Thanks to enjoykim, Laura and Kim for the tips!


marya said...

oh my good!! they showed a second clip!!!! wohooo!!

Robluver631 said...

this one he took off his shirt

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

dont know what to say...

its good to see ROB and KRISTIN together. it seems a life time ago the whole new moon thing in vancouver.
i used to dislike KRISTIN, but after
new york, i realized there are alot of things worse than her.
now i wish they could find peace in each other...
weird huh?

Robluver631 said...

this one he took off his shirt

Robluver631 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
enjoykim said...

"The onscreen appearance of Edward (taking off his shirt, natch, destroys all decorum and civility in the room. It's roar of epic proportions to end the panel. The fans literally rush the stage... There is no riot, however."


I really hope he´s using earplugs...GATES OF HELL ...

Kate said...

Please God let someone have this on video!

~Tr@cey~ said...

ETonline has a new video, check it out..

Kate said...

Thanks Tracy!I have it up on the blog already.

Snix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snix said...

It's great to hear that Rob's filming for New Moon was stress free, even if that is now a distanced memory after all the exposure while filming in New York. Pity he's having to keep his head down. :(

Anonymous said...

Rob saying his life now is like "SWIMMING WITHOUT DROWNING"....that hit me hard. That's SO SAD.

fans rushing stage.....RUN ROB!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rob is SO eloquent. I respect him so much...albeit I'm a horny beast for him. LOL

He's so grounded and intelligent and sensible. He's just gonna flow with it. But now I think he won't put up with having to "kiss so much ass" and be cheerful and POSE all the time. I'm proud of him for that. HE GAVE ALREADY last year....

I think Rob is just gonna be ROB from now on. AND I LOVE THAT. He's an introverted shy man who knows who he IS. We all need to stop expecting so much from him now. Just love his films and his pictures and be horny for him, but let him have a private life. FUCK THE PAPZ.

WE ALL LOVE ROB... I know I do.
Rob just needs time with friends and maybe a little peace at work and on his free time.

just my thoughts...sorry.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I watched the same video..LOL..I didn't hear the screams or the people rushing for the stage..maybe I missed something. He sounds good, relaxed, and probably grateful he's out of NY..

Unknown said...

anyone knows if somebody asked the Robsten question? Just curious

enjoykim said...

@ Lynda_Bluecanoe
At the panel they showed a clip from New Moon.It isn´t available yet...

Yvonne said...

well, what can you say about Rob.....? He is utter perfection, sweet, articulate, humble....

I REALLY loved the fact that Taylor regarded Rob as "competition" (LOL) and explained the reasons that he worked SO hard for this role. Awww, I have some serious respect for this kid...good job TayTay :)

Kristen, well, I love her, I know a lot of people can 't stand her, but I think she's just humble and shy, and people take it as arrogance...

Overall, I wish there was more to see! Another clip? I suppose it'
ll come soon enough, just have to be patient!!

Anonymous said...

I put the new ET video on full screen and barely heard a word Rob said. I couldn't stop staring at those lips! gah.

It's so good to hear his voice again.

maha said...

well it seems that you are talking about another video

Thanks for the videos.

captain said...

Wow, He has really grown as a person from this interview, the way he expresses himself.

Though still shy, he seemed very confident and less awkward when expressing himself. I admire him when watching him speak mainly because he doesn't let his shyness or nervousness prevent him from articulating really thoughtful answers. You can really feel his earnestness.

He keeps it light by every now and then throwing in a trademark Rob joke.

I like Kristen. I can see that she is a sweet girl. But unlike Rob, she is overcome by her shyness and nervousness.

Kate said...

Access Hollywood vid of the press conference added to this thread! Enjoy!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

KRISTEN IS ALWAYS STEALING GLANCES AT ROB... the smiles she makes when she looks at him, is pretty, ummmm dazzled.

Mizz_LaUrA_XxX said...

Have they showed the second clip of new moon yet cause i cant find it =[

lovindashow said...

Kristen never makes any sense to me. Taycob, on the other hand, is so well-rehearsed! LOL. And Rob's brilliance is just unparalled. I love how he sees Edward.

Yvonne said...

Laura, If you find it, please post a link! :)))

peeling a fig said...

Okay I've now devoted my entire evening to Rob tonight. Guess I am truly Robsessed. Goodnight ladies! Here's hoping someone will get those clips up by the time I wake up tomorrow!

dina said...


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Rob: Funny articulate, smart, humble, sexy, god-like-everything I ever wanted...
Voice to die for..the hair, eyes, mouth, hands, chest hair, sideburns...Robalicious...

Taycob-looked weird, and seemed very rehearsed & trained..

Kristen: Better attitude than I've seen in other interviews...

I agree, there were some glances there that looked very...hmm, wanna fuck your brains out kind of looks...
There's one photo where Rob is holding her wrist behind her back, very cute...

I can not wait to see the other clips...still praying to the sex gods that someone taped the whole thing & gets it posted soon..

Display Name said...

Kristen needs more media training. Like seriously. It was so annoying to watch her NOT being able to explain anything.

I'm surprised there was no screaming through the first two videos though, compared to last year... were the fans told to keep it quiet or something?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

A reporter said they have on screen chemistry and asked if it's off screen too, and he was reminded that there's to be no personal questions.

Loisada said...

RP for Dummies: I just hope he IS finding peace and joy with someone. The man has been giving, giving giving: to the franchise, the studio, the twifans and all of us supportive yet very, very demanding ladies. He deserves some great loving from somebody, and if he's found and won the partner he wants, I think it's pretty damn wonderful. He'll still be sex on legs for us to drool over, in fact Rob in lusty love will probably be almost too hot for us to handle!

marya said...

Rpattzgirl where is that pic of him holding her wrist?????

Loisada said...

DD: Like really? Maybe if she like talked like a regular Valley girl she'd be better understood by some?! She takes the time to seriously consider the point at hand, and does often get tongue tied when putting her thoughts into words. But she never offers a trite rehearsed answer and has obviously delved deeply into her character's motivations. You'd rather she spent her time on media training? Here we go again....

anna F said...

I found this message under an article about some angry anti-twilmoms:

The "New Moon" panel will be posted on in its entirety directly following the panel. Check out our Youtube channel to find complete video coverage of every panel in Hall H this year!
Posted by: HallHCoverage | July 23, 2009 at 07:31 AM


Hopefully the NM panel will have been filmed and be uploaded soon...

marya said...

Anna F - THANK UUU!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol. Need shirtless robward NOWwWw!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

here ya go

anna F said...


I sort of understand the poster about Kristen needing to work on her public appearances.
I don't really feel like she needs media training per se, I am bored by rehearsed answers as much as you. But it would be great if she rambled a little less and would be able to express her ideas more directly to the point. I feel like she could still be badass while being a little bit more articulate.
But I guess that she also fellt under pressure and tired, so that doesn't help either~

I really feel for Kristen and Rob who both were in the middle of shooting movies and haven't had hollidays like Taylor. Then again, it's good for their carrier to be in demand!

Display Name said...

@ Loisada

I'm not doubting that she has delved deeply in to her characters motivations nor am I suggesting that gives off the same answers either. I am merely stating that she at least prepare herself for the type of questions that they are going to be asking. She should be able to put together a perfectly eloquent answer that reflects her thoughts and be able to express herself properly. I get. She's nervous.
Also the term 'valley girl'... is that an American slang word for bimbo or something? I'm not familiar with it. And explain with the 'here we go again'. Do you think I'm solely picking on Kristen because she *adapts really awful voice* gets to be close to Rob or something?

Georgie said...

Wow I loved hearing Rob's voice again. He still has the complete package: charm, articulation, humour, intelligence and of course hotness! A Robsten reunion? If that's what they both want then all power to them! So much though for the rag mags speculating that KS would be dolled up in a pretty little dress to try and woo Rob! Enjoying all the links everyone is including. You're doing a great job with your posts Kate!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Valley girl, is like, wow, like see, uhm, I'm really an airhead, like, you know?

Kristen is nothing like that. She's 19 and a fairly new big star...I think she did really well, and I like it when they're raw like she & Rob are-very natural.

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear Rob's voice again.
That sexy British accent kills me every time and I love it death!

Poor bb looks so tired. But he's professional enough to put on a good show for the press. His sense of humour is still standing, "What's it like kissing Taylor Lautner?"

LMAO! Kudos to him, KStew and Taylor.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


everytime she got tongue tied, she was looking at ROB, and seemed to get lost... YEAH THATS RIGHT!
just like Bella in the movie, only it was ROB doing it to her not edward.


heather said...


I definitely thought that too. Everytime it looked like she was searching for words, she would look at him for help and end up even more flustered..haha
Have you ever seen the Robsten videos by CaliNative70, I can't wait to see what she puts together for this Comic Con!

Anonymous said...

He took off his shirt?!

OMGZZ Please post videos!!
We live vicariously through you!!
Team Robert!!

maha said...

After watching all the videos Rob seems so confident and not nervous , and he was funny in answering some questions, and love his beautiful smile

I Love you Rob and I love your beautiful smile
you are awesome.

É a Gabi's!! said...'s wonderful.
The time is coming...
wow Rob...

Mizz_LaUrA_XxX said...

OMGG plzz post the video of the clip of new moonn plzz =]


Gemgirl65 said...

The reason there's no screaming is because these videos were from the press conference this morning, not the fan event this afternoon. No videos available of that yet!

Rob is so much more mature and experienced with all the media stuff now than he was a year ago. The shock has worn off and he's somewhat used to it, thought not jaded, which is such a relief. Still the same ol' self-affacing Rob we know and love.

Kristen is still quite young and I think is terrified of these kinds of events, and the spotlight being on her, waiting for her to say something brilliant. She just doesn't seem the type who will ever be naturally smooth or polished like Taylor is (even though he's two years her junior.)

Kristen seems very nervous and looks like she relies on Rob heavily for emotional support. She leans into him when he's standing next to her, and looks to him for help when she's floudnering. There is a very deep connection between them even if they aren't "together."

RPnKSaddict said...

Leanne-I agree about Rob and Kristen having a connection. You can lean on someone for support without dating them.
I noticed when Rob came out on the stage at the press conference that he put his arm around her and she automatically leaned into him.

In several of the photos it didn't matter what side Rob was standing on she leaned toward him. I believe they're very close friends if nothing else. That is a statement they've both made.

I'm glad they have each other for support.

Loisada said...

DD: You chanced upon a Valley Girl verbal tick with "like seriously," the fluff that So Cal air heads pepper their conversations with. Sorry to have zeroed in on you, but every time RP attends a promo function alongside KS there is always at least one thread that turns into a "Let's skewer the girl!" fest. (And there's always another one more that becomes "Are they, or aren't they?") Hence the "here we go again."

I was hoping to nip both in the bud, and bring the focus back to Rob. (Seems I'm a sucker for lost causes.) And yes, I do as of late finding myself defending Stewart, if only because she's clearly dear to the artist we all find so fascinating, but also because the new generation of young women seem to be taking woman on woman hate to a whole new level and it drives me mad! Mea culpa if I erroneously lumped you into that box.

Display Name said...

@ Loisada

I can most heartedly assure you I am not part of the 'burn Kristin' brigade. To be honest she doesn't generally make it to my radar. I was simply making an offhand comment on her interview skills and I'm labelled with the tag of jealous harpy! hahaha It's all quite hilarious actually.

Thank you for your apology though. I can get why I may have came across like Kristin basher. However, I was simply trying to put across an opinion. It would be nice not be be automatically labelled in to a certain box for speaking out against her.

I have seen what some of those girls have written though and to be honest, it has me ashamed. It brings the word 'obsessed' to an entirely different level.

Shirlee said...

I loved the video when Rob was explaining how he is just an apparation in a lot of New Moon and Kristen says "its the way she remembered him, not like he actually is" and sort of looks at Rob with her mouth on the back of her hand, they both look at each other and say "yeah" at the same time and she clears her throat really loudly ... I thought it was very intimate

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