Looks like by the time the movie wraps we'll have seen all the scenes. I haven't read the script so these make no sense to me but I LOVE that we'll see Robler get in a fight 'cause that's hot :) Click on the images for larger view :)
Pictures from multiple sources via Robert Pattinson Who
Thanks to Melissa for the tip .)
Pictures from multiple sources via Robert Pattinson Who
Thanks to Melissa for the tip .)
'Robler is a very bad nickname' ha! Love that tag!
I wont read the script either so a bit lost too but it all looks great. I love Rob as an NY bad boy.. mmm..
I need a mini spoiler alert...who does he get in a fight with? Someone?? Tag it first.
Also, I cannot, and I mean cannot, see Rob in a fight...hahahah...love him but he is not a fighter, he is a LOVER. If he can't even run correctly for the baseball scene in TWI, how he is going to fight? Although from those previous pics, it looks like he gets it worse than the other guy.
i wonder how long he will be filming this movie???
i know he said that he likes being back on set but there are sooo many pics of this movie that he has NO privacy at all.
i hope he goes for a vacation before he starts filming eclipse to get a break from all of this.
dont get me wrong, i love seeing all the pics but i could actually wait for the movie too.
I think a pic of him acutally thorwing a punch is missing
it looks hot
Rowdy Rob is hot!!! i sort of know the story, but won't tell. haven't read the script, just a review of it. I think he's kind of a dick (lol, loving using his words) in the beginning...oops, hope that isn't a spoiler....they've already said he plays a troubled guy, right? ooops....
yeah mojo
it IS hot
and you can see his 'V'
I should've known better than to refresh! Serious pic overload, my hard drive (mine, not my computer's) is about to crash.
Who is the other name with Rob in Robler?
*confused* LOL
i'm sure it's really obvious,and i'm missing it.
Sho - Tyler
He should be filming til mid july?
Rob still have to do outside scenes with his little sister. Then more inside scenes with Pierce Brosnan and Lina O.
and yeah...wonder if they've done the bedroom scenes yet of him and emilie!?! whooooo..:)
my computer dies almost everytime i'm on this site. any help?
LOL, Rob and Tyler (his character in the movie)
showme,his character Tyler I think.
Tyward is BADazz
ok does anyone have the script? I don't think i can wait. I want to read the bedroom scene, although I may spontaneously combust picturing it....
I have read the script.. it's AMAZING! I love being able to see what parts they go with.. he is going to be so good! Ahh... the pics are HOT! I love the one where his head is down and he is on the phone.. HOT!
My Mortal Beloved...
I am lost without you.. HUGS BB
Tyward is a bad mo fo!!!fo sho!!
Haystackhair .. I have it. Just list your email address and I will send it to you.
wanabRPsmom - one of the PAs said 35 shooting days. if she knew what she was talking about, that takes us to the end of July excluding weekends.
Ten ~MB
While it may seem"like I never existed....."
you know I am coming back... and ohhh the reveal(s)
God it's gonna be tough seeing him in a fight!!
Mrs Smith, would you mind sending me the script as well? Don't think I can wait either:
me likey rob :D i love his smile. but come on! i hate that shirt :/ and his shoes - the black ones and nikes.. rob you should buy something i dont know.. different :P
where can I find the script??????????????
Mortal Beloved ~
"itsnt it enough to just be with me"..??
ROFLMAO Jane. I knew i was gonna feel dumb. I've been calling him TyRob
YAY! Rob's getting good friends to hang out with finally! Hopefully no more Soho House
If anyone has the script and is willing to share, I would really love a copy!!!
Thank you Goz for all these wonderful updates. God, how would I get through the day without them! Enjoy your vacation!
that's alright sho, it took me a minute also, my first thought was that I missed a photo or story of Rob eating cobbler but guess I'm just hungry is all
LOL Jane...i was going the 'hook up' route. i was trying to figure out which girl '-ler' was hahahaha
mrs. smith, I want it!!
can you send me? kathleenhanna2@gmail.com
Mojo..thanks for that link..Rob fighting..he looks like his pants are almost coming off..thank god...! LOL
sho, you srsly stole my avi. :))))
hahahahaha....I'll share as long as you promise to share when you figure out how to pull him out of that hat of yours! :)
Robler in a fight? Too.Hot.
Sho, funny that you and I should notice the V!!
There's a bedroom scene in this movie...thank god...hope it's a little more than Twi.
Looks- Check your e-mail :).
Kathy - Thats what I am waiting for it! I bet it's going to be HOT!!!!!! Hopefully they don't down play it for the younger crowd!
I haven't read the script and all these pics are a pleasant teaser. It'll be fun watching the movie and thinking back to these pics.
Bad boy Rob is gonna be the death of me, getting in a fight and then arrested, so yummy.
Edward is always so damn polite he gets boring :)
Mrs. Smith- The love scene(s) would not be such a problem here in Europe, but I'm afraid they will make it PG13 for the huge American market :(!
I have not read the script, but I have gotten a couple of different synopsis' and it sounds amazing. If he can just concentrate enough to put in a great performance, it will be great for him.
RE: Filming. They film for 8 weeks, but this doesn't include weekends (I believe.) That puts him toward the end of July, with Eclipse starting in mid august (I think).
wtf wtf wtf???!!!!? Summit you fail,FAIL
is it just me or is rob getting hotter day by day? think its the stuble ...
Pet73, thats what I am afraid of!
:( Hopefully they are able to push it to R because of other stuff along with the love scene but who knows
Monika- Idk, maybe this is fake?
BR love scenes with underwears on is still PG13..right?
I read it somewhere that Rob will be done with his scenes by mid July....but then...can't count truth to dat...too much gossip floating around for our boy!;)
Yvonne, i commented on another thread that you STOLE MY AVI DESIRE ROFLMAO!
except yours is better and i searched everywhere for that one. sigh.
I seriosuly can't believe what Summit is shoving down our throats.
For which age is R rating?
As always, in some pics, he is so~so, but in others he is to die for!!!!!!!
I think he was meant to go into film because he always looks great in moving pictures~
Tyler's wardrobe is clearly not my style, but as always, it fits Rob so well... *_*
I KNOW Monika. I saw this. This isn't fake. It's all over everywhere.
This sucks serious tayballs.
Personally, I think that book cover is real and it fits. If you really look at it, Jake is clinging and Bella looks miserable, trying to push him away, while Edward looms over them both.
I know JB is a major character in NM but seriously? the pic makes it seem she got over Edward and hooked up with J,oh god,what are they doing to this book?
Twilight_GossipRT @TwilightLexicon: According to rep from Little Brown, the New Moon w/Kristen & Taylor on the cover book will hit shelves Sept 15, 2009
Um ... the book is 3/4ths JxB ... how is showing that them shoving it down our throats? This is just publicity, nothing else.
All the people involved in the actual making the movie are WELL aware that it's ExB all the way and that will be shown.
Wannab- In the script the love scene is described as "on the verge of violence" or something like that.
Monika, look at her body language. I don't think it's saying that AT ALL. She looks miserable and like she is trying to half-heartedly push him away.
Pet73: 18 and up
I really didn't expect that,I'm shocked,that's just crossing the line
It says agressive love making!!! Can you imagine that with him in it.. YUMMY!
Crossing the line? No offense but ... it's a book cover. It's not a big deal. And I still see it in a completely different light.
Stace, i see what you're saying about her hand on his stomach could be a little push, and i also agree the book is about Jacob primarily, but it still skeeves me. LOL
Been loving all the pics! I can't wait to see this movie.. He just makes me smile.. and tingle ifyouknowwhatimsayingandithinkthatyoudo
Mrs. Smith- Then I'm definitely for a R rated movie :p!
And it's def not 'over the line' in my opinion, just kinda icky pooish
notice how much taller Taylor is than her....now THAT'S a manip LOL
it's not all about Jacob,Edward is still a major character in NM,even when he's absent,but all we get is B in J being touchy feely all the time,NM poster and now this,hello they are other poeple in the book too. they're pimping Tay out too much imo.
Monica, I like the edward in the sky actually...
the pause Jacob x Bella isn't perfect because it's almost like a reenactment of that ExB poster or am I wrong? It reminds me of that at least, so it looks like a romantic thing from afar.
But Bella could have been pushing him away / reluctantly accepting his tenderness in the picture...
Everyone knows they want to push the non-existant love triangle, so I was even expecting something like that on the movie poster LOL
OT: The books have already been published, the 4 vols are already available... Are they expecting that people will buy them again for the cover? O_O
I just think she looks like she is trying to hold him back, and her facial expression says she's miserable.
Jacob looks like he's clinging to her for dear life.
Edward hovers above them both as a constant reminder of why Bella will never be whole.
Sounds like the book to me:)
Perhaps we see Jacob being touchy feely all the time because he spends the majority of his time trying to be just that for Bella...
I think the book cover is representative of it's content actually. And not to rag on Kristen (because I do like her in other movies), but she manages to convey palpable emotion in this shot which is a plus - she looks heartbroken, tentative, and grateful for the comfort she's desperately seeking. Edward looks haunted in the background and is where he should be (in this installment anyway) 'cuz he's never out of the picture despite his physical absence for a good portion of the story.
Don't like the Edward face in the background. It doesn't look like Robward (Jake does look like Taylor) - it somehow looks strange?
everyone will have a different complaint it seems ^^
But apart from that: are any of you going to buy a book that you already have for its new cover????
her facial expression says 'fuck Edward,I've got some buffed eye candy with me,who cares about that lanky iceman?' or smth like that,they're too friendly with each other *is pissed off*
and once again bad photoshop job,though I'm not surprised about that. they're not only ruining the book,but Rob's looks as well,eff you Summit.
Jane - absolutely agree. You said it much better then I could:)
Monika, I personally think you are way overreacting and reading into things, but you are entitled to your opinion.
to be honest monika, I believe that the team edward people will find less interesting merchandising for new moon than the other movies... It was to be expected I think.
Anna- I bought all 4 books as bound versions in German, all 4 books as bound versions in English for reading purposes and additionally the bound deluxe versions in English only for standing on the shelf and looking new hopefully for many years :)!
less and less interested in NM by the day.
Monika- That's what I meant - the photoshop job is ruining Robs look - Thank you for expressing it correctly :)!
LOOOOL Pet, I have the HP books in french and english, but that's all~ I own only 1 copy of all my other books.
well imo on the Twilight posters we didn't get to see Edward and Bella being that close and touchy feely,wtft?
Anna- I usually buy a book only once, too :p!
Just because I don't share summit's vision for marketting NM doesn't mean that I'm not interested in the movie itself. I just let them do their thing (which I find silly most of the time), and I'll hopefully enjoy myself once the movie is out.
But then again, I never invest in movie merchandising articles... so I am not that bothered.
I wanna some Edward and/or Bella/Alice pics,hell maybe even Volturi and Italy pics which are like the biggest parta of the book,not that boring stuff in the middle(we've seen enough of J),and not ruined by incompetent poster/promo pics makers
MMMMmmm, If I didn´t know the story of the book already, I would look at the cover, and think that there is a troubled romance between the couple standing in the middle, and the guy in the background over the moon is a hunting presence to her... but only the hunting presence to the girl is accurate to the storyline inside the book; I think that we say Bella´s body language is actually saying she is trying to push Jacob while he is clanging to her, but the truth is that, we say that because we know the story line and we want to believe that is what they are trying to portray, but we have to remember this is not an image only for the fans of it to understand, but to be understood by regular buyers that don´t know the storyline and to me this cover fails in that aspect.. and I do think that they are trying to pimp up Jacob character, but I understand they may be desperate for it, because once the movie is out if, general viewers were expecting to watch as much as Edward that the last movie, they will find watching a lot of Jacob in the new one, and they are trying to campaign a bit for him so it won´t shock general viewers that may not had read the books.
I completely agree - I know what NM is about and I really don't care what the poster/book cover displays, altho I think this one is pretty on the money.
After reading the script and hearing what CW had to say about things, I am very excited for the movie.
As for them not marketing ExB as being all touchy feely with Twilight, perhaps that's because CH completely missed the mark with the movie. And there were posters of Edward clinging to Bella like this, now that I think about it. She looked a lot more content then she does in this one.
He is using one of the same stunt doubles he had from Twilight, how cute. That dude has job security for as long as Rob is working.
Mech - I agree, and honestly, it's a smart marketing ploy by Summit.
Monika, I'm sure we will get ExBxA posters, etc. It's only June.
@ anna: I certainly won't. Why should anyone buy another copy?
Pet73: I haven't read the script but what you said sounds interesting. Too bad it isn't an European film.
whatever,I simply cannot stand Jacob nor Taylor,and it pains me to see them going down that road,pimping him out like that,eh my problem I suppose, I've just gotta deal with that then. urgh gonna be really hard for me to watch NM,think I'm gonna be taking many breaks during the middle part of the movie lol
Monika- The problem is, that with the Twilight movie so many things went wrong :(.
So now with NM (even when things are shown as they should be) it is very difficult (for not fans) to understand everything as they previously were left with the wrong impression, - does this make sense?
However, the general movie goer (not the Rob or Twilight fans) will not put so much effort in studying the posters, etc. I think.
Hahahaaa.. Monika, I understand the sentiment, but I think that if you take too many brakes in the middle of it, you may miss, dark Edward in Bella´s visions.. I heard something about scary dreams about him that she has... I´m eager to see that, the other parts I will roll my eyes, just like I did in Twilight.. hahahaa
Twilight posters/promo pics all were fail,those NM ones are slightly better but still bad,I'm kinda upset cause on almost every pic Rob's badly photoshopped,do blind monkeys make them? And the make up has not improved,too much lipstick people,what is he advertising for maybelline?
It's funny and interesting how we can all look at the same photo and see something different LOL
I don't care for movie merchandise and whatever cover they try to sell won't make me the least bit less interested. But I won't be buying another copy that's for sure! I think they're trying to satisfy existing fans while trying to hook the uninitiated.
And I agree that Edward doesn't look like Robward, but I guess that's because he's supposed to be a shell of his former self. And I don't see Bella saying "Fuck Edward, who cares?" at all, I'd expect more of a lascivious look for that. Jake looks protective, like he's saying "back off" and clingy becuase he knows he's on borrowed time.
BTW, I'm totally Team Edward 100% but Jacob is integral to the story and I think the conflict he represents helps to elevate the Bella/Edward story from lust to love.
Phosphorus- I think Mrs. Smith got it right: "it says aggressive love making" :).
I agree completely with what you said about Jacob's part in the love story. Without him, Bella would have never known what she was missing... and because she found that out and STILL knew that Edward was the one, her love for him was solidified.
mechevpao,the Italy scenes and Darkward the only reason I'm gonna go see this movie and endure this Jacob lovefest. oh 0_0
@ Pet: Two people in despair?
ahh give me some new hot pics of Robler or Robward cause I won't get over this other way. lol
deffo see me me saving my money on this one hehe
Monika- Although I like BD, I think Jakob is more prominetely in this book than in NM. Thats mostly because in NM Edward is absend but he's there all the time (through Bella's mind), in BD he is there but you cannot feel him :( - at least in the 2nd half of the book.
Am I making sense?
Monika, be prepared that there will be more interviews with Taylor next time and probably a lot of talk how he and KStew got along, the bonding, perhaps even about the "chemistry".
completely new shots at twilightpoison.com
funny article about how to be a good fan in general LOL
I'd say it goes without saying, but we know it actually doesn't ;_;
LOL whatchya talking about Rob? i know it ain't kstew....
He is just getting hotter and hotter every single day, so much so I know squeel or scream each time I see new pictures! You have just gotta' love him!!
RE: New Moon, I think the cover is going to be a good representitive of the movie. The cover just screams anguish and pain... Bella definately doesn't look like she has forgotten about Edward! She looks conflicted! Can't wait for it but taking lots of tissues with me!!
Pet73, lol don't get me started on BD,I'm praying they won't make a movie out of this one,please I wanna Rob and KStew to keep their dignity. mess of a book,mess of a movie? unless they change some major parts of the storyline.
Do they have another night shoot today?
Monika: "endure this Jacob lovefest." ....
Hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa... too funny.
Show.. post the link!! I want to see!!
Phosphorus- I'm not sure - Tyler seems to be such a cool and uninvolved character in the beginning (it is a wild sex scene - as I imagined when reading - don't know about his motivation for it). Somebody here who can help me out and explain better?
I can send you the script if you want to?
looking more forward to RM than NM now
Show - that's funny, luv it when he talks with his hands (: Maybe he's remembering the blonde (the other blonde, not the one from the terrace) from Cannes!
Stacy - yes, I think they do or that's what I heard anyway.
Have you seen the latest post at LTR? It's hilarious: Robert Pattinson - the face and the cure for vaginal dryness.
Thanks Jane!
I'm curious about the sex scene now. I will have to ask my NYC friend who has read the script in detail and see what she says.
Showme- You're a bad girl - Kristen's only very slender :)!
But ..... I recommend Rob should definitely go for older women who have more accented female bodies :p!
Pet, what do you want to know about that sex scene?...
And yes I´m looking forward for RM, even though I tried not to read the script, then I did and WOW, I´m even more eager to watch it.. the dialogue is very inteligent, and Taylor is such a great character
I can't stand Jacob/Taylor either. I found it really hard to continue reading through the middle of New Moon until Edward reappears but I persevered. Doesn't stop him being an annoying little sod though! LOL. Unfortunately whether we like it or not he IS an integral part of the story so we will have to just put up with him. Did you read the comments left on that site that you gave the link to? Pretty much split either way it would seem. I do understand your feelings though. I have a feeling though that Rob probably couldn't care less LOL!
mechevpao,by Taylor you mean Tyler right? we have too much Taylor already hehe
I would love to gett the script. jojjs_m@hotmail.
@ Pet: Yes, please (you'll find my adress in my profile). I might be strong and not read it but it'll be good to have it.
Pet73, What sex scene are talking about BD? Confused?
Monika, I agree. Looking forward to RM more than NM. The breakup and reveal are what I am looking forward to the most.
Where's Mrs. R. Did she see the Yankee cap?
Hi sho and Jane. Where's Liza been?
Uhh Pet, that is kind os spolerish, I will send you an e.amil and talk about it, you may prefer to take out that bit of info about the scene ;) for those that don´t want to get spoiled
Phosphorus: that looks interesting! *goes to read*
@ Anna: I nearly choked with laughter.
I wasn't going to read it, now you had to go and mention aggressive sex and Rob in the same sentence.
Pet, Can you send it to me too and I would be more than happy to discuss. Now is this original or rewritten.
Also, I keep hearing that they changed Tyler's last name. WTF? What's the purpose?
Hi WinWin!
*Pattz signal intercepted*
Yes, I did see the Yankees cap. Yankees cap! LIKE I SAID!!
He is SO reading Robsessed!!!!
WinWin- Not BD, Remember Me.
Too much hot sex with Rob to take for one discussion :)!
Hi Mechev, which version do you have? I agree it shouldn't be discussed here and there are many who don't want to know.
I'm still battling with it. lol
Sorry girls, didn't want to spoil anything!
Mech- Thank you!
@ Mrs. Robinsane: I don't think so, he hasn't got the time. He's too busy with all the ladies he's supposed to have an affair with. ;-)
Big hig for Mrs. R. I thought of you as soon as I saw the cap. He is sending signals.
I am so having Robler overload. Wonder if there will be another hundred pictures and videos to look at tomorrow. I've been so productive today.
"spoiler deleted" - sorry again, ladies!
Hi Win, been wondering where Liza's been also...
Stacy, are you trying to avoid reading the RM script? The original script did use the words "xxxxxx of xxxxxxx" -- I hope that doesn't spoil anything for anyone!
Please people, go on battling against reading the script!!! you must be strong~
I actually really want to have some surprise. I already know the NM story, have read bel ami... I want to not alsways know everything.
Somebody told me that important parts of the story take place inside buildings, so, these parts should not be spoiled too much. I hope that they won't invite papz on closed sets too O_o
And wanabRPsmom @ 3:06:
"BR love scenes with underwears on is still PG13..right?"
I am so amused by this eccentric but essential question!!
Because a resourceful girl [*Mrs. R*] could accomplish any number of steamy activities...even with the grey underpahnts still remaining, technically, in place....
Jane - what does xxxxx of xxxxx mean, lol? Mech just told me a bit about it.
I haven't read the actual script mostly because I don't have the patience, lol. I do have an online friend who is an actress (or trying to be) in NY and she's read it thoroughly. I've gotten my info from her. She's given me a pretty good idea of things:)
Hey Win:
*reciprocal hug*
First the lobster cap, then the Yankees. If he wears a t-shirt depicting "The Graduate" one of these days, then we'll know for sure. ;P
Hi phos!
I am convinced that he has Robsessed cued up in his trailer.
wonder if he pretends he's hitting the papz?
Win, I also heard they changed Tyler's last name from Roth to Hawkins (someone posted the entire cast list on IMBD board)...speculation is that it's cuz Hawkins is Irish and so Pierce could keep his accent? Dunno if any of that is true.
@ Mrs. Robinsane: If he really does than I guess he's blushing quite a lot reading some of the comments here.
Phos- Check your e-mail :).
Some have speculated that Rob will use his British accent in this, but I'm assuming it will be American ...
Win- Check your e-mail :).
No, seriously, I really don't think he reads Robsessed. who wants to read a blog about oneself? Perhaps the costume designer reads Robsessedand keeps him wondering why the hell he has to wear those caps.
@ Pet: I will check. Let's see how long I can endure it not to read it.
Phos, we love this game. Mrs. R. names things and we see if Rob complies. It's all for fun.
Mrs. R. puffy hearts to you. I can't wait to read what you're writing. : )
Jane, seriously, Can Pierce not do and American accent? I would prefer it in this story. I was a little skeptical about him being cast. How are you? Wasn't last week exhausting. Glad he's doing overnights.
Just a thought, but if and when he films for another studio, will they allow this much papz?
Win, this whole summer is gonna be exhausting while Rob is in town! Been home sick for a few days, good excuse to hang out and ogle Robler photos (: Cheaper than antibiotics!
come to think of it, has Pierce ever done an American accent in any of his flicks?
I see now many fickle tweens jumping ship cause they get to see a cute 'dog' on the book cover. what's gonna happen after NM comes out lol I hate fickle undecided people.
Okay ladies, it's time for me to say good night :(.
My poor BF went to bed already about 1 hour ago - all by himself, and because of you and Rob :).
WinWin: I know. I was just amusing myself by picturing a costume designer reading Robsessed and using phoney arguments why Rob's character has to wear all this stuff.
Allen Coulter: Why the Yankee cap now?
Costume Designer: Well ... you know, Tyler is a troubled character. The Yankee cap just fits to it.
LOL Phosphorus....
y'all are funny. i chuckled reading down the comments while i was away the last hour...
Thank you, Pet
Jane, I was thinking the same about Pierce's previous movies. What about Dante's Peak?
I keep want to do stuff downtown. LOL. But I don't think I'll set visit. Last monday was good enough. Now it just looks scary with the papz and fans.
Anyway. Heading home. Hope wo catch you guys tonight. Wonder is there will be hundred of pics tonight. LOL
Win, Phos:
But RP actually HAS admitted, in the past, that he reads about himself online. And if there were a blog entitled MrsRobinsaneINSANE.com, Mrs. R would probably look there first. Just sayin'... ;P
Costume Designer: Now Robert, for today's scene we have this threadbare t-shirt for you to wear.
You'll love it—it's vintage, like, 40 years old...[Mrs. R: Another "coincidence"? MRS. R IS 40 YEARS OLD!]
...and rarely washed. [The shirt, that is—certainly not Mrs. R!]
Yes, love, that's a picture of Dustin Hoffman. Subliminal messages, you know—your character is so romantically conflicted....
Trust me. Just wear it, honey.
*Costume Designer smirks toward obscured computer screen*
Good bye, WinWin!
Mech, send me the script, would you? Let me know if you need my e-mail.
Kathy, I´m sending you the e-mail.
Pet, I send you an e-mail too, sorry I couldn´t anwer you before
WinWIn, what version of the script you have? are there many?
Monika, donpt worry if tweens jump ship to the wolf team.. it is better, it means more for us ;)
right now i should be studying, instead i'm reading the rm script.
can't wait for the movie!!!
thanks mrs. smith
Phos: RP the cure for vaginal dryness?! Yep, if only we could bottle that lovely RP essence up and apply wherever and whenever needed!
So there's a heavy love scene? They'll need to install heavy-duty AC + sprinkler systems in nation's movie theaters beforehand. But if we're talking along the lines of "on the stairs" in History of Violence, it could be gut-wrenching.
I'm still holding out on reading the script. Does that make me masochistic?
ShowMe + Yvonne: nice avatars! I snatched that image right up yesterday evening, it's just too perfect.
And Gozde: Robler may be very bad, but Tybert is far worse!
Enjoy the vacation, appreciate your devotion to the RP cause.
wow I just want to watch the movie am insisting not to read the script of the movie although I am so exciting to know what the story about ,now I know there will be ( a bed room scene) so exciting ...
in this movie we will see Rob confuse and angry man , fighting and being arrested
I think I will cry while am watching this movie.
i gave up on not reading the script, we get so many glimpses of the story from the paps anyway.
hey losaida! your avi is better too! I can't make the damn things, so i have to search for them. sigh.....
look at it:
I want to be Mrs Pattinson too!
I want the script too!!please!!
i have no idea what to think about that....ROFLMAO
um, yeah?
Rob need some serious bedroom scene practice with leading ladies (yeah I mean more than one lady) to improve his acting skills to move up to/compete with Brad Pitt and Jonhny Depp level.. and I know you can, Rob!! It's just the beginning of your carrer.... Best wishes :)
oh no... Rob's overload...
either everybody want to kill me taking so many photos or all this has been carefully planned
Kay, so let's make fans busy downloading, saving, drooling as long as they pass away on their keyboards ... and the Problem will solve itself ...
I think I'll go to sleep ... nite nite dear Robsessed ladies in all world's time zones :))))))
Mrs Smith-Thanks for the script offer!
I love it when Rob gets pissed in any of the movies he's done.I loved in Twilight when he saved Bella in Port Angeles. I loved when he got pissed in HTB at his parents and yelled at them, he just does something to me when he's all emotional.
I can't wait to see him right and truly pissed as Tyler a normal everyday guy.
Did anyone notice his stunt double is the same guy from Twilight/New Moon?
just finished reading the script.
'Aggresive love making'!?!
@ RPaddict - I love that too. Love him pissed in HTB! When he screams in frustration outside the pub.. Gah!
i hated new moon from the point that Edward left, until Alice shows up.
everything in between, pissed me off.
I dont give a crap that it developed Bellas character, yadda yadda yadda.
naw just kidding!
OMG please Mrs. Smith! spiritrider@charter.net
Rob in a fight?? he's so hot!! but, he's a good guy...I love him!!!
hello Mrs. Smith!! can you send me the script pleaseeeeeeeee!!!
if you can, of course..
anyway, Thank you!!
Picture overload! Me likey! I have to say, Bad Boy Rob is good to look at! :P
Thanks, for the response Mrs. Smith. I'm gleefully waiting for the gift. I love to read.
Hey, I'm always informed when I read the various comments.
@ Hannah- He does the same scream in The Haunted Airman. It's like this high pitched screetch. It gives me goose bumps. I to watch ths scenes in HTB at least twice before letting the movie continue.lol
I just had to come and say that I am in awe of this man more and more every day. I just read the RM script(thanks Mrs.Smith),and was touched very deeply at the chioce that Rob made to play this character and choose to be in this movie.
I promise no spoilers.
I only wish to say that I admire Rob for taking on this role and that it gives me more insight as to what kind of a wonderful person he is.After reading it and seeing in several interviews that he chooses parts for their content and weather or not he likes them,moved me to tears.
Rob your one in a million and I can see why you perservere in the face of adversity(papz,fans,and gossip). I applaud you.
Ok, so after 200+ requests came through to my email in the last 8 hours I have officially deleted that comment with my personal email address.. lol I did sent it to all who requested it so if you all could do me a favor and help pass it on to all the other Rob fans that are interested in the script that would be AWESOME! Good thing I was slow at work today.. lol! Hope you all enjoy it! I am an avid robsessed blog follower so if you ask for it and post your email address I will send it to you! I am off to bed.. hope everyone has sweet dreams of our #1 man.. ;)
RPaddict.. I couldn't agree with you more.. He is AMAZING and will be so great in this movie! Ahhh...
I was going to try to be strong, and not get too spoiled, but I'm weakening. Can someone email me a link to the script. I know it's an early version, but I think I need to prepare myself for seeing it. madgurlygirl@yahoo.com Thanks mucho.
@ Loisada: Moon came up with that one. Made my day. It's just too funny what she wrote about the rags. (For those of you who have not read it yet: Follow the link, you'll love it.)
@ Mrs. Robinsane: I'll answer you later, have to take my father to the hospital today.
Well, with all the awesome pics, videos, and comments, I can no longer hold out!! Could someone please forward a copy of the RM script to my email address?
Thank you in advance!
It's so hard not to read the RM script, especially when I already know that Rob gets into a fight, gets arrested and has a sex scene!
I can't wait to see Rob on big screen but he'll be dubbed here, which totally sucks.
@Pet73: you've got mail.
Can someone please send me the Remember Me script please to my address:
madgurlygirl, bratts & gemm - I just sent it over!
its hard for me too not reading the script..especially now Iknow about the sex scene and all the rest, but we're already looking at all the photos and anticipations from the set and I want have some surprise when I'll watch it..
I hate the idea of the movie being dubbed and dont have the original Rob's voice..we should wait for the DVD to have it...
Hi Mrs. Smith,
The e-mail you sent with the RM script did not come thru :( .
Could you please try to forward it one more time? You have been so sweet to take care of everyone with this request!!
Thanks again!!
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