oooohhh. the pics are so sexy today. Like I said in a previous post~this man drives me more crazy looking at his photos than any man that I'm around physically.GAWD.

And I totally heart Diane Sawyer~ hopefully maybe she was doing something for GMA

PerfectDate said...

LOVE your comments Gozde, it is a post like this which makes this such a fun blog to read. Your tags are the absolute best.
Who has seen that avatar that has Rob's picture with the caption: U Make My Ovaries Explode, (or something to that effect.) LOL

Medusa said...

Hey, I love your comments, they are in tomorrow well for me! ... and I may spread that you with do not do with the whole bad rumours, many others!Thanks ;)

Anonymous said...

Does he ever blink? All the pics have his eyes open and smouldering or hidden behind his sunglasses.

Babs said...

He's so cute and sweet with the little girl, they really seem to get along well. It must be nice for him to have a conversation with someone who's not thinking "you're so hot I wanna do you" while talking to him. It must be a first LOL

Treasure_7 said...

I remember him saying that he doesn't like children, but really he looks like he really enjoys the company of children. Most likely because they just talk to him like a normal person. I think it's so cute, he looks like he really just listens to her an cares about what she is saying.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Rob has truly got the sexiest eye f*ck stare on the planet!! A look like that tends to make the ole clothes fall off followed by a warm sugary snarl and......

Kathy#1 said...

Goz, LOVE the pics..they are all so good..he just doesn't take a bad one. And that little girl is so cute and lucky. He's good with her..you can see it. Ok, I know I'm jealous, but why is ok for Diane Sawyer to bring her daughter to the set to meet Rob...cuz she's a high powered celebrity...kinda pisses me off really. Yes, I know, sour grapes...I'm jealous.

Kathy#1 said...

Ok, after reading the posts, I am hoping she is filming him for GMA..that would be ideal...

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