From the UNcredible National Ledger and it says Sam talked to Life & Style. Sam...Really? Life and Style?
The things he said are cute though...
Rob Pattinson is a bit of a mystery man on screen as edward Cullen and off screen as Robert Pattinson as well. What's he really like? Life & Style talks to a Sam Bradley and they identify him as Rob's best pal. The magazine notes that "Bradley co-wrote the song “Never Think” on the Twilight sound track, is playing Dallas’ TwiCon festival in July and had New Moon cast members cheering him on at his recent Vancouver, British Columbia, concerts.
So - How did this British rocker, who played three sold-out shows at LA’s Hotel Cafe in May, get sucked into the Twilight zone? “Robert was the new kid when I was 12, and I showed him around school,” Sam reveals to Life & Style. The boys became fast friends, later getting a flat together in London, where Sam looked forward to Rob’s expert beans-and-toast making.
“He’s very well-rounded,” Sam dishes. “Rob is a really great cook. He’s extremely friendly, very outgoing, very intelligent, very well-read. He loves writing. He’s really talented.” So talented that Sam tapped his pal to contribute to his upcoming album, co-writing tracks influenced by the duo’s families, travels — and loves.
“Rob goes for intelligent, experienced-in-life girls,”(Gozde: Experienced in life sounds kinda slutty doesn't it?:)) he tells Life & Style. “And any chance I can get, I would love to be having a romantic meal with a lady.”
Thanks to our fabulous Rocio and Lindsey for the tips )
Beans on Toast..
sounds like the HouseofSuz
Suz {Hearts} Sam (almost as much as Art) trufax
rob cook??? didn't rob mention he didn't know how to do much and that he microwaved stuff... he said once he was just sticking things in the microwave to see what happened... LOL I don't call that cooking... LOL HA HA
I'm thinking this is total rumor HA HA
Dear Rob:
"Intelligent, experienced-in-life girls [well, women]" could be the subtitle for Robsessed!
So come—take your pick!
Mrs. R
*Mrs. R cannot cook...in the kitchen...=RP completes her*
a great cook? really? lol he must be taking the piss non? hehe
There are definitley the intellegent, experienced in life girls here.(that's why I love this blog) The line starts here.
ummm "a really good cook"??? seriousely??? That discridits all the interview for me.
Rob said he's only good with microwave and Kristen said the only thing he can do is open a beer.
Although the beans on toast sounds very English...Oh how I love Englishness!!!
RiddleInside- Does it make me any less english that I've never actually eaten beans on toast before and hate baked beans with a passion? ;p
But I do say pissed and write things with S's if that counts?
Ha ha! I think the experienced in life comment means older women. Woo hoo! Obviously being sexually experienced is all part of the package that us older gals would bring.
It does sort of sound like Sam Bradley is going for the "Hi ladies, my friend is Rob Pattinson, please do me!!" approach here...
haha im a bit relived that it wasnt only me that got surprised that Rob is a great cooker haha want his own words on video clip :P kidding...
I think I read Sam telling this in other interview, which means.. L&S copying and pasting, minus the sarcasm translation hahaa.. cause I believe Sam I being sarcastic when he says Rob coocks, but maybe it is a hyden talent of Rob we donpt know and Sam as his best friend, does =P
I thought he shared flat with Tomstu in Soho... was it more a live in comunity with all the boys in the same tiny dirty bathroomless flat?
Clearly, they used old quotes... And to think we should believe Rob is a great cook! Sam was so kidding for sure.
I wonder if they write prescriptions for intelligence & experience?
I have the girl part down...
i took experience in life girls as mature not just sexually experienced hhaa
Lol, now I know that I'm a really good cook! I can do carrots in microwave!
Sam supposedly said Rob was very neat and tidy too...I think it's the same sarcasm we know and love from Rob, maybe? Or maybe he is a good cook and just doesn't do it. Something tells me he'd be good at just about everything...
There's some phony quotes here and the joke about Rob "cooking" is about as accurate as when Rob was in 'Potter' and let the interviewers think he was a talented sportsman. Bwahhha.
"Rob, gorgeous lover, I am intelligent and (well...) a little 'experienced-in-life' (whatever that means...), and a all-love-to-give-to-you greek/brazilian. Come, babe, come..."
Why are you taking so long???
"Rob, and you won't ever need to microwave carrots again... puhleeaze..."
I guess???
“Rob goes for intelligent, experienced-in-life girls,”
I read this as: "Rob goes for intelligent, and lifer girls"
as in prison terms, girls from the big house... haha..
I need to get my eyes checked. Too many shirtless Rob pics.
Oh I love it. Experienced in life means older women -that's my story and I'm sticking to it!! Oh Rob, I have LOTS of experience, and the things I can teach you! Come here baby.....
Goz, experienced in life sounds "older than him" Score one for our team!!
It DOES sound kinda slutty! ...Good thing too coz I don't think I could pull off the other kind of "experienced" ;)
It really sounds like he's looking for an older girl...here I am just few years older, experience, italian, blond, skinny, nice..
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