Australian Magazine Round-Up- Crap and Not Crap

First with the crap: Famous Magazine.

They claim all the wolf boys were after Dakota. As far as I know Alex Meraz is happily married.
Someone should sue this lowlife excuse of a magazine that is just a waste of paper and ink.

Interesting tid bit about Angarano's sweatshirt from reader Lioness: That shirt is a Danish one, written in Danish. It says: Preserve (or keep) Christiania. Christiania is a Copenhagen area in Denmark, that is known for its market of weed/pot and wishes for it to be legal.
Gozde: I do love you Oregano :)

*Don't buy these magazines.*
*A puppy dies and a unicorn sheds a tear every time someone buys them*

Then TV Week which is not crap:

And posters, now when you pay for these the puppies and unicorns live happily ever after :)

Thanks to our lovely Khrissa (~kd) for the scans :))


Dazzle said...

Can't believe ANY of this crap they's all for selling magazines. We'll never know for sure who Rob is with, who anyone is with. Even when they say they are with someone, that may be untrue too!

Marna said...

I love how Famous magazine has the big FAKE on the Dakota picture, oooh, this must mean everything else is true! LOL. And why is TV Week doing stories on a movie?

phosphorus said...

Isn't Dakota still under-age? What an awful rumour to start.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

All the rumors are crap and cruel. Some celebs have sued over this crap-but there's so much about this group that they'd spend forever trying to sue them all.

Hopefully, no one will spend money on this fifth...that's the only way to make a point is to hit them in the wallet.

orion said...

Famous is a new magazine here in Australia and is full of crap, the worst part is that some people believe all the crap they said.

Unknown said...

I swear on my life I only bought TV Week because my friend Justine told me about the posters (which I want to pin up at work heheh)

Famous... well... that was given to me (again)

I might have to write in to Famous and tell them to stop spinning so much s**t!


Robs Australian Dominatrix said...

OMG were there two comic cons with two robstens? wow amazing! how did they manage to be in two places at once! i watched all the cc vids and i didn't hear either of them say they were together???? maybe i missed it and need to go back and look again. as for the aussie mags, i've stopped buying them since i saw kstew was supposedly preggers on the cover of one of them.

PsympleMind said...

Hello: Forgive this silly question but is TV Week a British publication? if so, how might someone in the US get a copy...we have TV Guide...I wonder if they are 'related'/linked publications...thanks, ;-)

Lea Elm said...

Has anyone noticed the red shirt that Michael is wearing?
I am danish and that shirt is a danish one, written in danish. It says: Preserve (or keep) Christiania. Christiania is a Copenhagen area in Denmark, that is known for its market of weed/pot and wishes for it to be legal.
I just find it funny that Kristens boyfriend is wearing that, with the rumors of her... use :P
Also, where did he GET that shirt? Has he been to Christiania?

Gozde said...

LMAO Lioness! Priceless!!!

Haystackhair said...

sigh. I ask yet again, how is that even legal to just make up stuff? Hmmm, I have a GREAT imagination where Rob is concerned- maybe I should start a crap magazine and make millions. LOL

Unknown said...

@PsympleMind : This is the Australian TV Week, I think it's the same as TV Guide though.


Temptation said...

Well in the Supermarket today (Aussie Time) I breezed through the mags, people, TV Week and Who weekly all claim exclusives and basically all have the same content. What makes me laugh is they use the same photo's also, but still not 1 photo of them actually locking lips. Apparently Rob is going to shout it from the Roof Top that he loves Kristen, I wonder which Roof Top????? Someone asked why the publicist don't deny the rumors remember all publicity is good publicity, this is fantastic for Summit, the magazines are doing all there publicity work FOR FREE...

orion said...

Yeah! all the magazines claim that they r 'crazy in love', CRAP. Anyway if they r, let them be.

bbonin said...

Ohh where can I get Oregano's sweatshirt!? I want that! LOL!

Aitch said...

Oh I don't buy these mags! I like to look at the beautiful glossy 8x10 photos, but I don't even do that lately. Because the headlines and BS is so upsetting.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Well, I just scanned the most recent posts and I don't have time so I'll put all comments here:

1) Thanks for the book update since I'm a member of the Rob bookclub, which is great fun. He's so bright and makes good picks.

2) The fan who "connected" with Rob at the airport. Lucky girl, very attractive with beautiful teeth and hair. Rob didn't seem to mind at all! Hahaha.

3) Love the ComicCon vids. I feel so much happier listening to Rob talk/think as opposed to just pics.

These rags and the Robsten BS have just about gotten on my last nerve. I'm still laughing about Rob telling her to "shut-up" when she immaturely interupted his thoughts during a national TV interview. That might be funny in private, but not on an Entertainment Tonight interview with the cameras rolling. Oh yeah, they've got a great love affair going...*snicker.*

Lioness~Thanks for the translation! My married name is Danish and I'd love to have Michael Aragano's sweatshirt because it is very close!

keti said...

Please excuse the Aussie's bullshit!

kchambers77 said...

this is such bs. everyone knows i married rob. this is our wedding *

i effin wish

Temptation said...

I think the Aussie BShit comes from the US BShit, we don't get enough updates here to know what is going on, the only source is the Internet. The mag's are all linked all they are doing is making money of RP and they all seem to be joining in, they know he is hot and they are taking advantage of that. POOOR ROB he has gone from a "No one knows me" to "I cant walk down the street" guy.

kespax said...

How embarassing the crappiest mags are Aussie!

NW & Famous are in something of a battle for sales - they are basically teen mags, my hairdresser's teenage daughter loves them. They have heaps on Idol and used to cover BigBrother and all that kind of RTv stuff.
They also have a Oz verson of OK mag competing and Who which is the Oz version of People I think - these are both better than the other rags.

I think one or the other of NW or Famous is likely to fold shortly and they are desperate.

And look at little old TV Week getting in on the pinups! Who buys tv programs - (me this week:)
But seriously - you get it all on the net or newspapers.

Temptation said...

Hey Kespax we buy TV Week for the crossword remember. Don't worry US and UK Magazines are just as bad perhaps we are a little more creative down under because we are kept out of the loop. PRETTTY PICTURES THOUGH It looks like WHO magazine has joined the party, I didn't think they used to be that bad.

fluffgirl said...

to think they cut trees to make magazine like woman,s makes me sick..I haven't bought a mag or news paper in years..only second hand books..

AnnaD said...

Yeah, I've quit buying magazines anymore. Most of what I want to know/see is posted on here anyway :) if it's any good, I might buy it, but otherwise, I don't waste the money.

anonymous said...

They only say all these rumours so they can make money. I don't understand why people believe all the bullshit Famous and NW and all those other tabloids say. All the magazines content is the exact same. Even the photos are the same. I've never seen one photo of KStew and RPattz kissing off-set. I don't believe they are going out. Never will to be honest.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe the rubbish stores that these magazines are being allowed to publish. Is there nothing that can be done to stop them I have been on other blogs and I'm beginning to think that some of these stories....ridiculous as they are could actually start having a very negative effect on Rob's career...particularly where he's being labelled a 'womaniser' and 'cheater' on (Kristin). It's WRONG and not fair. So called 'fans' calling him all the names under the sun and sayin g he's finished etc. WHY doesn't his stupid management come out with a statement and refute these stories. I know the more intelligent of us know this is all absolute crap but there are idiots out there who will and do believe it all. I really don't like to see him being portrayed like this. I know that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie went through the same thing but they are much bigger established stars with an army of publicists, advisors, lawyers etc behind them to help clear things up. Poor Rob isn't in that position.
I don't know maybe I shouldn't read so much into it all; maybe I shouldn't go on the damn stupid sites - only makes me more het up. I want to see Rob around for a long time....not crack completely and throw in the towel.

Georgie said...

Yeh at least TV Week has a bit more decorum about what it puts out there. As for the rest - the barrage coming from those other Australian mags, it's an embarrassment. I wonder if they belong to the same publishing house? The nerve of them to not only write their own fabrications but to produce fake, photoshopped pictures as supposed evidence astounds me!

kespax said...

They obviously didn't see that weird interview where Rob tells her to shut up - couldn't get less shipper vibe chemistry if you ask me.
Maybe that will be the next installment - lover's tiff, rob tells her off and she's on drugs - again.
But the Dakota stuff just screams morons who do no research & get fed fantasy or make it up- they have quite obviously not factored in her age, she's what 15/16?
They really should have criminal charges against them for that kind of creepy kid porn slander.

What's happened to our avatars, I can't see avatars anymore???

Georgie said...

@ Kespax: I can see avatars but I couldn't see those videos that Gozde posted but found one of them on youtube.

Ha ha I loved Rob in that "what & shut up" interview where he said it was "animosity" and not "chemistry" - I thought it showed great camaraderie and rapport especially between the 3 of them, but Taylor was a bit left out of it.

Anonymous said...

i must admit that i did a sneaky run down to the servo to get tv week after seeing this haha

albaville said...

the usual crap, i'm afraid i've to say that I'm getting used to it..
its true that Rob is not a huge star like Brad pitt and dont have the same power to sue them all but I think he should start to do something cause they're really going too far with all this crap...

Anonymous said...


You know, Rob and Kristen DO have a great chemistry and spark on screen and maybe some people would love to see that kind of magnetism between people as a couple but to keep hitting up the "press" (giggle) on such a NON "story" that it's just getting to be beyond ridiculous and pathetic.

phosphorus said...

I miss Oregano and those wonderful films. Now we'll never get to see another episode.

Pet73 said...

Hi Girls, hi Phos!

I don't want to defend those stupid mags, but problem is: Most of the readers are NOT Rob fans (I know, hard to believe). They just buy the mags for entertainment, read the (stupid) stories and gossip with their best friend during the afternoon coffee break about the celebrity's news.

I even can't exclude myself. I only care for Rob. What the mags are writing about Brad, or MJ or the 25th adopted child of Madonna - I don't care.

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lina said...

Ok, maybe trials with these crap-mags would take a long time. But damn, I would do it!!! Just to win the case and to have A HUUUUUUUGE compensation for harm they do!!! And to make these crap-mags to go bankrupt.
The guys (Robert and the others) must have nerves of steel not to care this crap...

kchambers77 said...

lina you're hired! get on a hot suit and get your matlock game face on and go get those dirty damn rags!

Lina said...

Ohhhhhhh! I would gladly be Rob's attorney :)))))

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