Cosmo August 2009


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Wow, they must of put that out before the preggo rumors...

Garbage & crap galore!

Dahlia said...

Ok, so there is chemistry between them. We all know this, it is plainly obvious, it has been said a million times and it is the reason they ended up working together on Twilight... because they have chemistry. I now pose the question: And??

The trillions of articles, blogs, comments already made hasn't made them jump out and say "Oh ye by the way you are all so right, we are together"... so what makes anyone think that one more is going to? Funny how those people writing the articles think that they are going to be the ones uncovering all the dirty little secrets.

Thanks for continually posting these.. although I don't put much stock in them and refuse to believe anything unless it comes from the horses mouth, I love reading/laughing at each one :)

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

YEAH, my body language says the same thing... does this mean its a
'menage a tois'?

Anonymous said...

The only fair way to do this is to look at ALL of the photos of Rob and Kris together! COSMO just picked 5 photos that would support the Robsten THEORY.

Dreaming of RPrattz said...

Wow, what can i say? They probably would say they have bound if they are 50 feet away from each other. Well every fan that have pic with Rob and he put his arms on her and get close to her body are also a lover of him, so that mean that Rob have a looooottttt of lovers... LOL.

Me probably be one of them.

Haystackhair said...

sigh. The mags will do anything for a Rob mention.

Treasure_7 said...

They do look great together!!

showme said...

Believe. LOL

Noe said...

haha i am a hopeless romantic with a sense of reality. all i'm saying is that i'd support a robstew fervently if it came to be but i won't be sitting on my ass expecting a robstew to come about anytime soon. they're way too busy and young to be attached to anyone.

Noe said...

oh and i advise using if you ever get bored ladies. its quite fun.

Unknown said...

I am so sick and tired of every mag trying to "prove" that Rob and Kristin are "together".

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