Famous Magazine (Australia) took CRAP to a whole new level. I got a headache just reading it! I first thought I wouldn't post then decided I would TAG the crap for what it is with my "What a load of crap" tag :) I'm all for educating the masses on what qualifies as CRAP.
*Please don't buy these magazines. A puppy dies every time you pay a dime to these*

Thanks to Khrissa for the scans :)
FOR REAL? A PUPPY DIE WHEN YOU BUY THIS MAGAZINE!!! well rob look beautiful in every picture he have!!! right?
Burn em at the stakes!
OMG I know! Gozde I got a headache as soon as this mag was put into my hand.
Mummy dearest knows how much I love Rob and thought it would be fair to share this crap with me. She even asked ME if it was real.
Patycova - he does look pretty yummy in the pics!
"Rob always looks like he's just rolled out of bed" .... and would we want it any other way? :D
thanks for calling crap on some more, i don't even bother reading them properly anymore as it is all the same, bored now!!
once again just look at the pretty pictures :D xx
Where do these mags have left to go? Cloning? Alien conspiracy? The actual truth??? What?? :)
I can't read this...it hurts my sensitive eyes. All this load of bullcrap shitfuckery downright lawsuit matters hurts my sensitive eyes! (I am directing this to the crapzines out there..NOT this blog. Gozde and Dani are doing a great job!!).
Love the tags though, these crapzines have crossed the line of human decency wayy too many times!
Hontesly this I agree beond crap !
KK they couldn't do the actual truth..they're too scared of the truth, they can't handle the truth lol..so I guess that all there is left is aliens and so on ...lmao!
LOL at the puppies dying Godze
So there is a triangle between Nikki, Kristen, and Rob?
And a long time ago supposedly Kristen and Nikki may have been gay lovers! They left that out! So it is a COMPLETE triangle. Oh wow! The Drama! And then there is that triangle with Taylor, Robert, and Kristen! They left that out too.
So unprofessional!
Ha ha.
I always wonder in my back of my mind if these are all true and we are all blatantly not believing them. Ha ha. I don't care even if it WAS true though,
Seriously...what a load of crap! I'm so glad that I can find a place to vent how much the gossips are just bucking to make a dime!
Thanks Goz...and...WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!!!
Seriously I can't believe that they print this rubbish and that people are stupid enough to buy it!
WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP is right!!
Dayum, this rag managed to take every spumor we've already heard and make each one sound even worse/more ridiculous than before. I don't know whether to give 'em a razzie or a medal. I mean, that kind of fiction deserves some kind of prize, right? ;p
I hate these magazines. Is he gay or in a love triangle? Ugh! The load of crap says it only costs $3.50. So buy this magazine and kill 35 puppies.
a 17 year doesn't have the testosterone to bulk up? what? have they seen highschool football players. what a load of poo indeed.
I just read the titles and OMG! Crap is bieng nice..pftt...wahtever.
Gozde lol that every page has crap on it..I mean the actual word.
I was wondering when the "Rob is Gay" crap was going to start..it took them longer then normal..
I have never bought any of these magazines. When my Mom was alive she thrived on them and the last 6 years of her life she lived with me. She sent me out every week to buy her 'trash' papers, I went ingognito, blushing wildly and would stammer.."They aren't for me..HONEST!!" Mom died 1n 1996, I miss her, but I do NOT miss embarassing myself collecting her gossip mags. Why more people don't sue is beyond me.
Oh my God... this is definitely a load of crap :)
So much waste paper, good lord.
I wouldn't waste 3 bucks on gossip magazines. Everything is on the internet anyway.
The older guy at the charlie hotel is not even Kristen's dad.
that made my day! I laughed real bad with so much crap in so few pages. dang! javier is not even brazilian! (I am though).
Being an Australian I am embarrassed to see that it is from here, this rubbish.
Gossip magazines are so wrong in so many ways.
1).. The trees that really die to make the paper they are printed on.
2)..That they get away with writing innuendo and untruths with very little backlash from the people they use in these stories.(no one ever seems to sue their asses off)
3)..That some people do believe what is written in these ridiculous gossip magazines.
4)..That there are so many of these magazines out there these days. Catering to the need of a society curious about celebrity, about the rich and famous.
This list could get very long. So I won't put in the rest of my reasons for mankind to avoid these mags.... (If you are not a tree lover like me than I hope 'Gozde's puppies' will persuade people.)
LOL at the love triangle! Funny, NR being angry that Rob picks Kstew...what about NR being pissed that Kstew picked Rob over her?! Lol that'd be so funny and weird if everyone had it all circled over. HAHA.
This post left me speachless.. But I have to give them credit for their imagination! I feel sorry for those who make a living out of writing such crap. I wonder if their insides cringe a bit when they call themselves journalists?
SEX TAPE? If there is one... I'll pay double to see The Rob in action. WHAT?! Who said that??? Must be the liquor talking... BAD VIXEN, BAD!
I must admit, I didn't read anything... I saw *sex tape* and nearly fainted. LOL.
Wtv...these mags will take wtv ounce of truth they have an paint their own pictures. I don't believe anything unless it's painfully obvious... *cough* rob meeting KStews parents...*cough*
It's moments like these I'm embarassed to be Aussie, last wk there was not 1 but 3 crap mags like this that hit the supermarkets, all spewing the same drivel.
For once it was so damn easy to walk past them, knowing if I wanted to look at the pics I knew where to go to get my Robfix...tnxs Gozde, you're a gem.
why they dont write that an alien spent the night with Rob and now she's pregnant and the baby is gonna be exactly like RPattz but ha can fly and have ex-ray eyes..
fortunatly here on Robsessed we know what is about..just LOD OF CRAP!! :))
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