Robert Pattinson in NYC 06/18/2009

Post updated :)


Anonymous said...

I love the pout!!!!

Alexandra said...

The face he's making in the first 4 pictures is so cute!

and look at that hand... :P

I'm glad to see he's ok.

Noe said...


i know that pout is so adorable. our baby is soo cute. oh and that suit... gorg!

Anonymous said...

yay! wish come true!
Rob in a tie! XD


Hansom Ransom said...

Oh my...:::THUD::: His facial expression is sort of haunting, though. Either he is concentrating or seems sad. Like he is devoid of something. It makes me a little sad.

THIRTYGIRL2009 said...

Love those lips! My poor adorable boy...

Hansom Ransom said...

And it makes me feel a little guilty for thinking he looks absolutely amazing in these pics

Anonymous said...

it makes me sad to see him look sad...

monika said...

hot damn 0_0

monika said...

Okay, fan there says those pics are not from when it happened. He was wearing something different. Again Rob is okay.


She´s a wild child said...

he´s alive...:D
i love guys in suits <3

Noe said...

oo thanks so much monika.

hot damn in deed. sheesh kabobs.

Cindeeloo said...

OK, so why did they remove BEST POUT IN THE WORLD??????

Some people are so selfish!!!!!


Suz said...



The hands...people.. the.. hands

annycullen said...

awe he doesnt look happy. )= at least he's okay (= i wanna meet rob, the right way haha

spellbound said...

Amen Suz...the hands...amazing hands...

Jaime said...

omg the fingers in the first picture. and his face. and the fingers. need help breathing.

monika said...

one more pic

AnnaD said...

Oh the hands...for the love of all that's holy...the hands...

rpattzdude said...

haha cant agree less those hands

but guess like almost everybody else i noticed him sad man dont break our hearts we want smiles :) hope nothing is troubling u hun

RPnKSaddict said...

Some amazing hand and of course the suit. I wonder if he has any idea what kind of termoil the clipping caused today.

I hope he knows that the many of us are concerned for his well being.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

He doesnt look real happy, i dont think NEW YORK IS GOING TO BE HIS FAVORITE PLACE...

Its cool that his friends are there, i was hoping he would find a good safe place, but the big apple will just be another prison, like hollywood... too bad...


Suz said...

Rob will do what he always does.. surround himself with friends and chill. It's been a long week. Hopefully he will get away for the weekend... Summit needs a place in the Hamptons.

Ana73 said...

suz totally agree with you.

Tenneil said...

Suz~ MB

the hands didnt go unnoticed in my book... mhmm... so very long and yummy...... the pout in yummalious too!!!

Marna said...

Tie Rob, I.Am.Died.

Anonymous said...


The panties are shredded
by these bed-Room Eyes!

Sophia Z.86 said...

I´m so happy to know that my man was not hurt...

"Rob, gorgeous lover, so you still have everything in the right place, uh? You know, after all that crazy stuff, with work+nutfans+papzz+cabs, you must need a massage... Me Me Me! I CAN DO IT! I am good at it (ask BF!)... what about a "COMPLETE" one? uh? oh yeap! that sounds greeeeaaat to me!..."

Haystackhair said...

for the love of all that's holy....those fingers,....that pout....I. AM. DIED...yet again

kat said...

All the pics in the hoodie make me depressed to look at. He seems so tired and down.

For all I know, he just hates the crappy weather-but he appears to be rather melancholy.

A sad Rob makes me sad.

Gemgirl65 said...

Now that is some fine finger porn in the first pic.

The second pic reminds me of the old wives' tale my mom would tell me...that if I pouted like that, my face would freeze that way.

I'm glad to see that Rob is less injured than I am. "Grace" here fell in the parking lot and scraped up my knees today. Foot is pretty wrecked too. It happened about the same time Rob got "grazed" by the cab, actually. oooh *Twilight (ha!) Zone music*

Nikola Six said...

Yes indeedy. Back to work young lad. Act as though everything is a-okay and oakey dokey. With 'act' being the key word. Me thinks the more I watch this story (the rise of Robert Pattinson) unfold, the more I think he's a better actor off camera than on. And I think he's a damn fine actor on.

Fact is, one of his fears (enough to mention it publicly) damn near happened today; crossing a street and getting hit by a car. I'm a person riddled with fears and don't think this didn't shake him.

But...must carry on. Movie riding on shoulders. Musn't let studio down. Mustn't let world see distress that must be his knowing that the life he once knew is gone forever. Must only show gratidude for all that's come your way.

Carry on young lad. And if you do feel the need to break down a bit, for god's sake, do it behind close doors. Don't wreck the illusion that all is well.

Oooh. I'm in a freaky mood tonight. Best I get off this blog and not come back until I can get my head back in the "game."

The papps and the 'too close for comfort' fans are the players, the press and all us here on the internet are the audience and he's...the ball.

So sorry darlin'


Nikola Six said...

Oh my god Leann...

I'm so sorry to hear that you got hurt and I hope you're not in too much pain.

I'd really like to email you sometime. Something tells me that were of a like mind...about certain things and the truth is, I've got no one talk to about this.

Can I email you sometime. If you'd rather not, I understand.

Please be well.


Georgie said...

Awww poor Leann, hope you're alright and that some yummy pics of Rob will make it better.

Back to Rob...and that adorable pout...I just want to kiss it away!

Anonymous said...

So glad he wasn't hurt, but seriously gals, I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable about all this, like I'm watching a train about to derail. I used to get these feelings watching all the press about Princess Di. That pout no matter how cute doesn't make me feel any better about it either.

*Sigh*...just the Mom in me I guess, I so want to protect him. Is Mickey Rourke busy these days? He could lend a hand, can you imagine someone trying to approach our Rob with Mickey standing at his side? Huh?

Gemgirl65 said...

Aw, thank you Nikola and Georgie! I'm fine really...I was wearing slacks, didn't get scraped up too much as a result! Just a little bruised. All is fine.

Nik and are not alone, I have ugly thoughts about bad things happening to Rob...losing him too soon as we did so many iconic stars of the past. Because that is how he strikes me...iconic. There's something very different and special about him, something that elevates him to another level. Maybe that's why it feels so fragile, so easily destroyed somehow. His own paranoia only feeds into it...makes it seem like some awful premonition, and that's why we worry so much about him.

I said I wasn't going to get into it...I lied. No more of that kind of talk! It certainly doesn't help matters. Sending Rob positive thoughts and prayers is infinitely more productive.

Nik, definitely email me! It's so odd you said that, because I've been thinking the same thing about so many of your posts, especially this last one. We definitely have like minds on a few Rob-related things. And you've actually looked into the boy's eyes, so I know you've seen a glimpse of his soul. Whatever you saw there, I believe it's the truth.

lostinphilly said...

You are SO right Suz, the hands! and the tie,and even though it's a sad pout, it's still cute with his ducky lips!!Ladies, we have to cheer him up!

Gemgirl65 said...

I agree philly ...time to balance the sturm und drang with cheer!

Instead of worrying about possible bad stuff happening to Rob, I will focus on these thoughts instead: There's no way God is done with this boy yet. There is so much untapped potential there. Albums to record...movies to make (or write, direct, produce)...babies to make so those beautiful genes get passed on. So far he has flown all over the world a gazillion times in the past 12 months and everything has gone swimmingly. His purpose here on earth is only beginning; it's nowhere near fulfilled.

Lynda, when you mentioned Mickey Rourke and Rob, all I could think of was when Mickey was nominated for an Oscar and Rob was sitting right behind him. Every time they'd pan to Mickey's poor ravaged mug, Rob's face over his shoulder looked like some ungodly gorgeous angel. It was like Beauty and the Beast. Sorta sad and comical all at the same time.

katykeene said...

STOP!!!! with the premonitions you girls. You are freaking me out.

You know when I was young(back when dinosaurs roamed the world) I truly thought I had no worries, I was cool, nothing could touch me.
Then I had children and I was nervous and scared ALL THE TIME and I totally lost my tiny little mind. The smallest issue became something to stress over.
I am ONLY willing to equate my feelings and fears about Rob to that phenomena.
Motherliness comes natural to most women and Rob certainly brings out the protective/mothering instincts in a lot of us if comments on this blog are any indication.

Jewels64 said...

He looks so sad and so pensive....

OMG! The fingers...the deathly deadly elegance of them....

katykeene said...

I should have said "phenomenon"
Because phenomena is plural and the crazy mother instinct is definitely an individual thing.LOL

Babs said...

Rob in a suit is unbelievably gorgeous. He looks sad in the last pictures, yesterday must have been quite stressful. I wish I could hide under that hoodie with him and give him a long long hug.

Pet73 said...

Yesterday evening I was so worried when I heard about the almost accident. And today morning, as I come here looking for relieve, what do I find: New pics of Rob not only confirming, that he's fine but that he's handsome and sexy as usual.

Stupidly, it's so essential to know he's ok. Anything wrong with me?

Pet73 said...

Love the pics with the hoody on. How can somebody look so serious and sexy at the same time? (Also love shaven Rob :p).

Treasure_7 said...

He is even gorgeous when he pouts!

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