VOTE: Franco vs. Pattinson for Buckley Role



Two of the hottest men in Hollywood are going head-to-head to play musician Jeff Buckley in the biopic.

BlackBook reports "New Moon's" ferocious lover Robert Pattinson and "Milk" star turned Columbia grad student James Franco are both vying for the Buckley role.

Buckley, the son of singer Tim Buckley, gained popularity in the early '90s and died tragically in a 1997 accidental drowning in Memphis at age 30.

Gozde: You can vote HERE but you know, it's not really fair to put it up on an online vote. Rob will win with a landslide. Just check out the Vanity Fair vote on Most Handsome Man in the World. Rob is leading with %59. I mean the boy is beautiful but not THAT beautiful :) Brad Pitt has %12, Johnny Depp %9, I rest my case...

Thanks to Janice for the tip :)


anna F said...

Agreed, they put those polls all around the internet to get hits... But what do they actually mean?
Just that Rob has a lot of hype -_-

I wish they would do an interesting interview with him instead of wh*ring around for hits!

Like this poll would weight anything in a casting. *we don't even really know if Rob wants the part, there is no script as of now...

phosphorus said...

Johnny Depp deserves a bit more. But I never found Brad Pitt very sexy because of his nose. It isn't erotic at all.

margot said...

hmmm ... frankly speaking I think James Franko for Jeff (whom I adore)

margot said...

here it is Rob 89%

margot said...

not quite fair

anna F said...

for the VF beauty poll, there are many actors missing, and they should have put some kind of age group if they really were aiming for fairness...

I would have put the guys of Supernatural... great eyecandy too!

anna F said...

margot: yes, it's a bit ridiculous, but I was also expecting this result, along with Gozde obviously.

Anonymous said...

Godze, I like how ur not some crazy biased fan. It makes me proud to be a follower of this blog! BTW Have you seen the Getty Images videos of Rob? they're like 20 sec clips.
You can DL the clips for free for 30 days.

margot said...

well... I voted Franco anyway

WaitingForRob said...

Franco looks more like Buckley but Rob has the musical ability.....

Kate said...

Ooh thanks for that link Anna I downloaded a few ;-)
And ya like you said we don't even know if Rob wants the part or not!
I agree with you Goz ROb will win any online poll hands down there's no contest!!

phosphorus said...

I can't say anything about Franko since I haven't seen any of his films, at least not that I know of. As for Rob, whom I would love to see playing a musicians, he'd have to work a bit on his singing technique if he gets to play Jeff Buckley (and it's not only the mumbling).

Don't get me wrong: I love Rob's voice and I love his music, it's only that Buckley sounds very different, very smooth. But like Buckley, Rob's singing is very intense.

margot said...

actually I haven't heard Franco, see he looks like Jeff and is charming
I'm not convinced with Rob's singing - high tones ... I mean he would have to sing Grace himself right ? he has the right way of singing but is he able to sing that high ? damn ... cannot express myself in English

phosphorus said...

Has Franko got a voice of that range, then?

Sam said...

franco may look more like Buckley but rob sounds alot like buckley although i have never heard franco sing.... i can so 'hear' rob do buckley's voice...

I LOVE Jeff Buckley and sadly when i first heard of him he had just died...oh i love him

Anonymous said...

been lots of polls lately hehe:) Are they trying even more to show how popular Rob is or what?!
And about this role. I think it all depends on what they think is more important, the look or the music ability. Cause I don't think James can sing that good... But yeah they can always fake it. Maybe he doesn't need to sing for real, but that would be a bit of a disappointment though... I'll be happy for whoever of them gets the role!

phosphorus said...

Yeah, Sam, they both got intensity.

phosphorus said...

And I would love to hear Rob singing Buckley's cover version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah.
Imagine Rob singing

And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen in the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

The whole audience would be in tears then.

Sara said...

This decision so tough for me D;
I adore Franco and his films, he's obviously talented. Plus he is the spitting image of Buckley, but it would be completely unfair to cast him based solely on his face.
Rob has the musical talents and the huge potential.
Ok...I voted Franco...
Still love you Rob <3

phosphorus said...

Don't you want a soundtrack with a lot of Rob on it? I certainly do.

However, let's hope the script will be very good, I'd love to see this film, no matter who of the two gets the part (if at all).

Anna said...

I'm thinking it would be great for Rob. If the script is any good, that is.

James Franco is a good actor, but a bit lacking in charisma in my opinion. Rob has LOADS of charisma, and he definitely has the voice. So if he wants the role, I'd love for him to get it.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Even Rob has said that James Franco is the one for the Buckley role. And I agree with Rob.

Suz said...



I hope whoever plays him (if) this bio ever gets made (trying for years)


Last Goodbye:

Lover you should have come over...

Even Rob would agree.. NO ONE SINGS LIKE JEFF

Suz said...

its never over
my kingdom
for a kiss upon her shoulder

its never over
all my riches
for her smile
when I slept so soft against her

its never over
all my blood
for the sweetness of her laughter

its never over
she's the tear
that hide inside my soul


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Ummmm...I agree Chicago. I like Franco for the role. Sorry!!!!

Suz said...

ChiTown, KK


RPnKSaddict said...

I love Rob's singing, but I think should he get the role he could take advantage of a singing coach to fine tune his talent.He has potential to be even better.

I voted for him for purely selfish reasons. I want to hear him sing, and any chance of that happening I'm all for.

Anonymous said...

Franco did a great James Dean, I was very impressed. He needs a serious part, he's been doing too many comic books and then Pineapple Express, he's a good serious actor.

I'd like to see Rob in anything, but I don't want to see him over exposed either and building resentments from other actors which I have a feeling is already starting.

Anyhow, I'm going to trust him, so far he's been pretty good at picking his parts and seems to know what he wants, he's a pretty smart guy.

Pet73 said...

Franco is a Buckley look a like. I like him as an actor (e.g. in Spiderman). But I don't know, if he can sing.

I definitely know that Rob can :).

Betti Gefecht said...

a singer's POV on this,
plus: sound examples of them both for you to judge:

Alexpz said...

I just checked a pic of the singer they would be playing and as much love as i have for Rob, the other guy looks more like the singer....but if they really wanna cast somebody exact the same they should cas TomStu...they r identical..haha

Nausicaa said...

James Franco For Jeff

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