Robert Pattinson Leaving Remember Me Set 06192009

Why the sad face Robbie? :(

Photo Credit: Bauer Griffin Online


Victoria said...

Maybe he's tired and can't wait for a beer. It is Friday after all.

tracyvanhorne said...

Probably got a mad case of blue balls after all that hot beach making out... AHHAHAHAHA! Needs some relief, I'm sure some of the ladies here would be willing to help him out with that. ;)

Stacy said...

Victoria - I agree. Who knows if he's sad or not,

And lmao tracy!

Am I the only one kinda loving his slightly sweaty tee?

Anonymous said...

@tracyvanhorne I'd totally help him out there ;)

he looks so serious but dead sexy!

Pinkpixiechick said...

Big burly dude in the white shirt = new security guy?

Go back to the hotel, Rob, grab a beer and take a nap. Then go out with a group of people, including at least one pretty actress, in a completely platonic setting, so we can speculate all next week, ok?

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I think he is tired. I mean making out with Emilie isn't that easy ;)
but even tired he is gorgeous. XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

that grey shirt is worn the hell out! geez...

mmmmm that hair and those shades though...

Maryann said...

IF he's been on the beach all day I know how that feels, that makes ME dead tired. He is also most likely FED UP with the constant paparazzi that are everywhere.

So yeah he's tired and fed up I bet. I guess the guy in white t-shirt is his bodyguard?

Victoria said...

I just wonder if he's wearing all of his own clothes and saving Summit a ton in wardrobe :). He really should go out and relax tonight. he's had a full week.

Stacy said...

Victoria, could be, but that would mean that Rob actually bought new clothes, lol.

I agree, he's probably exhausted and sick of the paps.

Anonymous said...

he looks tired..........

c'mon home baby, i've got a coupla cold beers and a hot bath ready for us....

Anonymous said...

I wonder how a guy his age under such scrutiny handles their very strong urge for sex but...can't get any due to the media.

I wonder if his wrist hurts any??

showme said...



Ohhhhhhh , i want to pull them

please let me pull them rob

Tiffany said...

He looks SO cute! Maybe because he's in "normal" clothes. LOL

rpgirl27 said...

maybe he's upset 'cause he's got sand all up in his underdrawers lol!...he has been rolling around a beach all day!!

Anonymous said...


i believe his wrists probably are SORE and that leads up to his limp wrist affliction.

Anonymous said...

and @sho: since you are the designated peen watcher...i had better go back and look at those pics AGAIN!!

janehofstra said...

Oooh, I'm late to the party! Just realized this is the same beach we went to at dawn after senior prom (: He's probably got sand all up his shorts.

I guess Tyler really likes plaid?! Loving the hair, the shades, the pale hairy legs...looks like he got some color?

SHO, LMAO, of course you'd notice those!

showme said...


the peen spotting position is a full time job...LOL

Anonymous said...

sho- ah yes, those are some parentheses i would love to be in between!!

Haystackhair said...

He's sad because he heard about Kristin and Oregano...LOL. KIDDING!!!!! He's probably hoping there are no crazies waiting for him at his hotel...

Stacy said...

You know, I think he's been lucky since he switched hotels after the first day or two. We haven't had any pap pics of him coming and going, so maybe he is at least getting some privacy there.

Haystackhair said...

Oh good catch on the drawstrings. LMAO.

Anonymous said...

yup oregano has finally been spotted...stalking K's house apparently, J/K..who knows....

Anonymous said...

yup oregano has finally been spotted...stalking K's house apparently, J/K..who knows....

Georgie said...

I love how after reading your comments I have to go back and look at the pictures again with a new perspective. Showme...LOL but yeah!!

KL said...

Stacy - how did you know he switched hotels?

Alexpz said...

I love the green pants..hahaha

WinWin said...

Woah, that security guard must be tall, he towers over Rob.

LOL. Rob is probably has sand up his shorts. Or tracy's theory of blue balls works for me.

WinWin said...

jane, shit I went there after my prom too.

WinWin said...

Show, naughty, naughty! I noticed too. : )

WinWin said...

BTW, he doesn't look sad to me, maybe more like tired. Read they were there since 6am.

Stacy said...

I read that somewhere earlier in the week. I'm sorry I can't remember where, but I THINK it was from somewhere reputable. It makes sense tho, because they were all over him the first nights and since then there hasn't been any shots (that I know of) him coming/going from hotel.

rpattzdude said...

oooh its just not his week
want to cry when i see those pics of him so sad maaan dont be sad we dont want to look so sad

Mechevpao said...

Show, always fixated on it...

Mommamary said...

I don't think Rob is sad, Goz. I think he is tired and hot. See his T-shirt is sweaty around his tummy and rib area.
Oh, Robbie, I will sponge you off if you need me to! It is no trouble at all! I am totally cereal!

Lisa Serrano said...
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Lisa Serrano said...

Don't think he's sad. Just knows Paps are there.

I loved in the video all of those bodyguards fully dressed in pants with dress shoes at the beach.

It was funny watching them walk in the sand :)

Kathy#1 said...

Tracy...yes we would all LOVE to help him with that...

He's prob sad because he realizes he have to go outside the comfort of the set and get screamed at, stalked, assaulted, and hit...

Kathy#1 said...

Stacy...I need to go back and look at that sweaty T..gahhh...

Shani said...

I spy pija.LOL

Kathy#1 said...


Kathy#1 said...

Mech..and I love that sho is...she's damn right on...the peen...

Shani said...

I just said this in the other thread but I'm going to say it one more time. I'm glad for the brick walls aka bodyguards he has now.

I dare a bitch to jump him now. Their asses will be knocked the fuck out. Trust and believe.;P

Hell, he's sad because of this silly shit he has been going through these last few days. Lets see, getting jumped by crazy ass fans and almost getting killed. I wouldn't be grinning and jumping up and down. Hello somebody...

showme said...

oh, more peen parentheses

God, i love that....

Suz said...

Week one in the Can!

what an emotional week.

I am an emotional wreck.

Let's hope week two goes smoother for our boy.



lostinphilly said...

Yeah, I think he's just tired, full of sand, uncomfortable, sweaty, and paranoid about what may happen when he faces the paps and crazy fans. Our baby needs a nice shower (don't start, girls) a nap, and then to go out for some beers and relax.

Mechevpao said...

Shani.. LOL, well use of the term.. never better used..
Kathy, I agree, we love Showme for that reason

Pinkapple said...

Did anyone notice the little girl in the photo????
Possibly the chosen girl to play Caroline Rob's little sister????

RPnKSaddict said...

Sho you kill me lol. I nearly spit my drink all over my keyboard.

Showme( the Robpeen Spotter) this should be your new tag...

Tess said...

Love the well worn in shirt. It's literally hanging together by gossamer fine threads in the middle there!! haha. I think I can see through it ~ or maybe I'm just wishful thinking?

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