Robert Pattinson - Remember Me 06/20/2009

larger of this:

Is he learning how to ride a bike?
The guy next to him looks worried and is ready to catch him if he falls :)

Photo Credit: says Nina Schubert is pining over Rob. Well, first love is hard to forget...Harder if he says he never fell in love before...

They probably just heard of Nina and are trying to spread gossip. So take it with a bucket of salt :)


Taking full advantage of a beautiful summer day in New York City, Robert Pattinson was spotted filming his new movie “Remember Me” in Central Park this morning (June 30).

The “Twilight” stud looked to be having a good time as he shot a few outdoor scenes, relaxing and chatting with crew and cast members in between takes.

In related news, it seems Robert used to have a thing for the girl next door - literally. The “New Moon” hunk used to date Nina Schubert, a girl who lived around the corner from him. And now that he’s famous, she’s pining over him.

An insider told press, “Nina hasn’t been able to get over Rob and shake the fact that she was his first love. Over the past year, it really hit her hard when she saw him get famous. She realizes that she had Rob all to herself, but now he seems to be the subject of every girl’s dreams and fantasies. She’s still trying to come to grips with what happened between them.”

“Even though Nina was modeling, she wasn’t famous. She and Rob were able to do the simple things most young couples do, like walk hand-in-hand in the park and go to movies. They got to know each other without the world watching. Nina and Rob continued to date as their careers took off. They moved in together in London and, for a time, they were the golden couple.”

Thanks to CarinaOlsen for the tip :) Never heard of Nina? Check HERE :)


Anonymous said...

rob on bike? oh dear lord..... could he get hotter?

Lizalou said...

Oh, I'm ruined. Blast this man!

Haystackhair said...

How is it possible that he gets hotter with every picture? This man is going to be the death of me. Gorgeous. And that Nina girl is TALL! LOL

Alexandra said...

"3009"? haha I think you're right Rob will still be remembered in a 1000 years :D

WinWin said...

Holy Cow!!! I am so done right now, how much hotter can he possibly look. This makes up fo rthe awful pants that were falling off him yesterday. I can't concentrate anymore. The one on the bike kills me.

Hi Liza!

Ms. Hawking said...

Bloddy Hell!!
only he can be so hot!!

Gozde said...

Why the fuck do I ALWAYS put a wrong date is beyond me :P Every day! I type the wrong date. Rob dazzles me :))

Anna said...

Hello handsome... Oh, my, he's looking goood today!!

And please, someone get him off this bike before he hurts himself.

I call total BS on the Nina thing. From what I've read she seems like a pretty strong-willed and independent lady. She's probably the one who threw Rob out when he decided to play a lovesick teenage vampire, lol :)))

Alexandra said...

LOL Gozde we're right there with you. Usually when I see new pictures of him I don't even remember my name nevermind the date :P

NY DEAL GAL said...

Totally ruined for the day. I will not be able to concentrate. He makes a bad habit like smoking look like the sexiest thing in the world!

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Are you there, God? It's me, Mrs. Robinsane.

I'm trying really, REALLY hard to feel sorry for this girl, Nina.

Still trying.

I need a miracle here, God.

*curse that lucky Nina!*

Mrs. Robinsane said...

And hi, Win!

Mommamary said...

Hey, Goz, Rob will be even this hot in 1000 years! I agree with you! (P.S. look at the date you posted at the top. 3009. LOL!) But I am with you, girl, I think his hotness is timeless! And maybe he really is Edward! LOL

Libbyrenee said...

OMG good way to start the day! now I won´t be able to do any kind of work... hehehe... BTW... who´s the little girl playing his sister? I look around and I can´t find a complete list of the cast...

anyway... love rob in a bike! just don´t hurt yourself honey!

WinWin said...

Littlebear, ITA, I call BS on the whole Nina/Rob thing. Media just looking to fill the gap until the think of more stories with KS or EDR.

Gozde, you are my life now. I cannot function without visiting you several times a day. Thank you. oxoxo

Kathy#1 said...

Nice pics, Goz, on my birthday no less!

Ok, that little girl has NO IDEA how lucky she is. It's so typical of kids..they don't care about fame and celebrity..she's just playing ike always.

Those pics of him riding the bike are so sweet and adorkable. He did ride a bike in LA with Javier but maybe he forgot how!!

Hey Liza, Mrs. R., Win..

Kathy#1 said...

"like" in prev post

Babs said...

Omg smoking has never looked so sexy!! The pic with the cig hanging from his mouth is to die for...

kimberlesk said...

Thanks Goz -- now how am I supposed to go about the rest of my day???? Could he get any more gorgeous? GAAAHHH so awkward on the bike, luv how his foot twists in! and smoking, I swear that boy is gonna get me to smoke again!!

Stephanie said...

Good Lord, the man is beautiful.

spellbound said...

Putting out his cig on the rabbit's head seems so Happy birth...uh, RobDay Kathy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Er....Godze...the date is still's 30th today!!!! Never mind though. thank you so much for getting these pictures up so quickly. He looks stunning....just stunning. I'm dreading it when we go back to just the odd one or two pics per week once he's back in Vancouver.

LovetheLips said...

Mrs.R and WinWin - hellooooooooo!

Treasure_7 said...

Rob just keeps getting hotter!!

monika said...

Yvonne said...

Thank you for posting these so quickly!!!

Fantastic pictures....I love the little girl in some of the shots :) She's like the "human shield" for the papz :)))

And as for Nina...I can hear the conversation now....

N: "Rob, I know what we had is over, but now that you are FAMOUS, well, I've had a change of heart...."

R: "Ok, well in that case, since you want me back, now that I'm

monika said...

Tyler and Caroline awww,their scenes are gonna rock

Unknown said...

how he looks is beyond my fucking imagination!
sooo great!!! :)))))

Yvonne said...

Monika, thnx for the Popsugar link. Those pictures are adorable....the pics of him with the little girls are so freakin cute....aaaand then he puts his cigarette out on the bunny....oh well.

Sophia Z.86 said...

You know... when you are alone, sex with someone you already know, someone you had a relationship with, can be a damn good thing to relax... you don't have to go through the "get to know each other first", "get to make a nice impression first"... It can be really good...

Just sayin...
Damn Nina...

WinWin said...

Monika, thanks for the popsugar links. We are getting so spoiled. What will we do when he is done with this film?

CSI_Kat said...

Gorgeous pics! The man is gonna be the death of me one day.

monika said...

wanabRPsmom said...

oh, s h i t..I am sad. the dialogue between Tyler and lil' sis at the park.
RM is going to make me cry!:(

see you ladies.
need to stay away from Robsessed for awhile. have things to really get done at home.

GOZDE: Thank you for your RP dedicated site.:)))

Anonymous said...

Rob on his bike - yummy, just setting off all wonky and adorkable ! love him. HOW hot is that picture of him smoking and dimping it out on rabbits head - funny. He looks like a bloody male model sat on that statue! I swear I have died and gone to heaven looking through these pics. He is gonna kill me of hyperventilation.... I swear.*pant*pant*pant*sweet jesus*pant*

showme said...

my ovaries hurt.

monika said...

and here's the video

Anonymous said...

hey everyone! :)

just popping my head in for a quick peek and see rob in all his dorkiness on a bike... i love how his foot is all wonky

the jeans are delicious too

WinWin said...

Hugs to 30. : ) How are you?

Anonymous said...

hey win! good, good. how are you?

oh! and i love this new banner! :)

Stacy said...

He looks awesome - LOVE the jeans. Just when I think he can't get any hotter, he goes and hangs out with kids and an iron bunny at Central Park ... sigh

On another note, anyone know if they are shooting the interiors in NYC? Some are saying they won't be, but I thought the whole shoot was to be done in NYC...

Jaime said...

It is my personal belief that Rob should keep his wardrobe from this movie because he looks damn good in pretty much all of it.

Unknown said...

How I am ever gonna survive this movie I don't know. The pictures alone are killing me. I might need an ambulance on stand by!!!

pattycakes said...

I agree with you all, HOW can this man just keep getting hotter with each photo????? And Gox, bless you for you blog, you're the greatest. Yes he takes my breath away, but who need to breathe. I absolutly can't wait to see this movie, more so than New Moon, cause Rob is so like himself in this movie, not a vampire, or geek, or wizard, or Dali, or haunted airman, etc.etc. just Rob, a 23 yr. old HOTTIE.

pattycakes said...

Sorry Goz, typo, misspelled you. Rob gets me so discombobulated.

franky said...

Oh my, I can help him ride that bike.

Jala said...

I just duck in here every now nd again (can't do it much while I'm traveling) and each time I do I'm just knocked over by the incrediby hot new Robpics that are being posted every day.

So good to have this site full of Robyumminess.

Thanks so much Gozde and Dani.

And hello everyone!

albaville said...

smoking has never been so sexy..OMG help me to take alL this...I WANT SMOKE WITH U ROB :))

Bellanieve said...


To me it is also the Hallmark of a true acting "star" the fact He is not so full of Himself...He seems Happy in his SKIN and at ease...
So wonderful to see this all evolve before our eyes...

Mochachino said...

Jesus I can not wait for this movie.
Rob with kids (also see,

and, yes, what looks like Rob practicing to ride a bike? Maybe there's a bike stunt? Heh.

I'm screwed. I've tried to stay away, I really have. I am out of excuses at work. I am just no longer in control of myself.

That is some of the best smokingporn yet (sounds wrong but I seem not to be the only one appreciating it :).

BellaMarie85 said...

Libby, The little girl paying Caroline is Ruby Jerins. She is also in Nurse Jackie.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

All these photos are killing me! This movie will be the death of me as well.
It's already a sad story, and through Rob in there and I will die!
God he's beautiful-and to see him with a child-it's a miracle I'm still breathing..
The Nina story..hmm, don't know-either way, ya snooze ya lose!

Libbyrenee said...

Thank you Marie85!

SeamusDuncan said...

I am 5'11", and older than Rob. I LOVE that he dated her. I have a standee of him in my office and it is just the right kissable height. He's perfect in every way. *sigh* Gets even more so every day.

BTW, I just LOVE this website! Gozde, you are a hoot, as are all the regulars.

Love to you all, Seamus & Duncan's mom

meryma said...

I am repeating myself but what can I say...he is gorgeous, beautiful, stunning,drop-death sexy, etc.

This day, 30.06 shall be remembered as the best pics day of Rob ever! (well knowing him I can't be absolutely sure but still...)

Marna said...

God he is hot, it's killing me! And he looks so cute when he's talking to the girls.

I think Rob is pigeon toed, his feet always seem to be turned in.

lostinphilly said...

Just beautiful!! Yeah, I also think Rob is pigeon-toed and it's so adorkable. His wonky Gumby legs also. Rob on a bike is also adorkable.
As for the Nina thing, I saw an article before saying that she's living somewhere in Europe(I forget what country) with boyfriend or fiance; and that Rob remains on friendly terms with him; but nothing going on with them, just friends.But, like you say, take it all with a bucket of salt.

Unknown said...


I bet Rob does keep his wardrobe. He did an interivew with an MTV intern/fan last year, during which she realized he was wearing Edward clothes from the Twilight shoot. He looked truly embarrassed. The whole interview was adorable - let me see if I can find the link in case you haven't seen it, hang on...

That is just the clip where she busts him on the clothes, but there are a couple more parts to the interview floating around on the interwebs too.

Unknown said...


I bet Rob does keep his wardrobe. He did an interivew with an MTV intern/fan last year, during which she realized he was wearing Edward clothes from the Twilight shoot. He looked truly embarrassed. The whole interview was adorable - let me see if I can find the link in case you haven't seen it, hang on...

That is just the clip where she busts him on the clothes, but there are a couple more parts to the interview floating around on the interwebs too.

Biel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tess said...

Love the all the Alice Photo's, but is Rob really stubbing out his ciggie on the White Rabbit's head or is that just an odd angle??? tsk tsk tsk..

I call bs on all the Nina pining for Rob stuff.

SeamusDuncan said...

Rob is a great bike rider, definitely not just learning. He rode up and down some pretty steep hills in Little Ashes, leaving Javier Beltran in the dust. Looks pretty comfortable balancing on the bike with his feet on the park bench, so he has to be fairly familiar with it.

I'd love to ride off into the sunset with him, any time.

domisgone said...

Where am I?

What is this?!?

Who... **melts**

Please. Stop with the pictures. My brain... can't handle it anymore.

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