One of my friends , Trixie, she of the fabulously hot videos, went down to the Remeber Me Set and here is her report:
They just broke for lunch so everything was going to be shut down for at least an hour. Good time to head back to the office, I guess.
I should have left an hour ago, but I couldn't tear myself away. I mean, HE
WAS RIGHT THERE! Just across a narrow one way street. RIGHT
there. I could see his eyes! I could hear his VOICE! Couldn't fully make
out the dialogue, but could hear him.
Anyway, the crowd was very respectful, not unruly at all. People were spread
out a bit so there was plenty of room to maneuver.
I watched Rob do at least 5 takes of a scene where he is chatting with his
"side kick" and then walks away by himself. Ciggie in mouth (heaven help
me). I seriously don't know how he does it. Keeps his focus and does his
job while he knows that all of us gawkers are there just to stare at him.
Truly amazing.
When I first got there, they were shooting an earlier part of the same scene
where he is walking and talking with the "sidekick". They did a few takes
and then he went back into the building as they set up for the next shot.
Well, his entrance to the building was not being protected and a bunch of
girls ran up to him and tried to talk to him and get his autograph. Totally
RUDE. They guy is WORKING! Anyway, he was having no part of it.
When he was walking around between takes, he had 4 big guys around him at
all times.
Anyway, I'll NEVER EVER forget this day. EVER!
I'm still in complete and total shock. I can't believe it was that EASY to
see him and to get that close.

Pictures from TwiFans and PacificCoastNewOnline
I just fainted... *thud*.
OMG! Just came here to check today's news and WHAT did I miss the whole day!! This is unbelievable! Have no words! He's soo good looking! Never dreamed of such an pic overflow on the first day of shooting! Feel like I must jump up and down in my seat because of exitement. I'm going crazy here :).
Thank you for posting all this wonderful pics and news of our loved Robert today!
OMR!!! That first pic. I. AM. DIED.
Oh ladies:
Must keep chanting to self: Just a guy. Just a guy.
And yet, how can just a guy, scruffily traversing the sidewalk whilst chewing an ordinary coffee stirrer, be so, well, stirring?
And he is certainly chewing the HELL out of that innocent stirrer....
*penultimate photo: voice bubble originating from tip of coffee stirrer: "I have an erection"*
Well they aren't unruly now, unfortunately. Security needs to be stepped up pronto!
OH THEY"RE UNRULY...check out lainey's newest pics of some crazy psychos attacking Rob...poor guy.. that freak strangling him should be tasered!
meant first pic with the straw....DEAD DEAD DIED
I loved the third pic he looks so attractive but the first one he looks so yummy
that is THE coolest thing ever!!! i'm so glad she got that close to him...
thanks for sharing!
OMG, I wanted to share this with you ladies as soon as I got back to my office but work kept interrupting. I was there too!!!
I was kidding myself when I nonchalantly strolled a few blocks from my office for some Jamba Juice and cigarettes, knowing full well what was filming nearby, figured I'd catch sight of the crew, equipment, not much else. I went to film school and shoots happen around here all the time so I generally don't get excited by this sort of thing...was totally NOT prepared to have my heart leap into my throat when I caught sight of the plaid shirt. I kept expecting someone to pinch me or yell at me to stop walking but nobody did. So I leaned against the railing on the sidewalk directly (and I mean directly) across the street from him, so close that I didn't need my glasses to see his face clearly). He was leaning against the building, drinking water (I'm guessing it was water) from a clear plastic cup with a straw in between takes. I stood there for a good three minutes, that was all I could take. Couldn't stare for too long, I kept looking away, like looking into the sun (isn't that really corny?)
Rob is beautiful...Tall, lean, casual, pale, beautiful skin, run-my-fingers-through-your-hair hair, and breathtakingly beautiful. I did not take photos...though I appeared the picture of calm and acted NY-style blase on the outside, my hands were shaking so that I could barely text. And besides, it would've ruined my blase act if I started snapping photos with my phone. I realized I'd broken my self-imposed "don't get closer than 10 ft." rule. I felt exhilirated and just a bit stupid, don't ask me why. The longer I stood there, the more stupid I felt. Rob is beautiful.
Surprised there were not too many people (twas about 1:30). I used the railing for support and stared from behind my dark sunglasses in disbelief. Rob is beautiful. There were several people standing around him and other people on the railing around me eating lunch so it's not like I was gonna freak him out by staring absently across the street while I smoked. But the crowd grew larger and the PAs started shooing us to walk to the corners so we wouldn't block anything. At the beginning of each take, a PA would take his cup of water and exchange it for a cup of coffee. I walked through the park and watched them film him walking down the street with a cup of coffee, smoking a cigarette and glancing back at a passing blond. They did this a few times, lots of standing around. Probably would've been boring if i wasn't in a trance.
Lots of people watching didn't know who he was (which I was oddly happy about) or what was filiming, there were murmurs of "yeah, he's that vampire guy...what's his name?" There were only two or three photogs that I saw and everyone cooperated and moved back when asked. There were a few group of fangirls but everyone was well behaved. I guess there'll be a bigger crowd now that people know where they're at. He looked relaxed, just like a normal (albeit special) guy who might be mistaken for just another NYU student. I literally couldn't breathe and had to pull myself away and back to the office. I wish you guys were there to share in the moment. Rob is so beautiful.
I reminded myself that he was just an actor and that now that I had my private spazz-out, I needed to start breathing again. I pulled myself away and went back to work. I was only there for maximum fifteen minutes, but I still can't stop smiling....did I mention Rob was beautiful?
jane: he's being mobbed now!!
btw, jane: ur report is amazing!
Lucky girl!!!!
Thank you for sharing that! You remained so cool and composed, and did the Robsessors proud. :)
And what was that unusual word you used, to describe RP? Let me write it down: B-e-a-u....
Jane, thanks so much for sharing that with us. That was amazing. I'm so glad for you.
I'm so near and yet so far out here in the Bronx!
I love you, thank you for sharing this.
Rose, thanks for the sway.. I soo needed it, you saved me from death!
oh my god, they actually threw themselves on him!! he should have kicked them in the head, but obviously he is to nice for that. he just looks like he's thinking "hmm alright then, how about getting off me now?"
Poor Suz, have you recovered yet?? LOL
Jane thanks for your report, lucky girl!!!
OMG, i love rob as much as the next person, but its about respecting his boundaries.
he is only a human like the rest of us.
Give the bloke a break
Ok so I just saw those photos over at Lainy and I'm at a loss for words.
All I can say is that the person who sent Goz her account and Jane yours too...What a way to be classy ladies.
So proud that even though you are Robsessed you can maintain some decorum even if you are having your own private spazz out :)!!
poor man got attacked by girl fans haha so frustrating pics of him over newmoonmovie.org poor him attacked like that while shooting the film damn girls leave him alone the paps dont do that
Jane, I know that feeling of not being able to look at Rob for too long, so well.
And I'm so jealous right now!
To be able to actually gaze at him for a full 15 minutes...
And you did us proud by not taking pictures and for not...jumping him?
Actually scratch that, you should've jumped him.
Fuck, just saw Lainey's website.
What psychos...
And once again, living in Dallas bites me in the ass.
Trixie...so jealous...
First of all, you're my hero for your videos........seriously. you are gifted.
And soooo awesome you got to see him so close. I am amazingly jealous......
I want to be in NY!
TRIXIE!!!! I am still soooo happy for you! Thanks so much for sharing with us today...
Jane- Thanks for sharing this with us, you're great. I'm glad you were able to remain so calm and collected, not screaming like some of the fangirls.
so cool.
Jane, unbelievable...I can't believe you were only there 15 min. I would have have been able to pull myself away. Thanks for telling us how gorgeous he is in person..of course we all thought so..but it's good to get eye confirmation. How did Kristen stand it???
I meant "not" pull myself away...
holy crap.
so jealous / amazed by these in the flesh accounts. jane - literally got chills reading yours. can only imagine what it felt like standing that close to him.
congrats ladies and way to keep cool!! :)
see now that is how all of us should be. we should just be satisfied with watching him from afar and fight our urges to touch him. we must control of love for the dude so that we come across very sane. i mean look how ignorant those girls look. and they are seen as such through the internet in which millions of people use. so if anything karma is a bitch and they'll get back what's coming.
ugh some girls are just insane!
I just died!!
"Rob is beautiful...Tall, lean, casual, pale, beautiful skin, run-my-fingers-through-your-hair hair, and breathtakingly beautiful".
Cool description for a wonderful guy!!! thanks so much for sharing with us!! amazingly touching report!!
*sigh* *died*
{{{Thanks, so much Jane}}}}
Loved your report! Here's the headline: Jane says Rob is beautiful!
Jane - thanks so much for sharing the kind of encounter with Rob I think we'd all love to have - the chance to gaze at him for real and yet not be a negative factor in his life.
You did the Robsessors proud, and we all are on a vicarious high, thanks to you. Wait a minute - you forgot to say - was he at all, how can I put this, was he maybe just a little bit, oh I don't know . . . beautiful?
Wow Jane! You did us all proud!! :D
I would probably do the same thing if I was nearby.
Rob is beautiful, right? Ha ha.
thanks for sharing this amazing story, I'm so envious!! Wish I could be in NY too...
Jane, I don't think you said 'Rob is beautiful' enough LOL
I am envious of a coffee-stirrer stick.
I am died. Yet again.
I am envious of a coffee-stirrer stick.
I am died. Yet again.
jane that is just the best update. after all the crap of see those other pics. Your sighting of Rob is just exquisite.
rob is beautiful. rob makes us speechless. Sounds about totally right :)
thank you so very very much.
Do you know if he was shooting with those clothes? They are so "Rob-like"...
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