The person that runs http://eclipseopencasting.com/ emailed us and says the website is working with Summit on this casting call and that it's a FREE casting call, not a scam. Amanda Bell -The Twilight Examiner also emailed and said that they got the information from Summit and the Casting Call is LEGIT.
Unfortunately Summit Entertainment doesn't have an open communication line with all of the fan sites (only a "chosen" few) so I had no way of confirming this. I am beyond pissed for being put in this situation.
With my sincerest apologies to http://eclipseopencasting.com/ here is our post for the open casting call, once again:
Do you have what it takes to play the uber bitchy wolfgirl Leah or the super sweet Seth? Well here is your chance to possibly brush shoulders with Rob :)

Go HERE for the open casting call.
With my sincerest apologies to http://eclipseopencasting.com/ here is our post for the open casting call, once again:
Do you have what it takes to play the uber bitchy wolfgirl Leah or the super sweet Seth? Well here is your chance to possibly brush shoulders with Rob :)

Go HERE for the open casting call.
" I'm pissed, NBC Contacts Us but Summit doesn't, Summit should hire more people and open the communication lines "
ROFLMAO Godze.....hahahahahaaaaa
seriously. Don't they know who YOU ARE?
I didn't mean it in that way. I'm not anybody, I just run a blog.
Goz - You're just trying to get the best info out to us. We appreciate it always. Sorry this had to get frustrating for you.
I don't even understand what the original problem was, do people have to pay for casting calls?
Just thought I would take this opportunity to thank you Godze for keeping us fans up to date
How irritating, you sould write a stongly worded letter Goz! Don't sweat it - how likely is it that anyone of us will get the part anyways?! I wouldn't take that bet!
Win some lose win.. girl.. your in first place in the wins.. no worries... You rule like no other and I for one appreciate all your hard work... the man needs to be on your door step with all the info and thank you proper for all the great work you do in his name :) just saying!
Awww, thank you :))
Why is it just for US and Canada's residents??
My brother would be an excellent Seth!! but we are mexicans =(... and we speak english... rlly good english! lol... aww =(
yeah it looks like the casting for Leah and Seth are only for Native American's for those from First Nation actors. NO "look likes" is what is stated on the website. But there is a part for Maria and Carmen for the Latinas to audition for :)
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