I wonder what we'll do once he is done filming Remember Me
No more daily Rob pictures
*shakes head*
I don't even want to think about it. It's too depressing
Remember December?
He was in London and there were no pictures?
It was a very DARK time in ROBsessedLand...
Please Rob never pull another Dec'08 on us
Too early in the morning to be working

Thank God for coffee. CHUG! CHUG!

Does he have a wedgie? I think he does!

Should I tell him? Nah! It will be too embarrassing to tell him. It's so funny though!

I am still undecided. I would want someone to tell me if I had a wedgie.

Beige Pants from GAP: $100
Being personal bodyguard to Robert Pattinson: $1000/day
Being caught with a wedgie by the paparazzi: PRICELESS

Dr. Phil (Bodyguard): You should have told him about the wedgie son
Rob: I know man! But it was so funny :)

Good times

Seriously High Quality for your wedgie viewing pleasure :)

Thanks to Robert Pattinson Source for always providing the best Rob images :) If you haven't checked their gallery yet you are seriously missing out.
Thanks to Stacy for pointing out the wedgie :)
No more daily Rob pictures
*shakes head*
I don't even want to think about it. It's too depressing
Remember December?
He was in London and there were no pictures?
It was a very DARK time in ROBsessedLand...
Please Rob never pull another Dec'08 on us
Too early in the morning to be working
Thank God for coffee. CHUG! CHUG!
Should I tell him? Nah! It will be too embarrassing to tell him. It's so funny though!
I am still undecided. I would want someone to tell me if I had a wedgie.
Beige Pants from GAP: $100
Being personal bodyguard to Robert Pattinson: $1000/day
Being caught with a wedgie by the paparazzi: PRICELESS
Dr. Phil (Bodyguard): You should have told him about the wedgie son
Rob: I know man! But it was so funny :)
Good times
Seriously High Quality for your wedgie viewing pleasure :)
Thanks to Robert Pattinson Source for always providing the best Rob images :) If you haven't checked their gallery yet you are seriously missing out.
Thanks to Stacy for pointing out the wedgie :)
I wish Rob had a wedgie
i do too letters
And ROFLMAO goz!!!!
nice new pics too
dude totes wears a thong..
(was that wrong?)
duuude I'm greek and I need help with my english! LOL
what's a wedgie?
Is it just me or does anyone else find it fascinating how his beard just stops on his neck...You go from scruffy to soft to the hair right on his chest...YUM!!!!!
LOL My husband wears cargo pants just like that to work daily and they sag the same way,
Suz--who's whale tail?
Haha. I don't think I have ever laughed about a wedgie so much in my life.
I love you! Thank you for my daily Rob doses.
And you're right, we better not have another Dec '08! It's depressing to even think about it!
Wedgie=underpants pulled up between one's buttcheeks causing a crease in one's ass crack.
Now that's comedy!
I'm here from February so thankfully I don't know anything about that dry period...
Goz I think MasterCard should hire you :)
Jules---you made me look...GAH! Rob's scruff to soft is just insanely sexy....LOL...scruff to soft...why am I laughing?
What will we do when he's done filming and there's no more set pictures. Well, hopefully we'll be drooling over promotional interview videos if he has time for some of those.
I love the Dr. Phil bodyguard getting all cozy with Rob!
Newps: try this link!
Those pants are certainly unique! Can I just say how much I freakin love the scruff? I want to run my hand over his jaw.
-Whitley (twilog.net)
ah so scruffy and hawt...
but those baggy azz cargos...oh noooo no no noooo
Jewels....no. You are def. not the only one who notices. I am completely and hopelessly obsessed with the scruff. I know. It's crazy. I can't help myself. He's like this magnificent little furry creature. Have you seen the little tufts of hair that grow on the back of his wrists and runs up his arms? And the hairs on his chest, so cute, you could count them....*sigh* must go cook dinner.....have children who need to eat. Damn.
oh yeah, last picture....looks like there is a little bit of boxer shorts escaping...just under where the shirt ends....
Doesn't this guy feel the wedgie? Ewww and why do I want to look at it? It's not Rob! I also think "Dr. Phil" should get his hands off Rob.
LMFAO!!! Oh Gozde, I love your commentaries. So funny! I have to admit, I was hoping for a RobWedgie, but that'll do.
jolilabrat...thnx! See...I KNEW I saw a little bit 'o boxer shorts in that last pic :)
Lynn thanks for the link, I never saw that dictionary but I'm loving it...
I learned something today, interesting word - shaxy... meaning more than just sexy. Extremely sexy.
Shexy = Shit Hot Sexy
Rob in every way LOL
Yvonne--thanks for the boxers shout out....lovin' Rob's boxer briefs.
enthusiast---urban dictionary is a lot of fun, just be weary that a lot of the entries must sent in by frat boys!
Lynn - - I laughed my asss off with your definition of a wedgie haa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
It must be a new body-guarding phenomenon---put your arms around Rob Pattinson while you guard him. I don't think I've seen that on other celebrities . . . hmmmmm
@Gozde.. I love your Blog.. I am now your follower.
OMG Yvonne! You've done the hair inventory like I have!!!
And yeah...I noticed the boxers...
Don't know if I like the cargo pants yet, but one thing I say is, Rob, please don't EVER wear a belt!we want to see more of those boxer-briefs!!
These pictures of Rob looking so yummy, disheveled and scruffy are killing me, does he even realize what he does to us when he looks like that? Maybe he does and just likes to torture us!!!
Me wishing for a Rob wedgie too...
No pics of Rob = no paparazzi around him. I happy for him, because he will have vacation from this shit.
Looking at these photos again (of course) and notice how convenient it is that his last shirt button is unbuttoned and when the wind blows it then we can see the boxer-briefs. That man TOTALLY knows what he's doing to us...but Rob, please don't stop.
OMG, I just saw this and I am laughing so hard! So glad I spotted that thing!
Love your commentary Goz ... priceless!
Thanks for the laughs ... I needed the laughs.
How could that guy NOT notice his wedgie. Maybe he figured getting caught on camera picking it was worse. Poor guy is probably so uncomfortable.
I doubt Rob's ever had a wedgie in his life. His pants are so low on his hips (thank you). Everytime he hitches them up, they just slide right back down. Well, I take that back. It's possible he had a major wedgie at the Twilight LA premiere. That black on black ensemble was deliciously tight.
Rob and his scruff..
he is like a tribble..
The Trouble with Tribbles..
all furry and cute
We need the shirt-open-boxers-showing pic in HQ ASAP. VERY HQ.
LMAO..I love this site.
I almost peed myself.
sorry to bother...but what is the wedgie???
i am not american...
did i tell you?????i love rob!!
what's new,huh????!!!!!
I too hoped we see a Rob wedgie now that is something to salivate over. hahahaha Priceless post Gozde.
I wuv this man more and more each day! And yay for the grey boxer briefs lol..I knew it!
I ADORE everything about these pictures.
Rob looks fantastic with a cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee in his hand.
I'm fixated on the picture of him chugging away.. yeah, I can taste that.
lmaoo love the comments. that just brightened up my day and i felt like crap yesterday. thanks so much!
Soooo funny!
Ya never know...maybe that was what he was thinking! ;)
HAHAHAHAHA!! so funny!! GOZDE you're the best!!!
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