NY UPDATE: Cab incident is confirmed. Story is true. But he's fine, "not hurt at all."
An eye witness account from twitter:
Tweet right after the incident: anniecm : Rob Pattinsons security just walked him into oncoming traffic and got him hit by a cab! Fire them!
Or maybe let him see where he's goinggg
Tweets after we announced the news: anniecm : @ROBsessedBlog There was only one pap and about 6 girls there - his security guard led him into the street too fast and the cab bumped him.anniecm : @ROBsessedBlog It was the paparazzi snapping pix, Robs face covered by hood/umbrella, tryin to get away -into oncoming traffic
ROBsessedBlog: @anniecm So he wasn't running away from anyone? It was the over eager bodyguard?
anniecm@ROBsessedBlog They were rushing him, but no fans were doing anything. There was one crazy paparazzi and about 6 girls trailing behind him

When I saw the line "Radar is reporting that Rob was hit by a cab in New York" on NewMoonMovie's twitter, my stomach flipped. I still feel nauseated, have a headache and my hands are shaking.
From RadarOnline:
Rob Pattinson is quickly learning the hazards of filming a movie in New York City - he was hit by a taxi cab on Thursday while running away from hysterical fans!
RadarOnline.com witnessed the Twilight star get clipped by a cab around noon in front of the Strand Bookstore on Broadway and 12th Street.
He was not hurt.The 23-year-old London-born actor had been inside most of the morning filming scenes for his new movie Remember Me.
A team of five security guards were trying to fend off a crowd of teenaged girls when Rob was leaving the bookstore.
It was pouring rain as they tried to hustle him quickly across the busy street to the safety of his trailer.
Some of the teen girls were hysterical and Rob rushed across the road. As he did so, a taxi grazed him. The cabbie slammed on his brakes as soon as he realized what had happened.
It appeared as if the cab hit Rob in the hip. He stood there for a moment looking stunned. The bodyguard next to him checked if he was okay and then screamed at the fans: "You see what you did, you almost killed him!"
Gozde: This is seriously getting out of hand and is why I don't post set locations, so please stop sending me emails asking how to find Rob. I'll never answer. Everyone thinks "others" are crazy.
After the info we've been getting it sounds like a minor incident was blown way out of proportion. BUT it COULD have been a disaster and that should worry us all.
I'm about to make a "Leave Rob Alone" video a la Chris Crocker but I'm not that crazy. Just pissed off!
Additional reports:
As much as it pains me to say that I agree with Ted Casablanca:
UPDATE: Despite the fact that Robert Pattinson was supposedly hit by a cab running from insane stalkers, not to mention that alarming security breach that left Pattz straight-up vulnerable to the crazy fans, Summit, the studio Rob's currently working for while filming Remember Me in New York, reveals it isn't overly worried. A spokesperson for the studio states:
"Robert Pattinson is fine. The reports are exaggerated, and the accident was not caused by fans. Production continues."
The Summit rep refused to say what did cause the cabbie accident, or whether or not additional precautions were being taken for Pattinson. Jeez, why the hell not? But first, a disclaimer: Sources where Rob was filming, as well as bystanders, tell us they did not see the accident. Remember, Radar also "broke" that Kristen Stewart's boyfriend was chasing her around Italy (uh, didn't happen).
Now, back to R.Pattz's safety. What say you Summit insiders?
"We're taking it as it unfolds," says a source deep within Summit, who, for the moment, declined to release any official statement on Pattinson's personal safety during filming. "Security has been increased," adds our in-the-know insider. "But there's no grand plan."
What! Are you kidding? The most sought-after star in the whole friggin' world right now just seems a little too accessible, don't you think? Plus, we're told Summit isn't exactly keen on addressing the incidents, as it doesn't want to exacerbate the situation. Nor is it revealing, at this point, exactly what its "increased" protection game plan happens to be. Dunno ‘bout you, but "taking it as it unfolds" seems to be asking for super trouble to us.
I mean, what's next? Getting hit by a bus? And what if some nut job gets all Lohan-on-Ronson stalk-stupid after Rob's cute little behind?
How crappy that studio peeps try to control who their stars can and can't bed, but at the same time, can't control their stars' safety? Not cool.
—Additional reporting by Taryn Ryder
And OK! Magazine reports (again it pains me):
The bad news first: RadarOnline.com is reporting that Robert Pattinson was hit by a taxi cab in NYC today while running away from hysterical fans.
The good news: The Remember Me star is totally fine, and sources tell OK! he wasn't actually touched by the car.
R-Pattz had his close call around noon outside a shooting location for his new flick, as a crowd of hysterical teenage girls swarmed him on his way out of a store.
Security guards tried to help him, hustling him across the street to his trailer, but the taxi grazed past him as he crossed the street, slamming on the brakes.
"The cab didn't hit him. It came close, but it's New York, that's what happens," an on-set source tells OK!. "It barely touched him. He maybe put his hand on the cab but he's fine. They all just went to lunch."
One of his bodyguards made sure there was no bodily harm done to Rob first, then screamed at the girls, "You see what you did, you almost killed him!"
Let that be a lesson to you, obsessed Twilight fanatics: We know you love R-Pattz, we love him too, he knows you love him, so let's give him some breathing room and keep him safe.
Update from RobPattzNews:
Everyone was waiting outside for Rob. At this time there were only about 5 or 6 fans and one paparazzi. Rob came out and as usual he had his hood up, was covered by an umbrella, and surrounded by about 6 guards. The girls were all following behind Rob and because of the commotion, a few people on the streets may have also been following or looking. NO ONE even tried to touch Rob, & from what I could tell, no one was even snapping pictures in his face except for this one paparazzi who had been hanging around outside the building all day. He was crouching on the ground snapping pictures behind Rob's umbrella, Rob was hiding his face. Some of the security guards were moving very quickly, causing their little circle that was protecting Rob to break up. Soon one guard was guiding Rob by the shoudlers and led him across a street where there was a red light and moving traffic. I was right behind him at this point and saw the entire thing happen. The cab was coming quickly but saw them jump in front of it, so the cabbie slammed on his breaks. Rob was tapped a little in the hip, but they kept going. Rob then went into his trailer. The security guards were yelling at everyone and saying everyone was chasing him, but really no one even tried to touch him and there were honestly about 10 people absolute maximum trying to see him. Then the guards also made the fans move away from the trailer but let that obnoxious paparazzi stand outside of his trailer so he could snap pix the next time Rob came out. Its unfair that these people would blame the fans outside. First of all, there were only about 6 girls and none were crazy teenagers. No one yelled to him or tried to touch him at all. The security guard apologized afterwards for flipping out, he said that they were just trying to be overly cautious after Monday's fan incident.
And SplashNews:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»OK this is sick! If this is not true it is not in the least funny. How can we possibly verify this news? OMG, people are seriously sick, these fans need to have all their heads checked.
HE is FINE (that's a fact)...I think he's also UNINJURED!
I'm so ashamed of the fans right now.
Bless his heart!
Oh please let this be untrue! (Meaning that it really didn't happen)I don't blame you for not posting set locations etc. I wouldn't either. Fan... psycho..crazies.. BACK OFF!!
I know how you feel Goz I feel sick too! This is seriously getting out of hand!
I can hear the tidal wave of frenzied Robsessed girls coming..........................
All those fans need to calm down. Jesus!
True or not, it has the potential for happening in traffic heavy set locations (ala ANYwhere on a 'street location' in any major city).
If true, it makes me absolutely sick to my stomach.
This is seriously getting out of control. Is Summit really waiting for something bad to happen to Rob? And who is tipping off these crazies??
This is effing NUTS!
1. These little twihard/fangirls need to stop. This is totally out of control at this point. If they were true fans, they wouldn't behave this way AT ALL. I vote for padded cell and meds STAT for all these little bitches.
2. His security-or lack there of-is ridiculous. I just cannot believe that with all the attention he has been getting over the past several months he doesn't have better security.
This whole thing just baffles me. Not sure how entirely true it is but STILL. I pray that nothing horrible happens to him while filming this flick.
I was planning to see him in Argentina, if it´s true he´s going to film "Unbound Captives" there, but I´ll forget about it.
I don´t want to cause anymore trouble to him.
I hope this isn't true, but I also just died a little on the inside. I was getting really excited to go NYC and hopefully catch a glimpse.. but now I don't want to just because I want Rob to be left alone. I'm so angry! Love you Rob :-(
Oh...and for the record? THANK you Gozde, for publishing information with your fun asides when they're crap-tastic shtuff, and also for the more 'real' shtuff too.
Most importantly, THANK you for the professionalism in simply posting about the man...and never details of where he is.
Other bloggers/sources should take note.
Shit.. if this is true... I am beside myself.. in shame and saddness.. that any other human being would do this to another person... SHAME ON YOU....
this is seriously fucked!!!!
Oh no! Whether it's true or not, things are getting WAY out of hand! Those dimwits up there in NYC that keep stalking and mobbing him don't realize this is making him nuts and paranoid and he may do something terrible like go into hiding! NO, PLEASE DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN,we need our RobbieBoy to feel safe and protected, and we don't want him to fade away from us!Robsessers: we need to say to Rob, "we feel very protective of you" and do something about it. What can we do?????? I'm really worried for him!!
Just let me n my pregnancy hormones at them...gees he's a HUMAN BEING For the love of monkies!! Just a guy doing his job and these psychos need to back the fluff off!
oh seriously they have gone too far its so sick and crazy and it makes me angry and sad at the same time they cant leave him alone, it was so fine with him under the weekend before they started to shoot and now its gone mad and over line why the fuck cant they leave him alone?
When will Summit get the message?
These crazed bitches will never voluntarily leave him alone. The set needs to be closed and secure. With armed guards.
I'm so sad right now that it's come to this - He loves reading and can't shop safely in a bloody bookstore anymore. What a few days Rob has had! I bet he's shaken and I am ashamed of the fans for this psycho, adrenaline, hormone filled act of stupidity. LEAVE HIM ALONE! I wouldnt care if i never saw another photo of him until he had finished filming if it meant he wasn't stalked to within an inch of his life!
Ya they need to close the set STAT!
Poor Rob. It must be so hard for him. I hoping he will be able to withstand it.
OMG!!! I've been having the worst day ever and now THIS! Holy shit. I seriously hope this story is made up like the one about the injury on the New Moon set. I feel sick.
You see, this is the reason I don't call myself a "fan" of his. The word fan comes from the word "fanatic" defined as "a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm". I like to consider myself a rational human being. Do you think those rabid fans would finally be satisfied if they really do get him injured/killed?
Poor baby. Someone give him a taser already so he can fend off the next mob of idiot, rabid fangirls. : <
I'm already sick today but I think just got sicker. I feel so helpless being so close and unable to do anything!
And how the hell did that I miss that?! I really hope that's not true, I was standing outside my office building for a smoke around noon, it was pouring and I didn't see any commotion or fangirls. Went into the store at about 1:30 and it looked like they had moved on way earlier...I really hope someone is exaggerating or making this up! That's just not cool.
I don't believe this story for one single minute. Crap! Load a CRAP!
think about it....a cab driving through a closed set?
Rob's trailer is on a "closed" set behind barracades.......
First thing that I thought of is did he call his mother? Being s Mom myself I know would be freakin right now if my son was in another country and I heard he got hit by a car.
Summit I know you think stars are a dime a dozen believe me Rob can not be replaced.
OMG...my heart dropped into my stomach when I first read this...I really hope this isn't true...but it is quite a realistic possibility.
I don't understand how his security doesn't have a better handle on things????? The poor man's just trying to work....
Mmmmmm.... fans are getting out of hand (we sadly saw this on monday) and I have the feeling that reports by gossip press are getting out of hand, this is serious accusation of what could had been an accident, I really hope this is invented sh*t.
Because if this is true, then this is seriously F*cked up.
Running scared? Yeah, I think so.
I called it earlier, that report was right... they just posted photos from Monday for the dramatic effect.
Okay...now I'm just mad. Dumb crazy fangirls. Dumb taxi driver. Let me ask one question though...has it ever been this bad? No! It's New York, is it not? I mean really.
@Melissa, they aren't true fans. I'm pretty sure I heard them scream 'Edward' in one of those mob videos.
Is anyone else slightly embarassed for Rob? I mean, getting hit by a cab...that's kinda embarrassing.
From now on, when he goes anywhere...his big bodyguards should just carry him. He CAN'T be broken.
OMG...this is the last straw. Is this what it's going to take to get these stalkers to realize what they're doing? If this account is true, Rob HAD plenty of security but darted out into traffic to get away from these nut jobs. I am horrified ad this. It was bad enough that those chicks attacked him on Monday, but this is just the outer limit. I'm always freaking out that something bad is going to happen to Rob---I think I'm as paranoid as he is! And now I'm starting to think it's for good reason.
Leann, dare I say it....? sanpa....pray girls, hard.
any pictures yet? (biting nails)
@geemoney -
embarrassing to get hit by a taxi?....def not.
Embarrassing to be the fucked up mob that drove him to run across the street in fear for his safety?
....damn straight!
seriously leave him alone. dont follow him, dont scream at him like you are some kind of retarded, if they film-take a picture post it on your site and tell everyone how lucky you ve been to see him. thats enough, thats all you will ever get.
DON'T SAY the thing about his eyes!! I have that too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
radaronline writes many untrue things, so I don't know if I believe them.
If it's true, shame on those FANS! And I hope that they understand the need for security -_-
It would be nice if the boy could film without being observed by hundreds of fans, this is not a good work environment!
This is really sad. He is doing way worse in NEW YORK than any of the other cities. Summit needs to step up and get some REAL body guards.
and girls you really need to back off and LET HIM BE.
This probably really freaked him out because of how it has gotten out of hand.
I'm serious...if anyone here ever harbors any type of delusion that throwing yourself at him will make him fall madly in love with you....you better leave now because you will have a bunch of seriously pissed off women willing to hunt you down....
@ ManfaMae @ 2:40
I agree, I hate the word "fan"....from now on, we (the sane ones) need to be called "supporters" of Rob....
I "support" Rob in everything he does. Wish these wack jobs would leave him alone.
I hope this story isn't true (like the one that said he was hit in the head by a metal pole)because this poor guy is going to have a nervous breakdown soon. if it is true, I don't think you can get hit by a car & be totally uninjured, I'm sure he's going to have some serious bruising at minimum & must be totally freaked out.
WTF! I am seriously pissed and feel like running downtown and bitchslapping some of these retards. Glad he's safe, but he could have been seriously hurt. NY cabbies are aggressive. This is really making me sick now. Now I'm constantly worried for his safety. SUMMIT, PROTECT ROB!
Now I can't wait for him to done with filming so he can return to safety.
It's raining cats and dogs here today and crazed at work. Now I'm really in a bitchy mood!
Kate....you caught that, huh?
Jewels...bravo. Yes indeed.
by the way i ll be working on an event here in germany with kellan and ashley. i hope the girls behave, otherwise ...hehe the security will be glad to educate you.
W T F ?
Seriously, we arent going to get any of that, so back to reality...
The fantasy is only in our heads... Dude must feel like he's getting raped, a thousand times a day.
we should handle our own...
Wish there was a way we could help....
Like The Guardian Angels....for Rob :)
Summit should have police involvement to close off set for blocks. I've seen it done before. I hope this didn't happen and I hope he's ok.
GAAAH don't say it Yvonne! (And don't worry Kate...I'm sure it's all superstitious mumbo jumbo. Just ask KK, she's got 'em and she's fine!)
I'm always prayin' hard for Robbie. I have irrational fears about his safety that I won't go into. I'm going to try not to borrow trouble and hope that, as are most reports concerning Rob, this one is greatly exaggerated.
Ladies...welcome to the RPattz Fangurl Beatdown squad!!!!
I hear you Leann...I suffer those same fears for his safety...go figure.
I'm sad for NYer like me who were really excited for him to be here and now were going to be know as the city with the crazy fans. Not sure if he'll ever film here again. : (
If radar online saw it why isn't there pics, not that i want to see him get hit by the taxi but just to prove that it is true. Like maybe a pic of the dumbass girls following him or something.
Jewels bb! It's been 4-evah! You know I'm on that squad. And the Robsessed Guard...whatever will keep our boy safe.
Story has been confirmed.
Tweets are saying it's true, but that he IS FINE.
YES ! Instead of Team Edward :) oh id love to be part of it. i think the bodyguards are afraid they hurt the girls if they act to aggressivly...
We should also take some kind of ( dont know the words im german ) microphone and yell at them everytime they act like that.
Jewels, amen, where do I sign up.
Leanne and Lovethelips, I still have fully recovered form the news of him being hit in the head and now this. I fear for his safety too.
Win, I am sad for you too, and Jane...I hope Jane's right and nothing happened. Idiots like these fangurls ruin it for decent Rob fans like you two. I'm glad you both got to see him though befor all the madness started. Didn't take long, did it?
girls, I just read from IMDB that RPATTZ news confirmed the account but mentioned that Rob wasn't hurt..DAMN!!! NOW I'M REALLY MAD!
I want on The Beatdown Squad...they really have no idea. We would do a better job than any security team.
Win, I know! I feel sick! I feel helpless! I feel ashamed that this is happening in our city! I want to do something!!! This must've happened one block away from me and I feel like I should've been there taking them down or diverting them or something!
Can this source be TRUSTED??
ok now that it has been confirmed, that is really really scary for him. i hope that he is ok, emotionally, that would really freak me out.
jane....aawww, you r so cute. :)
He must be so overwhelmed. Probably just wants to go hide.
Goz...now that it's confirmed I just feel so sad for him.
We don't know the circumstances though. It says that it was raining really hard. Was it just an accident, or was he really tring to get away from fans?
Just a word of advice and you can flame me all you want: STOP voting for him in all of these silly polls and worrying about the KStew rumors and giving the gossip rags hits.
If he's going to be big, let him do it on his own merit - not because he's VF's most handsome man in the world and took his shirt off in Italy.
He needs this damned frenzy to die down a bit so that he can have some peace and quiet and time to clear his head and work on his craft.
If this keeps up, say goodbye to RPattz... he's gonna bolt for greener pastures.
I know that RPattz News just confirmed the incident but part of me still thinks it might've been dramatized somewhat. There were trucks and trailers on both sides of the not very wide street this morning and with all the rain, the cars were all moving at slow speed.
alot of people here, are talking about starting a crew to stand interferance for ROB, CAN WE DO THAT?
we could have members in every city... wat u think?
OMG!! They seriously need to get more security! If he gets harmed because of those crazies, I swear I will drive down there and I will be the one going all "hospital Bella" on their crazy asses!!!
We need to blast Summit bad. They are truly effin morons. What the hell are those twats doing?@? They need to be flooded with emails: get him real security!! Why wasn't Grabby btwn him and that cab!? And keep the damn set closed.
OMG..this is making me crazy. Something has got to give. I'm sure some idiot pap got the whole thing on film so we'll probably see just how bad it was or wasn't later on.
I love the "Rob Squad" name. Sign me up. We could make some really cool t-shirts and matching billy clubs LOL...I'm not even sure I'm kidding!
i agree, theres too much hype. i cant open any site/magazine without the newest " information " about him dating around the globe.
Gozde? Seriously? It had been confirmed??!! …
Oh shit!! This is really sad.
Jane, I saw on Gozde's twitter that he was running from papz. Listening carefully take a broom stick and go out there and whack every photographer you see. I'll come join you.
I think my biggest fear for him has always been the papz. I keep seeing Princess diana.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE... this shit is sooo wrong on so many levels... I dont understand..
repeat after me
I will leave Rob alone
I will leave rob alone
I will leave Rob alone... seriously ....
Jules Rpattzz fangurl beat down sounds good...
These people are just not cool. It's just not acceptable~~
Summit, step up the security!
Liza, what does voting for him in a poll have anything to do with it? I'm not trying to flame you, but I think people just not acting like asstards is probably a better start. Not to mention, Summit needs to do a better job of making sure he's kept safe. Does this shit happen to George Clooney or Brad Pitt? Um, fuck no. They have better security. If the suits at Summit had any brains, they'd protect their most valuable commodity. I had to put it in terms that harsh, but that's what he is to them. They're just idiots.
ok lets do it, the Rob Squad :) You do the US, we are taking care of him from london to berlin ;D
Updated the post again with more info.
So was he running from fans or papz? And why the hell did his BG's let him run out into the street in the pouring rain?
Does anyone have Email contacts for Summit execs?
Hello everyone:
I'm still a bit wary of some of the incongruous details from this article...but there are a few salient points to discuss.
Why were there only five bodyguards, to restrain what sounds like a recalcitrant mob of onlookers (some of whom have already proven their skills at penetrating security)?
Why would any of these bodyguards leave Rob's side, so that he would have the opportunity to enter the street alone, and allegedly get grazed by the cab?
For heaven's sake—do we Robsessors need to enlist a CROSSING GUARD for our precious RP, too?
And why would the inferior bodyguard then shout, "You see what you did, you almost killed him," when the bodyguards' own professional lapses allowed this incident to occur?
*Robsessional Guard ready for deployment*
What the f*ck is WRONG with this security team? Are these FIRED cops who couldn't get their Sh*t together on the force due to this crap?!
Effing UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!
Jesus Murphy...it was his security who walked him into traffic???
Oh gosh, pathetic fan girls seriously need to grow up! He's not Justin Timberlake or even Zac Efron creature, he's just Robert Pattinson!
BE NORMAL for god sake! You don't want to kill that poor guy. He's working his butt off for living!!
this pisses me off beyond fucking belief!
listen up you crazy, little fangirl twits: BACK THE FUCK OFF!!! you have absolutely no entitlement to rob and he has no obligation to pose for your fucking pictures.
please someone say this exaggerated...
Judging by the new tweets Goz just posted - it sounds like there weren't that many fans there, just paps taking pics. Security rushed him into the street - which makes sense, cause I can't believe he would just rush out into oncoming traffic.
i dont understand what happened...aren't bodyguards there to protect you and take the hit if necessary.
It's his security team's fault? Who is Summit hiring? The gang that couldn't shoot straight? Sheeesh.
Ana - you'd think so right??
this seriously makes me ill. why can't people just leave him alone and let him do is job?
Holy crap, they still had the umbrella over Rob, so of course he couldn't see where he was going...what is wrong with these security people?
Even if this incident wasn't serious, what about next time? And there will be a next time. What's it going to take for A) Summit to get their shit together and B) stalkers to realize that they don't just ruin Rob's quality of life, they might actually do him real harm???
I have to go back to work...good thing, I need to get my shit together, I'm just....grrrrrrr.
This is absolute BULLSHIT!!
Summit needs to hire REAL security for him to surround him when he's on set (and if needed, off set as well)! I saw a pic of his "security" and, without a doubt, one of them was also the "boom" holder during filming. WTF??!! Summit seems to be so damn cheap and greedy that they won't HIRE REAL security for him.
If they did - the cab would have hit a security guy, NOT ROB! since he should be SURROUNDED!
The paps and fans can be blamed but that changes nothing. There will always be stalkers trying to advance on celebs. Other famous celebs have SECURITY to PROTECT them! Fans, stalkers, will never change and it would be unrealistic to think that they will. Famous actors and musicians deal with this all the time but their paycheck signers PROTECT them, they protect their bread and butter. Summit sucks. And they're obviously cheap, as well. Stupid idiots, i say.
Summit needs to surround Rob with real security so that a cab would have to go through them to hit Rob.
This pisses me off to no end. i can't believe this BS. Summit can shove that umbrella right up their ASS!!
What kind of bodyguards are these? It's a one way street - sShouldn't one of them have been on Rob's side to take the bump from the cab?
BTW, I've gotten bumped by NYC cabs and it's more annoying than scary. I'da taken the hit for Rob!
maybe its time to start sending mass emails. this is really gettin out of control!
I love that the safety of our glorious Rob has managed to take us to 100 posts in a little over an hour...
...too bad our admiration for him isn't enough to keep him safe...
In response to:
Lizalou said...
Just a word of advice and you can flame me all you want: STOP voting for him in all of these silly polls and worrying about the KStew rumors and giving the gossip rags hits.
If he's going to be big, let him do it on his own merit - not because he's VF's most handsome man in the world and took his shirt off in Italy.
He needs this damned frenzy to die down a bit so that he can have some peace and quiet and time to clear his head and work on his craft.
If this keeps up, say goodbye to RPattz... he's gonna bolt for greener pastures.
-She said exactly what I have been thinking all along. We are part of the problem. Let him do his thing on his own. We all seem to think that everyone else is crazy, maybe we should all step back and step away. Admire his work when it is released and that is that.
I am speechless! Can't believe... Twitters say that he is fine but still..Come on guys, what the hell are you doing to him, to us?!
About pictures, well I don't know if I wanna see them...That would be tough...On other hand that would be a confirmation that he is okay...
The madness just gets even more insane. I know he's okay and wasnt hurt etc, but what about next time? What the hell is wrong with people? This guy cant get a break for 5 minutes without being hounded by fans or paps. I wish people would just leave him be, things have gone way too far now. And what the heck is up with his security team? Somethings got to give.
Jolilabrat - Completely agree.
So it's true?!
I've never been so angry in my life! What is wrong with you Summit?!? Get him some proper security!
jolilabrat - well said!!
Although I am really glad that Rob was not injured (and he IS fine, hello!) I find it pretty disturbing that the hysteria surrounding him has reached this dangerous level. I really hope nothing worse happens.
The set should obviously be closed after this.
Sign me up for the RPattz Fangurl Beat-down Squad AND the Robsessional Guard too! We've got to protect him. Everyone e-mail Summit to close the set down and maybe twitter it also, maybe this will help. who knows?
AND - if it's the security then they really do need to be fired. I was thinking yesterday how trusting he must be to allow himself to be led blind through the streets of New York. And watching that video where the pap said the crew allowed them to film between takes. It seems the crew and security don't really respect him as a person or don't respect their job at the very least. I don't like that at all.
jane - really? a one way street?
Are the security guys a few bricks short of a load or what???
This whole thing is really bugging me.
This is getting ridiculous..When it becames life threatening...I'm so upset that I don't know what to say.
Good for you Gozde about not giving out location info on Rob.
It's too bad others don't have the same sense.
I am so relieved the eye witness confirms he was only grazed, but I am still sick to my stomach over this. I have known 2 people who stepped off curbs in NYC to be plowed down and killed by cars. It happens in the bat of an eye, and far more often than we'd like to think. All urban sets are dangerous, but good security takes most of the threat away. SUMMIT ARE ASSTARDS and we need to make that known to them loud and clear!
OK, so instead of 'MOD SQUAD', WE CAN BE:
.........ROB SQUAD........
we could have women in everycity, sign up, and if they are accepted, they would be given a mission statement, and a set of rules...
they would have to pay for their shirt or wrist bands or both...
they would be registered, and photographed, and networked to meet in each city that ROB is scheduled to meet...
I wouldn't be surprised if he's looking up therapists at this moment! His poor hip! His poor sanity!!
Goz, we should make a petition of getting the Cannes body guards to protect him. At least they can carry him protectively wherever he has to go. And also, WTF were those people thinking putting Robbie's trailer away from set that he has to walk A MILE just to work?!?!
From reading this twitter Goz just posted:
"ROBsessedBlog: @anniecm So he wasn't running away from anyone? It was the over eager bodyguard?
anniecm@ROBsessedBlog They were rushing him, but no fans were doing anything. There was one crazy paparazzi and about 6 girls trailing behind him"
It sounds like his security is incompetent and completely overreacted.
Bring back the Cannes guards!
Bring back the Cannes guards!
Bring back the Cannes guards!
Wow, I just talked to someone who was there..
Looks like a small crowd of fans and paps were crowding him.. and his SECURITY led him in to oncoming traffic!
Total Fail
this is a terrible shame... it was bound to happen with people under and over reacting....
If it weren't for over zealous fans and paps his body guards wouldn't have been rushing him blindly into oncoming traffic. I'm pleased to hear he was uninjured but this nonsense has to stop.
Do we really care about having photos every day from a location??? Do we really care about finding out where he's filming?? If you answered yes then there is something seriously disturbed about you.
This is definitely something he should be worried about from now on. Why is this set not locked down like New Moon's set? I think it definitely should be.
I hate that something drastic always has to occur for anyone to take action! Reactive care is not as good or strong as Proactive!!!! SUMMIT needs to wake up! <----- think this incident may have just it!
I see people stating that "he's ok" "not hurt" and that it should be a relief and not to get carried away ...
don't you recall Rob stating he's used up all his luck and how paranoid he is that he's gonna die young? I know, i know...BUT i have the feeling that this probably freaked him out a bit. i don't know how many times i've heard him worry about getting stabbed in a crowd and different varieties of awful scenarios. he's not really made for all this attention and he may have just been "clipped by a cab" but WHAT IS GOING ON IN HIS HEAD RIGHT NOW?
that is my worry. i hope he has learned some good coping skills cuz it looks like he's gonna need them.
Did your friend say if he was upset and rushed into traffic? Were the fans being ridiculous, or did his security overreact?
Rob could have been the one to freak out and run across because of the last incident on monday when the girls attacked him. we have all heard what he has said about being around screaming girls and the pappz to top it off. we all dont know exactly what happened. but agree with whoever said that i hope he got to call him mom to tell her that he is ok because his is all over the internet right now.
I'm getting more pissed off by the second! Have you guys seen what Summit said?
A spokesperson for the studio states:
"Robert Pattinson is fine. The reports are exaggerated, and the accident was not caused by fans. Production continues."
"We're taking it as it unfolds," says a source deep within Summit, who, for the moment, declined to release any official statement on Pattinson's personal safety during filming. "Security has been increased," adds our in-the-know insider. "But there's no grand plan."
No grand plan? WTF SUMMIT?!?
His poor mother must be frantic with all crazy shyt happening to him. This breaks my heart. Poor Rob.
I'm sure it freaked him out. I hope that he's able to go somewhere and calm down.
I have no idea why this set isn't locked down. Is it because it's NYC and impossible to do?
The first thing that popped into my head was Princess Diana.
I feel helpless there's nothing I can do.
Stupid stupid thoughtless people.
LovetheLips - yeah, if it happened where I think it happened, but I'm just guessing from the reports. My office building is on a main artery, couldn't have been on that street 'cuz no trailers were parked there. Either way, someone should've been shielding him on both sides esp if they were going to jaywalk against the light!
taking his sight by covering him with an umbrella and then leading him into traffic...my head is going to explode, how can anyone on the planet be SOOOOOO stupid?
You earned millions with Twilight and the upcoming films, there must be some money for a better security team...
my person stated it was more of a paps issue (not crazed fan) and that his security "led" him into the street (rob was under hood and umbrella and could not see where he was walking.. he is just being led around)
It's a security issue.. period.
Who has an IMDb pro account, to access Summit contact info??
I'm so annoyed!
When i saw the news today i was shocked, and scared, but thanks God he is fine...
I swear Summitt has there head up there ass... I'm highly disappointed that they're not closing the set.
Well, I hope the statement from Summit is true and that things are exaggerated, for Rob's sake.
It sounds like there is blame all the way around. He might have avoided it if he didn't have the stupid umbrella covering him.
ps also stated Rob is totally fine, and is resuming work today.
Call the Volturi Guard in!
Someone needs to take action... ummm paps, fantards, security(incompetant), cabbies, Summit... BACK OFF!
Thank you, I feel better now.
Thanks for that. At least the fans weren't going apeshit, but the paps are the root of evil. They feed the machine. Sounds like his bg's need to learn some common sense.
Did your friend say how Rob reacted to it?
Loisada - email showme...she has the list of emails.
- The super psychotic hormonal stalking women that call them self fans
- The fucked up eager to get blood paparazzi
- Summit
- His incompetent bodyguards
this is so stupid. its nyc its hard to go there and NOT get clipped by a cab. if you walk in the street without looking ur gunna get hit. yes the fan girls are nuts and shouldnt be chasing him but i cant even tell you the amount of times ive been cliped by a cab in nyc.
LOL Suz - you read my mind.
I'm glad he is resuming work, but I hope he's mentally fine.
Santa Monica, CA:
1630 Stewart St.
Ste. 120
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phn: 310-309-8400
Fax: 310-828-4132
Heck I'm just going to google Summitt and fire off an e-mail.Maybe if enough of us hit the website they'll get some course of action going. Just a thought.
Shome- had a list of e-mail addresses on the last mobbing thread you can check there for the info too.
I freaking hate those stupid crazy fans and Summit.
Thank you!! HELLO!!
its nyc, he was bound to get hit. if you dont look before you step in the street its not if but when your gunna get it. yes the fan girls are nuts and shouldnt be stalking him but its nyc!! i cant even tell you how many times ive been cliped by a cab. its not that big a deal- hes fine, it happens ALL the time.
Jesus, leave it to Ted C to jump right on it and use it for hits.
Suz...my mortal beloved..
Ill do want ever it takes to make you safe.. maybe Rob security needs some pointers...
Thanks Suz!
So as always, radaronline said bullshit....
"small crowd + papz" lead to bad bodiguard decision
Well, since they had an eye witness, how could they get the info SO WRONG?!
the media is trying to stir things up, let's not play their game! They want to make us believe that summit and the fans did not "learn" from monday's event, and I don't believe it.
The situation was completely managable, and they are trying to make everyone become paranoid and worried -_-.
I tend to agree. Ted C, Ok and Radar are clearly manipulating things or have no eyewitnesses, because all of the twitters as well as the account Suz posted about tell of a different story.
It's NYC and it happens, but it happened today because his security team can't handle their shit and Rob couldn't see where he was going.
I think Summit needs to HIRE...BLACKWATER or some REAL SECURITY...What is wrong with these PEOPLE? :(
Thanks Suz. Wonder if we can find an Email for Summit and flood them ASAP?
Gozde: Maybe you do need to make a "Leave Rob Alone" video. I'm serious, we'll all post it on Twitter and maybe, just maybe, it might help.
deluge the office with calls!
goz & suz: thanks for the updates... i think my blood pressure can begin to return to a normal rate
summit: you jackasses...get your shit together men!
Underground is the production co..
Summit is the distributor..
Email Trevor.. stat
This makes me feel ill. Glad he's okay, but that's just by INCHES that he is. The problem with an umbrella is that you can't see...
LoveTheLips: thanks, will do and pass along.
Ok, wait, so really saw this?
I'm not quite willing to bet my money on RadarOnline. Considering they're a gossip site, they can be quite wrong.
Also, if the paps were there then wouldn't there be pictures posted up of the events that lead up this incident? So what's the word on the street?
But really his security is a serious issue. Why can't Summit get those Cannes guards ? I mean, they're making a lot of money off of Rob. Why can't they get him the proper protection?
First of all, I mean absolutely no offense to the Twilight fans or Twihard is it? But I think the whole Twilight thing is largely responsible for what has happened to RP. I feel that his decision to do the whole book series will cause him not only his sanity but also a bit of set back in his reach to became a critically-acclaimed actor.
Yes, no doubt that it was Twilight that put him on the map, but I think it would be better for him if he'd just stopped after the first one.
Suz, I love you. : ) Thanks for the update.
So, Suz, Goz and others in the know:
The consensus is that the fans weren't freaking out, there was one pap and security overreacted and hurried him into the street, and the umb blocked his view, right?
All in all, terrible but being a bit embellished by the media?
Suz-- do you know if your source has photos?
It's not that I'm skeptical, it's just I want answers about how Rob's security is getting supposedly "beefed up".
Thanks, I quickly looked up NM on IMDB Pro.. not RM, Good Catch!!
The Production Co. for RM is Underground Films and Management..
The Distributor is Summit
to Anna F - I think because radaronline WAS the pap. They were the ones with the "exclusive" right? 1+1=2 here.
KL - I'm thinking yes on Radar Online.
I hope I don't get blasted for this, because I'm not belittling what happened in any way, but it sounds like it's been blown out of proportion by the media and sensationalized. They want to work the fans into a frenzy, and IMO, that's just as sick as what those girls did the other day.
campaign for rob
I'm sorry, but all these campaigns/contacting are feeding the machine. You're solidifying to Summit that you follow everything that happens to him and giving them reason to pimp him out more. I know you mean well, I'm just not sure it will help.
I would love to know the details on this. Don't flame me, but how do we know security wasn't just rushing him cause they were in a hurry and they just plain screwed up, regardless of the fans/pap there?
I have a black belt in karate....bring on the crazies..they won't get past me!!!
Stacy says-
"I hope I don't get blasted for this, because I'm not belittling what happened in any way, but it sounds like it's been blown out of proportion by the media and sensationalized. They want to work the fans into a frenzy, and IMO, that's just as sick as what those girls did the other day."
the fans are freaking putting pressure on the whole situation.
like it was said here a million times, the guy is working... he cant run away from us... we are stockers....
Stacy - I agree with you wholeheartedly. I don't want to feed the flames, either. It burns me up that the media sensationalizes everything for their own interests and it is in fact them that perpetuates it to begin with. Also, everyone seems to believe that Summit is the production company on this and are making them the bad guys. Don't even bother to do their homework on that little fact. The people here did that work. That is why I only read this site for my obsession and usually don't comment at all. At least there are some sane and responsible Pattinson fans.
Jane and KL - glad you agree. Now, I'm not completely familiar with how things work, but isn't it the production company's responsibility to keep him safe?
I just think that the media is using the whole incident to their advantage and stirring the pot. Notice how they all had different accounts then the twitters that were there.
Hm, I'll bet there IS a video, and some opportunistic paparazzo is selling it to the highest bidder as we speak. Did I see somewhere Rob was going into The Strand? Isn't that like an amazing used book store? I don't know much about movie set permits, but I suspect they can't block off access to stores. Rob probably just wanted to browse the books, poor man.
I would imagine that it is the Production Company's responsibility to provide the security. And the crew would absolutely be on the Production Company payroll. So I am thinking that Summit is not the correct company to contact about this, it would be Underground Film. I would imagine that Summit has a stake in making sure he is well protected also, due to being the distributor on this film and the production co. of the three remaining twilight films. But Underground should be who people are complaining to - I think, not sure though.
I completely agree with you stacy/KL/janehofstra, while I am concerned by Rob's security, I don't want to be manipulated by the media into an anti-crazy-twilighters nor an anti-summit campaign.
I hope that things will calm down and that they will be able to continue their work in peace.
And if this very unfortunate event can bring something positive: it could be that almost no fans show up on the set anymore so that only the papz are left to be dealt with, and so that the crew can work in peace.
I am sick of these incompetent "bodyguards"! The purpose of them is to guard HIS body with THEIRS. Yet all they seem to do is put out a hand now and then like a school crossing guard. How could those crazy women grab him? The guards should have stepped in the way so they couldn't. How do they let a cab hit him? Their bodies should have been in between his and the stupid cab! Summit, pay some REAL security, not just some big fat guys. I am furious!
Okay, I said this already a few days ago and maybe you call me parnoid but I think this all (not the accident of today but the whole situation) does happen a little bit on purpose. I think, all this exitement and craziness is hyped intentionally by Summit.
I mean, they really seem to "invite" both the paparazzi and the so called fans to the shooting location in not cutting off the area and with this wanna be BGs, who not only poorly protected Rob during this horrible incident on Monday, they also did not interfere filming of it!
Summit surely doesn't complain about the publicity this movie gets already during filming. I'm sure, they don't want Rob hurt (hopefully not only because he brings a lot of money) but they definitely love the attention he attracts!
Mr.Pattinson needs to feel safe and secure when he goes to work just like each and every one of us.
The Production company needs to make this happen. Granted, no on has seen a frenzy like this so they need to learn as they go.. but LEARN THEY MUST.. and fine those paps!
Garden - you're probably right about the video.
KL- That's exactly what I was thinking about the production company as well.
One thing on the security issue: even if the girls were swarming/freaking out like some media outlets are saying, what make more sense? Security surrounding and not letting the girls get to him, or just rushing into traffic. I mean, who's going to do the most bodily harm? Again, whatever the reason, huge fail by security.
I just read about this on another site. I was beginning to get upset and a few tears fell. But now I see it's not that bad. Thank God he didn't get hurt. But that stupid ass bodyguard should be fired for putting his life in danger.
I most definitely will be doing some emailing to that production company and to Summit.
Lets not stand for Rob being the next Princess Diane. I am so serious about this shit. It's time to unite because without us backing these films there is no Summit or Underground Films and Management. FUCKERS!!!!!
seriously just cause nothing bad happened doesn't mean it's not a big deal,cause it is,next time it could be worse and then what? better take precaution than deal with the aftermath of disregarding such problem.
Now I am impatiently waiting for tomorrow morning to see a new pic of Rob turning up on set fine and without any damage. (Congratulation! Again way to go for the paps - aim achieved!) :(
I think Pet73 does have a point. After all to companies like Summit Rob=publicity=money
I just seriously hope they're not jeopardizing his safety to get more attention from people.
i almost had a heart attack when i saw this on nmm.org and then i logged on here to see the full story with updates
this is ridiculous and getting out of hand. SUMMIT Ent. as a whole must be total imbeciles if they don't realize the extent to which they need to protect Rob not just from rabid crazies called "fans" but also from the stalkerpaps.
regardless of whether this was blown out of proportion, fact is Rob's security detail obv. is NOT HELPING any matters.
Don't have time to read all the comments, just to leave one. Gotta admit, when I came on here and saw this, my stomach lurched. Whether this is true or not (and I'm thinking it is), if that cab had been going just 5 miles faster, it would have done more than just clipped him. It would have taken him to the ground and he could be at this very moment, in an emergency room with a serious injury. A mobbing by fans and a just missed run over by a cab AND were not even through the first week of filming. What is Summit waiting for before they step in and REALLY protect this kid? And they've got to do it because you cannot close down New York City.
I've got so much to say on this subject (and the paranoia and him going AWOL...which at one point, I believe he will), but you just haven't got enough bandwith to contain it. Not that it matters what I or any of us have got to say anyway. Sorry. I'm a bit down at the moment. Make that...scared.
Oh. And don't discount Ted Casablancas. He's been in this business a loooong time. He's got DEEP sources everywhere and he's got a reputation to uphold. I'm not saying that he's accurate 100% of the time (no one is), but he's no 'internet upstart' like Lainey. He's a pro.
And just for the record, I've never paid much attention to the Rob/Kristen rumours because, I really don't care. But we all know there was a spark between them that ignited the night they met and was then subsequently captured on film. And there was something different about the night of the MTV Awards. Where was Nikki? Where was Michael? And why would Kristen spend the night at the same hotel as Rob when she lives right there in Los Angeles? And why was her mother there to say goodbye to him the next morning? That's a bit 'intimate' for "just" co-stars.
I'm not saying they're together. I'm saying that for someone who doesn't pay much attention to this shit, I felt 'something' had changed. And do not discount Ted. He knows his shit and has for years.
And it makes perfect sense that Summit would want to keep these two apart. Remember, they're masters of marketing and they'll sell more movie tickets if they can keep the public guessing as to the nature of Rob and Kristen's true relationship rather than just come out and say...yeah, they're together. Alot of fans (who actually think they've got a shot at him), will lose interest once he gets himself a girlfriend. Especially Kristen who is despised by so many of them. I've already read such comments. Nope. Summit wants to keep their 'golden goose' single in order to fan the flames of fantasy.
Sorry for going off topic here, but I've wanted to address this for some time and truthfully, I don't want to write or even think about Rob getting hurt. I've had a bad feeling about just such a thing for a very long time now. From the day I first met him.
Again sorry. Just wanted to distract myself from what's really on my mind.
From someone on LJ:
"Yes, I heard the same thing. It's been pouring down raining it the northeast today and I heard they were trying to get him out of the rain. IDK if it's true but that sounds more likely...so yes I believe this has been exaggerated."
It's looking more and more like security may have just been in a hurry and made a huge mistake. Either they are trying to use the fan issue as a scapegoat or the media is doing that for them. Either way, they fucked up big time and if they're going to be responsible for his safety and shove an umbrella over his eyes, they damn well better look both ways before crossing a NYC street!
I'm sure the bodyguard making such a huge mistake was not orchestrated by summit O_O
They need him to finish the movie! (how could anyone be sure that the car would not crush him and just graze him?)
The fact that the security people made a mistake is their own fault -and maybe the surrounding paranoia around Rob's safety that might have led them to the stupidest decision ever.
Hopefully, a new comapnie will be hired for Rob's security, BETTER TRAINED, more pro.
Thanks for all the updates Goz Muah!
the report of the accident
Perhaps 1 body guard made a poor decision, but the quality of his training should be better. Underground Prod may provide the security, but they answer to Summit. The buck stops at the top of the chain of command!
Here are some Summit contacts if anyone wants to share their thoughts with Rob's "employers"!
I with Monika on this. You can not sit back and say well were feeding into the frenzy and the media is exaggerating it blah blah blah bullshit.
The point is he needs better bodyguards and the only way to make that happen is to contact Summit and that production company.
Wait, I remember the fans emailing Nick and getting on his butt last year when Rob didn't have any security. The fans made it happen then and he got security during the rest of the Twilight promotional tour.
So lets not brush this shit off and do nothing but make excuses. Lets face the fact that Rob's safety is fucking important and we as fans have a voice and money in this. So lets be real fans and get Rob the help that he needs.
First the crazy fans and now hit by a taxi!This is getting out of control. Summit needs to realise that Rob is there biggest star and need to take the necessary precautions.Sure he was only bumped this time, but what will happen next time? This insanity has got to stop.
I've got the creepy feeling that everyday it's getting worse ?
It came to my mind that there are hordes of so mad fans that if he actually had a girlfriend or even went for a date, the fans could harm the poor girl .... can't stop thinking it's getting ... it has got out of hand
I haven't seen such unproff body guards
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