Robert Pattinson in NYC 06/15/2009

Rob filming Remember Me in New York City and looking OH SO GOOD!

source: and


showme said...


I can breathe pics

Are they gonna let him wear his own clothes? Surely not!

Stacy said...

Yay, I was just posting these links on other threads, lol.

I'm thinking these must be rehearsal pics. I can't believe the character will be so much like him he'll wear his own clothes.

showme said...


Sara Tavares said...

his hair is perfect!

Pinkpixiechick said...

That HAIR!!

Anonymous said...

he shaved :(

i love him scruffy...

he looks damn fine as always though! and his hair is a perfect mess.

showme said...

" Rob should get an endorsement deal from Nike" LOL Godze

Is the guy in teh blue shirt the director?

Stacy said...

See, his hair is fixed, but I can't tell if he's in makeup. Still can't believe he'd film in his reg clothes.

showme said...

Ok, Allen Coulter is the bald guy

Don't know who the guy in blue shirt is. Maybe assitant Director?

Surely not the best friend in the movie?

showme said...

yes, stacy, his hair is fixed

And is that a new plaid shirt? i feel like i haven't seen that one?

Ellie said...

Rob's got those wonky,Gumby legs going on, again! LOL

He's looking DIVINE, as usual.


Stacy said...

Well, celebrity gossip is saying its in between takes, so who knows.

Why does it bug me he could be wearing his own clothes, lol? I guess that just really confirms that he is playing himself and I'm not sure that's what he needs right now.

I do love the hair tho!

Stacy said...

I think I've seen that shirt on him or Tom ...

phosphorus said...

Ellie, when I saw that picture (the one with the car in the background), I immediately thought of AJ and how she'll love it.

Stacy said...

I will admit tho, the idea of the Nikes making an appearance in the movie is making me smile!

showme said...

I know Stace. For GOSH SAKES! Get this man some new clothes!

*showme demands allen coulter get new wardrobe for Rob in movie*


Stacy said...

I just ... on the one hand I'm glad that his character in RM has so many of his personality traits, but on the other, if it's right down to his clothes, lol, I'm not sure if that will be a big step in his career.

showme said...

well, he has other projects coming up, stace. Give him a break LOL. This is a nice transition from Twi. Let him get his feet wet playing something simiar to himself, then go all Comanche and Bel Ami on his ass LOL

Stacy said...

LOL, I know. I just want to see him shut the critics up, and I am hoping this role is enough to do it.

Like a friend said, even if he's kinda playing himself, he's still going to be going thru stuff in the movie that he hasn't in real life.

Bellanieve said...

He looks DIVINE...I agree..
The clothes >good question! Hope they are different than his usual...because that his lovable self.

We want ..I think a different character to come thru.NO?

WinWin said...

What!!! Is this he's wardrobe for the film??? What is Summit on a budget? Now I'll have to go downtowna nd bring him some clothes during lunch!!! LOL

Girls, talk me out of it.

showme said...



Stacy said...

Bellaneive - that's exactly it:)

Lol Win, surely Summit's budget isn't THAT tight!

showme said...


(you're not gonna get talked out of it by me, for gosh sakes, you know this LOL)

WinWin said...

Maybe they were rehearsing and he hasn't gotten into wardrobe yet. Love the clean shave. Boy has awesome sideburns.

Stacy said...

Those two pics are really cute, Sho. He looks happy and I'm loving his hair like that!

showme said...


and this shirt is new


It says that those pics were taken during actual filming on the link above

WinWin said...

Show, thanks the flannel with gray is much better.

I see where my day is going... nothing will be done!

Stacy said...

That's what I'm wondering, altho the reports are of him shooting, so who knows.

I'm loving the clean shave too.

Stacy said...

Yeah, I just realized that. I think the first ones are rehearsing, these are filming. The hair is a little more fixed.

xoRobxo said...

Wow- those Nikes sure hold up good~or Rob has more than one pair(which I don't think the case)

WinWin said...

I've go that queasy feeling again. He looks good with the lighter colors. I think I love TyRob already. That smile. THUD!!!

showme said...




Lizalou said...


He has such a dorky stance... hahaah ;-p and he's looking very thin, but adorable.

showme said...




albaville said...

I think these are rehearsal pics on the set with the director and production guys..He looks ABSOLUTELY HANDSOME AND HOT IN THIS PICS...god I wish I could be there..:)))

phosphorus said...

Yes, the clean shave looks good.

Hey, Summit, you folks should know by now what I want, and I'm pretty sure the others would love that, too.

Laura said...


Seeing pictures of this gorgeous man always makes me feel like I'm gonna pass out! My GOD he is so SEXY!!!
Oh, to be some lucky beyotch in New York. *sigh*

Stacy said...

Oh, FUCK ME. The ones with the grey tshirt are def filming pics.

Someone get those splash news ones so I can save them, dammit!

Lizalou said...


For the LOVE OF GOD.. you MUST GO!!!!

You don't have to be fangirl about it, just take a little peek. Imagine - seeing him in the flesh!

showme said...



i'm feeling a shirtless day thrill right now

Anonymous said...

So beautiful.....

showme said...


and the new jeans!!!! WOOT!

Lizalou said...

He's got sleepy face in the pics with the Nikes and coffee.

Hmmmm... to be the lucky beyatch that wakes up next to that sleepy face.

Dahlia said...

Divine is definately the right word. As are perfect, amazing, HOT. Looking good Rob <3

Stacy said...


How in the hell can we save these?

Loisada said...

Thanks Sho... he is looking delectable as usual. But where's the line between the character and the man here? Think I'll die if the shiteous Nikes make it into the wardrobe!

showme said...

Oh Dear God...pull that lip baby

And the other guy in blue must be the best friend....has to be that actor...

someone identify

Lizalou said...

He still has the Edward red rinse in his hair, too.

Apparently they aren't going to do much with changing his look for this film.

showme said...


he's already spilled something on his shirt....oh Rob...he's just 'let it all go'....bagel crumbs LOL

phosphorus said...

@ showme: Looks like he takes his coffee with sugar. (Coffee doesn't appeal to me at all, I'd have to put loads of sugar in it if I had to drink it.)

showme said...

he still has scruff


please marry me. please.

meryma said...

His hair..hmm..I'm speechless :) but WTF is happening with his plaid shirts?! He can export them! They really need to improve his wardrobe... Still he look drop dead gorgeous!

Stacy said...

Someone give me a heads up if Goz posts the ones from splash news.

showme said...

that could be his character phosph

But COOL LINK! never seen anyone do that before. how do u do that?

Stacy said...


showme said...

i thought his hair looked browner liza LOL

(flashback to convo last night instead of in reverse)

Lizalou said...

SHO: okay you color nazi!! god forbid the shade changed just a touch... sho will notice ;-p

WinWin said...

You girls are killing me. OK, must get work done. He looks hot! I'm sitting here at my desk blushing.

Stacy said...

I thought his hair looked darker too, until today.

showme said...

nice the peen in those jeans

I'm already feeling teary thinking about this movie now. it's becoming real to me.

Sam said...

he will always be beautiful, but he is so thin that he looks so bad. he looks unhealthy.

Stacy said...

I love the jeans too, but I'm not seeing the peen.

I am still pissed I can't save the ones from Splash.

I know what you mean ... it's very real, especially since he looks so much like himself.

Lizalou said...

I love the grey t-shirt... just wish it was a *little* tighter.. just a little. It'd be nice if it was skimming those shoulders and chest a bit more.


Lizalou said...

SHO: you sentimental sap! ;)

I'm not moved to tears.. i'm rejoicing here! He looks so hot he's making my teeth hurt.

It's just a movie... ;-p

Stacy said...

Keep checking Mr. Pattinson - she keeps updating!

showme said...


This one...


i love you rob....

Lizalou said...

Stacy, Sho: and you *know* what song I have playing right now.

Yup. Good way to start off the week!

Stacy said...

Now looking at the two sets of pics, it's so obvious which is filming, lol.

Stacy said...


Stacy said...

Liza LMAO! Now it's in my head!

Lizalou said...

He's picking his teeth with the coffee stirrer *and* he's spilled on himself.

Someone email Ted C. and debunk these stupid ass gay rumors once and for all.


Treasure_7 said...

He looks so Rob! Gorgeous as always!!

showme said...

i am stace, i am

i'm having a full blown jittzpatting session right now


You want some crack? Here.....i'll inject it right into your vein.........fill you up

Damn..this has turned out to be a good morning.
i'm glad i had an early morning meeting, or my ass woulda still been in bed. sheesh

WinWin said...

Shit, this is almost as bad as shirtless ROb in Volturri. You think he's crazy the net again. lol

phosphorus said...

@ showme: I used HTML. I explained it to Pet last night how to use them (there'll you find more information in English).

showme said...

LOL Liza...i hate that song

and also LOL at Ted C...i said that earlier....'letting it all go" "bagel crumbs" LOL

i know stace. very easy to tell diff now....

Stacy said...


I know. I am sitting here grinning like an idiot, over pics.

Anyone know how to screencap?

Lizalou said...

Yeah.. he has sleepy face in the non-wardrobe photos.

The makeup is very subtle for this film. But he really doesn't need much. Of course not.. Why?

Because he's a sonofabitch!

showme said...

Thanks Phosphorus!

hahahahaha LOL at this one:

so rob

Stacy said...

I was just thinking the same thing, the lucky SOB

Lizalou said...

He always has tons of stuff in his pockets.... makes a girl wanna do some pocket fishing.

So he's a packrat and has an oral fixation.

xoRobxo said...

OK~this is not helping me get all the stuff acomplished today that I put off over the weekend~crap

showme said...

i don't know how to screencap Stace. I'm so IT pixpattzing ignorant. it's annoying. i need to take photoshop 101

LOL at the sonofabitch comment LIza

and i hope little to no makeup

Win Win...LOL...., i said something similar to my reaction to this day

It prob won't shut it down, but twitter's goin' crazy
i would love it if it shut twitter down again. That would prove our love has more to than with abs...

Stacy said...


I'm getting them - someone told me how to sep into indv links.

Will email ya, beyatch!

showme said...

Godze hasn't updated with more yet

no in character pics

CullenGal09 said...

Mornin guys!

showme said...

suhweeeeeeeeet stace

u my girl!

Yvonne said...

hello!! I've missed you girls :))

phosphorus said...

Stacy: Use Alt + Print Screen (if you are using a MS Windows. If you are into Mac OS you'll find an explanation there).

Lizalou said...

She's got more pics up...

CullenGal09 said...

Nice pics-eh? Our boy is certainly makin' me want to take a bit out of the big apple....hehe.

Good mornin, gorgeous!

CullenGal09 said...

Nice pics-eh? Our boy is certainly makin' me want to take a bit out of the big apple....hehe.

Good mornin, gorgeous!

Yvonne said...

OK, I've come to the conclusion that our Rob is double jointed.There is no other explanation for the wonky legs. But DAMN he looks hot. So good to see new pictures.

Lizalou said...

Yvonne!!! Ready to do some fishing, my fellow pocket fisherwoman? ;-p

monika said...

Lizalou said...

Hey CG!

Unknown said...

yes.. new pics!! i was so anxious during the weekend.. i hate days without rob's pictures..

he looks great! hot! sleepy eyes.. messy hair awwwwwww :D
how i would be able to concentrate and learn now??? hmm?? :D

new yorkers are so lucky!

CullenGal09 said...

Good morning Liza and Sho, milovelies!

Hi Stacy!

Hi Yvonne! ((waves))

CullenGal09 said...

Mornin Sho-LIza, Milovelies!

Hi stacy!

Hi Yvonne! ((waves))

Babs said...

How he can make everything he wears/does look so sexy is beyond all understanding.

CullenGal09 said...

Yvonne-wonky legs-bahahaha! They're on of Rob's trademarks. LOL

Hey Liza-you sweet thang. I'm with you on the fishing expedition.

Stacy said...

OK, Goz has them, lol.

The alt/print screen doesn't work for me, but someone else showed me another way and I got most of them.

Show - I won't bother emailing you since Goz has up.

Hi everyone!

CullenGal09 said...

Babs-its just something he does-;) He "dazzles" us! ;p

Unknown said...

ha ha this is so so so so so ADORABLE! he spilled coffee on his shirt and has the 'oops i did it again' look :p So frigin adorable! i need to pull his cheeks and kiss him right there! xx

im not Forrest btw its Georgia :p

Unknown said...

and Win - yes go go go!!! and take a great picture with rob! we will all envy you!
if i was in new york right now i would follow him everywhere :P

i know its probably sick :P

CullenGal09 said...

Stacy-hi!!! Ho are ya this mornin! I need coffee. These pics are too much without coffee. ;)

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Win!!! (waves)

Hi Forrest/Georgia

Hi Agata

CullenGal09 said...

Gonna get some coffee-need some bad. BRB.

Stacy said...

I'm great now, lol. Isn't it amazing what new Rob pics can do?

Sigh ... it should be illegal to look this good!

Unknown said...

yes.. coffee is my addiction too.. so go get it girl :)))
shit i was suposed to study but i cant.. i want to explore all robs new pics!! im so mad at myself.. i knew i shouldnt look at robsessed right today:P

Kathy#1 said...

Ok, love, love his casual stance...he keeps getting better and better...sheesh....I can't stand it.

Love the new avi sho. "HS"? I'm trying to figure it out...high school musical...LMAO!

WinWin said...

Hi CG.

Show, what are you screencapping.

Liza, where did you guys go last night?

AWWW! I can't stop looking at these pictures.

WinWin said...

Agata, it's taking a lot of concentration to not head down there during lunch.

Kathy#1 said...

Yvonne..double jointed..yea, man...the things that come to mind.

Kathy#1 said...

Win Win..go down there during lunch and report back please...ask Sho and Liza about last night...

meryma said...

We were all just a bit frustrated without new pics but now we can breath, well slobber is better term!

Unknown said...

he's trying to make us all mad crazy! thats why he's looking so good all the time... :PPPPP

i love about the rob thing the most fact that i can talk over the internet with all these fabulous women and fell like i was 15 again :D but now with more dirty toughts 15 ;D

Unknown said...

You know what will be awsome and absolutely breathtaking! Rob/Brosnan Photos! im hyperventilating just at the thought o it! too much hotness! cant wait

Georgia :p

Unknown said...

i love his face on that one!!!

Unknown said...

Firrest - i agree!!

Unknown said...

i mean Forrest :)) my keyboard is not listening to me today :P

Unknown said...

he he its ok. call me Georgia :p

Unknown said...

its Rob he has us all disorientated and dazzled! dazed and confused!

Unknown said...

ok Georgia :))))

meryma said...

Agata, I completely agree with you! It is great to share this with all of you 'cause when I read this blog and comments I feel like I'm not the only one who feels this way and I'm not a 15 years old girl but my hormones are going mad now!
And a lot of people can't understand my obsession, so this is nice...

lostinphilly said...

LOL, Wonky, Gumby legs, Ellie, I agree (and maybe double-jointed)NYU never looked so good with Rob there! Yep, he's defintiely got an oral fixation. He just looks so handsome in these pics, so awesomesexy.

Jenny Jerkface said...

Scree! I was just there. It was hard to get a decent picture but damn, he's good looking!!

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