The filming of "Remember Me" is currently taking place in New York City. Although, the film is set to be released in February 2010, the fan base is already enormous.
When fans of Robert Pattinson learned of his being cast in the film they immediately became obsessed with his next project. The question that arises is, "Would 'Remember Me' be as popular without Robert Pattinson?"
The film has other well known actors in it. This includes, Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper. Pattinson's love interest in the film, Emilie de Ravin, is known for her role in the television show "Lost."
The story that takes place is fairly interesting and makes for an excellent drama and love story. Pattinson, who plays Tyler, and de Ravin, who plays Ally, form a relationship. Both of them go through their own family situations, which could tear them apart. Depending on each other may be their only way to get through it all.
The success of this film is already being predicted. Is Pattinson the reason for this or is the story that interesting?
As Pattinson's popularity continues to grow, casting directors will become more interested. Is Pattinson a guarantee of success for any movie?
In 2009, "Little Ashes" made it into select theaters.The film had mixed reviews, but many were not pleased. It's based on the relationship, both personal and professional, between Frederico García Lorca and Salvador Dalí. Those that saw previews or the film spoke of the mustache that Pattinson wore, as Dalí, and how ridiculous it looked. These must have been people that didn't know what Dalí looked like or the kind of person he was. The film was not a success, but not really a failure either. "Little Ashes" is a very interesting story and should not be written off. There are those that appreciated the film and the hard work that was put into it.
"Remember Me" has one thing that "Little Ashes" didn't have, which is Pattinson will look like himself. Fans want to see him; his wild hair, his smile, and his eyes. Photos from the movie have shown Pattinson wearing clothes that he would wear when not shooting a film. It will be closer to himself, it's assumed, than any other role he has portrayed so far in his career.
As Pattinson's fan base continues to grow, the list of films will grow with it. Hopefully, the success of his films will not just be based off of him being in it, but his acting and the storyline itself.
You're seriously asking that question? Heck, No!!!
His Royal Hotness, Rob Pattz is the reason why there's even fans or paps following that movie around. If not for him, it will be a "Remember What?" LOL. Just like any other unpopular movie, it wouldn't even hit any showbiz gossip :)
UM,what was the question? I saw RPattz and forgot what we were talking about. Of course we are interested because it is him, and he looks like him. DUH? Keep it up and he will be in many hit flms to come.....!!
otherwise i wouldn't have any interest...
NO! NO! NO! What a stupid question.
Captain Obvious much?
OH man, I just saw Little Ashes today twice in a row!!
Seeing Rob run and move and talk... is *sigh*
Thankfully there weren't any fangirls. At the first time, there was me, two other mid20s and one 40's and three other men. Second time around, I was the only girl there. There were five other guys and they were middle-aged. It seems like there aren't many people who know that Little Ashes is playing in Vancouver right now.
If as many people show up as they did (which is less than ten people) when I went--- the movie will probably be gone by next week!
PLEASE Vancouverites! Support Rob!
Thanx. It is SO worth it. Especially watching Rob. HE carries the film so well!
So p
Isn't this what happens with all movies? You cast famous actors to make people go see the movie.
And people don't see RP's movies only for his pretty face. Some crazy people also think that he's a good actor. Gasp! LOL
Hey Goz..it's my b-day today (June 30) so thanks so much for posting Rob pics just for me! LOL.
So, duh de duh, of course this picture is more interesting and has more fans because of Rob. Why else??
"Remember me" = "Remember Rob". That's all i can remember, at least up to now.
The answer is a big NO... It's going to be good though, its a good script...
um so somebody has been living under a rock if they are seriously asking that question. but then again its all for attention.
ah how it makes me laugh all these writers make dumb arse reports just so they can throw rob's name around and get the dough.
You know..I have two reasons to see it, Rob of course (first and foremost) but I'm also a Chris Cooper fan, not that I find Chris hot, I just love his acting period!
So minus Rob, I'd probably eventually see it, seeing Chris Cooper in the credits would have me picking up the DVD previously viewed at Blockbuster. But that's just me, I buy DVDs like someone else buys candy bars. Because of Rob though I'll be at the theatre just to see him BIG SCREEN.
Er, DUH?..
Another ridiculous article fishing for hits (and Rob acts the part of the tasty little worm in that metaphor, lol).
Oh well, at least it's fairly innocuous this time. I'd rather have that than some more BS about his love life (did you know that he really is a transsexual with a fetish for asian dwarves?!!)
Rob is a guarantee to make any movie better - not because of his stunning good looks but because of his acting.
It's a no brainer, Summit know what they're doing and how it's going to reap in the bucks - hence being so tolerant of the papz!!
BTW Happy Birthday Kathy!
Folks wouldn't even know what they were filming if Rob wasn't in it, who are we kidding....oh, Gozde, I love your tags for the pics & articles...lol!! I want to be Rob's coffee cup lid, too...
I don't know and I don't care to be honest. I have no problem admitting that I more easily go see movies that have actors I like in them. And likewise I avoid movies with actors I don't like in them, unless I hear it's a really good movie.
Anyway, those motherfuckers know Rob will be making them all the money... Everybody wants to jump his bones these days. Oh well, I hope he chooses his projects wisely.
is Pattinson the reason for this or is the story that interesting?
of course Robert is the reason .
Why is Hollywood so stunned by the Pattinson effect? He could make a film about paint drying and somehow make it interesting, funny & sexy.
I read the script and I'm sure if they had a good actor able to pull this complex and moving role this would also be success
but with Rob the higher number of viewers and more money is sure
this script has its potential
I'm an avid fan of Rob. Starting with his music back here in london and Harry potter. Then even more after twilight and seeing all his interviews.
I do think the fan base will have a big influence on the success of this movie. But I know it would have been a success with out him in it.
I have read the script and it blew me away. I have a useless talent for predicting the story lines and ending of almost all of the movies I watch. God knows how. It's a bit annoying, haha!
But occasionally there's a movie that blows all my predictions out of the water. Like Sixth Sense. The kind of movie that makes you want to watch it from the beginning from a totally different perspective.
That's what Remember Me is going to be like. Shockingly amazing twists and very moving.
Love the new banner Goz!!!
Oh I agree wideyes! the script blew me away!!! totally did not see the end coming!! Would be a great movie anyway, but with Rob, it will be huge. And Goz, the banner. O....M.....G!!!! LOVE IT!
I know it will be more popular, but the question is - do I go see it alone or with my husband? The moaning might be embarrassing and my addiction will definitely be exposed.
Agree w/ Rhonda! and of course it's because of RP!
XTYN~ditto (Remember what?)
Emile is nothing w/o him.
Ok, where is everyone getting copies of the script? I would love to read it. Of course this movie wouldn't be gaining the attention that it is if Rob wasn't in it. I can't wait to see it. From all the fan videos, it looks like it's going to be fantastic! So seriously, somebody needs to feed our boy! He is way, way to skinny!
OK, where is everyone getting a copy of the script? I'd love to read it!
And, of course, if Rob wasn't in the movie the filming wouldn't be attracting the attention that it's getting. But seriously, someone needs to feed that boy! He is way, way to skinny.
OK, where is everyone getting a copy of the script? I'd love to read it!
And, of course, if Rob wasn't in the movie the filming wouldn't be attracting the attention that it's getting. But seriously, someone needs to feed that boy! He is way, way to skinny.
Of course it wouldn't be as popular at this point without Rob. Now if it turns out to be a great film with or without his acting then it may have gained popularity, but we'll never know the answer to that question.
I think Rob is one major reason Summit is going from a medium sized film company to a larger more successful company. They owe him a great deal... and they seriously owe the director of Twilight and Kristen huge props for casting him in Twilight!
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