I don't know what went wrong last night. The pictures were all messed up, so here they are again, featuring the best pout in the world :)
Rob filming on set after the CabGate:)


Photos from: Bauer Griffin Online
Thanks to Monika for the tip ;)
Rob filming on set after the CabGate:)

Photos from: Bauer Griffin Online
Thanks to Monika for the tip ;)
Looking good as usual!
Here are two new pictures from ET news: http://en.twilightpoison.com/movies/new-moon-the-movie/entertainment-tonight-screencaps-new-rob-pictures.html
I hope they come in better quality soon:)
Thank you Goz!
Yeah he looks good, as usual. Those lips! *sigh*
omg he makes the cutest faces!!!!
and thank gawdddddd we have a tux scene!!!! im gonna be drooling for sure lol love the skinny tie :D
The boy can't take a bad picture! Loving Rob in a suit and those lips are indeed luscious...THUD :)))
I love all of the photos but he looks vunerable under that hoodie....until the last photo where he kinda looks a bit pissed.
Is Rob like anemic or something? I mean why is always so layered up... maybe it's just cuz I live in Tex-ass where it's already topped out at 1M% humidity and 3 digit heat index... is it really that cold in NY? Christ, maybe I need to take a vacation there before I melt down here....
That last hoodiewoobie one absolutely SLAYS me. he looks so mature in that one...like his face suddenly aged overnight.
God, how i love this man.
That pout absolutely cracks me up. LOL lit'rally
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