From the creator of tons of LOADs OF CRAP OK! Magazine:
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and that’s certainly the case for Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, the Twilight co-stars whose incendiary screen passion has exploded into their real lives.
Rob is in NYC for the summer, shooting a somber independent film called Remember Me (click here for details on that film!), while Kristen is back in L.A., working on The Runaways, a rock biopic in which she portrays music legend Joan Jett.
That the young, white-hot stars are more than mere friends is beyond dispute. “It’s no secret that their relationship has been heating up these past few months,” says a source close to the couple, who recently completed New Moon, the second film in the Twilight saga. “They are attracted to each other, and there is definitely something very special going on between them.”
Something very complicated, too. For Rob and Kristen form two sides of a compelling love triangle: Kristen is evidently still involved with her longtime boyfriend, actor Michael Angarano, and as OK! reported last week, Rob wants that romantic geometry simplified, one way or the other, no later than October, when he and Kristen start filming the third Twilight movie, Eclipse. Though Rob is giving Kristen a few months to choose between suitors, he’s not giving her a lot of rope. (Gozde: Oh how "Eclipse" of them. Fire and Ice)
“Rob is constantly texting and calling Kristen to ‘check in,’ ” the source says. “He’s invited her and their New Moon co-star Dakota Fanning to fly to New York and hang out with him and his friends some weekend — his treat.” (Gozde: Ooooh, it's Rob's treat! LMAO:))
anna, checking her phone for an invite from Rob "his treat"...
And I wish Rob was obsessed with me...
The weird thing is, that BS doesn't even make me angry anymore... I just accept it as a fact of life that crap is being written about Rob all the time.
It is an oddly peaceful feeling.
lol anna, looks like it's just me and you robsessing this morning :)
well, it's western Europe lunch time ^_^
where is riddle?
Morning everyone!
This article makes me LOL! so now it's Rob who's texting Kristen non-stop? A few days ago it was the other way around haha what crap.
Even if they are together I don't think they'll ever admit it. Those crazy b*tches who attacked Rob on monday would probably kill Kristen! (or anyone else he was dating)
oh and "no later than October, when he and Kristen start filming the third Twilight movie, Eclipse. " Isn't that when they finish? LMAO they can't even get the timeline right :D
riddle is probably still recovering from her ball!
yeah Alexandra, good point - on the other hand, if we start poking holes in their theories, we'll be here all day...
(he he, who am I kidding, I'll be here all day anyway :p )
I just find these things really funny now. I can't believe some people actually take everything these mags say as fact.
Did you guys know that some people think they're secretly married?!? 0_0
Alexandra, I know that some people misread clues from Ted C and are now convinced they are married... SCARY...
I don't understand how anyone can take gossip seriously. Bt it seems like some people get very passionate about their idea of th truth -_-;
(edit button somewhere?)
I keep on skipping letters today O_o
it's Rob hotness going to my head...
i know its bull but damm it's quite thrilling to imagine that kind of passion between them.
lol, I love how Ted's readers think he's some sort of omniscient god! If Ted hinted at it, then it MUST be true...
And I'd love to see the face Rob would make, if told he was secretly married to KStew... :))
ahaha LittleBear his face would be priceless! Oh I seriously hope someone films it if he ever finds out :D
I personnaly want to see his expression when he learns he has been polled "most handsome man" at VF!
I'm picturing something like that...
(for both situations!)
Someone must have intercepted phone calls, eh? Got some illegal wiretapping taking place to get the story.
Right on, OK!
this magazine is really a load of crap..i cant believe the stupid things they're writing all the time..so this time Rob is sad and wants Kris to go to NY???..
I wonder if she really decides to go to visit just as friend...
I do look forward to your 'What a load of crap' posts ~ they do keep me smiling :)
We all know there will always be rumours, random and rotten rumours.
Hope everyone is well! :)
Goz...LOVE your side commentary! Cracks me up!!!
Until October, then? Well, that leaves maaany weeks to be filled with stories. Let's see, with what kind of crap they can come up with ...
- more drama, KStew decides for one but can't stay away from the other;
- two of them get secretly engaged;
- Summit intervenes and wants them to break up (whoever);
- another woman appears on the scene, enthralling Rob (how about someone older? that would be fun);
- KStew uses some voodoo on her;
- voodoo works / does not;
- the other woman uses voodoo, too;
- there's a voodoo war going on;
- voodoo priest comes up with a love potion;
- Rob becomes pregnant - or Michael (yes, there's a ninth worldwonder);
- Rob and Michael finally fall in love and leave KStew to Dakota Fanning.
Any more suggestions? Have a go.
Oh, I love this "let's create our own gossip" movement!
- Kstew and Rob were sort of on the way to becoming an item
- But Tomstu's visit in NY changes everything when he seduces Rob and shows him there is more...
- Rob is torn
- Kstew is pissed off and makes a public specatcle of herself and Oregano banging on her lawn
- Rob is sad and sdtill torn
- Tomstu goes to LA to slap Kstew, and is caught by a journalist...
- Rob is even sadder... and decides to take a step back from both of them
- enter Emily who is starting to feel better, she hugs Rob better
- Rob and Emily fall in love...
- Kstew and Tomstu come to NY to slap Emily and Rob tries to go in the middle... and he ends up making his final choice:
Ha ha! Just picture the pilgrims to the said monastery.
Hello ladies
I always skip the posts entitled "what a load of crap" but scrolled back when I read the tag "where's Oregano" cause I can't help wondering about that.
Hello anna F, LB and all robsessors :)
Hi riddle.
Have a go and tell us what happens to Oregano. OK'll need more stories for the weeks to come.
LOL at your last comment Godze...
"Romantic geometry?" WTH?
I was texting all day yesterday...texting Rob and Kris...and if you took a pic of me right now, it might look sad...cuz of Rob and Kris...no wait...it's the gloomy weather and the pile of work I have to do...and I was texting my mom...Now OK magazine is making me question my OWN reality...Sheesh
lol @ Phosphorus
I don't want to give bad ideas to the crazy people...but I can give you a hint: one word comes to my mind "rehab". I let you imagine the rest :)
So this is my very first comment on this site, so good morning to everyone. Little Bear, I think that's exactly the look Rob would have on his face. That's to funny. I also agree with the Ted C thing. I've gone on there and posted before and talk about some crazy azz people. They attack everyone who doesn't share their "truths".. I can't believe people actually think these two are married or going to be. Anyway thanks for making me laugh this morning guys..
However, while now I got used to crap written about Rob's relationship/hook up or whatever, I must say that what worries me the most, is when they are talking about his state of mind or moods. I really, absolutely DON'T LIKE THAT. as when they use pictures of him and make up stories that he's freaking out, or when they put the word "paranoid" -which has been used quite a lot recently, in a complete diffrent context...using the context of fame pressure or something... It would hurt me more if I see stories like that....just thinking about it makes me all sad.
@ riddle
So the ball was good?
(I think that most people have moved up to the upper thread)
@ riddle: Oh, I see. You mean Michael had a secret crush on Rob but did not dare telling Kristen. He was jealous of her and unhappy she was the one to kiss Rob in front of a camera when it should have been him. Since he could not go on promo tour to Japan and all those shopping malls with Rob, he decided to visit the set of New Moon. People believed he came for Kristen but she found out the true reason. They decided to stay friends but won't see each other for quite a while. Rob, having no clue at all, went to New York to film "Remember me", leaving Michael behind who now seeks healing for his broken heart.
hi anna f
the ball was good yeah, not as posh as I thought it would be, so that was great!! and Feeder played, they were awesome!!!
I'm gonna move to the upper thread then :)
LMAO at Phosphorus, see you're better than me at it :)
True, Goz, but considering Oregano's involved, it's more like Spice and Ice.
ahh.. look for Life&Style Mag cover story " they admit that they are dating?? why some people still buying this mag??
I am obsessed too. ROBsessed! And miserable apart from him...
Well ok ~ not THAT miserable... But he could be of some help around here... SOME help...
Be careful guys - whatever gossip you create here will prolly end up in Ted C's blog at some point, from his "inside source."
I am lmaoing at the cover of L&S. Goz doesn't have it up yet, but it says "Yes, we're dating!" With pics of them ... as IF they'd make their statement exclusively to L&S if they are.
ROFLMAO at KK....geometry..oh man sigh
Also LOL at Diane...girl, u crack my shiz up
OMG ... US weekly has Rob in the corner, and it say "Tangled Web, Rob and his Women."
Stacy, anyone who'd believe the hideous things we made up certainly needed some brain transplantation.
Rob and his Women - oh, has he got a whole harem by now?
I just find it funny that he's wearing the same clothes that he wore for the carnival scene in the movie. I know most of the clothes look they belong to him anyways, but it looks like this is a photoshop pic. He doesn't even look like he should be in this pic.
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