Himm, Brad Pitt gets naked...
*stares dreamily into space*
Sorry, got distracted for a minute there...
*stares dreamily into space*
Sorry, got distracted for a minute there...
For the cover: There are actual pictures of Kristen looking at Rob like that no need for bad photoshopping :)

"YES WE'RE DATING" sounds like Rob/Kristen made the announcement. Yeah, sure....
Until I hear it from the horses' mouth or see an incriminating photo I'm going with : What a Load of Crap and "If he is not shagging me I don't care who he shags".

Life & Style Weekly is reporting Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are dating - but asks will it ruin Twilight?
A castmate told the magazine that she’s worried it will destroy the movie and their relationship is dividing the cast. Plus, the magazine predicts this relationship will change their on-screen chemistry.
According to popeater.com Ashley is the source. Would she really say these things? I don't think so... (thanks to Victoria for the tip :))
Since 'Twilight' came out in theaters, speculation has swirled around the possible romance between leads Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
Although Stewart had a longtime boyfriend, and even brought him on the set of the movie's sequel, 'New Moon,' Rob and Kristen are officially dating according to Life & Style.
But their co-star Ashley Greene, who plays Alice Cullen in the series, has some words of advice for the possible lovebirds.
"It's not really smart to [date a co-star] while you're working. It's a risky situation. It's hard to separate reality from fantasy," she says.
"If you continue to hang out after filming, then you can decide if you want to date or not," Greene adds.
Besides, their off-screen dalliances could affect the next two films.
"People are just so enamored with the connection that they portray on-screen. If they failed to do that in the second and third ones, I think we’d be in trouble," Greene advises.
The actress thinks the two should wait to take their relationship to the next level.
"They're great on-screen, and obviously they get along. But maybe they should just not be a couple until after the fourth movie, 'Breaking Dawn,'" Ashley tells Life & Style.
LOL gotta love how you post these "What a Load of Crap" posts Gozde, they're actually more entertaining than these crappy articles alone! LOL. Keep it up! :-D.
"Brad Pitt gets naked...
*stars dreamily into space..." ROFLMAO! Classic!
still not past Brad Pitt naked.....and LMAO at your labels.
THANKS FOR ALL! but i'm tired to talk about this BS on robsten again and again...when its gonna end???? NOT SOON ENOUGH!!!
where's Kris BF? so we could say stop to this crap...where's gone??
Yeap I agree with you Goz, until it comes from the horses mouth, it's crap!
Oh believe me you can't be more bored than I am. It takes me 10 minutes to make one of these posts and I'm running out of material to post on labels :PP
Oh and thanks Maryann :)
My 89 year old grandmother reads ALL of these magazines...it's so funny. So whenever I visit her, they're all over the place. I refuse to pick one up and read it...won't contribute to the madness.
I LOVE the "What a Load of Crap" posts!!!
Goz, you need to trademark that phrase! :)))
LOL Godze
Maybe you should call and ask Stephanie for confirmation hehe
Gozde, thanks for all the goods. Your comments are a gem. I live for them.
I almost want new costar rumours with Emilie to start just so there is something new to read. (ducks from tomatoes being thrown). Robsten rumors are not entertaining anymore.
show, *morning hug*, where you been?
Win....i been here girl...where u be?
missed you last night btw!
btw, i think I saw Rose post in some earlier blog...
when's she gonna do a new Oregano Part Trois? And can you PLEASE put some kinda rats nest on top of KStew doll's head in them hahaha
man, i love those things....
Show, I missed you guys last night. Had to give DH some attention. Been trying to get work done at the office. Haven't been very productive the last 2 days.
I have to believe they made up these quotes from Ashley. Otherwise she is a complete idiot talking about her co-stars.
Since 'Twilight' came out in theaters, speculation has swirled around the possible romance between leads Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
Although Stewart had a longtime boyfriend, and even brought him on the set of the movie's sequel, 'New Moon,' Rob and Kristen are officially dating according to Life & Style.
But their co-star Ashley Greene, who plays Alice Cullen in the series, has some words of advice for the possible lovebirds.
"It's not really smart to [date a co-star] while you're working. It's a risky situation. It's hard to separate reality from fantasy," she says.
"If you continue to hang out after filming, then you can decide if you want to date or not," Greene adds.
Besides, their off-screen dalliances could affect the next two films.
"People are just so enamored with the connection that they portray on-screen. If they failed to do that in the second and third ones, I think we’d be in trouble," Greene advises.
The actress thinks the two should wait to take their relationship to the next level.
"They're great on-screen, and obviously they get along. But maybe they should just not be a couple until after the fourth movie, 'Breaking Dawn,'" Ashley tells Life & Style.
albaville: i agree, where is her BF so these rumors will all STOP or at least simmer down. They need to go out and have their picture taken together so that these rags will stop for a few weeks.
Goz i know you hate posting these but i love all of your captions.
As much as I would LOVE it if Rob & Kris did get together, I think it is really their business and none of anyone elses. I think they are both professional enough that it would never change anything about the Twilight series movies and I doubt that their castmates would mind it at all as they all seem to get along and want the best for each other!
yeah, seriously, that cannot POSSIBLY be ashley really saying that, can it?
Surely she doesn't give quotes to L&S?
Ana and Alba....don't hold your breaths on that one. MA has been outta the picture for a very long time now...
Do they seriously pay people to come up with this stuff? My head hurts.
This is kinda scary but also kinda hot and REALLY funny...
watch his hair change ROFLMAO
@ WinWin: No, Anna and I are sometimes doing it for free. ;-)
*in a sing song voice* Shitty shit...Shitty shit...Shitty Shit...Shitty shit... LOL
Anna and Phos, you girls are on today. Funny stuff.
Show, that People vid is creepy. The morphing thing takes the sexiness out of those pics. Gotta go watch Disco Stick to cleanse the eyes.
Thanks, WinWin. We missed the harem stuff, though, US weekly came up with.
LMAO the update sounds like a twist on Ashley's response to the "Robsten" rumors when she was cornered by Enews! lol
Dont believe it for a second but man the update was hilarious, thanks Gozde :-D
about Rob's security...
Only time will tell.
Hi Gozde! Mornign all. Just had to post a quick comment and say these rag magshave gotten so out of hand. They'll write anything to sell mags. Its disgusting. Whether theres any truth to this nonsense or not-and theres most likely not-its still an eggrigious prying and poking in Robs personal life, and Krisitns by extension. They wont be happy i guess until theyve driven them both away from the acting biz with this crap! I hope that doesnt happen, for sure, it would be such a waste, but i know this has to weigh on them-what an intrusive, scummy thing.
No worries Gozde, there's only so much you can say about the same oid crap....
Still love your posts..you kill me.
Well if it is true Rob won't have to worry about security....Kristin will kick everyones ASS!!!!!
WOW...can they DO that? Did Ashley REALLY, kind of, CONFIRM this? If it's a load of crap, does she sue them?
Hmmm...i always thought they had feelings for each other (Rob outright continually admitted it for the first year) cuz i don't think you can FAKE that kind of interest you see between them and the way he looked at K in the BTS MTV awards show interview when he talked about the NON-KISS and how it was her idea - i've NEVER seen that look on his face in a movie or interview or BTS videos. it looked absolutely ENDEARING when he stated the idea was all K's. that look down at her and smile, that was something else!...and K seemed to have broken up w/Oregano, so why would she do that all of a sudden after 5 years and Rob harping about her in his interviews at the same time?? Kind of coincidental, i guess.
But, i don't know, IF they really are together then how can they possibly deal with over 2 weeks apart??? i remember the "honeymoon" stage and DAMN..2 weeks is a LONG ASS TIME to be away from your man. so i don't know.
With the OK stories I figured, if it is true, then the "mole" would have to be someone close to K cuz of all the comments. And Ashley has been fairly close to her and was in Italy with both of them.
Wow, this is absolutely bizarre!! i don't know wth to believe anymore....
jeez the girls over on Ted's board must be going wild right now...
Who knows what Ashley said to L&S if she said anything at all. Who knows which of these quotes were cut and pasted from previous gossip/interviews/comments?
Why or why can't some other big star go into rehab or divorce or kill someone so that this crap can be laid to rest?
"People are just so enamored with the connection that they portray on-screen. If they failed to do that in the second and third ones, I think we’d be in trouble," Greene advises."
Now that I think about it...I SWEAR Ashley said this in an interview some time ago...Hmmmmm
Until I see a photo of Rob and Kristen holding hands, kissing over a romantic dinner and it's NOT ON A MOVIE SET, I'll never believe a relationship is taking place.
GOZDE,your comments are a blast, i really donnot know if they are together,i loveROBERT,never been a kris fan but i think her and MIKE are over,the have not been seen together since april. as long as RTP is happy who cares, thats all thats important whoever he dates
The sad thing is that alot of people will believe this.
I just dont believe that Ashley would say all that to a gossip rag. I think out of all the tabloid mags Life&Style is the worst, its like they got tired of making up stories of Rob and Kris longing for each other, and hiding their feelings for each other and they just decided to come out and say... yeah, their dating, because they needed something new to print.
Its going to be tabloid magazine rumor's HELL when Eclipse starts filming, im actually dreading it.
But what I am looking forward to is when tv shows and when NON-tabloid magazine start interviewing Rob and Kris, no doubt they will be asked if they are dating one another, and they will have to give some answer.
Shani: I agree, (in a sing-songy voice) crappity-crap, crappity-crap, crappity-crapppppppppppppppppp!!! And CullenGal09: I agree with you; and I love your "eggrigious" wording! (any reference to Captain Jack Sparrow??) LOL
Love the tittled and I think people see what they want to see or hear. Those 'reporters' (if you can call them that and not just-want-to-write-lot-of-crap-just-to-be-more-popular just put soooo much stuff about them. They just want to put them as a couple just because the make good chemistry on screen. wtf! and agree with you, until I hear that from their mouth.
I too won't believe it until I see it (with the Rob/Kristen rumors), but with that aside...
Has anyone else noticed how much more Rob seems to be smiling in pictures lately? What's interesting to me is that many of his recent photos look like paparazzi photos.. where one would feel least inclined to smile. And I don't mean those forced publicity shot half-smiles where you know that inside, his stomach is probably in knots. I mean a genuinle SMILE. Especially in that recent NY paparazzi video where the photographer keeps following him (baseball cap) ... Even though he might have had a few, he's in such a good mood that he gives the PAPARAZZI a hard time.
I don't know, but from what I can see, he seems happier lately. Anyone agree? I want to know!!
WinWin said "I almost want new costar rumours with Emilie to start just so there is something new to read."
Oh, they already are...
Robert Pattinson’s co-star has a crush on him
I think Rob is happier because he's filming a movie that isn't part of the Twilight franchise...it's got to be invigorating for him to dig into a new character for the first time in over a year.
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