Robert Pattinson's 30 Hottest Stares

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Anonymous said...

I saw this...thought it was extra cute. Had to watch it three times...once for the jaw/lips, once for the eyes, and once for the hair. ;-)

MandyW said...

Wow- Thanks for posting this Goz. I loved it,all those different pictures of Rob in one place.

Ellie said...

Wow, I REALLY liked this.
*sigh and thud

Hello, I Love You! said...

Oh My! I don't know what to say... Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Pattinson?

Ellie said...
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Hello, I Love You! said...
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Kate said...

I thought the same as your tag Goz and thought it was a bit weird the way his head morphes from one to the other!! LOL

Poupette said...

omg, it's christmas :D thanks for this joyful moment ;)

Latebloomer said...


Normally I can control my squee-ing... but OMG... Sweet Lord...

pardon while I pick my jaw up off the floor...

Anybody got a mop?

Anonymous said...

.....just 30.......oh...there are many MANY more!

kchambers77 said...

it's kind of neat that you can see how he's growing more into his features the older he gets. man he's going to just get hotter as he gets older.

Marna said...

Morphing Rob! I can't beleive somebody has the time to do this, is this an actual job? LOL

Anonymous said...

Thaaaank yoooouuuu for posting this Gozde .. I couldn't see it on People Magazine Page

Loooooooooooooove xoxo Melly

RPnKSaddict said...

only 30? I gotta go with the kind of creepy. not sure I liked the way they did the morphing.

Haystackhair said...

um..ok. I think I liked it. Well, it was Rob after all, but yes, a tad strange morphing from one to the other. LOL

showme said...

LOL> i said, a little kreepy, a little hot, a lot of fun

Esp the hair-morphin' LOL

Kortnii said...

uhm. they morphed his face. into his face. into his face. into his face...30 times over. this is not ok.
and Ive seen hotter pics of him to be honest haha.

THIRTYGIRL2009 said...

I don't think I'll ever understand how looking at Rob never fails to always makes me smile and blush simultaneously!

Unknown said...


fucking awesome.. the man is killing me! :)))

Anonymous said...

Great pics of him. Awesome transformation.

Anonymous said...

Reminded me of that video for the somg "Cry" by Godly and Gream. However, it had far superior subject matter! That very last stare is my desk top and has been foe a while. It's a treat to turn on my computer these days. Thanks for posting it..♥

Anonymous said...

Oops..."Song"...not somg..

Hannah said...

That is all kinds of creepy and hot

monika said...

there are times I quite 'like' Lainey

'How much did Chace Crawford have to pay to get on that cover?'

'Who did he have to fuck to get on that cover? He would have preferred someone with a penis.'

Emily said...

That was cool...and a little weird. The hair morphing was definitely my favorite. It has a life of it's own.

That man so knows how to work the camera.

phosphorus said...

Perhaps it was someone with a penis. ;-)

Gemgirl65 said...

What is the world coming to when is posting cheesy fan videos of Robert Pattinson???

I mean really???

It's one thing if I do it for shitz and giggles, but PEOPLE magazine? Clearly I have been going about this all wrong as I'm not getting paid.

LOL I watched it though, it was pretty. *guilty as charged*

Mighty Morphin' Power Robert!

THIRTYGIRL2009 said...

Chace who???????????

Mechevpao said...

the morphing thing was kind of scary..
People mag, it´s page showing a video of at least 30 Rob´s stare.. I thought they didn´t car about him.. isn´t it Chace (i don´t know his last name, nor what he does) but they still put on a small frame a pic of Rob on the cover, some mags are desperate to keep him in the cover even if he has nothing to do with it..

rpattzdude said...

haha really cool he truly looks like him self, im saying so because every time i see pics of him he looks different from previous pic.
nah honey the clip aint that creepy :P

Cali said...

Mmmmm...chameleon eyes *sigh*

Chiari_Pattz said...

Hi, I follow your blog sometimes, also because I often read news in (an italian fan site) where often they report your articles. Well I adore your pics, your videos but also what you write :D !! And obviously also because of our common obsession ;) !!
You make a really good job :) !!
Good night!


Gozde said...

Mwah! Thank you guys :)

spellbound said...

Well that was different...Rob in whatever form you put him in (or morph him in) is fine by me....and I do mean fiiiiiiiiiine

monika said...

'NY SET: 'Remember Me' filming just wrapped for the day.'9 minutes ago from web

lulusfolie said...

ha ha... ok that was abit creepy... and to be honest... rob sort of looked the same in all the shots. hhmm i think i need a break from rob for a bit if i'm thinking these thoughts.

Christy P said...

wow - nice to come home from work and watch this. Made me forget about my crazy day and think about... you know what!

Shani said...

So now People magazine want to recognize. Pfft

But somebody do need to steal this and put a hot sexy song with it. Then come back here and share with the class. Those of you with those magical technical skills get on it.

Anonymous said...

I love how his eyes are in the same place in the frame of the picture, but his hair expands and contracts!

Georgie said...

Mesmerising, breathtaking, captivating, addictive, turning-me-into-a-madly-obsessed-woman....if that is the definition of "creepy", then, yeah...creepy!

Treasure_7 said...

Wow...Thudd!! he is so cute!!

Ms. Bonderson said...

I love the stares... not so much the morphing between pictures though. That's a little strange.

bbonin said...

I loved it!!!! The eyes! *sighs*

Babs said...

I think that the morphing is kinda creepy but his stares are priceless :)

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