Robert Pattinson Looked GOOD in Japan

[info]yoyo_j wrote in [info]pattinsonlife :

The last pic: Photographer asked Rob to pose like a vampire. And he tried...
Look at his hand! LOL

In the interview Rob talks about In-N-Out cheeseburger. Obviously he loves it.
When he stays in LA, he wakes up in the morning thinking "I want to have 5 cheeseburgers!"
I'm sure he's kidding, but cute :)

Since we can't get enough of Japan Rob check out the rest of our Japan coverage here :)


Mrs. Robinsane said...


Last two shots: senior class yearbook photos!

RPnKSaddict said...

Wth am I doing here so early on a Sat morning....I just can't get enough of this beautiful creature.

Bless you Gozde for feeding my addiction, morning, day,and night.

Mrs. Robinsane said...

And I do believe this is the first time I have glimpsed a portion of his bare LEGS.

*new Pattinson porn category: knee porn?*

riddleinside said...

OUR ROB IS SO SWEET :) He always makes me smile.

marya said...

hahaha! knee porn! omg! hell yeah! lol

i cracked up with the first picture hes all like "heyyy what up man!"
rob gansta :D lol
his lips in that pic....oh my...lip porn!

god hes looking soooo fine in these pics

the vampire pic...i mean thats so cute! hes so adorable....

i cant help but gasp every time i see a new pic of him...i dont know why it seems like he looks better with each that possible?

maha said...

he looks so gorgeous of them all, I like his photos specially the one before the last one

kchambers77 said...

i can cook a really awesome cheeseburger.

phosphorus said...

Mrs. Robinsane, haven't you seen the trailer for Little Ashes yet? The sceen at the beach? He's got beautiful legs. Gözde posted it here a while ago, surely she added adequate tags to it.

phosphorus said...

Klick here to get the full dosis, Mrs. Robinsane.

Dahlia said...

Bedroom eyes!

I still can't get used to the effect he has on me <3

sweetdutchie said...

Thanks Gozde, love these pictures. The Japan pictures are my favorites too. And these last 2 pictures are so not helping to finish my Saturday chores, blech!! But what a great way to start the day and get motivated to come back to this site ASAP :)

Diane said...

Rob must be the first "model" in history whose outtakes are more beautiful than anyone else's best shots.

Lizalou said...

Looking good, mighty fine, pretty tasty - baby, is there any more room for me in those jeans?

Damned fine man!

Anna said...

aww, looking damn tasty in these pics, but also a bit skinny... have a cheeseburger honey, or five!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I'm cool with everyone else using the "porn" tag on Rob's various body parts. But I can't write that. For me it conjures up all kinds of things that don't apply to Rob. It is just not me. So, if you all can forgive me, I'm substituting "love." What can I say, I'm a romantic.

Used in a sentence: I agree Mrs. R with the knee love.

And Rob, I live in the town where the In-N-Out Burger was invented---surely, worth a visit?

BTW~Where the heck is KK? Yeah, I want to "talk" to her, too.

Now I feel better.

Stacy said...

Good morning! What a lovely thing to wake up to! I'm loling at him waking up and wanting 5 cheeseburgers. Typical man!

Diane, ITA about the outtakes!

Lizalou said...

Hi Stacy :)

Rob needs some Portillos. I bet the boy has never had a proper, Chicago Italian beef. The little carnivore would *love* it!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Chicago - Hey, Girl! I've been off the radar a bit trying to clean my woeful disaster of a house and write the next great American novel...or the next great pile of campfire kindling!!:))))

I agree with Mrs. R...that one pic looks like a yearbook cute.

Hope everyone has been doing well on the blog!! I'll be lurking around today...

Stacy said...

Hi Liza:) I think Rob is a bit of a foodie, lol, so I bet he would love some good ole Chicago food.

Hey KK and Thirty:)

Lizalou said...


Chicago food would certainly fatten him up a bit! :-p

DD said...

awwww I really like the last two shots. Casual Rob. Outtake pics just keep poppin up. So great to have pics I haven't seen before. Gotta keep feeding the addiction!

Kelly said...

OK... Seriously DUDE... cut me a break here... LOOK BAD DAMNIT! I mean... if you could even manage to look just OK.. I'll take that.. but picture after picture... if you have any compassion in your heart.. at all... one picture tha's got nothing.. just BLECHK... come on you're an actor you can do it!

OH and thanks Gozde... I love that you post all these wonderful pics and I hope your family is all well... I hope things are back to as normal as things can be... nothing seems normal since the robsession began : )

Kelly said...

Chigirl.. I agree with you... I'm a romantic too.. Knee love works.. : )Jaw love... hand love... neck love.. lips.. love... I love all of him all..

You know what I especially love... and it's weird to me at the same time.. I love that my breathing actually catches for just a second when I see these pics.. each time.. weird I know.. its weird... but it feels great!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi guys! Good morning. Cute pics to wake up to! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

Mrs. R.-how are you, if you're still on. Yearbook photos-cute-lol

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Kel!

Hey Liza-missed you last night!


CullenGal09 said...

Anybody still on, or did i just miss?!?

CullenGal09 said...

Anybody still on, or did i just miss?!?

CullenGal09 said...

Well, i was just popping in anyway-unfortuntely we have a funeral to go to, so i gotta go for now. Hope to cath you guys later though.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I think it is entirely possible that Rob has had Portillos. Even though it is a Chicago-based family restaurant, a family member moved out here a few years ago and opened one in Buena Park (only Portillos outside of Illinois).

DH and I go there sometimes and hang with the Chi ex-pats.

Stacy said...

Now I am jonesing for a Chicago deep dish pizza, thanks!

Hi CG:) I will in and out today. Have about 900 things to do!

Lizalou said...


I have one of those deep dish pizzas sitting on my kitchen counter right now!

Although, it was ordered at 2 a.m., a band of ravenous drunks ravaged it, and it's been sitting out all night...


Chicago girl now in LA said...

Stacy, Liza~

I'd love to give Rob a Chicago food in LA tour! First, we'd stop in Burbank for a vienna dog at Taste Chicago (owned by actor Joe Mantegna), then to the OC (Placentia) for deep dish (best cheese) at Tony's Little Italy, then Buena Park for an Italian Beef (I'd have a polish myself) at Portillos and finally way the hell out to the Inland Empire to Chicago Pasta House (best sauce)for another deep dish to take home and live on for a couple days. Rule: all of these places are owned by Chicagoans.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Lizalou~Sounds like your DD is properly aged-just the way I like it!

Hello Stacy, KK, Phos, Diane, Kelly, CG!

Kelly~Well, now we've got two romantics. Rob's pics make me smile and since I'm a serious person generally, that is quite impressive! I need someone who can make me laugh!

Lizalou said...


I'll give him the Chicago food tour *in* Chicago and you can do the LA Chgo food tour, deal? ;)

It's nice to know that if I end up moving west, I can still get a taste of home.
Btw, I did actually know about the Portillos out there. A friend of mine moved to San Diego and treks up to it every so often to get his fix.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Also, just have to say kudos to the return of the Robkats last night who were in VERY FINE FORM! Y'all were smokin' hot and glad to see you back!

Stacy said...

Damnit girls, now I am really starving, lol. Thanks a lot!

Kathy#1 said...

Hey RP, CG, Stacy, Chicago Girl, and all..only on for a short time. Love the pics though..had to comment...I think it's funny they had him hold up something with his own signature..not sure what that's about.

LovetheLips said...

I agree with Diane..."Rob must be the first "model" in history whose outtakes are more beautiful than anyone else's best shots."

He just never looks bad does he?

Anonymous said...

haha the last pic he's saying "RAWR"

come get me, tiger ;)

RPnKSaddict said...

Hey Kathy (waves)!

Kelly- glad to see you survived the rather savored is a better word like, love....

My heart always speeds up and my stomache does flips everytime I see or hear him..

Your breath catching sounds more romantic though...

Shani said...

He was looking all cutesy in Japan. What the hell happened to that cute grey and blue hoodie? As much as I love hoddie woobie he really does need to switch it up.

I had to look at the quips and quotes video. That was the adorkable Rob we all love and adore. I can't wait to see what other gems he gives us this year.LOL

Sophia Z.86 said...

I could lick that knee till death!!

Sophia Z.86 said...

He looked GOOD in Japan? Oh, get down to earth: he always looks good...

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi phosphorus!

Thank you so much for linking me to RP's legs. :)

*chewing on that one for a minute...*

I must note that he kept his knees (porn knees!) turned chastely away from the camera....

And hello, chicago girl: I, of course, mean no disrespect to RP when I associate any of his body parts with the lurid and potentially reductive "porn" tag. ;P

His is more of a complex brand of "porn," for RP possesses a startling mixture of extremely masculine and vaguely feminine physical features, whose sum is capable of instantaneously and mindlessly arousing the viewer—but his unique joviality, musicality, and dexterity also seem to promise, to a dizzying degree, an intimate experience dominated by affection, skill, enthusiasm, patience, and the utmost concentration.

*not that Mrs. R has thought about it much*

Kathy#1 said...

phos, when I saw that scene at the beach of LA, and they were moving the camera sloooowly up his body..yum...

Kathy#1 said...

Liza..we all want to be in those jeans...

Kathy#1 said...

Chicago and out and Rob in the same sentence is just...oh..and it's only the afternoon.

Mary+Joyce said...

Nice pics of Robert Pattinson.I think what attracts a lot of girls to Robert is his translation as Edward Cullen.the hunky obsessed lover that every girl wants.a guy who will never get old and who has nice cars.

Mary+Joyce said...

Nice pics of Robert Pattinson. i think a lot of girls are drawn to RPattz because he is Edward Cullen.He is has this aura for brooding.Everyone thinks that he is also the same as Edward, an obsessive lover

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